The verses that make Jews cringe.

Actually its much more political than that: The different religion fractions were fighting amongst themselves , so to include everyone, even the different sects of Hebrews, Constantine went with what Eusebius thought was the best to include everyone. That is why there is a little bit of Persian, Hebrew , Greek and Roman religious views in it. A very smart man, because he knew even sects of the same basic religion fought each other and those of other religions , and he wanted a peaceful empire.

Emperor Constantine-continued: There were too many religions in Rome in 325 A.D. A Council was called in an endeavor to amalgamate the many religions of the Roman Empire into one. Christianity plagiarized older myths and legends historicized to suit the Roman Catholic Church while combining the numerous religions existing at the time (Krishna, Horus, Mithraism, Osirian, Isis, and many other mystery religions). For unity and to stop all the conflicts between the numerous religions…

And the jews rejected Jesus , so he came a gentile with the rest of his followers, they jumped ship, all except for Judas, the backstabber.
As I recall, Jesus never preached to any non-Jews nor ever renounced Judaism. It was Paul and his followers that "hijacked" the ship. All I'm saying is that if it weren't for the spiritualism of the Jews there would be no Christianity.

To say Jews are any less spiritual than any other group is arrogant, ignorant, and just plain wrong.
Actually its much more political than that: The different religion fractions were fighting amongst themselves , so to include everyone, even the different sects of Hebrews, Constantine went with what Eusebius thought was the best to include everyone. That is why there is a little bit of Persian, Hebrew , Greek and Roman religious views in it. A very smart man, because he knew even sects of the same basic religion fought each other and those of other religions , and he wanted a peaceful empire.

Emperor Constantine-continued: There were too many religions in Rome in 325 A.D. A Council was called in an endeavor to amalgamate the many religions of the Roman Empire into one. Christianity plagiarized older myths and legends historicized to suit the Roman Catholic Church while combining the numerous religions existing at the time (Krishna, Horus, Mithraism, Osirian, Isis, and many other mystery religions). For unity and to stop all the conflicts between the numerous religions…

My understanding is that it was too many Christian sects warring with each other that Constantine was trying to stop. Pagans never assumed any of their sects were exclusive, you could offer sacrifices to any gods you wished, so they lived in peace with each other. It was only Christianity that proclaimed itself the only true religion. Unfortunately there were plenty of competing versions that today we'd label heresies. Since Constantine was from Rome it is hardly surprising that the Roman Church became the only orthodox Christian religion. The plagiarized older myths and legends date from the very beginning of Christianity as a way of showing the power of the new God to the pagans.
It was more like the many cults which became "Combined" into Being called Christian (those that followed a christ)were bickering.
Even James and Paul(who was also a combined character) bickered that each worshiped a different christ then they.
There were Mithra temples, Krishna called Christos, Yehudites, Theudas followers, HaNotzrim, Nazarenes, followers of Benjamin, Life of Brian followers called Pythons (joking) etc.
SO IF there is later bickering the fact all these combine help cause the division of ideas, teachings and descriptions.
When you combine many you have contradicting accounts and new names and birthdates like; 2 professions fisherman and carpenter, 3 eras, 2 styles of death sentence, 2 blames, 2 hometowns Capernaum and Nazareth, 2 ages till death 33 and John's closer to fifty statement, 2 opposite descriptions of appearances, contradictions to historical figures existing in their era, etc..
Matthew 15:
22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Not all Jews, just a select few, guno

He was inclusive of all even those who were pagan from other lands.
People normally scorned by devout jews were healed and welcomed.

The torah was not just for jews but for all mankind willing to understand.
Matthew 15:
22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Not all Jews, just a select few, guno

He was inclusive of all even those who were pagan from other lands.
People normally scorned by devout jews were healed and welcomed.

The torah was not just for jews but for all mankind willing to understand.

Whats to understand, stories made up.
It was more like the many cults which became "Combined" into Being called Christian (those that followed a christ)were bickering.
Even James and Paul(who was also a combined character) bickered that each worshiped a different christ then they.
There were Mithra temples, Krishna called Christos, Yehudites, Theudas followers, HaNotzrim, Nazarenes, followers of Benjamin, Life of Brian followers called Pythons (joking) etc.
SO IF there is later bickering the fact all these combine help cause the division of ideas, teachings and descriptions.
When you combine many you have contradicting accounts and new names and birthdates like; 2 professions fisherman and carpenter, 3 eras, 2 styles of death sentence, 2 blames, 2 hometowns Capernaum and Nazareth, 2 ages till death 33 and John's closer to fifty statement, 2 opposite descriptions of appearances, contradictions to historical figures existing in their era, etc..
Sorry but I don't buy it. I still think Jesus and Paul were real men and the early Christian Church was segmented into numerous "heresies" that created dissention and weakness. You're correct about the contradicting accounts that had to be fused (sometimes, as in the case of Jesus' birth stories the contradictions were just included in the NT).
Nascar, it has nothing to do with sharing our God the resentment is in the reinvention, abuse and insult to our faith and intelligence, then slaying us for not partaking of the swine Rome created.

Did Southpark upset you when they said all nascar fans and drivers are stupid?
South Park: Poor and Stupid
Dumber they are the better the driver?
Rome thought this of their servants, the dumber the fish the easier to hook line and sinker and get them to do things for them.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.

You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation. No Catholic will believe this, but, the truth is there, if they will just look.

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

Your people made it easy for the enemy to control the Roman Catholic church, and set them against you.

If my beliefs are right, then there will be 144,000 of your people being called to preach the Gospel at the most dangerous time in earth's history. And a number greater than the sands on the seashore will be counted as God's due to those 144,000. However, that remnant of Israel will suffer greatly before that call, and not one of them shall be spared some suffering.

I am but a messenger, and a servant. And the remnant of those days shall not be harmed. No one shall be able to kill them, or stop their work.
Catholics would disagree that they are not christers.
Catholics do what the poop tells them to do. Catholics killed many thousands in the Crusades. The majority of Catholics share a collective brains, and that is whatever the Vatican decides is right.

If the poop was a true man of God, he would be able to work miracles. Healing the sick, making the blind see, curing diseases. And, no I'm not kidding, there are people out there with the mustard seed, and some of them are Catholic.

But most Catholics are not Christian, with most being more than half.
We get angry at lukewarm Christian pretenders, who claim to know Jesus
A Muslim would say the exact same thing.
Muslim's kill, Christians feed the hungry.

Muslim's kill, Christians house the homeless

Muslim's kill, Christians comfort the sick, with all kinds of programs.

notice a trend here? No, you probably don't.

Lukewarm Christians wont get off their ass and do a damn thing, except bitch about homosexuals, abortion, and religious freedom...A true Christian, puts actions with their words, and not political actions, but actions helping others, no matter what the other person believes or what color they are, or if they are a man wanting to be a woman.

