The validity of Criticisms of Dubya and Obama


Aug 2, 2009
It is important to distinguish the Criticism of Dubya and Obambo regarding their invitation of "Artistes" to the White House.

The following is a post attempting to give a bogus "moral equivalency" between the two occasions:

Quote: Originally Posted by Mustang View Post
Where's the conservative outrage against Bush 41 for inviting a rapper from a notorious rap group, (which stands for Niggaz with Attitude). Their raps glorified the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD? One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police."


In March 1991 Eazy-E accepted an invitation to a lunch benefiting the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle, hosted by then-President George H. W. Bush.[22

Eazy-E - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


The OBVIOUS and DECIDING difference between Obambo's OUTRAGEOUS slap on the face of DECENCY and PROPRIETY regarding the RACIAL ISSUE involved, is the REPETITIVE superseding behaviour by the semi-black Piece of Shit Political Charlatan's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America's" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, His crazed mother's inculcation of her HATRED of her own race, his indiscriminate attack on cops in the case of the Racist Harvard Prof, His REPETITION in choosing ANOTHER RACIST PASTOR, Wallace Smith, who proclaimed that America is ruled by White Hooded KKK now attired in fancy suits and flashy briefcases, and his 3 yr old son babbling about his discrimination of being a 3/5th American with the President of the United States Obambo sitting in the first pew ......... then he and his PHONY "I am not proud to be an American" wife Michelle inviting this OUTRAGEOUS polesmoking supposed artiste who extolls cop killers and the the convicted Black Racist Liberation Crunt escaped and actually living in Cuba in the face of a the "Recognition of Dead Hero Cops Week" .

Apart from the Bush's Eazy-E incident is that with Bush IT WAS THE ONLY ONE-TIME OCCASION. But, more importantly, as with every defense of culpability NO MATTER WHAT THE SUPPOSED CHARGE IS: IS THAT THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THE ULTIMATE DEFENSE !!!!

Let's face it: "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a fucking REALITY,......and this "Commons" shithead is a PERECT EXAMPLE of a NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE and " the raps by these "NIGGAZ" glorify "the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD. One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police".......... and MOST IMPORTANTLY in Bush's case it is PATENTLY OBVIOUS this invitation to his "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a spoof exposing the ACTUAL "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE"...... whereas in the case of Obambo and "I am not proud to be an American" Michelle's invitation was the BLATANT GLORIFICATION of the content of the polesmoker Common's OUTRAGEOUS underlining of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's message of HATRED for the white race and the very structure of our Government that Obambo is supposedly representing !!!

Could you possibly even IMAGINE the YOWLING !!!! HOWLING !!!! and PROLONGED WHINING !!! by the Liberal Main Stream Media even if Dubya had ANY other, or VALID RACIAL HATRED comparable to that exhibited by our MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & Pathological LIAR ??????

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Short answer is Eazy-E accepted an invitation went as a guest, donated $15000 to a cause and there was outrage from both conservatives and liberals. ( For different reasons, of course. Liberals hated that he sold out to a Republican )

Common performed at an event , he just didn't perform his hatefull schtick. Only some ourtrage from convervatives

No double standards really in this instance. Liberals only like liberals. Liberals are okay with violence. Liberals hate inclusiveness. Liberals will play the race card.
Short answer is Eazy-E accepted an invitation went as a guest, donated $15000 to a cause and there was outrage from both conservatives and liberals. ( For different reasons, of course. Liberals hated that he sold out to a Republican )

Common performed at an event , he just didn't perform his hatefull schtick. Only some ourtrage from convervatives

No double standards really in this instance. Liberals only like liberals. Liberals are okay with violence. Liberals hate inclusiveness. Liberals will play the race card.

If you don't see the double standard involved in the level of defense and/or attack on the part of the Lib Controlled Main Stream Media in the two cases, you most definitely need your political spectacles readjusted.
NWA was and still is more vile than Common ever has been. This shouldn't even be an issue.
NWA was and still is more vile than Common ever has been. This shouldn't even be an issue.

It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.

However, correctly so.....IT IS AN ISSUE because it underlines the REPETITIVE MOTIF carried thru Obambo's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, and his blatant choosing of a SUBSEQUENT Black Racist Whackjob pastor Wallace the other example of his RACIAL HATRED evidenced in the matter of the Black Racist Psycho Prof & the cop.

