The verses that make Jews cringe.

No obviously my fulfilling 1200+ verses many which you help through your behavior makes you hostile towards Jews for not joining your fall with your lucifer Jesus.
You mentioned "the house" which is the Temple (MIKdash) in my name, but nowhere does that reveal the name Jesus as it's not called Jesusdash nor Jesusdosh, therefore Jesus is not the one who we build the Temple for. That is what set you off on your childish rampage.
Noticed you could not name even one prerequisite of Moshiach. I bet you can't even name your christ and tell us what era he lived in and to what age.
This ought to he good, get your popcorn ready people- it's show time!
No obviously my fulfilling 1200+ verses many which you help through your behavior makes you hostile towards Jews for not joining your fall with your lucifer Jesus.
You mentioned "the house" which is the Temple (MIKdash) in my name, but nowhere does that reveal the name Jesus as it's not called Jesusdash nor Jesusdosh, therefore Jesus is not the one who we build the Temple for. That is what set you off on your childish rampage.
Noticed you could not name even one prerequisite of Moshiach. I bet you can't even name your christ and tell us what era he lived in and to what age.
This ought to he good, get your popcorn ready people- it's show time!
355 Old Testament prophesies fulfilled.


Your opinion is just that, an opinion. 355 facts prove your opinion moot!

How many prophesies are left? The falling away is coming to an end, and then what?

Three hundred and fifty five.

You can type from now till doomsday, and you can't defend that.

355! from just a 3 and 1/2 year ministry. 3 nails, 2 pieces of wood and 1 risen Messiah.

Every prophet you have ever had, told you so, and you missed Him, how did your people manage to screw it up that badly? 355
The only thing he fulfilled was being 355 ml in a can of Coca Cola thanks to the Coca Cola company and their invention of Santa Claus .. The only difference is Coca Cola is the real thing but your make believe Jesus is a figment of the New Testament writers imagination and he fulfilled nada he was a complete failure but has become a whale of a tail to say the least....
The only thing he fulfilled was being 355 ml in a can of Coca Cola thanks to the Coca Cola company and their invention of Santa Claus .. The only difference is Coca Cola is the real thing but your make believe Jesus is a figment of the New Testament writers imagination and he fulfilled nada he was a complete failure but has become a whale of a tail to say the least....

Matthew suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, killed by a sword wound.

Mark died in Alexandria, Egypt, after being dragged by horses through the streets until he was dead.

Luke was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous preaching to the lost.

John faced martyrdom when he was boiled in a huge basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution in Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered from death. John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos. The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve as Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey. He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully.

Peter was crucified upside down on an x-shaped cross, according to church tradition because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die in the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

James the Just, the leader of the church in Jerusalem, was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club. This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

James the Greater, a son of Zebedee, was a fisherman by trade when Jesus called him to a lifetime of ministry. As a strong leader of the church, James was ultimately beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial. Later, the officer walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

Bartholomew, also known as Nathanal, was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed to our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia when he was believed to have been flayed to death by a whip. He may have also been crucified.

Andrew was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony. His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words: "I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it." He continued to preach to his tormentors for two days until he expired.

Thomas was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the subcontinent.

Jude, the brother of Jesus, was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

Matthias, Matthias was chosen by the Apostles to replace Judas Iscariot, after the death of Judas in the Field of Blood. Information concerning the life and death of Matthias is vague and contradictory. One tradition maintains that Matthias was stoned at Jerusalem by the Jews, and then beheaded. (cf. Tillemont, "Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire eccl. des six premiers siècles", I, 406-7).

Barnabas, one of the group of seventy disciples, wrote the Epistle of Barnabas. He preached throughout Italy and Cyprus. Barnabas was stoned to death at Salonica.

Phillip was crucified, according to the plaque in the church of the Holy Apostles.

Paul was believed to have been tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament. Most scholars believed that Paul was released from house arrest in Rome in c. 62 A.D., and that he may have made a fourth missionary journey, which may have gone as far as Spain (Rom 15:24, 28). Church tradition says that Nero executed Paul in Rome c. 67 A.D. (see “Church Tradition” section below). However, the New Testament is silent on the death of this great apostle.

In all the world today, you could not find 5 men willing to die for a Rabbi, you could not find 5 men willing to die for the Pope. With many millions more in the world, you could not find just 5.

Yet all of these willingly, I said WILLINGLY, died proclaiming Jesus is the Christ. I'll accept their word over yours, for you don't have enough faith to die for what you believe.
Was Cartman right about Nascar fans?
On what planet is 300 fallacious non messianic placements more the 1200+ actual Fulfilled verses including by first and last name and prerequisites fulfilled?
Notice once again you avoided naming prerequisites, because Jesus fulfilled none.