A true Christian is blind when it comes to those needing help, they see a child of God, and it is their responsibility to help them.

Catholic does not equate to Christian.
I've heard this before and I'm curious, if a bit off topic I apologize. For 1500 years there was Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. If neither was "Christian" does that mean there were no Christians between the Apostles and Martin Luther?
Peter started the first church that was outside of those around Jerusalem and Israel.

Acts 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Yet, not every church was started by Peter. Paul, Mark, Luke, Timothy, Titus, Apphia, Archippus, and many many others all started churches. As well as almost all of the Disciples.

The church at Rome was not the whole church.

Christ told Peter, that he was the foundation on which His church would be built, look at that foundation.

Peter denied Christ 3 times, Peter was a sinner, Peter wanted to be faithful to Christ yet lacked courage, and that was the example Christ was speaking of. Not the fact that all must follow whatever Peter was teaching, in order to serve Christ.

Peter was just like all people, he was imperfect. Only 1 has been perfect, and we crucified Him.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.
You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation.
The Romans created the compiled stories of the many christ figures, mythical figures, and biblical figures through plagiarism. Like stealing the stories of Joseph or the roles of personage known as Michael and Blatantly reusing the stories of Bel (found in predated tablets). I'm assuming you are a JW by your 144,000 comment when I say this is why your sect thinks this compiled Jesus figure is Michael. No matter how much you seperate yourself from the accuser & adversary Rome you are still borrowing it's reinvention of history and it's compiled image of a man called Jesus. You are still borrowing it's preference for the son of the Harlot Mary over the other christs in your mesh of christs in the stories while placing that created image over the one your sect admits is the BIBLICAL MOSHIACH NAMED MICHAEL. Which now answers your next mistaken assumption:

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

By your notion you rejected God by taking his word that Michael was
the HaSheva (redeemer) not Jim, not Joe, not Jesus. Names don't change, they are set in stone named in the Torah portions like the Miketz and Shevitz,
the Bible (Mikra), the Temple (Mikdash),
the 7th(Sheva) day in REMEMBERANCE OF THE NAME, HAVING HaShem (the name)
in his name. None which name Jesus.
Therefore you made the gravest mistake;
not to fall for and with the first fallen imposyer messiah, as you said false prophet that Rome would sell the one world religion on by combining all cultures myths into one compilation figure (image of a man). You call Rome the false prophet to protect yourself from the fact they are the empire selling the false prophet, every preacher teaches this, because they refuse to recognize Christianity was that one world religion, that already occured and was occuring in John of Patmos day thus speaking present tense not future tense.
To say they never wrote anything is innacurate, the apostles never wrotexthe texts they are named after.
Books written 60-120ad
Constantine (vast library who studied many cultures beliefs) decided on divinity & other nonsense while Eusebius the great liar and forger did rewrites of the text compiled) including the out of context add in to later copies of Josephus.

Jesus the created compiled character was made the first and fallen warned about messiah deemed Lucifer-Rev 22:16.
We Jews rejected Lucifer, you the 1/3 fell with the deception which is why it is by the Jews and through the HaSheva that you will be HaShev.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74

They claim him the light of the world.
His Hanotzrim cult believed their god to be that mystical light between the sun and the earth hence all the physical light references in the NT And By the followers of John who survived as Mandeans.
The religion says their lord came to Paul and Constantine
as a Phosphorus/Luciferous light saying it's name was Jesus.
They say At the end of the joke in Rev 22:16 that Jesus is admiting being the bright morning star which was the symbol of Lucifer and his fall & Nemesis of the Evening Star (Michael) and the God of Israel named in the holy city of YeruShalem.
Morning Star was the son of Baal, the mythology used to create the Jesus character, the b-day and sun cross and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
Furthermore ni one else can be claimed the fallen son of perdition because Jesus came before them and fell as well as fulfilling the fallen one in Ezekiel 28 who'd fall by the hands of Rome (sea) for claiming to be a god.
Lucifer is called the image of a man claimed the anointed
(christ) cherub (guardian in Hebrew is Nazarei) thus called a Nazarene (guardian of the nt). Only prophet ever called anointed cherub
and perfect - Ezekiel 28:14-15
was this image of a man called Jesus, thus only he can be deemed son of perdition aka lucifer aka morning star (fallen arc of venus symbolising his fall).

If it claims to be a god, breaks all 10 commands leads people to an idol away from God and does so through killing over 50 million and thousands of wars then don't blame the tanakh for it warned you about the imposter and made it clear who the shiloh was, enough that your own sect knows it's Michael who is the Shiloh, and who do I expose the iniquities of &
overturn but the false Prophet aka Lucifer.
Your sect gets that if the imposter messiah is a fallen arch (top) angel (messenger-prophet-reflection) then the Archangel (top reflection prophet messenger) Michael must be the actual one (Moshiach)who's right it is that was stolen by the false one.
However other sects don't get that, because they made mythical entities by going against the word (and warnings not to) in anthropromorphizing the term
arch Malakh.
Therefore they do not know me, they only know a fantasy portrait based on their falling away. Build the Temple and they will finally see and know Moshiach and the Messianic age.
I know I cant convince someone who is already fooled by Satan, so I'm not gonna try.

I do know, that every knee will bend and every head will bow, and everyone, that is alive and everyone that is dead, will proclaim Jesus as Lord on the day He returns. And then you will poop yourself, and beg for mercy.

You can't spend forever!
Nascar, it has nothing to do with sharing our God the resentment is in the reinvention, abuse and insult to our faith and intelligence, then slaying us for not partaking of the swine Rome created.

Did Southpark upset you when they said all nascar fans and drivers are stupid?
South Park: Poor and Stupid
Dumber they are the better the driver?
Rome thought this of their servants, the dumber the fish the easier to hook line and sinker and get them to do things for them.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.

You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation. No Catholic will believe this, but, the truth is there, if they will just look.

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

Your people made it easy for the enemy to control the Roman Catholic church, and set them against you.

If my beliefs are right, then there will be 144,000 of your people being called to preach the Gospel at the most dangerous time in earth's history. And a number greater than the sands on the seashore will be counted as God's due to those 144,000. However, that remnant of Israel will suffer greatly before that call, and not one of them shall be spared some suffering.

I am but a messenger, and a servant. And the remnant of those days shall not be harmed. No one shall be able to kill them, or stop their work.

If it wasn't for Rome you would not have the NT.

The New Testament was written long before the Catholic Church existed. Christians already recognized these writings as the word of God. All the Catholic Church did was to recognize this fact.

They made it the legal religion of their empire, and put the writings together. Without that Christianity would of fizzled out.
They murdered thousands in the name of God, do you think God has forgotten this?