THIS WILL NOT VANISH INTO THE WOODWORK as Obambo's employment as a "Community Orgranizer" in the criminal enterprise ACORN, or his association and friendship with an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Ayers, from whose home Obambo kicked off his Senatorial Career.....or his METEORIC RISE thru the MOST NOTORIOUS COMMIE & MAFIOSO Laden Chicago Political Machine where even the political appointment of a dog catcher is not possible without the OK of the TOP CROOKS of that NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine, the most crooked National Political Machine.

All this will ensure the one-term Presidency of this DISASTROUS RACIST PHENOMENOM, plus the UTTERLY BIZARRE & INCOMPETENT RECORD of the FAILURE OF THE ECONOMY DUE TO OBAMBO'S MARXIST AGENDA as evidenced in his OBAMACARE and ENERGY CAP & TRADE POLICIES where practically ALL permits for drilling are aborted..... plus mockery of the DISASTROUS BORDER POLICY where Arizona and possibly other states are begining to contemplate secession when not only does this semi-black Political Charlatan IGNORE any solution but takes active steps to SUE Arizona for trying to protect its citizenry from the BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES resulting from the inundation of the state by illegal aliens.
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NWA was and still is more vile than Common ever has been. This shouldn't even be an issue.

It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.

However, correctly so.....IT IS AN ISSUE because it underlines the REPETITIVE MOTIF carried thru Obambo's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, and his blatant choosing of a SUBSEQUENT Black Racist Whackjob pastor Wallace the other example of his RACIAL HATRED evidenced in the matter of the Black Racist Psycho Prof & the cop.

THIS WILL NOT VANISH INTO THE WOODWORK as Obambo's employment as a "Community Orgranizer" in the criminal enterprise ACORN, or his association and friendship with an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Ayers, from whose home Obambo kicked off his Senatorial Career.....or his METEORIC RISE thru the MOST NOTORIOUS COMMIE & MAFIOSO Laden Chicago Political Machine where even the political appointment of a dog catcher is not possible without the OK of the TOP CROOKS of that NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine, the most crooked National Political Machine.

All this will ensure the one-term Presidency of this DISASTROUS RACIST PHENOMENOM, plus the UTTERLY BIZARRE & INCOMPETENT RECORD of the FAILURE OF THE ECONOMY DUE TO OBAMBO'S MARXIST AGENDA as evidenced in his OBAMACARE and ENERGY CAP & TRADE POLICIES where practically ALL permits for drilling are aborted..... plus mockery of the DISASTROUS BORDER POLICY where Arizona and possibly other states are begining to contemplate secession when not only does this semi-black Political Charlatan IGNORE any solution but takes active steps to SUE Arizona for trying to protect its citizenry from the BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES resulting from the inundation of the state by illegal aliens.

gaytardma calling someone else racist!


It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.
Your factual, intelligent response is convincing.
It is important to distinguish the Criticism of Dubya and Obambo regarding their invitation of "Artistes" to the White House.

The following is a post attempting to give a bogus "moral equivalency" between the two occasions:

Quote: Originally Posted by Mustang View Post
Where's the conservative outrage against Bush 41 for inviting a rapper from a notorious rap group, (which stands for Niggaz with Attitude). Their raps glorified the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD? One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police."


In March 1991 Eazy-E accepted an invitation to a lunch benefiting the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle, hosted by then-President George H. W. Bush.[22

Eazy-E - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


The OBVIOUS and DECIDING difference between Obambo's OUTRAGEOUS slap on the face of DECENCY and PROPRIETY regarding the RACIAL ISSUE involved, is the REPETITIVE superseding behaviour by the semi-black Piece of Shit Political Charlatan's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America's" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, His crazed mother's inculcation of her HATRED of her own race, his indiscriminate attack on cops in the case of the Racist Harvard Prof, His REPETITION in choosing ANOTHER RACIST PASTOR, Wallace Smith, who proclaimed that America is ruled by White Hooded KKK now attired in fancy suits and flashy briefcases, and his 3 yr old son babbling about his discrimination of being a 3/5th American with the President of the United States Obambo sitting in the first pew ......... then he and his PHONY "I am not proud to be an American" wife Michelle inviting this OUTRAGEOUS polesmoking supposed artiste who extolls cop killers and the the convicted Black Racist Liberation Crunt escaped and actually living in Cuba in the face of a the "Recognition of Dead Hero Cops Week" .

Apart from the Bush's Eazy-E incident is that with Bush IT WAS THE ONLY ONE-TIME OCCASION. But, more importantly, as with every defense of culpability NO MATTER WHAT THE SUPPOSED CHARGE IS: IS THAT THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THE ULTIMATE DEFENSE !!!!

