The very creative way liberals are subverting America.

Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

If they're undocumented how are they voting? Are you also inferring that illegals don't work?

They come to America, I witnessed a worker who was flagged on a social security # check.

His did not match, $25 and a couple of days later he had a brand new SS card in his possesion.

That one passed mustard, once you get a couple of forged documents then one thing leads to another.

They work, use false names and SS#'s, claim high #' s of dependents so no taxes are taken out and then send most money back to relatives in Mexico.

I drink Tequila with the owner of a popular mexican resturante, they rotate 2 yrs in / 1 yr out.

They have houses on the beach, servants, plenty of food and automobiles.

Their 2 years of service in a good job allows them to live one year, like a king without working.

Those who come in undocumented rotate in and out of the restaurant, dish washers who speak no English are indoctrinated into our language.

The next step is cook and finally some make servers and get to interact with custoners.

They have their own football(soccer) leagues, their own churches and their own communities.
The Campaign Spot Election-driven news and views . . . by Jim Geraghty. Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S. Print Article Email article Adjust font size AA by Jim Geraghty October 24, 2014 5:45 PM This study’s claim is pretty eye-opening… Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted. How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010. (Note that they keep using the term, “non-citizen,” without specifying whether they mean immigrants who have entered the country illegally or immigrants who are in the process of legally becoming citizens — lawful permanent residents, a.k.a. “green card” holders, or both. It’s a crime either way, but it’s easier to imagine a lawful permanent resident mistakenly thinking they have already earned the right to vote.) If they mean 6.4 percent of 11 million illegal immigrants… we’re talking about roughly 700,000 votes being cast by non-citizens in 2008. Stunning. If true, it refutes my earlier contention that proven cases of voter fraud would only swing elections in races that come down to a few hundred votes. But this section is fascinating: We also find that one of the favorite policies advocated by conservatives to prevent voter fraud appears strikingly ineffective. Nearly three quarters of the non-citizens who indicated they were asked to provide photo identification at the polls claimed to have subsequently voted. Is it really that a significant number of illegal immigrants now have a fake photo ID that looks realistic enough to fool voter registration and ballot box authorities? If that’s the case, it’s not really accurate to call them “undocumented immigrants,” now is it? More like “forged document immigrants.” Or is it that the poll workers manning the polling places that day aren’t really bothering to examine the IDs shown to them? Keep in mind, people’s memories could be faulty. And we’re not dealing with a ton of examples from these interviews: Of the 27 non-citizens who indicated that they were “asked to show picture identification, such as a driver’s license, at the polling place or election office,” in the 2008 survey, 18 claimed to have subsequently voted, and one more indicated that they were “allowed to vote using a pro- visional ballot.” Only 7 (25.9%) indicated that they were not allowed to vote after showing identification.

Read more at: Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S. National Review Online
We have laws on the books that should stop this. So, the solution is to get the left to obey the law. You're right, we might be doomed because Obama has shown that he could care less about federal laws.

Hasn't Obama deported a record number of illegal aliens?

So, you want to pat him on the back for following the law some of the time? Sanctuary cities are encouraged, ICE is ordered to ignore their duties and illegals continue to pour in because they know rewards wait on the other side of the border.

Sorry, but I'm not going to praise Obama for going out of his way to encourage more illegal immigration by promising amnesty and giving so many benefits to illegal aliens. They even advertised that no one would have to answer citizenship status questions when they applied for Obamacare. That was after he promised they would not be covered.

You have to ask why the left is doing everything possible to get people to come here illegally. They aren't doing it out of kindness. It's all orchestrated and there are too many instances of illegal aliens voting to ignore. It's all about a permanent voter base. Obama even mentioned that he'd win a third election if he could have one. Most frightening thought ever.

Too many lies to trust anything else he says.
The Constitution says little about immigration and even less about restricting it. Noting this treasonous liberals have invited in 30 million illegals, so far, who block vote for liberals because of the liberal welfare and amnesty programs. Thus, liberals have found a way to take over and quickly destroy the country.

Our Founders , geniuses that they were, nevertheless failed to anticipate this method of liberal subversion and so , it would seem, we are doomed. Does anyone see a way out?

Create a new constitution...leave the country...succeed from Union.
They come to America, I witnessed a worker who was flagged on a social security # check.

His did not match, $25 and a couple of days later he had a brand new SS card in his possesion.

That one passed mustard, once you get a couple of forged documents then one thing leads to another.