Don't be that naïve.
So you admit they crucified Lucifer then right?
Since that is the warning of the son if perdition would be the image of a man arrogantly called perfect until we saw the iniquities in that bogus image.
Listen most Christians admit the RCC fabricated Mary's immaculate image, so any avoidance to admit this was done with Jesus is pure denial and proof this is a classoc case of idol worship to it's highest degree.
Source:Ezekiel 28 14-15 Lucifer is called
Anointed(christ) Cherub(guardian-in Hebrew is Nazarene) deemed perfect.
Nascar, it has nothing to do with sharing our God the resentment is in the reinvention, abuse and insult to our faith and intelligence, then slaying us for not partaking of the swine Rome created.

Did Southpark upset you when they said all nascar fans and drivers are stupid?
South Park: Poor and Stupid
Dumber they are the better the driver?
Rome thought this of their servants, the dumber the fish the easier to hook line and sinker and get them to do things for them.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.

You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation. No Catholic will believe this, but, the truth is there, if they will just look.

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

Your people made it easy for the enemy to control the Roman Catholic church, and set them against you.

If my beliefs are right, then there will be 144,000 of your people being called to preach the Gospel at the most dangerous time in earth's history. And a number greater than the sands on the seashore will be counted as God's due to those 144,000. However, that remnant of Israel will suffer greatly before that call, and not one of them shall be spared some suffering.

I am but a messenger, and a servant. And the remnant of those days shall not be harmed. No one shall be able to kill them, or stop their work.

If it wasn't for Rome you would not have the NT.

The New Testament was written long before the Catholic Church existed. Christians already recognized these writings as the word of God. All the Catholic Church did was to recognize this fact.

They made it the legal religion of their empire, and put the writings together. Without that Christianity would of fizzled out.

The way I see it Christianity fizzled out and its secret teachings were lost to time when it was assimilated and perverted by the Roman empire into something completely foreign to Jewish thought and belief.
I would hope it is foreign to Jewish thought and belief. How many times did the Jews show disobedience?

I mean, it's raining manna from Heaven, and you have to make a golden calf.

I can't help it that God got tired of having to wipe their asses for them. Yeah, that's blunt, but that's pretty much it. How many years are you going to wipe your kid's but before you make them start doing it themselves. God didn't disown Israel, He just adopted the gentiles.

Nascar, it has nothing to do with sharing our God the resentment is in the reinvention, abuse and insult to our faith and intelligence, then slaying us for not partaking of the swine Rome created.

Did Southpark upset you when they said all nascar fans and drivers are stupid?
South Park: Poor and Stupid
Dumber they are the better the driver?
Rome thought this of their servants, the dumber the fish the easier to hook line and sinker and get them to do things for them.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.

You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation. No Catholic will believe this, but, the truth is there, if they will just look.

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

Your people made it easy for the enemy to control the Roman Catholic church, and set them against you.

If my beliefs are right, then there will be 144,000 of your people being called to preach the Gospel at the most dangerous time in earth's history. And a number greater than the sands on the seashore will be counted as God's due to those 144,000. However, that remnant of Israel will suffer greatly before that call, and not one of them shall be spared some suffering.

I am but a messenger, and a servant. And the remnant of those days shall not be harmed. No one shall be able to kill them, or stop their work.

If it wasn't for Rome you would not have the NT.

The New Testament was written long before the Catholic Church existed. Christians already recognized these writings as the word of God. All the Catholic Church did was to recognize this fact.

They made it the legal religion of their empire, and put the writings together. Without that Christianity would of fizzled out.
They murdered thousands in the name of God, do you think God has forgotten this?

Don't be that naïve.

No they didn't . Read about the Kitos war. Rome was a great empire, and they wanted peace. Also if you believe the OT, they committed genocide on millions.
We get angry at lukewarm Christian pretenders, who claim to know Jesus
A Muslim would say the exact same thing.
Muslim's kill, Christians feed the hungry.

Muslim's kill, Christians house the homeless

Muslim's kill, Christians comfort the sick, with all kinds of programs.

notice a trend here? No, you probably don't.

Lukewarm Christians wont get off their ass and do a damn thing, except bitch about homosexuals, abortion, and religious freedom...A true Christian, puts actions with their words, and not political actions, but actions helping others, no matter what the other person believes or what color they are, or if they are a man wanting to be a woman.

A true Christian is blind when it comes to those needing help, they see a child of God, and it is their responsibility to help them.


Would you think of the US as a Christian nation with Christian leaders?
I think what some are eluding to is that the texts in some form existed prior to Constantine and Eusebius forging their own twist. The topic and question on those people's minds should then be:
Who created the stories, combined the tales of many and who gathered the texts before Constantine did his number.
Since stories passed down the line many years after events in an age of poor communication can caused confused and converged characters especially those with shared names and titles, then was the convergence before Constantine's compilation done by accident or by design?
And if by design was it Nero or was it Appolonias of Tyana (Pol) who had a vast library and who was used for the story of Paul? Experts say the original gospels were created using a central source Called Q, written by a woman. Could people ever know what is historical if at all and which story belongs to which actual figure?
In some ways yes, I proved you can compare the historical knowledge of the many failed christs and the historical figures tied to those stories and thus some stories can be assumed attached to those actual figures, and the rest pretty much can be outted as outright plagiarism when compared to the verses or characters of the Bible that they were snatched from.
In conclusion this process proves Jesus isn't real, the figures used for his image only fool people into thinking he existed but breaking down those figures are such small fractions of the Illusion that no single figure is prominant enough to ever dare claim Jesus based on a singular historical figure.

Example of this conclusion:
Knowing the History of Yeshu son of the Harlot Mary of 100bc. and the historical figures Like king Jannaeus and his wife Salome to date the character to the 100bc era. The widows mite coin story in the NT is a Jannaeus era coin, Yeshu was "hanged" at passover the NT says hanged at passover. So rare is sentencing on high holidays that this has to be the basis for portions of the Jesus character making John of Patmos right in labeling RCC the Harlot church for favoring the Harlot's son over the Later Galilean and Jordan river figures. Probably because Yeshu was half Roman (father was a soldier named Panderas) and he taught mystical physical light teachings (sun worship) and Egyptian underworld mysticsm (Greek death cult of hades) perfect for combining the HaNotzrim cult with the pantheon of mystery sun worship religions.

MORE evidence seen in claiming Jesus in the time of Herod (died 4bc)and Lysanias (died 35 bc). Yet living in AD era with martyred apostles and Pilate.

Sources for Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc
following excerpt is from the book:"Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?"by John Blanchard
The mother of Hyrcanus, Salomè, in spite of her being called by another name, showed favour to Jehoshua and his teaching; that she was a witness of his wonderful works and powers of healing, and tried to save him from the hands of his sacerdotal enemies, because he was related to her;
John was son of Hyrcanus and was despised by the Pharisee, notice this means there is proof of they do connect.

Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in ACTS.interestingly the early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus.

Yehuda of Galilee and Theudas by the Jordan is in Josephus books and book of Acts, but the NT suspiciously twists & mistakens the sequence of their existance and death to throw people off the historical truth.

Source Baal:
Baal passion play
"Christianity Before Christ" by John G. Jackson, 1985,
pp. 43-46.
(A) Arthur Findlay's report of the translation by a
Professor H. Zimmern, in German, of an ancient tablet
which Jackson reports (citing Findlay) as Babylonian
dating back to circa 2000 BC now in the British
Museum in which the Babylonian myth of Bel (Baal in
Hebrew) is described in a passion play in which:
(1) Bel is taken prisoner;
(2) Bel is tried in a great hall;
(3) Bel is smitten;
(4) Bel is led away to the Mount (a sacred grove on a
(5) with Bel are taken two malefactors, one of whom is
(6) After Bel has gone to the Mount and is executed,
the city breaks into tumult;
(7) Bel's clothes are carried away;
(8.) Bel goes down into the Mount and disappears from
(9) weeping women seek Bel at the Tomb;
(10) Bel is brought back to life.

Jesus fulfilled 355 Scriptures from the Old Testament.


1. Gen. 3:15 Seed of a woman (virgin birth) Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18
2. Gen. 3:15 He will bruise Satan's head Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8
3. Gen. 3:15 Christ's heel would be bruised with nails on the cross Matthew 27:35, Luke 24:39-40
4. Gen. 5:24 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Mark 16:19, Rev. 12:5
5. Gen. 9:26, 27 The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem Luke 3:23-36
6. Gen. 12:3 Seed of Abraham will bless all nations Galatians 3:8, Acts 3:25, 26
7. Gen. 12:7 The Promise made to Abraham's Seed Galatians 3:16
8. Gen. 14:18 A priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 6:20
9. Gen. 14:18 King of Peace and Righteousness Hebrews 7:2
10. Gen. 14:18 The Last Supper foreshadowed Matthew 26:26-29
11. Gen. 17:19 Seed of Isaac (Gen. 21:12) Romans 9:7
12. Gen. 22:8 The Lamb of God promised John 1:29
13. Gen. 22:18 As Isaac's seed, will bless all nations Galatians 3:16
14. Gen. 26:2-5 The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer Hebrews 11:18
15. Gen. 28:12 The Bridge to heaven John 1:51
16. Gen. 28:14 The Seed of Jacob Luke 3:34
17. Gen. 49:10 The time of His coming Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4
18. Gen. 49:10 The Seed of Judah Luke 3:33
19. Gen. 49:10 Called Shiloh or One Sent John 17:3
20. Gen. 49:10 Messiah to come before Judah lost identity John 11:47-52
21. Gen. 49:10 Unto Him shall the obedience of the people be John 10:16
22. Ex. 3:13-15 The Great "I AM" John 4:26, 8:58
23. Ex. 12:3-6 The Lamb presented to Israel 4 days before Passover Mark 11:7-11
24. Ex. 12:5 A Lamb without blemish Hebrews 9:14; 1Peter 1:19
25. Ex. 12:13 The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath Romans 5:8
26. Ex. 12:21-27 Christ is our Passover 1Corinthians 5:7
27. Ex. 12:46 Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken John 19:31-36
28. Ex. 15:2 His exaltation predicted as Yeshua Acts 7:55, 56
29. Ex. 15:11 His Character-Holiness Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27
30. Ex. 17:6 The Spiritual Rock of Israel 1Corinthians 10:4
31. Ex. 33:19 His Character-Merciful Luke 1:72
32. Lev. 1:2-9 His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto God Ephesians 5:2
33. Lev. 14:11 The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood Luke 5:12-14; Acts 6:7
34. Lev. 16:15-17 Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death Hebrews 9:7-14
35. Lev. 16:27 Suffering outside the Camp Matthew 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12
36. Lev. 17:11 The Blood-the life of the flesh Matthew 26:28; Mark 10:45
37. Lev. 17:11 It is the blood that makes atonement Rom. 3:23-24; 1John 1:7
38. Lev. 23:36-37 The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst" John 7:37
39. Num. 9:12 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
40. Num. 21:9 The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up John 3:14-18, 12:32
41. Num. 24:17 Time: "I shall see him, but not now." John 1:14; Galatians 4:4
42. Deut. 18:15 "This is of a truth that prophet." John 6:14
43. Deut. 18:15-16 "Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me." John 5:45-47
44. Deut. 18:18 Sent by the Father to speak His word John 8:28, 29
45. Deut. 18:19 Whoever will not hear must bear his sin Acts 3:22-23
46. Deut. 21:23 Cursed is he that hangs on a tree Galatians 3:10-13
47. Joshua 5:14-15 The Captain of our salvation Hebrews 2:10
48. Ruth 4:4-10 Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us Ephesians 1:3-7
49. 1 Sam. 2:35 A Faithful Priest Heb. 2:17, 3:1-3, 6, 7:24-25
50. 1 Sam. 2:10 Shall be an anointed King to the Lord Mt. 28:18, John 12:15
51. 2 Sam. 7:12 David's Seed Matthew 1:1
52. 2 Sam. 7:13 His Kingdom is everlasting 2Peter 1:11
53. 2 Sam. 7:14a The Son of God Luke 1:32, Romans 1:3-4
54. 2 Sam. 7:16 David's house established forever Luke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
55. 2 Ki. 2:11 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Luke 24:51
56. 1 Chr. 17:11 David's Seed Matthew 1:1, 9:27
57. 1 Chr. 17:12-13 To reign on David's throne forever Luke 1:32, 33
58. 1 Chr. 17:13 "I will be His Father, Son." Hebrews 1:5
59. Job 9:32-33 Mediator between man and God 1 Timothy 2:5
60. Job 19:23-27 The Resurrection predicted John 5:24-29
61. Psa. 2:1-3 The enmity of kings foreordained Acts 4:25-28
62. Psa. 2:2 To own the title, Anointed (Christ) John 1:41, Acts 2:36
63. Psa. 2:6 His Character-Holiness John 8:46; Revelation 3:7
64. Psa. 2:6 To own the title King Matthew 2:2
65. Psa. 2:7 Declared the Beloved Son Matthew 3:17, Romans 1:4
66. Psa. 2:7, 8 The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated Acts 13:29-33
67. Psa. 2:8, 9 Rule the nations with a rod of iron Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15
68. Psa. 2:12 Life comes through faith in Him John 20:31
69. Psa. 8:2 The mouths of babes perfect His praise Matthew 21:16
70. Psa. 8:5, 6 His humiliation and exaltation Hebrews 2:5-9