Let's face it: "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a fucking REALITY,......and this "Commons" shithead is a PERECT EXAMPLE of a NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE and " the raps by these "NIGGAZ" glorify "the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD. One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police".......... and MOST IMPORTANTLY in Bush's case it is PATENTLY OBVIOUS this invitation to his "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a spoof exposing the ACTUAL "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE"...... whereas in the case of Obambo and "I am not proud to be an American" Michelle's invitation was the BLATANT GLORIFICATION of the content of the polesmoker Common's OUTRAGEOUS underlining of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's message of HATRED for the white race and the very structure of our Government that Obambo is supposedly representing !!!

Could you possibly even IMAGINE the YOWLING !!!! HOWLING !!!! and PROLONGED WHINING !!! by the Liberal Main Stream Media even if Dubya had ANY other, or VALID RACIAL HATRED comparable to that exhibited by our MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & Pathological LIAR ??????


Sorry BEE-OTCH, you've been "punked".

In an October 2010 report for, reporter Jason Robinson interviewed the "rap legend" and told him, "your music is very positive. And you're known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?"

Common replied that it's a "significant role. I just try to show who we are as well-rounded people and I'm happy to be known as the conscious artist."

Fox News Video -

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It is important to distinguish the Criticism of Dubya and Obambo regarding their invitation of "Artistes" to the White House.

The following is a post attempting to give a bogus "moral equivalency" between the two occasions:

Quote: Originally Posted by Mustang View Post
Where's the conservative outrage against Bush 41 for inviting a rapper from a notorious rap group, (which stands for Niggaz with Attitude). Their raps glorified the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD? One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police."


In March 1991 Eazy-E accepted an invitation to a lunch benefiting the Republican Senatorial Inner Circle, hosted by then-President George H. W. Bush.[22

Eazy-E - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


The OBVIOUS and DECIDING difference between Obambo's OUTRAGEOUS slap on the face of DECENCY and PROPRIETY regarding the RACIAL ISSUE involved, is the REPETITIVE superseding behaviour by the semi-black Piece of Shit Political Charlatan's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America's" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, His crazed mother's inculcation of her HATRED of her own race, his indiscriminate attack on cops in the case of the Racist Harvard Prof, His REPETITION in choosing ANOTHER RACIST PASTOR, Wallace Smith, who proclaimed that America is ruled by White Hooded KKK now attired in fancy suits and flashy briefcases, and his 3 yr old son babbling about his discrimination of being a 3/5th American with the President of the United States Obambo sitting in the first pew ......... then he and his PHONY "I am not proud to be an American" wife Michelle inviting this OUTRAGEOUS polesmoking supposed artiste who extolls cop killers and the the convicted Black Racist Liberation Crunt escaped and actually living in Cuba in the face of a the "Recognition of Dead Hero Cops Week" .

Apart from the Bush's Eazy-E incident is that with Bush IT WAS THE ONLY ONE-TIME OCCASION. But, more importantly, as with every defense of culpability NO MATTER WHAT THE SUPPOSED CHARGE IS: IS THAT THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THE ULTIMATE DEFENSE !!!!

Let's face it: "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a fucking REALITY,......and this "Commons" shithead is a PERECT EXAMPLE of a NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE and " the raps by these "NIGGAZ" glorify "the ganster (gangsta) lifestyle with violent imagery, sexual lyrics, and extreme profanity, often specifically directed at government organizations such as the LAPD. One of their raps was entitled, "Fuck tha Police".......... and MOST IMPORTANTLY in Bush's case it is PATENTLY OBVIOUS this invitation to his "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE" is a spoof exposing the ACTUAL "NIGGAZ with ATTITUDE"...... whereas in the case of Obambo and "I am not proud to be an American" Michelle's invitation was the BLATANT GLORIFICATION of the content of the polesmoker Common's OUTRAGEOUS underlining of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's message of HATRED for the white race and the very structure of our Government that Obambo is supposedly representing !!!

Could you possibly even IMAGINE the YOWLING !!!! HOWLING !!!! and PROLONGED WHINING !!! by the Liberal Main Stream Media even if Dubya had ANY other, or VALID RACIAL HATRED comparable to that exhibited by our MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & Pathological LIAR ??????


Sorry BEE-OTCH, you've been "punked".

In an October 2010 report for, reporter Jason Robinson interviewed the "rap legend" and told him, "your music is very positive. And you're known as the conscious rapper. How important is that to you, and how important do you think that is to our kids?"

