The Utter Ignorance of A Trump Supporter

President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.

Oh, I just write him off as someone who spouts off with no facts.
The facts of Obamas attacks on this country are well documented as is the application of the proven lib ROE. In fact there are 8 year of video and written proof.
Ya know, one day we will face an actual tractor. The way you Trumpeteers throw around that word will make it meaningless then. "Actual traitor". What nonsense.

But, then again, why should we expect anything less than nonsense from someone who would praise the huckster buffoon currently sitting in the Oval Office?
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..
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These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


That something deep down inside us was Obamas Race dividing, apologizing all over the world for US making the US look like cowards, His 20 trillion deficit, His attack on local oil fields, his attempts to disarm us, his divisive attempts to normalize deviant and sick behavior, His letting the ,military be reduced and hurt, his releasing murderers from Gitmo, Putting people out of work, etc etc etc etc etc etc....

He did teach his daughter how to roll a blunt though.

Well nothing like a properly rolled blunt, something she can take on to higher learning. Could be a need down the road for a good blunt roller.

These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple.

Nobody did more for them than President Barack Hussein Obama, but they simply CANNOT accept it, they don't want to.

Something within them, deep, deep, down inside is telling them that Obama was bad for them. While she walks out of the store with 6K worth of life-saving medicine for her husband, (thanks to President Obama) who's ancient job put him in the medical condition that he is.

But it's not racism...right?


That something deep down inside us was Obamas Race dividing, apologizing all over the world for US making the US look like cowards, His 20 trillion deficit, His attack on local oil fields, his attempts to disarm us, his divisive attempts to normalize deviant and sick behavior, His letting the ,military be reduced and hurt, his releasing murderers from Gitmo, Putting people out of work, etc etc etc etc etc etc....

He did teach his daughter how to roll a blunt though.

Well nothing like a properly rolled blunt, something she can take on to higher learning. Could be a need down the road for a good blunt roller.

I knew several when I worked at the prison. They were all incarcerated.
This video is just a sliver of the hypocrisy that is the modern day republican. This is what happens, when uneducated, low-information voters are swindled by a used car salesman. This thread is a shining example of the people depicted in this video. There is a reason why someone like MikeTX has over 21,000 posts in less than 2 years. He spends all day at a cesspool like this. He's not smart, doesn't want to educate himself and is jealous of those who are intelligent. So as a fuck you to those who did something with their lives, he voted for Trump. And now, like the people in the video, he is getting what he wished for.
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.

Oh, I just write him off as someone who spouts off with no facts.
The facts of Obamas attacks on this country are well documented as is the application of the proven lib ROE. In fact there are 8 year of video and written proof.
You are a complete utter waste of human flesh
& traitor to this country. President Obama was a great president and it's there for all to see except dopes like you who place ostrich.
This video is just a sliver of the hypocrisy that is the modern day republican. This is what happens, when uneducated, low-information voters are swindled by a used car salesman. This thread is a shining example of the people depicted in this video. There is a reason why someone like MikeTX has over 21,000 posts in less than 2 years. He spends all day at a cesspool like this. He's not smart, doesn't want to educate himself and is jealous of those who are intelligent. So as a fuck you to those who did something with their lives, he voted for Trump. And now, like the people in the video, he is getting what he wished for.
I have schooled Mikex in a number of topics but instead of learning from his mistakes and ignorance he'll keep repeating the same false information because he thinks he owes it to deplorable nation.
I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Dear Special Prosecutor miketx,

The Grand Jury has been impaneled. We are waiting for just one charge of high crimes and misdemeanors. One charge of high treason.

Otherwise we shall consider your outlandish and ham handed claims partisan hyperbole of the variety often used by those who are utterly ignorant of the law, the definition of treason and American history.

Oh, I just write him off as someone who spouts off with no facts.
The facts of Obamas attacks on this country are well documented as is the application of the proven lib ROE. In fact there are 8 year of video and written proof.
You are a complete utter waste of human flesh View attachment 137287 & traitor to this country. President Obama was a great president and it's there for all to see except dopes like you who place ostrich.