71. Psa. 9:7-10 Judge the world in righteousness Acts 17:31
72. Psa. 16:10 Was not to see corruption Acts 2:31, 13:35
73. Psa. 16:9-11 Was to arise from the dead John 20:9
74. Psa. 17:15 The resurrection predicted Luke 24:6
75. Psa. 18:2-3 The horn of salvation Luke 1:69-71
76. Psa. 22:1 Forsaken because of sins of others 2 Corinthians 5:21
77. Psa. 22:1 "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46
78. Psa. 22:2 Darkness upon Calvary for three hours Matthew 27:45
79. Psa. 22:7 They shoot out the lip and shake the head Matthew 27:39-44
80. Psa. 22:8 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him" Matthew 27:43
81. Psa. 22:9-10 Born the Saviour Luke 2:7
82. Psa. 22:12-13 They seek His death John 19:6
83. Psa. 22:14 His blood poured out when they pierced His side John 19:34
84. Psa. 22:14, 15 Suffered agony on Calvary Mark 15:34-37
85. Psa. 22:15 He thirsted John 19:28
86. Psa. 22:16 They pierced His hands and His feet John 19:34, 37; 20:27
87. Psa. 22:17, 18 Stripped Him before the stares of men Luke 23:34, 35
88. Psa. 22:18 They parted His garments John 19:23, 24
89. Psa. 22:20, 21 He committed Himself to God Luke 23:46
90. Psa. 22:20, 21 Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel Hebrews 2:14
91. Psa. 22:22 His Resurrection declared John 20:17
92. Psa. 22:27-28 He shall be the governor of the nations Colossians 1:16
93. Psa. 22:31 "It is finished" John 19:30, Heb. 10:10, 12, 14, 18
94. Psa. 23:1 "I am the Good Shepherd" John 10:11, 1Peter 2:25
95. Psa. 24:3 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Philippians 2:9
96. Psa. 30:3 His resurrection predicted Acts 2:32
97. Psa. 31:5 "Into thy hands I commit my spirit" Luke 23:46
98. Psa. 31:11 His acquaintances fled from Him Mark 14:50
99. Psa. 31:13 They took counsel to put Him to death Mt. 27:1, John 11:53
100. Psa. 31:14, 15 "He trusted in God, let Him deliver him" Matthew 27:43
101. Psa. 34:20 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
102. Psa. 35:11 False witnesses rose up against Him Matthew 26:59
103. Psa. 35:19 He was hated without a cause John 15:25
104. Psa. 38:11 His friends stood afar off Luke 23:49
105. Psa. 38:12 Enemies try to entangle Him by craft Mark 14:1, Mt. 22:15
106. Psa. 38:12-13 Silent before His accusers Matthew 27:12-14
107. Psa. 38:20 He went about doing good Acts 10:38
108. Psa. 40:2-5 The joy of His resurrection predicted John 20:20
109. Psa. 40:6-8 His delight-the will of the Father John 4:34, Heb. 10:5-10
110. Psa. 40:9 He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel Matthew 4:17
111. Psa. 40:14 Confronted by adversaries in the Garden John 18:4-6
112. Psa. 41:9 Betrayed by a familiar friend John 13:18
113. Psa. 45:2 Words of Grace come from His lips John 1:17, Luke 4:22
114. Psa. 45:6 To own the title, God or Elohim Hebrews 1:8
115. Psa. 45:7 A special anointing by the Holy Spirit Mt. 3:16; Heb. 1:9
116. Psa. 45:7, 8 Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed) Luke 2:11
117. Psa. 45:17 His name remembered forever Ephesians 1:20-21, Heb. 1:8
118. Psa. 55:12-14 Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy John 13:18
119. Psa. 55:15 Unrepentant death of the Betrayer Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
120. Psa. 68:18 To give gifts to men Ephesians 4:7-16
121. Psa. 68:18 Ascended into Heaven Luke 24:51
122. Psa. 69:4 Hated without a cause John 15:25
123. Psa. 69:8 A stranger to own brethren John 1:11, 7:5
124. Psa. 69:9 Zealous for the Lord's House John 2:17
125. Psa. 69:14-20 Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion Matthew 26:36-45
126. Psa. 69:20 "My soul is exceeding sorrowful." Matthew 26:38
127. Psa. 69:21 Given vinegar in thirst Matthew 27:34
128. Psa. 69:26 The Saviour given and smitten by God John 17:4; 18:11
129. Psa. 72:10, 11 Great persons were to visit Him Matthew 2:1-11
130. Psa. 72:16 The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground John 12:24-25
131. Psa. 72:17 Belief on His name will produce offspring John 1:12, 13
132. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall be blessed by Him Galatians 3:8
133. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall call Him blessed John 12:13, Rev. 5:8-12
134. Psa. 78:1-2 He would teach in parables Matthew 13:34-35
135. Psa. 78:2b To speak the Wisdom of God with authority Matthew 7:29
136. Psa. 80:17 The Man of God's right hand Mark 14:61-62
137. Psa. 88 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary Matthew 27:26-50
138. Psa. 88:8 They stood afar off and watched Luke 23:49
139. Psa. 89:27 Firstborn Colossians 1:15, 18
140. Psa. 89:27 Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings Luke 1:32, 33
141. Psa. 89:35-37 David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever Luke 1:32, 33
142. Psa. 89:36-37 His character-Faithfulness Revelation 1:5, 19:11
143. Psa. 90:2 He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2) John 1:1
144. Psa. 91:11, 12 Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ Luke 4:10, 11
145. Psa. 97:9 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Ephesians 1:20
146. Psa. 100:5 His character-Goodness Matthew 19:16, 17
147. Psa. 102:1-11 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary John 19:16-30
148. Psa. 102:25-27 Messiah is the Preexistent Son Hebrews 1:10-12
149. Psa. 109:25 Ridiculed Matthew 27:39
150. Psa. 110:1 Son of David Matthew 22:42-43
151. Psa. 110:1 To ascend to the right-hand of the Father Mark 16:19
152. Psa. 110:1 David's son called Lord Matthew 22:44, 45
153. Psa. 110:4 A priest after Melchizedek's order Hebrews 6:20
154. Psa. 112:4 His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al Matthew 9:36
155. Psa. 118:17, 18 Messiah's Resurrection assured Luke 24:5-7; 1Cor. 15:20
156. Psa. 118:22, 23 The rejected stone is Head of the corner Matthew 21:42, 43
157. Psa. 118:26a The Blessed One presented to Israel Matthew 21:9
158. Psa. 118:26b To come while Temple standing Matthew 21:12-15
159. Psa. 132:11 The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body) Luke 1:32, Act 2:30
160. Psa. 129:3 He was scourged Matthew 27:26
161. Psa. 138:1-6 The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings Matthew 2:2-6