They work, use false names and SS#'s, claim high #' s of dependents so no taxes are taken out and then send most money back to relatives in Mexico.

I drink Tequila with the owner of a popular mexican resturante, they rotate 2 yrs in / 1 yr out.

They have houses on the beach, servants, plenty of food and automobiles.

Their 2 years of service in a good job allows them to live one year, like a king without working.

Those who come in undocumented rotate in and out of the restaurant, dish washers who speak no English are indoctrinated into our language.

The next step is cook and finally some make servers and get to interact with custoners.

They have their own football(soccer) leagues, their own churches and their own communities.

You know of a crime being committed and don't drop a dime?
So, you want to pat him on the back for following the law some of the time? Sanctuary cities are encouraged, ICE is ordered to ignore their duties and illegals continue to pour in because they know rewards wait on the other side of the border.

Sorry, but I'm not going to praise Obama for going out of his way to encourage more illegal immigration by promising amnesty and giving so many benefits to illegal aliens. They even advertised that no one would have to answer citizenship status questions when they applied for Obamacare. That was after he promised they would not be covered.

You have to ask why the left is doing everything possible to get people to come here illegally. They aren't doing it out of kindness. It's all orchestrated and there are too many instances of illegal aliens voting to ignore. It's all about a permanent voter base. Obama even mentioned that he'd win a third election if he could have one. Most frightening thought ever.

Too many lies to trust anything else he says.

Obama and Clinton have done more to combat illegal immigration than Baby Bush, Daddy Bush, and Reagan combined.
Then lets go after the real people keeping them here

dear, we don't want to go after anybody. we want to save the country from liberalism,i.e., hispanics who sneak in to take advantage of the welfare state and block vote liberal. The first order of business then is to shut the border.

Do you understand?
There is no "shutting the border" with a Commerce Clause; only the Right doesn't get it.

We can't secure the border completely, but we can start upholding the law and maybe clarify the citizenship law. Just let illegal aliens know that there is no welfare, no amnesty, no automatic citizenship for their anchor babies and no jobs.

They are being lured here with promises of getting benefits courtesy of the American tax payers. Stop that and there wouldn't be any point in people sneaking across the border.
They only come for the jobs. The rest like welfare, some of them may take advantage of once here but they don't come here for anything other than jobs.

Who's hiring ten million illegals? Who?
Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

If they're undocumented how are they voting? Are you also inferring that illegals don't work?
Shit.. Half of them have fake SS numbers. All one needs is a SS number to get the keys to the kingdom...
Yes, Prohibition breeds corruption. It is why it seems to some on the left, that Capitalism is Only useless to the Right. We should not be losing money on Commerce at our borders.
Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

If they're undocumented how are they voting? Are you also inferring that illegals don't work?
Shit.. Half of them have fake SS numbers. All one needs is a SS number to get the keys to the kingdom...

They fake the numbers so they can get a job, not to collect welfare benefits.
Undocumented aliens will always vote democratic because that is the party that gives shit to those who don't work.

If they're undocumented how are they voting? Are you also inferring that illegals don't work?
Shit.. Half of them have fake SS numbers. All one needs is a SS number to get the keys to the kingdom...

They fake the numbers so they can get a job, not to collect welfare benefits.
I thought that was illegal; or, do we Only blame less fortunate illegals.
Hot air. How are you going to close the border when you continue to reduce the budget for the department that patrols the border?

always 100 % stupid.
Border Patrol Spending | Cato @ Liberty - Cato Institute
Cato Libertyborder-patrol-spending

Jun 20, 2014 ... The current border crisis comes after a decade of increased Border Patrolspending.

The latest budget for Homeland security was met with 'Representative Mick Mulvaney, Republican of South Carolina, called the outcome “an unmitigated loss for conservatives.”

Typical Republican. Wants to close the border and gets pissed when more money to do so is appropriated to do so.

Mick Mulvaney The New Lindsey Graham RedState

dear you said "you continue to reduce the budget" when I proved to you that you were wrong you tried to change the subject. This is what we expect from stupid liberals. Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
Liberals are capitalists too. Well regulated capitalism.

100% stupid and liberal as always:
1) if liberals were capitalist they would not support Obamacommie care
2) if liberals could regulate capitalism you would not have Great Depression, 1970's inflation, current recession Obamacommiecare at 4 times the cost of Canada

See why we have to be positive a liberal will be slow?

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