Common replied that it's a "significant role. I just try to show who we are as well-rounded people and I'm happy to be known as the conscious artist."

Fox News Video -


RDeanie -Weanie,

You're an established certified Obamarrhoidal stooge ...... probably the worst.

Your feeble attempt to exonerate a fellow pole-smoker and a Black Racist Piece of Shit and/or his Pathologically LYING Presidential fan merely underlines your ludicrous position.

OOPS your own money-making arse !!!
NWA was and still is more vile than Common ever has been. This shouldn't even be an issue.

It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.

However, correctly so.....IT IS AN ISSUE because it underlines the REPETITIVE MOTIF carried thru Obambo's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, and his blatant choosing of a SUBSEQUENT Black Racist Whackjob pastor Wallace the other example of his RACIAL HATRED evidenced in the matter of the Black Racist Psycho Prof & the cop.

THIS WILL NOT VANISH INTO THE WOODWORK as Obambo's employment as a "Community Orgranizer" in the criminal enterprise ACORN, or his association and friendship with an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Ayers, from whose home Obambo kicked off his Senatorial Career.....or his METEORIC RISE thru the MOST NOTORIOUS COMMIE & MAFIOSO Laden Chicago Political Machine where even the political appointment of a dog catcher is not possible without the OK of the TOP CROOKS of that NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine, the most crooked National Political Machine.

All this will ensure the one-term Presidency of this DISASTROUS RACIST PHENOMENOM, plus the UTTERLY BIZARRE & INCOMPETENT RECORD of the FAILURE OF THE ECONOMY DUE TO OBAMBO'S MARXIST AGENDA as evidenced in his OBAMACARE and ENERGY CAP & TRADE POLICIES where practically ALL permits for drilling are aborted..... plus mockery of the DISASTROUS BORDER POLICY where Arizona and possibly other states are begining to contemplate secession when not only does this semi-black Political Charlatan IGNORE any solution but takes active steps to SUE Arizona for trying to protect its citizenry from the BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES resulting from the inundation of the state by illegal aliens.

gaytardma calling someone else racist!




Stating the TRUTH is the ABSOLUTE defense against any defamatory charge.

MarAtl and the other Two Pieces of Black Racist Shit is a PROVEN FACT.

These culturally deprived arseholes and their pole-smoking "artiste" should be gamboling around in the jungle polishing coconuts instead of polluting America with their presence.

Whereas you, the backtracking phony hypocrite, should be somewhere in their vicinity doing what you do best: gobbling up their feces with alacrity.
Ol' Guat, the fecal mouth. Keep it up. Anyone that you attack only looks better for your enmity.
Ol' Guat, the fecal mouth. Keep it up. Anyone that you attack only looks better for your enmity.

Old crocks, Obamarrhoidal stooges disagreeing with me is music to my ears.

Keep it up, LIEberrhoid fecal gobbler.
So it's the ol' invite the person who sings about unpleasant things and you invite him (or her) makes you a bad person trick is it?

Johnny Cash (Who was one of the greats!) was honored by the Bush white house. He sang about killing many people. Including one that was shot just to watch him die.

But in terms of "guilt by association"? Bush started Arbusto with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers.

Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.. :lol:
It is important to distinguish the Criticism of Dubya and Obambo regarding their invitation of "Artistes" to the White House.

You don't have anything important to, complain-about??

NWA was and still is more vile than Common ever has been. This shouldn't even be an issue.

It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.

However, correctly so.....IT IS AN ISSUE because it underlines the REPETITIVE MOTIF carried thru Obambo's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, and his blatant choosing of a SUBSEQUENT Black Racist Whackjob pastor Wallace the other example of his RACIAL HATRED evidenced in the matter of the Black Racist Psycho Prof & the cop.

THIS WILL NOT VANISH INTO THE WOODWORK as Obambo's employment as a "Community Orgranizer" in the criminal enterprise ACORN, or his association and friendship with an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Ayers, from whose home Obambo kicked off his Senatorial Career.....or his METEORIC RISE thru the MOST NOTORIOUS COMMIE & MAFIOSO Laden Chicago Political Machine where even the political appointment of a dog catcher is not possible without the OK of the TOP CROOKS of that NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine, the most crooked National Political Machine.