I've addressed these many times in many forums & they can be found doing a forum search here of false placement of Jesus using your standard ones like Isaiah 53 past plural context being about Israel mentioned 14 times as the servant.
Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.
1) no pastor, preacher, priest, theology scholar ever has refutted or rebutted my disclosure of these false 300 verses.
2)they are not arguments against Jesus fulfilling Lucifer and claiming to be Lucifer or changing his being Baal's son and plagiarized mythology. You have to call Jesus himself a liar which makes this "check mate"! You can't move or lie your way out without giving up your king.
3)a rooster fulfilled as many verses as Jesus that post can also be found in this forum.
4)I fulfilled over 1200 verses 4x as many as your falacious attempt at placement. Therefore you are calling me Moshiach and Jesus the false messiah.
Unlike your attempt at placing Lucifer as Messiah I actually fulfill the actual Moshiach prerequisites to secret the name that you conveniently miss.
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name-(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)

Moshiach lifts the veil from our eyes.-Isaiah 25:7.

Moshiach must have his name in
"the bible" (Mikra)-Melakim
{I Kings8:43} Torah-Devarim 14:22

The Torah portions(Miketz,Shevitz)must
carry his first and last name.
Helps to know Hebrew; MIKEtz-
(Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)

The name must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
and the name must be in
the holy city of YeruShalem.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)

The name must be remembered by the Sheva (7th) day kept holy.

The name must be revealed in all cultures to come together as one(Y'shv,Shiva,proper transliteration of Shalem, Al Laila,Mikado).
The first and last name and secret name will be revealed in the Bible(Dan 10:20-21 in Hebrew carries both).
The Moshiach must come from the Aaronic Lineage.-scrolls: lQS lX, ll which seems to be fragment omitted from 4QSe(4Q259).

The name must be of the remover of the devil and his works. The person must know the secret of returning to his inheritance. Must know and be a catalyst for process of messaging and a catalyst for the Tikkun Olam and resurrection process and involved in the movement to build the Temple. Has to be involved in being an intercessor, mediator, remover, archstrategist, fascilitstor, teacher, judge etc....
None of these things have Jesus by name or deeds.

Let's review some of your list to show where the father of lies "DECEIVED YOU".
First you used Zech 12:10 even after I exposed how itcs not messianic & proved me right. It's one of the nost harmful verses to claim because it discusses 2 seperate people -one pierced but the other mourned=2 people confused for each other and thus mourning the wrong one..By posting this through cut and paste instead of reading it in the Tanakh means you agree with me over your false christ worship.
But also this proves you are dishonest, lazy, and canct comprehend what you read to be able to discuss these subjects.
You listed Zech 12:10 more then a few times to pad your total verses count=dishonesty.
you also use NT verses self testifying after fact is not prophecy fulfilled=dishonesty numbers padding.
You also use non messianic verses=dishonesty and ignorance especially since you leave out all the basic manditory prerequisites.
Furthermore you can't place Jesus everywhere it says pierced or place the word where it says at my hands and feet not pierced in Psalms. Reason is you are subjected to even standard, so when Isaiah calls the dragon pierced you equate Jesus=dragon. Brilliant, your logic and fallacious attempts shot your king in the foot.

The lie you were given about Matthew on Micah 5:
1)the gender is wrong to be about a town
2) it says Bethlehem Ephratah not just Bethlehem. Ephratah was a father or grandfather of Bethlehem, the context clearly is about a lineage thus says the word CLAN.
If Jesus were who you claime he would need no lies to place him and yet all 300 verses are lies and you yourself willingly lied for Jesus. Meaning you exposed that even you donct believe in him otherwise you would not feel the need to be so outright blatantly dishonest.

Dan 9 is answered in many posts including recent one: read it carefully it says
"an anointed" not the anointed one, kings were anointed "an anointed" implies one of many kings or anointed rabbis even high priests. King Onnias(spell?) was an anointed king cut off by Antiochus the wicked one.

Isaiah 53=Israel for reaspns I discussed and can go further on but space limited.

Isaiah 7 King Hezekiah was the child born to the "Young Woman" as a sign for Ahaz when Ahaz was alive not 600 years later.
He had his father's gov't upon his shoulder, was a father figure and had God with them (Emmanuel) in defeating Assyria (context of Isaiah chapters), thus was called the prince of Peace. Jesus kingdom has thousands of wars and over 50 million murders a far cry from peace.

