The Very Worst Quality In Democrats That Nullifies All Their Trump Complaints


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeaching him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

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You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

He is no better than bush I’ll tell you that. Right wing judges. Policies that benefit the rich and hurt middle class.

th way he handled corona is a perfect example that he’s not qualified to do this and there’s no one left in the White House to reign him in.

they can’t all be wrong about him.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

Has to stop reading after "has good intentions at heart...".

Laughing to hard.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

Wonderful post, toob, thanks.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

He is no better than bush I’ll tell you that. Right wing judges. Policies that benefit the rich and hurt middle class.

th way he handled corona is a perfect example that he’s not qualified to do this and there’s no one left in the White House to reign him in.

they can’t all be wrong about him.
Name a policy of his that has hurt the middle class? And if Congress were halfway square with him according him the dignity of the office he deserves, they might have been able to have more of a hand in affecting those policies, after all, Trump mostly signs bills, he doesn't write them. And as far as Covid, Cuomo himself just admitted he wishes now in hindsight he had jumped on things sooner. Everyone has perfect 20/20 hindsight.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

The RWingers are in panic motion. Do you ever think for yourself? In November you will get what you ask for. It won't be.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

He is no better than bush I’ll tell you that. Right wing judges. Policies that benefit the rich and hurt middle class.

th way he handled corona is a perfect example that he’s not qualified to do this and there’s no one left in the White House to reign him in.

they can’t all be wrong about him.
Name a policy of his that has hurt the middle class? And if Congress were halfway square with him according him the dignity of the office he deserves, they might have been able to have more of a hand in affecting those policies, after all, Trump mostly signs bills, he doesn't write them. And as far as Covid, Cuomo himself just admitted he wishes now in hindsight he had jumped on things sooner. Everyone has perfect 20/20 hindsight.
That tax break. His signature piece of legislation. It further widened the gap.

Under trump double the corporations now pay zero taxes than under obama.

In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth. What would candidate trump say about President trump?

His tariffs in 2019 hurt many of us

ow his mishandling of corona made the economy worse.

Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

The RWingers are in panic motion.
Please. Over Biden? Don't insult your own intelligence. Biden just called for economic "intercourse." You saw how Hillary fell apart on the campaign trail-- -- as the rigors of campaigning wear on this summer and Fall and more and more of the nation get a good look at the guy, Biden is going to fall to pieces. Trump could streak the debate stage butt naked and he would still beat Biden.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

He is no better than bush I’ll tell you that. Right wing judges. Policies that benefit the rich and hurt middle class.

th way he handled corona is a perfect example that he’s not qualified to do this and there’s no one left in the White House to reign him in.

they can’t all be wrong about him.
Stupid post that has zero to do with the last 2 years.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

The RWingers are in panic motion.
Please. Over Biden? Don't insult your own intelligence. Biden just called for economic "intercourse." You saw how Hillary fell apart on the campaign trail-- -- as the rigors of campaigning wear on this summer and Fall and more and more of the nation get a good look at the guy, Biden is going to fall to pieces. Trump could streak the debate stage butt naked and he would still beat Biden.
I could care less who gets elected. As long as it isn't what we have now. Talk about "rigors" This country has gone to hell with Trump. You and your mealy mouthed posts prove that if you follow him you will go down with him.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!
Listen to your own intelligence. It's so scattered. Sounds like an extreme bitch session.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeaching him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

You wrote...

"And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more. "

Wow... and you support this dude knowing that he's that emotionally fragile?
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.

Good points.

The blob is telling Georgia that they are opening too soon. Yet somehow, in the blob-supporter's mind; the democrats are the ones hesitating to re-start the economy.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

The RWingers are in panic motion.
Please. Over Biden? Don't insult your own intelligence. Biden just called for economic "intercourse." You saw how Hillary fell apart on the campaign trail-- -- as the rigors of campaigning wear on this summer and Fall and more and more of the nation get a good look at the guy, Biden is going to fall to pieces. Trump could streak the debate stage butt naked and he would still beat Biden.
I could care less who gets elected. As long as it isn't what we have now. Talk about "rigors" This country has gone to hell with Trump. You and your mealy mouthed posts prove that if you follow him you will go down with him.
Listen to your own intelligence. It's so scattered. Sounds like an extreme bitch session. What you are saying is like having arthritis of the knee and saying you don't care WHAT other disease in the world you get, you'll take anything because you'd rather have ANYTHING in the world than what you have now! And then get bone cancer instead. Your mealy mouthed mindless posts prove that you are so blind stupid with Trumpism that you haven't the brains to have a legitimate opinion. You can't even go 2 posts without making it personal again instead of honest, provable facts! You'd vote Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini into office because you simply can't deal with a guy who throws the truth back into your face.
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeach him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

The RWingers are in panic motion.
Please. Over Biden? Don't insult your own intelligence. Biden just called for economic "intercourse." You saw how Hillary fell apart on the campaign trail-- -- as the rigors of campaigning wear on this summer and Fall and more and more of the nation get a good look at the guy, Biden is going to fall to pieces. Trump could streak the debate stage butt naked and he would still beat Biden.
I could care less who gets elected. As long as it isn't what we have now. Talk about "rigors" This country has gone to hell with Trump. You and your mealy mouthed posts prove that if you follow him you will go down with him.
Listen to your own intelligence. It's so scattered. Sounds like an extreme bitch session. What you are saying is like having arthritis of the knee and saying you don't care WHAT other disease in the world you get, you'll take anything because you'd rather have ANYTHING in the world than what you have now! And then get bone cancer instead. Your mealy mouthed mindless posts prove that you are so blind stupid with Trumpism that you haven't the brains to have a legitimate opinion. You can't even go 2 posts without making it personal again instead of honest, provable facts! You'd vote Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini into office because you simply can't deal with a guy who throws the truth back into your face.
The truth hurts you. Can't stand the fact that crap you cry about Trump is true. Think about it and take a dose of reality. The guy is a dangerous pathological liar that could give a rats ass about anyone. Including his followers, who he has conned and lied to.

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