162. Psa. 147:3, 6 The earthly ministry of Christ described Luke 4:18
163. Prov. 1:23 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7
164. Prov. 8:23 Foreordained from everlasting Rev. 13:8, 1Peter 1:19-20
165. Song. 5:16 The altogether lovely One John 1:17
166. Isa. 2:3 He shall teach all nations John 4:25
167. Isa. 2:4 He shall judge among the nations John 5:22
168. Isa. 6:1 When Isaiah saw His glory John 12:40-41
169. Isa. 6:8 The One Sent by God John 12:38-45
170. Isa. 6:9-10 Parables fall on deaf ears Matthew 13:13-15
171. Isa. 6:9-12 Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words Acts 28:23-29
172. Isa. 7:14 To be born of a virgin Luke 1:35
173. Isa. 7:14 To be Emmanuel-God with us Matthew 1:18-23, 1Tim. 3:16
174. Isa. 8:8 Called Emmanuel Matthew 28:20
175. Isa. 8:14 A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense 1Peter 2:8
176. Isa. 9:1, 2 His ministry to begin in Galilee Matthew 4:12-17
177. Isa. 9:6 A child born-Humanity Luke 1:31
178. Isa. 9:6 A Son given-Deity Luke 1:32, John 1:14, 1Tim. 3:16
179. Isa. 9:6 Declared to be the Son of God with power Romans 1:3, 4
180. Isa. 9:6 The Wonderful One, Peleh Luke 4:22
181. Isa. 9:6 The Counsellor, Yaatz Matthew 13:54
182. Isa. 9:6 The Mighty God, El Gibor 1Cor. 1:24, Titus 2:3
183. Isa. 9:6 The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth John 8:58, 10:30
184. Isa. 9:6 The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom John 16:33
185. Isa. 9:7 To establish an everlasting kingdom Luke 1:32-33
186. Isa. 9:7 His Character-Just John 5:30
187. Isa. 9:7 No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace Luke 1:32-33
188. Isa. 11:1 Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer Matthew 2:23
189. Isa. 11:1 A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse Luke 3:23, 32
190. Isa. 11:2 Anointed One by the Spirit Matthew 3:16, 17, Acts 10:38
191. Isa. 11:2 His Character-Wisdom, Knowledge, et al Colossians 2:3
192. Isa. 11:3 He would know their thoughts Luke 6:8, John 2:25
193. Isa. 11:4 Judge in righteousness Acts 17:31
194. Isa. 11:4 Judges with the sword of His mouth Rev. 2:16, 19:11, 15
195. Isa. 11:5 Character: Righteous & Faithful Rev. 19:11
196. Isa. 11:10 The Gentiles seek Him John 12:18-21
197. Isa. 12:2 Called Jesus-Yeshua Matthew 1:21
198. Isa. 22:22 The One given all authority to govern Revelation 3:7
199. Isa. 25:8 The Resurrection predicted 1Corinthians 15:54
200. Isa. 26:19 His power of Resurrection predicted Matthew 27:50-54
201. Isa. 28:16 The Messiah is the precious corner stone Acts 4:11, 12
202. Isa. 28:16 The Sure Foundation 1Corinthians 3:11, Mt. 16:18
203. Isa. 29:13 He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word Matthew 15:7-9
204. Isa. 29:14 The wise are confounded by the Word 1Corinthians 1:18-31
205. Isa. 32:2 A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place Matthew 23:37
206. Isa. 35:4 He will come and save you Matthew 1:21
207. Isa. 35:5-6 To have a ministry of miracles Matthew 11:2-6
208. Isa. 40:3, 4 Preceded by forerunner John 1:23
209. Isa. 40:9 "Behold your God." John 1:36; 19:14
210. Isa. 40:10. He will come to reward Revelation 22:12
211. Isa. 40:11 A shepherd-compassionate life-giver John 10:10-18
212. Isa. 42:1-4 The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer Matthew 12:18-21
213. Isa. 42:2 Meek and lowly Matthew 11:28-30
214. Isa. 42:3 He brings hope for the hopeless John 4
215. Isa. 42:4 The nations shall wait on His teachings John 12:20-26
216. Isa. 42:6 The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles Luke 2:32
217. Isa. 42:1, 6 His is a worldwide compassion Matthew 28:19, 20
218. Isa. 42:7 Blind eyes opened. John 9:25-38
219. Isa. 43:11 He is the only Saviour. Acts 4:12
220. Isa. 44:3 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7, 13
221. Isa. 45:21-25 He is Lord and Saviour Philippians 3:20, Titus 2:13
222. Isa. 45:23 He will be the Judge John 5:22; Romans 14:11
223. Isa. 46:9, 10 Declares things not yet done John 13:19
224. Isa. 48:12 The First and the Last John 1:30, Revelation 1:8, 17
225. Isa. 48:16, 17 He came as a Teacher John 3:2
226. Isa. 49:1 Called from the womb-His humanity Matthew 1:18
227. Isa. 49:5 A Servant from the womb. Luke 1:31, Philippians 2:7
228. Isa. 49:6 He will restore Israel Acts 3:19-21, 15:16-17
229. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation for Israel Luke 2:29-32
230. Isa. 49:6 He is the Light of the Gentiles John 8:12, Acts 13:47
231. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth Acts 15:7-18
232. Isa. 49:7 He is despised of the Nation John 1:11, 8:48-49, 19:14-15
233. Isa. 50:3 Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation Luke 23:44, 45
234. Isa. 50:4 He is a learned counselor for the weary Matthew 7:29, 11:28, 29
235. Isa. 50:5 The Servant bound willingly to obedience Matthew 26:39
236. Isa. 50:6a "I gave my back to the smiters." Matthew 27:26
237. Isa. 50:6b He was smitten on the cheeks Matthew 26:67
238. Isa. 50:6c He was spat upon Matthew 27:30
239. Isa. 52:7 Published good tidings upon mountains Matthew 5:12,15:29,28:16
240. Isa. 52:13 The Servant exalted Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22, Php. 2:5-9
241. Isa. 52:14 The Servant shockingly abused Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
242. Isa. 52:15 Nations startled by message of the Servant Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
243. Isa. 52:15 His blood shed sprinkles nations Hebrews 9:13-14, Rev. 1:5
244. Isa. 53:1 His people would not believe Him John 12:37-38
245. Isa. 53:2 Appearance of an ordinary man Philippians 2:6-8
246. Isa. 53:3a Despised Luke 4:28-29
247. Isa. 53:3b Rejected Matthew 27:21-23
248. Isa. 53:3c Great sorrow and grief Matthew 26:37-38, Luke 19:41, Heb. 4:15
249. Isa. 53:3d Men hide from being associated with Him Mark 14:50-52
250. Isa. 53:4a He would have a healing ministry Matthew 8:16-17
251. Isa. 53:4b Thought to be cursed by God Matthew 26:66, 27:41-43
252. Isa. 53:5a Bears penalty for mankind's iniquities 2Cor. 5:21, Heb. 2:9
253. Isa. 53:5b His sacrifice provides peace between man and God Colossians 1:20
254. Isa. 53:5c His sacrifice would heal man of sin 1Peter 2:24
255. Isa. 53:6a He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind 1John 2:2, 4:10