Due to limited space I will stop there as itcs quite clear you've been duped. To deny it would be to say your NT lied in saying 1/3 Would be deceived and fall with Lucifer.
You'd also call Jesus a liar when he said many would come in his name (representing his teachings) saying he is the Christ ('cause he's speaking "I" means him not another) and deceiving many.
You've been lied to about tenses throughout the Bible and your poor reading skills in regards to tenses like singular or plural, past present or future, third person or first person tense destroyed your ability to discern fact from fallacious claims. Not knowing Hebrew and proper transliteration also caused you to blot out the name of the Shiloh while devoting to a name never known in the Bible.

Epic Fail for that 1/3 who fell for Lucifer.
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Yet all of these willingly, I said WILLINGLY, died proclaiming Jesus is the Christ. I'll accept their word over yours, for you don't have enough faith to die for what you believe.

Hashev is only after fame among people power over them and money taken from them associated with his dreams of being the self proclaimed high priest of a theocracy dedicated to slaughtering animals in the name of the Lord in a Temple that does not exist.

He doesn't realize that the veil of the temple was torn long ago.

He is denouncing the entire christian world as dead but does't seem to have what it takes to lead them to life in the sanctuary of God because he doesn't even know the meaning of words or subjects about which he is so dogmatic..

he is just one of the many imposters that Jesus warned about that would come in his name and falsely claim to be the real messiah.
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Yet all of these willingly, I said WILLINGLY, died proclaiming Jesus is the Christ. I'll accept their word over yours, for you don't have enough faith to die for what you believe.

Hashev is only after fame among people power over them and money taken from them associated with his dreams of being the self proclaimed high priest of a theocracy dedicated to slaughtering animals in the name of the Lord in a Temple that does not exist.

He doesn't realize that the veil of the temple was torn long ago.

He is denouncing the entire christian world as dead but does't seem to have what it takes to lead them to life in the sanctuary of God because he doesn't even know the meaning of words or subjects about which he is so dogmatic..

he is just one of the many imposters that Jesus warned about that would come in his name and falsely claim to be the real messiah.

*L* You just inadvertantly described and busted on Jesus and thus Christianity, but worse you now call all those OT verses posted a self proclamation.
Check Mate!
Thanks for helping me all the time,
keep making your mirror reflective ad hominem attacks and I'll just keep shining that image back so all can get a tangible recognition of what you are busting on is your own logic in thinking and reacting through foolish pride. The best way to teach is let you recognize your own flawed reasonings and thus realizations there's something wrong that you have to notice on your own otherwise you'll ignorexand hide the inevitable due to affiliation pride and turning a blind eye to save face.
-deprograming brainwashed cultists 101
Yet all of these willingly, I said WILLINGLY, died proclaiming Jesus is the Christ. I'll accept their word over yours, for you don't have enough faith to die for what you believe.

Hashev is only after fame among people power over them and money taken from them associated with his dreams of being the self proclaimed high priest of a theocracy dedicated to slaughtering animals in the name of the Lord in a Temple that does not exist.

He doesn't realize that the veil of the temple was torn long ago.

He is denouncing the entire christian world as dead but does't seem to have what it takes to lead them to life in the sanctuary of God because he doesn't even know the meaning of words or subjects about which he is so dogmatic..

he is just one of the many imposters that Jesus warned about that would come in his name and falsely claim to be the real messiah.

*L* You just inadvertantly described and busted on Jesus and thus Christianity, but worse you now call all those OT verses posted a self proclamation.
Check Mate!
Thanks for helping me all the time,
keep making your mirror reflective ad hominem attacks and I'll just keep shining that image back so all can get a tangible recognition of what you are busting on is your own logic in thinking and reacting through foolish pride. The best way to teach is let you recognize your own flawed reasonings and thus realizations there's something wrong that you have to notice on your own otherwise you'll ignorexand hide the inevitable due to affiliation pride and turning a blind eye to save face.
-deprograming brainwashed cultists 101

You claiming to be the messiah without actually doing anything the messiah is expected to do is a self proclamation whatever is written.

And will you stop whining about ad hominem attacks every time someone points out that you are not the messiah.

You are not the messiah. you don't even qualify as a half-assed philosopher.

Find another hobby. You suck at acting.
Wrong and since you don't know what I have done then that makes you claim to be God while justify rejection of Jesus who we know did nothing and by your standard that makes him insane, but worse you are calling yourself and the followers insane as well.
Once again you hit yourself with your own hand, too Funny! :)
Was Cartman right about Nascar fans?
On what planet is 300 fallacious non messianic placements more the 1200+ actual Fulfilled verses including by first and last name and prerequisites fulfilled?
Notice once again you avoided naming prerequisites, because Jesus fulfilled none.

