The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.
Remember when all the morons on the Left were pointing to Obamacare as a "GREAT, In Your Face, Obama Achievement"?
(Until it failed and all but one insurer remains on it's exchanges...and that one is soon to bail)

Notice how now ALL their updated lists of Obamas' so called achievements lack that selling point?

They're all such arrogant, ignorant dumb fucks....with NO CLUE that they are.

8 years of Obama corruption, racism and national destruction and yet they call out Trump only 6 months in and most of that time has been spent fighting their onslaught of false charges and accusations.
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Sure, Obama told his version of the "truth", which happen to be lies.
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
We really don't care what you filthy lying liberals think, so long as we keep whooping your ass in elections you don't really matter.
That ends in 2018 & 2020.
America is waking up and it's not in your favor.
Well, I didn't see where any of the other lib predictions came true, so I don't think we'll have to worry about this one...;)
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.
I'd say the above is an extreme example of butthurt. Look at the overuse of demeaning adjectives, the repetition of the same theme, the repeated overuse of things that never have happened. The many failures of obama are noted and recorded, all Trump is doing is trying to fix them.
These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.

That never happened, stop lying.
How do you know it never happened?

I considered the source.
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.

Listen junior....Race has NOTHING to do with it. Right is right and wrong is wrong. PERIOD.

Trump is not the most tactful person to sit in the White House. I agree with that. But he definitely puts America first and if you live in America that includes YOU.

Unfortunately my parents are STAUNCH Democrats and had Obama on a pedestal like you. For most of his terms they wouldn't HEAR ANY of the things I said pointing out the problems with his presidency. Just Didn't want to hear it. But about 5 years into his Presidency they stopped defending him 100% and realized a lot he did was not good for the nation. They saw the foreign polices that hurt America. They saw the racial egging.

But then, my parents both have masters degrees and are not ignorant. They are classic liberals...not the current militant anti-American ones. Maybe that's why SOME on the Left are able to rise above the lies and figure things out for themselves...and other just can't.

Obama WAS NOT a great President simply because he was black. And Trump will not be a great President simply because he IS white.

A great president makes America great FOR EVERYONE.
Remember when all the morons on the Left were pointing to Obamacare as a "GREAT, In Your Face, Obama Achievement"?
(Until it failed and all but one insurer remains on it's exchanges...and that one is soon to bail)

Notice how now ALL their updated lists of Obamas' so called achievements lack that selling point?

They're all such arrogant, ignorant dumb fucks....with NO CLUE that they are.

8 years of Obama corruption, racism and national destruction and yet they call out Trump only 6 months in and most of that time has been spent fighting their onslaught of false charges and accusations.
So how's Trumpcare going? Republicans are taking a beating in town halls all over the country this holiday week over their horrendous plan..
Do you even hear any of these losers talking about the bill?
They're embarrassed of it too.
Who said this: " I'll repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."
The biggest lie in the past 20 years.
And yet you're mute about it.
You like to forget how you were conned.
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.

Listen junior....Race has NOTHING to do with it. Right is right and wrong is wrong. PERIOD.

Trump is not the most tactful person to sit in the White House. I agree with that. But he definitely puts America first and if you live in America that includes YOU.

Unfortunately my parents are STAUNCH Democrats and had Obama on a pedestal like you. For most of his terms they wouldn't HEAR ANY of the things I said pointing out the problems with his presidency. Just Didn't want to hear it. But about 5 years into his Presidency they stopped defending him 100% and realized a lot he did was not good for the nation. They saw the foreign polices that hurt America. They saw the racial egging.

But then, my parents both have masters degrees and are not ignorant. They are classic liberals...not the current militant anti-American ones. Maybe that's why SOME on the Left are able to rise above the lies and figure things out for themselves...and other just can't.

Obama WAS NOT a great President simply because he was black. And Trump will not be a great President simply because he IS white.

A great president makes America great FOR EVERYONE.
Then by definition there's no chance Trump will be a great president because his policies, like all republican policies, are geared to help the 1% at the expense of the middle class and poor.
Take Trumpcare as an example..
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
a problem BOTH candidates suffered
I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Sure, Obama told his version of the "truth", which happen to be lies.
All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
600 plus documented lies by Donald Trump just since January. He's taken lying to a whole new level.
Won't touch that will ya..
So how's Trumpcare going? Republicans are taking a beating in town halls all over the country this holiday week over their horrendous plan..
Do you even hear any of these losers talking about the bill?
They're embarrassed of it too.
Who said this: " I'll repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."
The biggest lie in the past 20 years.
And yet you're mute about it.
You like to forget how you were conned.'re calling out Trump because he was not able to replace Obamacare on day one ? Really?
He's a liar because of that?

How about he had good intentions but didn't realize how difficult it would be until AFTER he actually became President? How about there's so much hatred among leftist that even if he presented the perfect plan it would be called a disaster just because.
How about give him 1/2 a chance and stop hating him because he's white and you're told to do so by the DNC and globalist ?????

Biggest lie in 20 years?

You are the exact OPPOSITE of "reasonable"
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video

His appearance in the ring occurred sometime between Last November and now?
I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
a problem BOTH candidates suffered
False equivalency. For example... after the first debate fact checkers caught Trumpnin 58 lies, Hillary, 7.
So don't even go down that road.
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video

His appearance in the ring occurred sometime between Last November and now?
It was last week. Lol. You're really uninformed aren't you.
Remember when all the morons on the Left were pointing to Obamacare as a "GREAT, In Your Face, Obama Achievement"?
(Until it failed and all but one insurer remains on it's exchanges...and that one is soon to bail)

Notice how now ALL their updated lists of Obamas' so called achievements lack that selling point?

They're all such arrogant, ignorant dumb fucks....with NO CLUE that they are.

8 years of Obama corruption, racism and national destruction and yet they call out Trump only 6 months in and most of that time has been spent fighting their onslaught of false charges and accusations.
So how's Trumpcare going? Republicans are taking a beating in town halls all over the country this holiday week over their horrendous plan..
Do you even hear any of these losers talking about the bill?
They're embarrassed of it too.
Who said this: " I'll repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."
The biggest lie in the past 20 years.
And yet you're mute about it.
You like to forget how you were conned.

and Obama swore to close GITMO.

They both found out there is no magic wand.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
a problem BOTH candidates suffered
False equivalency. For example... after the first debate fact checkers caught Trumpnin 58 lies, Hillary, 7.
So don't even go down that road.
Fact checkers? Are you talking about people paid to denigrate the best president we've ever had?
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
a problem BOTH candidates suffered
False equivalency. For example... after the first debate fact checkers caught Trumpnin 58 lies, Hillary, 7.
So don't even go down that road.


but that won't matter to you
The utter ignorance of the Trump supporters:,
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video he tweeted inciting violence on CNN.... and applauded him for it.,

White trash sticks together.
They watched POTUS disrespect the office of the presidency acting like trailer park trash in that wrestling video

His appearance in the ring occurred sometime between Last November and now?
It was last week. Lol. You're really uninformed aren't you.

He wrestled last week?

(You're really stupid, aren't you?)

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