256. Isa. 53:6b God's will that He bear sin for all mankind Galatians 1:4
257. Isa. 53:7a Oppressed and afflicted Matthew 27:27-31
258. Isa. 53:7b Silent before his accusers Matthew 27:12-14
259. Isa. 53:7c Sacrificial lamb John 1:29, 1Peter 1:18-19
260. Isa. 53:8a Confined and persecuted Matthew 26:47-27:31
261. Isa. 53:8b He would be judged John 18:13-22
262. Isa. 53:8c Killed Matthew 27:35
263. Isa. 53:8d Dies for the sins of the world 1John 2:2
264. Isa. 53:9a Buried in a rich man's grave Matthew 27:57
265. Isa. 53:9b Innocent and had done no violence Luke 23:41, John 18:38
266. Isa. 53:9c No deceit in his mouth 1Peter 2:22
267. Isa. 53:10a God's will that He die for mankind John 18:11
268. Isa. 53:10b An offering for sin Matthew 20:28, Galatians 3:13
269. Isa. 53:10c Resurrected and live forever Romans 6:9
270. Isa. 53:10d He would prosper John 17:1-5
271. Isa. 53:11a God fully satisfied with His suffering John 12:27
272. Isa. 53:11b God's servant would justify man Romans 5:8-9, 18-19
273. Isa. 53:11c The sin-bearer for all mankind Hebrews 9:28
274. Isa. 53:12a Exalted by God because of his sacrifice Matthew 28:18
275. Isa. 53:12b He would give up his life to save mankind Luke 23:46
276. Isa. 53:12c Numbered with the transgressors Mark 15:27-28
277. Isa. 53:12d Sin-bearer for all mankind 1Peter 2:24
278. Isa. 53:12e Intercede to God in behalf of mankind Luke 23:34, Rom. 8:34
279. Isa. 55:3 Resurrected by God Acts 13:34
280. Isa. 55:4a A witness John 18:37
281. Isa. 55:4b He is a leader and commander Hebrews 2:10
282. Isa. 55:5 God would glorify Him Acts 3:13
283. Isa. 59:16a Intercessor between man and God Matthew 10:32
284. Isa. 59:16b He would come to provide salvation John 6:40
285. Isa. 59:20 He would come to Zion as their Redeemer Luke 2:38
286. Isa. 60:1-3 He would shew light to the Gentiles Acts 26:23
287. Isa. 61:1a The Spirit of God upon him Matthew 3:16-17
288. Isa. 61:1b The Messiah would preach the good news Luke 4:16-21
289. Isa. 61:1c Provide freedom from the bondage of sin John 8:31-36
290. Isa. 61:1-2a Proclaim a period of grace Galatians 4:4-5
291. Jer. 11:21 Conspiracy to kill Jesus John 7:1, Matthew 21:28
292. Jer. 23:5-6 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
293. Jer. 23:5-6 The Messiah would be both God and Man John 13:13, 1Ti 3:16
294. Jer. 31:22 Born of a virgin Matthew 1:18-20
295. Jer. 31:31 The Messiah would be the new covenant Matthew 26:28
296. Jer. 33:14-15 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
297. Eze.34:23-24 Descendant of David Matthew 1:1
298. Eze.37:24-25 Descendant of David Luke 1:31-33
299. Dan. 2:44-45 The Stone that shall break the kingdoms Matthew 21:44
300. Dan. 7:13-14a He would ascend into heaven Acts 1:9-11
301. Dan. 7:13-14b Highly exalted Ephesians 1:20-22
302. Dan. 7:13-14c His dominion would be everlasting Luke 1:31-33
303. Dan. 9:24a To make an end to sins Galatians 1:3-5
304. Dan. 9:24a To make reconciliation for iniquity Romans 5:10, 2Cor. 5:18-21
305. Dan. 9:24b He would be holy Luke 1:35
306. Dan. 9:25 His announcement John 12:12-13
307. Dan. 9:26a Cut off Matthew 16:21, 21:38-39
308. Dan. 9:26b Die for the sins of the world Hebrews 2:9
309. Dan. 9:26c Killed before the destruction of the temple Matthew 27:50-51
310. Dan. 10:5-6 Messiah in a glorified state Revelation 1:13-16
311. Hos. 11:1 He would be called out of Egypt Matthew 2:15
312. Hos. 13:14 He would defeat death 1Corinthians 15:55-57
313. Joel 2:32 Offer salvation to all mankind Romans 10:9-13
314. Jonah 1:17 Death and resurrection of Christ Matthew 12:40, 16:4
315. Mic. 5:2a Born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1-6
316. Mic. 5:2b Ruler in Israel Luke 1:33
317. Mic. 5:2c From everlasting John 8:58
318. Hag. 2:6-9 He would visit the second Temple Luke 2:27-32
319. Hag. 2:23 Descendant of Zerubbabel Luke 2:27-32
320. Zech. 3:8 God's servant John 17:4
321. Zech. 6:12-13 Priest and King Hebrews 8:1
322. Zech. 9:9a Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem Matthew 21:8-10
323. Zech. 9:9b Beheld as King John 12:12-13
324. Zech. 9:9c The Messiah would be just John 5:30
325. Zech. 9:9d The Messiah would bring salvation Luke 19:10
326. Zech. 9:9e The Messiah would be humble Matthew 11:29
327. Zech. 9:9f Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey Matthew 21:6-9
328. Zech. 10:4 The cornerstone Ephesians 2:20
329. Zech. 11:4-6a At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders Matthew 23:1-4
330. Zech. 11:4-6b Rejection causes God to remove His protection Luke 19:41-44
331. Zech. 11:4-6c Rejected in favor of another king John 19:13-15
332. Zech. 11:7 Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant Matthew 9:35-36
333. Zech. 11:8a Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them Matthew 23:33
334. Zech. 11:8b Despised Matthew 27:20
335. Zech. 11:9 Stops ministering to those who rejected Him Matthew 13:10-11
336. Zech. 11:10-11a Rejection causes God to remove protection Luke 19:41-44
337. Zech. 11:10-11b The Messiah would be God John 14:7
338. Zech. 11:12-13a Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver Matthew 26:14-15
339. Zech. 11:12-13b Rejected Matthew 26:14-15
340. Zech. 11:12-13c Thirty pieces of silver cast in the house of the Lord Matthew 27:3-5
341. Zech. 11:12-13d The Messiah would be God John 12:45
342. Zech. 12:10a The Messiah's body would be pierced John 19:34-37
343. Zech. 12:10b The Messiah would be both God and man John 10:30
344. Zech. 12:10c The Messiah would be rejected John 1:11
345. Zech. 13:7a God's will He die for mankind John 18:11
346. Zech. 13:7b A violent death Mark 14:27
347. Zech. 13:7c Both God and man John 14:9
348. Zech. 13:7d Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him Matthew 26:31-56
349. Zech. 14:4 He would return to the Mt. of Olives Acts 1:11-12
350. Mal. 3:1a Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah Mark 1:1-8
351. Mal. 3:1b Sudden appearance at the temple Mark 11:15-16
352. Mal. 3:1c Messenger of the new covenant Luke 4:43
353. Mal. 3:6 The God who changes not Hebrews 13:8
354. Mal. 4:5 Forerunner in spirit of Elijah Mt. 3:1-3, 11:10-14, 17:11-13
355. Mal. 4:6 Forerunner would turn many to righteousness Luke 1:16-17