I've addressed these many times in many forums & they can be found doing a forum search here of false placement of Jesus using your standard ones like Isaiah 53 past plural context being about Israel mentioned 14 times as the servant.
Jesus was popular according to the NT therefore can't be despised without saying the NT lies.
1) no pastor, preacher, priest, theology scholar ever has refutted or rebutted my disclosure of these false 300 verses.
2)they are not arguments against Jesus fulfilling Lucifer and claiming to be Lucifer or changing his being Baal's son and plagiarized mythology. You have to call Jesus himself a liar which makes this "check mate"! You can't move or lie your way out without giving up your king.
3)a rooster fulfilled as many verses as Jesus that post can also be found in this forum.
4)I fulfilled over 1200 verses 4x as many as your falacious attempt at placement. Therefore you are calling me Moshiach and Jesus the false messiah.
Unlike your attempt at placing Lucifer as Messiah I actually fulfill the actual Moshiach prerequisites to secret the name that you conveniently miss.
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name-(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)

Moshiach lifts the veil from our eyes.-Isaiah 25:7.

Moshiach must have his name in
"the bible" (Mikra)-Melakim
{I Kings8:43} Torah-Devarim 14:22

The Torah portions(Miketz,Shevitz)must
carry his first and last name.
Helps to know Hebrew; MIKEtz-
(Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)

The name must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
and the name must be in
the holy city of YeruShalem.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)

The name must be remembered by the Sheva (7th) day kept holy.

The name must be revealed in all cultures to come together as one(Y'shv,Shiva,proper transliteration of Shalem, Al Laila,Mikado).
The first and last name and secret name will be revealed in the Bible(Dan 10:20-21 in Hebrew carries both).
The Moshiach must come from the Aaronic Lineage.-scrolls: lQS lX, ll which seems to be fragment omitted from 4QSe(4Q259).

The name must be of the remover of the devil and his works. The person must know the secret of returning to his inheritance. Must know and be a catalyst for process of messaging and a catalyst for the Tikkun Olam and resurrection process and involved in the movement to build the Temple. Has to be involved in being an intercessor, mediator, remover, archstrategist, fascilitstor, teacher, judge etc....
None of these things have Jesus by name or deeds.

Let's review some of your list to show where the father of lies "DECEIVED YOU".
First you used Zech 12:10 even after I exposed how itcs not messianic & proved me right. It's one of the nost harmful verses to claim because it discusses 2 seperate people -one pierced but the other mourned=2 people confused for each other and thus mourning the wrong one..By posting this through cut and paste instead of reading it in the Tanakh means you agree with me over your false christ worship.
But also this proves you are dishonest, lazy, and canct comprehend what you read to be able to discuss these subjects.
You listed Zech 12:10 more then a few times to pad your total verses count=dishonesty.
you also use NT verses self testifying after fact is not prophecy fulfilled=dishonesty numbers padding.
You also use non messianic verses=dishonesty and ignorance especially since you leave out all the basic manditory prerequisites.
Furthermore you can't place Jesus everywhere it says pierced or place the word where it says at my hands and feet not pierced in Psalms. Reason is you are subjected to even standard, so when Isaiah calls the dragon pierced you equate Jesus=dragon. Brilliant, your logic and fallacious attempts shot your king in the foot.

The lie you were given about Matthew on Micah 5:
1)the gender is wrong to be about a town
2) it says Bethlehem Ephratah not just Bethlehem. Ephratah was a father or grandfather of Bethlehem, the context clearly is about a lineage thus says the word CLAN.
If Jesus were who you claime he would need no lies to place him and yet all 300 verses are lies and you yourself willingly lied for Jesus. Meaning you exposed that even you donct believe in him otherwise you would not feel the need to be so outright blatantly dishonest.

Dan 9 is answered in many posts including recent one: read it carefully it says
"an anointed" not the anointed one, kings were anointed "an anointed" implies one of many kings or anointed rabbis even high priests. King Onnias(spell?) was an anointed king cut off by Antiochus the wicked one.

Isaiah 53=Israel for reaspns I discussed and can go further on but space limited.

Isaiah 7 King Hezekiah was the child born to the "Young Woman" as a sign for Ahaz when Ahaz was alive not 600 years later.
He had his father's gov't upon his shoulder, was a father figure and had God with them (Emmanuel) in defeating Assyria (context of Isaiah chapters), thus was called the prince of Peace. Jesus kingdom has thousands of wars and over 50 million murders a far cry from peace.