Yeah, but he's black...and a democrat.

That's all they care about.
This video is just a sliver of the hypocrisy that is the modern day republican. This is what happens, when uneducated, low-information voters are swindled by a used car salesman. This thread is a shining example of the people depicted in this video. There is a reason why someone like MikeTX has over 21,000 posts in less than 2 years. He spends all day at a cesspool like this. He's not smart, doesn't want to educate himself and is jealous of those who are intelligent. So as a fuck you to those who did something with their lives, he voted for Trump. And now, like the people in the video, he is getting what he wished for.
I have schooled Mikex in a number of topics but instead of learning from his mistakes and ignorance he'll keep repeating the same false information because he thinks he owes it to deplorable nation.

He doesn't have anything else to say. Honestly, when you spend years living in the dark, with a one-track mind, you're going to run out of things to say pretty quickly.
Just another example of the ignorance of a Trump supporter:,
At one of the debates( I think the first one) the orange anus called Hillary " disgusting " because she used the bathrooom.

Trump supporters heard that and said," That's who I want to be my president."
These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.
This video is just a sliver of the hypocrisy that is the modern day republican. This is what happens, when uneducated, low-information voters are swindled by a used car salesman. This thread is a shining example of the people depicted in this video. There is a reason why someone like MikeTX has over 21,000 posts in less than 2 years. He spends all day at a cesspool like this. He's not smart, doesn't want to educate himself and is jealous of those who are intelligent. So as a fuck you to those who did something with their lives, he voted for Trump. And now, like the people in the video, he is getting what he wished for.
I have schooled Mikex in a number of topics but instead of learning from his mistakes and ignorance he'll keep repeating the same false information because he thinks he owes it to deplorable nation.

He doesn't have anything else to say. Honestly, when you spend years living in the dark, with a one-track mind, you're going to run out of things to say pretty quickly.
Looks like you guys have moved on to ROE tactics where you try to vilify the messenger. You don't like the message, you know it's true, so you smear the messenger. Like i said, we had 8 years to catalog the hurt obama did to this country. All documented for anyone who wants to see it.
Sally Yates warned Trump that Michael Flynn could be compromised by the Russians but he still kept him on for 18 more days not giving a shit about Yates' warning or the American people.
The Trump whores heard this ( or not, they're woefully uninformed) and said no big deal.
These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.

That never happened, stop lying.
Actual traitor? why do you libs always twist what was stated? I said proven traitor.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.
Fake news if I ever heard it.
How do you know when a deplorable is lying?
He's breathing.
These people are FOOLS! Plain and simple
wrong they are winners....we won you lost because you are the stupid ones not us.
I had some idiot long hair old man and his hippy wife chase me in their car because they over heard me listening to Rush on my car radio. They chased after me for three miles screaming hateful things about Trump until they hit the center island on the street. The island sent them flying into on coming traffic. At least 4 cars hit them before they came to a stop.
I parked and watched for over an hour then I flagged over a cop and showed him my go pro camera video of the whole thing. All he could do was laugh. Yep Obama has some smart ones on his team, you must be one one of them.

That never happened, stop lying.
How do you know it never happened?
We really don't care what you filthy lying liberals think, so long as we keep whooping your ass in elections you don't really matter.
President Obama is not a traitor. To say so is nonsense. Any clearer for you?
No president has done as much to hurt this country as obama. He is a traitor.

I must have missed those years please list all the traitorous acts Obama may have done that live in your head. I'll be back later to see that long list.
The list has been posted countless times. you see this tactic comes under what I call the liberal rules of engagement. Demand an explanation and then attack and deny it.
Obama carried himself with dignity and class unlike the Orange embarrassment.,
Obama always put the country first as opposed to the orange anus who puts his golf game first and continues to enrich himself at the tax payers expense..violating the Constitution in the process. But the spineless republican Congress won't hold his feet to the fire..

Yup, ass kissing is considered classy in some circles.
Obama told the truth which infuriated you low hanging fruit. So what did you do..., you supported a pathological liar who is literally incapable of telling the truth.

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