All this will ensure the one-term Presidency of this DISASTROUS RACIST PHENOMENOM, plus the UTTERLY BIZARRE & INCOMPETENT RECORD of the FAILURE OF THE ECONOMY DUE TO OBAMBO'S MARXIST AGENDA as evidenced in his OBAMACARE and ENERGY CAP & TRADE POLICIES where practically ALL permits for drilling are aborted..... plus mockery of the DISASTROUS BORDER POLICY where Arizona and possibly other states are begining to contemplate secession when not only does this semi-black Political Charlatan IGNORE any solution but takes active steps to SUE Arizona for trying to protect its citizenry from the BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES resulting from the inundation of the state by illegal aliens.

gaytardma calling someone else racist!


Ya' can't take those Stormfront boys anywhere.....

Short answer is Eazy-E accepted an invitation went as a guest, donated $15000 to a cause and there was outrage from both conservatives and liberals. ( For different reasons, of course. Liberals hated that he sold out to a Republican )

Common performed at an event , he just didn't perform his hatefull schtick. Only some ourtrage from convervatives

No double standards really in this instance. Liberals only like liberals. Liberals are okay with violence. Liberals hate inclusiveness. Liberals will play the race card.

[ame=]YouTube - Frank Zappa on Crossfire[/ame]​
It is understandable why an Obamarrhoid stooge like you wouldn't want this REPETITIVELY OUTRAGEOUS RACIST behaviour by a Black Racist MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD & PATHOLOGICAL LIAR Obambo ....... be an issue.

However, correctly so.....IT IS AN ISSUE because it underlines the REPETITIVE MOTIF carried thru Obambo's TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright's Cathedral of Hate, and his blatant choosing of a SUBSEQUENT Black Racist Whackjob pastor Wallace the other example of his RACIAL HATRED evidenced in the matter of the Black Racist Psycho Prof & the cop.

THIS WILL NOT VANISH INTO THE WOODWORK as Obambo's employment as a "Community Orgranizer" in the criminal enterprise ACORN, or his association and friendship with an UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Ayers, from whose home Obambo kicked off his Senatorial Career.....or his METEORIC RISE thru the MOST NOTORIOUS COMMIE & MAFIOSO Laden Chicago Political Machine where even the political appointment of a dog catcher is not possible without the OK of the TOP CROOKS of that NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine, the most crooked National Political Machine.

All this will ensure the one-term Presidency of this DISASTROUS RACIST PHENOMENOM, plus the UTTERLY BIZARRE & INCOMPETENT RECORD of the FAILURE OF THE ECONOMY DUE TO OBAMBO'S MARXIST AGENDA as evidenced in his OBAMACARE and ENERGY CAP & TRADE POLICIES where practically ALL permits for drilling are aborted..... plus mockery of the DISASTROUS BORDER POLICY where Arizona and possibly other states are begining to contemplate secession when not only does this semi-black Political Charlatan IGNORE any solution but takes active steps to SUE Arizona for trying to protect its citizenry from the BLATANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES resulting from the inundation of the state by illegal aliens.

gaytardma calling someone else racist!




Stating the TRUTH is the ABSOLUTE defense against any defamatory charge.
Yeah.....FAUX Noise does it.....

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2[/ame]​
So it's the ol' invite the person who sings about unpleasant things and you invite him (or her) makes you a bad person trick is it?

Johnny Cash (Who was one of the greats!) was honored by the Bush white house. He sang about killing many people. Including one that was shot just to watch him die.

But in terms of "guilt by association"? Bush started Arbusto with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers.

Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.. :lol:

Callow Sallow,

Your feeble attempt at a bogus "moral equivalency" is an insignificant fart.....comparing the character of Bush to that Mt. Everest of SHIT is ludicrous.

Of course, you being a pile of the same ingredient as your idol renders you incapable of making any valid judgment.
gaytardma calling someone else racist!




Stating the TRUTH is the ABSOLUTE defense against any defamatory charge.
Yeah.....FAUX Noise does it.....

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 2[/ame]​

Pansky Shamansky ...... Do you seriously think that quoting that notorious fecal gobbling crunt with a black dick stuck up her arse, Rachel Maddow, gives your bullshit any credibility other than being an arse-wipe of her ilk ?????

You are a pathetic, putrescent Obamarrhoidal stooge made of the same fecal matter as your idol.
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Short answer is Eazy-E accepted an invitation went as a guest, donated $15000 to a cause and there was outrage from both conservatives and liberals. ( For different reasons, of course. Liberals hated that he sold out to a Republican )

Common performed at an event , he just didn't perform his hatefull schtick. Only some ourtrage from convervatives

No double standards really in this instance. Liberals only like liberals. Liberals are okay with violence. Liberals hate inclusiveness. Liberals will play the race card.
:rolleyes: There was no outrage from anyone.

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