Due to limited space I will stop there as itcs quite clear you've been duped. To deny it would be to say your NT lied in saying 1/3 Would be deceived and fall with Lucifer.
You'd also call Jesus a liar when he said many would come in his name (representing his teachings) saying he is the Christ ('cause he's speaking "I" means him not another) and deceiving many.
You've been lied to about tenses throughout the Bible and your poor reading skills in regards to tenses like singular or plural, past present or future, third person or first person tense destroyed your ability to discern fact from fallacious claims. Not knowing Hebrew and proper transliteration also caused you to blot out the name of the Shiloh while devoting to a name never known in the Bible.

Epic Fail for that 1/3 who fell for Lucifer.
Three hundred and fifty five...nuff said.
None vs 1,200+
If you think 1+1+1=1 and
think 0 is >then 1,200+
Then you are admitting you are the children of darkness(i.e. lies, folly, and ignorance)
Check mate!

One who's like (reflective[malakh]) God.
The Evening Star (Shalem) who rises to redeem & protect & serve Dan 12:1-4.
The catalyst to the kingdom;
“War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of the Kingdom of Michael. He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.
1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness. (too busy debunking myths, lies and ignorance=darkness) but then also adds:
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
Spiritual light=knowledge and truth
It is Michael who best knows the scripture of truth- Dan 10:21 thus also called the angel (messenger)
of truth who's name is in the Mikra (bible).
The name is in the Temple (MIKDASH) in his name.- (Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
Michael is the Thresher thus it's also called the MIKdosh (dosh=thresher).
Refering to removing the chaff from the wheat and thus thin film veil from our eyes as well
(Isaiah 25:7says Moshiach removes the thin veil from our eyes)

Jewish tradition says The name of Moshiach will be in the Torah portions;
Torah portion:
Mikeitz מִקֵּץ – Hebrew for "at the end,"
Ketz= A particularly auspicious time for Moshiach to bring the exile to an end.= Mike is the name of the Moshiach who's revealed in the Torah portion regarding the "RETURN" from Exile.
And thus "Restorer". (Ruth, Jeremiah, Isaiah- Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4,
Isaiah 25:8)

It is Michael who defeats the devil which is why the "Mikvah" is the name of the ritual cleansing from death.

Michael is the Shiloh (Genesis, Ezekiel)who over turns the false messiah for shiloh means the "one who's
(actual) right it is", that was stolen by the thief.

According to Torah, the Messiah will:
[*]Ezekiel 37:26-28: Build the Third Temple
[*]Isaiah 43:5-6: Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel
Done and done because
the Fact is Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 the redeemer(haSheva) is the one who battles with the Persian prince and King Cyrus' heart to do the right thing in gathering the Jews and rebuilding the Temple and Dan 10 tells you who that redeemer is by first & last name.
it's Michael who battles the heart of the Great prince of the people the King Cyrus
and in Hebrew it clearly says ;
Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).

That name coinciding with all these prerequisites, like in the name of the Bible, Temple, city Torah portions etc..

The name of Moshiach is in "the Bible" (Mikra). -Melakim {I Kings8:43)and The Torah-Devarim 14:22

RA in Hebrew=Father in Heaven. =Mike is the Father in Heaven (head of the hosts in Jewish and Islamic traditions).

Michael is the Melchizedek (Messenger & king of righteousness) Scrolls and Jewish tradition.

Michael is the Judge of judgement, the refiners fire..see my posts with sources
( to many to list)

See the over 1200 references backing this on my former forum post you can search the forum for(to many to list).
Malachi 3:24, The Prophet Haggai 2:6-7 , Ps. 72:16, 4Q285 4-5&10, Psalms 7:7-8
4Q246, 1QS x12-18, 1QSb=1Q28b , 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4, Melakim {I Kings8:43)Ezekiel 40-43)(Is.2:2, Zekh.14.16-21) Midrash Rabba (Exodus 18) . Exodus 23:20-22, Micah 4:5, Nahum 1. Isaiah 9:6, 11:2-3, 42:19, 61:2 .Psalms 7:7-9, 82:1, 90:4 .Jeremiel 14.
Talmud Ketubot 56a
Zohar II, 146a-146b