Call Jesus what you will, call His mother what you will, call his followers what you will.



When Enoch and Elijah show up, preach for 3 1/2 years, they can't be killed, except after those 3 1/2 years, they lay in the street for 3 days, and then are raised from the dead and are taken into the sky. YOU STILL WONT BELIEVE.
HaShev I am not Roman, I am not Catholic, Catholic does not equate to Christian.
You should know, 1 person from your faith can corrupt millions, and the Catholic church has fooled millions, and it is the false prophet talked about in Revelation.
The Romans created the compiled stories of the many christ figures, mythical figures, and biblical figures through plagiarism. Like stealing the stories of Joseph or the roles of personage known as Michael and Blatantly reusing the stories of Bel (found in predated tablets). I'm assuming you are a JW by your 144,000 comment when I say this is why your sect thinks this compiled Jesus figure is Michael. No matter how much you seperate yourself from the accuser & adversary Rome you are still borrowing it's reinvention of history and it's compiled image of a man called Jesus. You are still borrowing it's preference for the son of the Harlot Mary over the other christs in your mesh of christs in the stories while placing that created image over the one your sect admits is the BIBLICAL MOSHIACH NAMED MICHAEL. Which now answers your next mistaken assumption:

Your God, sent His Messiah. And like your people did through the entire of the Old Testament, they rejected God. Look at your own history. If your people had been worthy of God to begin with, they never would have questioned Him after the Exodus.

By your notion you rejected God by taking his word that Michael was
the HaSheva (redeemer) not Jim, not Joe, not Jesus. Names don't change, they are set in stone named in the Torah portions like the Miketz and Shevitz,
the Bible (Mikra), the Temple (Mikdash),
the 7th(Sheva) day in REMEMBERANCE OF THE NAME, HAVING HaShem (the name)
in his name. None which name Jesus.
Therefore you made the gravest mistake;
not to fall for and with the first fallen imposyer messiah, as you said false prophet that Rome would sell the one world religion on by combining all cultures myths into one compilation figure (image of a man). You call Rome the false prophet to protect yourself from the fact they are the empire selling the false prophet, every preacher teaches this, because they refuse to recognize Christianity was that one world religion, that already occured and was occuring in John of Patmos day thus speaking present tense not future tense.
To say they never wrote anything is innacurate, the apostles never wrotexthe texts they are named after.
Books written 60-120ad
Constantine (vast library who studied many cultures beliefs) decided on divinity & other nonsense while Eusebius the great liar and forger did rewrites of the text compiled) including the out of context add in to later copies of Josephus.

Jesus the created compiled character was made the first and fallen warned about messiah deemed Lucifer-Rev 22:16.
We Jews rejected Lucifer, you the 1/3 fell with the deception which is why it is by the Jews and through the HaSheva that you will be HaShev.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74

They claim him the light of the world.
His Hanotzrim cult believed their god to be that mystical light between the sun and the earth hence all the physical light references in the NT And By the followers of John who survived as Mandeans.
The religion says their lord came to Paul and Constantine
as a Phosphorus/Luciferous light saying it's name was Jesus.
They say At the end of the joke in Rev 22:16 that Jesus is admiting being the bright morning star which was the symbol of Lucifer and his fall & Nemesis of the Evening Star (Michael) and the God of Israel named in the holy city of YeruShalem.
Morning Star was the son of Baal, the mythology used to create the Jesus character, the b-day and sun cross and harvest seed scam by the priests & todays pastors all Baal related. So in secreting the number of his name father and son as one in the same myth we find:
Baal Jesus=666 in Ascll numerology used to secret numbers from names.
Furthermore ni one else can be claimed the fallen son of perdition because Jesus came before them and fell as well as fulfilling the fallen one in Ezekiel 28 who'd fall by the hands of Rome (sea) for claiming to be a god.
Lucifer is called the image of a man claimed the anointed
(christ) cherub (guardian in Hebrew is Nazarei) thus called a Nazarene (guardian of the nt). Only prophet ever called anointed cherub
and perfect - Ezekiel 28:14-15
was this image of a man called Jesus, thus only he can be deemed son of perdition aka lucifer aka morning star (fallen arc of venus symbolising his fall).

If it claims to be a god, breaks all 10 commands leads people to an idol away from God and does so through killing over 50 million and thousands of wars then don't blame the tanakh for it warned you about the imposter and made it clear who the shiloh was, enough that your own sect knows it's Michael who is the Shiloh, and who do I expose the iniquities of &
overturn but the false Prophet aka Lucifer.
Your sect gets that if the imposter messiah is a fallen arch (top) angel (messenger-prophet-reflection) then the Archangel (top reflection prophet messenger) Michael must be the actual one (Moshiach)who's right it is that was stolen by the false one.
However other sects don't get that, because they made mythical entities by going against the word (and warnings not to) in anthropromorphizing the term
arch Malakh.
Therefore they do not know me, they only know a fantasy portrait based on their falling away. Build the Temple and they will finally see and know Moshiach and the Messianic age.
I know I cant convince someone who is already fooled by Satan, so I'm not gonna try.

I do know, that every knee will bend and every head will bow, and everyone, that is alive and everyone that is dead, will proclaim Jesus as Lord on the day He returns. And then you will poop yourself, and beg for mercy.

You can't spend forever!

Let's review your ad Hominem reply;
1)you called the God of Israel Satan, that exposes you as the Nemesis of God.
Strike one...
2)you did not refute anything.
strike two....
3)Lord on the day He returns.
MAYBE you should stop mentioning my name in relation or it will be you who soils their pants when you get around to reading the Tanakh in Hebrew.
strike 3 yer out, it's baseball season, so you are batting 0 to start.

Maybe stop dung flinging and start studying from a Jew not a Roman.
Did you know they symbol Jesus and call him the scarab? Scarab is the dung beetle.
The Roman joke is this beetle rolls the dung into larger balls as it builds up dung, hence the Bible warns of you building your spiritual houses out of dung.

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