Malachi 3:24, The Prophet Haggai 2:6-7 ,
Ps. 72:16, 4Q285 4-5&10, Psalms 7:7-8
4Q246, 1QS x12-18, 1QSb=1Q28b , 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4, Melakim {I Kings8:43)Ezekiel 40-43)(Is.2:2, Zekh.14.16-21) Midrash Rabba (Exodus 18) . Exodus 23:20-22, Micah 4:5, Nahum 1. Isaiah 9:6, 11:2-3, 42:19, 61:2 .Psalms 7:7-9, 82:1, 90:4 .Jeremiel 14 · Jude 9
Book of Hebrews chapter 1, 5 and 6 and HEBREWS 7:1
1John 3:8
Revelations 12:7 3 · Baruch 4:7; 11:2,4,6,8; 12:4,6-7; 13:2-3,5; 14:1-2; 15:1,3; 16:1,3 4 · Baruch 9:5 1 .1 Adam 29:6,8; 31:5 · Enoch 9:1; 10:11; 20:5; 24:4; 40:9; 53:6; 54:6; 60:4-5; 68:2-4; 69:14-15; 71:3,8-9,13 · 2 Enoch 22:1,6,8-9; 33:1&11; 71:28 (Recension J); 72:1,3,8-9 (Recension J) 3 Enoch 17:3; 44:10 · Apocalypse of Ezra 1:3; 2:1; 4:7,24; 6:2 · Life of Adam and Eve 13:3; 14:1-3; 15:2; 21:2; 22:2; 25:2; 29:1-3; 43:3; 45:1; 51:2 · Apocalypse of Adam and Eve 3:2; 22:1; 37:4,6; 40:1-2; 43:1-2 · Sibylline Oracles 2:215 · Testament of Solomon 1:6 (5 in Conybeare); 18:5 (73 in Conybeare) · Apocalypse of Abraham 10:17 · Apocalypse of Sedrach 14:1 · Martyrdom and Ascension of Isaiah 3:16 · Testament of Abraham 1:4,6; 2:2-14:7 · Testament of Isaac 2:1 · Testament of Jacob 1:6; 5:13 · Vision of Ezra verse 56 .Isaiah Commentary: (IQSb,v 20-29) .HEBREWS chapter one the son apointed higher then the angels (arch) also Hebrews 1:8 & 7:1 · Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Scrolls) .Coptic Accounts of Genesis .Oral traditions of Genesis 3: .Genesis 15.1 · Apocryphon of John 17:30 .Dead Sea Scrolls 1QM v, 1-2 .Blessings scroll (1QSb=1Q28b) V:20 .Hymn 12-14 .4Q471 XVII .llQMelch ll,9,13 .4Q246 .1QS x12-18 .4Q285 5&10 ."War Scroll" (4Q471)verse XVII ."THE SONGS OF THE HOLOCAUST OF THE SABBATH"(4Q403 I,ii,18-29) ."The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek" Scroll(IIQ13) .(4Q529,6Q23) "Words Of The Archangel Michael" .The Koran 2:98 and many verses .THE BOOK OF URANTIA. The Archangel Michael and King Zedekiah (4Q470) , The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q19-20) , Novalis Hymn to the Night, Celtic Lores,Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny), Portrait ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’, African Bushmen Lores, Native American Lores, book called Alas Babylon, Louis Llamore's High Graders, Many Nosty quatrians C;2 Q;28, C5 Q83, C10 Q74, C4Q24, C1Q56, C1 Q96 /C2 Q28/ C2 Q29, C5 Q8, 1.96 - XCVI., 1. 91 - XCI., C1. 1 - 1 ... To many more to list..... Third Fatima revelation, Garabandal Intercession, Catholic Litany as the lamb of G-d and Commander of G-d of Israel, 4Q285, Fr.4&5 and fr 10 Akedas Yitzhak on Genesis 49:12 - 15th century C.E. 5. Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 - 6th century C.E. Hilchos Melachim 11:3-4, Talmud,The Rabbi's Sicha (address) of Shabbos Parshas Shoftim, 5751 (August 17, 1991) Expecting the Messiah An ultra-Orthodox sect says the Redeemer is due to he might be an American ; Time LISA BEYER KFAR HABAD With reporting by Hannah Bloch/Brooklyn; 03-23-1992 ,Hindu Tantrik many verses and even chants, (Ezekiel 21:25-27),4Q299 F.5 ,book of Micah, the Mishnah Torah, Numbers /Korach 17: 2, 4Q285 fr4,Psa 134:1-3,(Psalm 90:4),(John 9:4-5),1 John 3:8, JOHN 5:22 (Luke 12:38), Rev 3:7 the angel of Phila with the keys, scrollIIQ13,1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, ACTS 5:31,4Q471 XVII,Perek Tzaddik Gimmel (93), Fr. 2I (=4Q 418, Fr. 43) Dead Sea Scrolls shows my name as the remover of the veil while mentioning my main web pages and it's context along with my main poems name and site name, 4QSe (4Q259) the Moshiach's Aaron Lineage, (1 Thes 5:2), Koran 73, 1-5, "al-Mahdi is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a Night." References: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269, Genesis 15.1 "Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield and your very great reward." said the Lord to Abraham in “a vision of the Night” again The exact phrase “visions of the Night” is found in Genesis 46:2 and has to do with God revealing things directly to Jacob. Psalm 16:7-11 7 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the NIGHT seasons, my reins instruct me. the Watchman song;-Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608 (adapted and harmized by J.S. Bach) ,
More in the Koran: (24: 55) 097.001-5
Koran: Sura:36:37 (44) ; 3-6 In Sura 32, Verses 11 and 12. [TMQ Al-Ahzaab:36]
(24: 55)
Many uses of the number 7 (Sheva), the Shev (shew)Bread, the staff (HaShevet)in the Torah.
HaShev in the bible: 1 (Gen 3:19 - Gen 24:5) 2 (Gen 24:6 - Gen 38:22) 3 (Gen 38:29 - Exd 4:7) 4 (Exd 4:7 - Exd 32:12) 5 (Exd 32:27 - Lev 27:24) 6 (Num 5:7 - Num 25:4) 7 (Num 25:11 - Deu 20:7) 8 (Deu 20:8 - Jos 1:15) 9 (Jos 2:16 - Jos 19:34) 10 (Jos 20:6 - Jdg 9:57) 11 (Jdg 11:8 - Rth 1:15) 12 (Rth 1:16 - 1Sa 12:3) 13 (1Sa 14:27 - 1Sa 29:4) 14 (1Sa 29:7 - 2Sa 14:13) 15 (2Sa 14:21 - 2Sa 19:12) 16 (2Sa 19:14 - 1Ki 8:33) 17 (1Ki 8:34 - 1Ki 13:10) 18 (1Ki 13:16 - 1Ki 20:9) 19 (1Ki 20:34 - 2Ki 7:15) 20 (2Ki 8:3 - 2Ki 19:36) 21 (2Ki 20:5 - 2Ch 6:37) 22 (2Ch 6:38 - 2Ch 19:1) 23 (2Ch 19:4 - 2Ch 32:21) 24 (2Ch 32:25 - Neh 6:4) 25 (Neh 7:6 - Job 9:18) 26 (Job 10:9 - Job 34:15) 27 (Job 35:4 - Psa 35:17) 28 (Psa 44:10 - Psa 78:38) 29 (Psa 78:39 - Psa 116:12) 30 (Psa 119:59 - Pro 25:13) 31 (Pro 26:11 - Isa 1:27) 32 (Isa 5:25 - Isa 37:37) 33 (Isa 38:8 - Jer 2:24) 34 (Jer 2:35 - Jer 14:3) 35 (Jer 15:7 - Jer 28:3) 36 (Jer 28:4 - Jer 33:26) 37 (Jer 33:26 - Jer 44:5) 38 (Jer 44:14 - Lam 3:40)
Even some sects of Christianity (JW's, Adventist, Coptics, Urantians, some Universalists and Mormons and few orders of Catholic Diocese) know the Biblical Moshiach is Michael.
Coincidentally 'Night of the long knives' is connected with this arthurian saga, this is represented of the truth (sword) being pulled out of the stone (foundation of all things) at least according to the Grail or Holy Order of Knights (Ritters) The one Knight pulls the Sword (truth) from the Stone (Foundation of all things) and is found the worthy one who as well slays the dragon. these legends are all imagery describing the same Biblical stories of Michael slaying the dragon and being called in Dan 10:21 the one who best knows these truths.
Another Clue According to the World Book Encyclopedia, "Saint Michael was the patron saint of knights." The prophecy of the anointed Stone of Destiny, the author of BLOODLINE states that this most sacred relic of Scottish tradition will one day reveal the mysterious personage known as "The Michael." This Stone is believed to be the original Pillar that Jacob dedicated to God after his all-night wrestling vigil with an angel. From all references, this stone represents the House of David that went into oblivion after the wicked king Zedekiah was dethroned.
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Bible code and Rabbis are declaring this the year Moshiach comes to be known.
Yom Teruah 5777 [Oct. 02, 2016] - The day of the RETURNING (HaShev)...
Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year 5777 RoshHashanah
You claiming to be the messiah without actually doing anything the messiah is expected to do is a self proclamation whatever is written.

And will you stop whining about ad hominem attacks every time someone points out that you are not the messiah.

You are not the messiah. you don't even qualify as a half-assed philosopher.

Find another hobby. You suck at acting.
Wrong and since you don't know what I have done then that makes you claim to be God while justify rejection of Jesus who we know did nothing and by your standard that makes him insane, but worse you are calling yourself and the followers insane as well.
Once again you hit yourself with your own hand, too Funny! :)

It doesn't matter what you have done. I know what you claim, what you want to do and what you haven't done and cannot do.

You claim to be the Moshiach. You want the Jewish people to rebuild a Temple so that you can pretend to be the highest living being next to God. What you do not do and what you have not done and what you cannot do is speak for God because you have never seen or heard a single word from the living God in your entire life.

You want to lead people backwards to the corruption of Temple worship and primitive ignorance of animal sacrifice which is not the subject of the sanctuary of God or purpose of the laws regarding ritual sacrifice exposing yourself as an actor and lying fraud.

You don't even know what the sanctuary of God means and you do not know the way that Moses taught to follow the law which proves that you cannot be what you claim to be.

You cannot lead anyone to the life that you do not have in you or speak for a God that has never revealed himself to you..

You are trying to get your own people to swallow the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.

You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation. No Catholic will believe this, but, the truth is there, if they will just look.

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

Your people made it easy for the enemy to control the Roman Catholic church, and set them against you.

If my beliefs are right, then there will be 144,000 of your people being called to preach the Gospel at the most dangerous time in earth's history. And a number greater than the sands on the seashore will be counted as God's due to those 144,000. However, that remnant of Israel will suffer greatly before that call, and not one of them shall be spared some suffering.

I am but a messenger, and a servant. And the remnant of those days shall not be harmed. No one shall be able to kill them, or stop their work.

If it wasn't for Rome you would not have the NT.

The New Testament was written long before the Catholic Church existed. Christians already recognized these writings as the word of God. All the Catholic Church did was to recognize this fact.

They made it the legal religion of their empire, and put the writings together. Without that Christianity would of fizzled out.

The way I see it Christianity fizzled out and its secret teachings were lost to time when it was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire into something completely foreign to Jewish thought and belief.

Jews just don't understand it. They are not spiritual.
How are Jews "not spiritual"? The Jews I know who are also Buddhists are some of the strongest and most spiritual students of Buddhism that I know.
quote:It doesn't matter what you have done.

Check mate, contradicted yourself while exposing your claim I haven't done anything as a willing lie since you admit not knowing what I have done.
This in turn exposes another of your former complaints of self promoting yet another contradiction otherwise you'd know my achievements and hands at work. :)

I didn't bother reading the rest of your post since it's probably gonna be even more of you hitting yourself with your own enraged flailing hands. *L*
Thank you for being the perfect example and helping me teach people.
Be a good fish and keep "floundering", it's all for a good cause=knowledge of how things are.
Matthew 15:
22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Not all Jews, just a select few, guno

nothing in the new testament makes jews feel anything, much less cringe....

because the new testament has zero meaning to jews
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Jews just don't understand it. They are not spiritual.
Jesus, the Apostles, and all his early followers were Jewish.

And the jews rejected Jesus , so he came a gentile with the rest of his followers, they jumped ship, all except for Judas, the backstabber.
This is a real sore spot for me about Catholicism. It smacks of anti-semitism.

it is anti-Semitic... and the gospels get more anti-semetic as they go along because they got further and further from Jesus' lifetime and the apostles got more frustrated at jews who wouldn't convert
Yep I was right, the flounder keeps hitting himself said:
"you have not seen God"
What part of this concept of Judaism do you not comprehend?:
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)
But now you opened up a can of worms hitting yourself again with your own backhand;
the gentile which will grab the robes of the Jews and our Rabbis and ask us about the way things are, it is also at the time of the procession to the temple that the gentiles will finally see the face of G-d -Isaiah 66:19
Meaning they did not yet know G-d.
quote:It doesn't matter what you have done.

Check mate, contradicted yourself while exposing your claim I haven't done anything as a willing lie since you admit not knowing what I have done.
This in turn exposes another of your former complaints of self promoting yet another contradiction otherwise you'd know my achievements and hands at work. :)

I didn't bother reading the rest of your post since it's probably gonna be even more of you hitting yourself with your own enraged flailing hands. *L*
Thank you for being the perfect example and helping me teach people.
Be a good fish and keep "floundering", it's all for a good cause=knowledge of how things are.

What I said is that you haven't done anything that the messiah is supposed to do which is primarily to speak for God and reveal the hidden purpose and wisdom of God in giving the law.

You do not speak for God and you do not know the way that leads to life.

If you did you would not be trying so hard to get people to believe that you are the highest living being next to God with the blood stains of unclean creatures that do not ruminate on your lips and the number of the beast 666 tattooed right in the middle of your over inflated forehead.

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