The Very Worst Quality In Democrats That Nullifies All Their Trump Complaints

Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
You hear the Left bitch endlessly about Trump. Some of it is about policy and everyone has a right to what they think is best, but I think more of it is about Trump himself, the man and how he talks and does things. And you know, there is some basis in some of what they say!
  • Trump is a terrible public speaker.
  • Half the time he's bragging about himself.
  • The other half of the time, he needles and insults others. Some of it is justified, some of it unnecessary.
  • The guy is largely a stand-alone kind of guy who is used to making his own decisions. He doesn't like others telling him what to do. At best, he will listen.
SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Why doesn't this justify the Left's mockery? Because Trump also has good intentions at heart, the best interests of the country. Given half the chance, he would do wonderful things for the nation. But do Democrats ever just suck it up and give him what he wants for the good of the country? NO! They boycott his speeches, they say the nastiest stuff about him. They use every opportunity to fight and oppose him in the most strident ways! Even if it is a great thing! They won't even clap for a good idea. Worse, they make crap up like his faux incestuous relationship with his daughter or wanting to inject people with Clorox.

And for a narcissist, ego-driven guy like Trump who carries a grudge, all that does is MAKE HIM WORSE. So he brags more, accuses more, needles and insults more, and generally just fucks the Democrats back more.

IT'S NOT UP TO THE PRESIDENT to bend over and kiss Democrat's asses. They are the minority party. HE IS THE PRESIDENT, the Executive Branch. He represents the nation. They do not. If just once, they tried being nice with him, RESPECTFUL, cooperative, genuinely meeting him halfway on things, giving him the dignity he wants, I think we'd find a totally different guy. So when I hear the Left bitch, I have little sympathy. These past four years, working together reasonably, the WH and Congress could have accomplished AMAZING things. What are they interested in instead?

Between running a coup trying to claim him a russian agent and impeaching him over non-impeachable minor misbehaviors, they egg him on with late night mockery and derision, not kindly meant, and running poison control center phone numbers on the screen as they cover Trump.

I understand both sides which is why I say "Amen." to all that you say here. To me, our leader should appreciate whatever attention is given to him when there are those who have had to fight for whatever attention it is that they get like a dirty dog in the street. Then I look at those who hate seeing him be in charge of our country. To me, those who do nothing but trash him only dig deeper the holes with their own names on them. In my opinion, if you end up being on the losing end of any deal, the least that you can do is lose gracefully and not forever put on display the mentality of a five year old.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

In my opinion, if you end up being on the losing end of any deal, the least that you can do is lose gracefully and not forever put on display the mentality of a five year old.

Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
haha you idiots love deflection. fail
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
haha you idiots love deflection. fail
So you admit Fox and Rush are lying to you? Now we're getting somewhere.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
haha you idiots love deflection. fail
So you admit Fox and Rush are lying to you? Now we're getting somewhere.
Getting somewhere? Let's be clear: Rush gives OPINIONS. His opinions. Opinions are not right or wrong, lying or truth but opinions. And the hosts on Fox after about dinner time in the evening are also OPINION programs. Neither Rush nor nighttime channels like Fox are giving hard "news" (except maybe during commercial breaks, etc.). Same holds true for other channels. The real, pure newscasts go on during the day. The one thing that can be said about Fox unlike ANY OTHER MAJOR NEWS NETWORK is that all studies of the networks show that Fox is better balanced presenting a more even 50/50 of both sides of a story than any other out there. So take your myopic Fox bias and go stuff it.

Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
haha you idiots love deflection. fail
So you admit Fox and Rush are lying to you? Now we're getting somewhere.
Getting somewhere? Let's be clear: Rush gives OPINIONS. His opinions. Opinions are not right or wrong, lying or truth but opinions. And the hosts on Fox after about dinner time in the evening are also OPINION programs. Neither Rush nor nighttime channels like Fox are giving hard "news" (except maybe during commercial breaks, etc.). Same holds true for other channels. The real, pure newscasts go on during the day. The one thing that can be said about Fox unlike ANY OTHER MAJOR NEWS NETWORK is that all studies of the networks show that Fox is better balanced presenting a more even 50/50 of both sides of a story than any other out there. So take your myopic Fox bias and go stuff it.

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You don't realize Rush and Fox is where you get your bad ideas from. We even hear the president repeating their lies.

And if Fox dares say anything negative about the president, Trump attacks them too as being fake news.

You guys are just idiots. Like when Trump got on TV and seriously suggested injesting lysol or taking radiation to get rid of the virus. He turned to the doctor and tried to get her buy in and she looked at him like he's a fucking idiot. Then the next day he says he was just kidding and fake news? And you repeat that shit?
<snip>You don't realize Rush and Fox is where you get your bad ideas from. We even hear the president repeating their lies. You guys are just idiots. And you repeat that shit?
You know, just when I think I've made some headway by saying a compromising factual statement that no one should be able to disagree with and think I'm about to hear something intelligent from you that we can agree on, you prove me wrong again and sidestep the issue with strawman arguments and bullshit again. I guess I'll never learn. Let's try this:
  1. I haven't heard Rush's program in over a DECADE, and I don't even have cable or satellite and haven't received Fox in at least six years. SO DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHERE I GET MY IDEAS FROM. The source of my ideas is ME, MYSELF and I.
  2. Yes, I know Trump watches Fox every day and lives and dies by their approval. That is HIS business. Deal with it.
  3. Who are "we guys?" I'm part of no "group." And FWIW, I probably had more sense than you at the age of seven. You want an idiot, go look in the mirror.
  4. Tell me what I "repeated" in my previous post, that is allied to anything to do with Rush, Fox or the GOP? I dare you. The chart I posted and the comments I made were my own and the opinion and work of an independent media watch group.
Now if you want to have an intelligent discussion relating to the topic of this thread, go ahead. I have yet to hear ONE person on the Left so far even agree that they have been even 0.00001% unfair or responsible in exacerbating the Trump situation, and apparently, that is the reason why you keep losing elections.
<snip>You don't realize Rush and Fox is where you get your bad ideas from. We even hear the president repeating their lies. You guys are just idiots. And you repeat that shit?
You know, just when I think I've made some headway by saying a compromising factual statement that no one should be able to disagree with and think I'm about to hear something intelligent from you that we can agree on, you prove me wrong again and sidestep the issue with strawman arguments and bullshit again. I guess I'll never learn. Let's try this:
  1. I haven't heard Rush's program in over a DECADE, and I don't even have cable or satellite and haven't received Fox in at least six years. SO DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHERE I GET MY IDEAS FROM. The source of my ideas is ME, MYSELF and I.
  2. Yes, I know Trump watches Fox every day and lives and dies by their approval. That is HIS business. Deal with it.
  3. Who are "we guys?" I'm part of no "group." And FWIW, I probably had more sense than you at the age of seven. You want an idiot, go look in the mirror.
  4. Tell me what I "repeated" in my previous post, that is allied to anything to do with Rush, Fox or the GOP? I dare you. The chart I posted and the comments I made were my own and the opinion and work of an independent media watch group.
Now if you want to have an intelligent discussion relating to the topic of this thread, go ahead. I have yet to hear ONE person on the Left so far even agree that they have been even 0.00001% unfair or responsible in exacerbating the Trump situation, and apparently, that is the reason why you keep losing elections.
You may not be getting your marching orders directly from Rush's mouth but you are getting them.

Thus your attacks on labor, academia, the media and science.
<snip>You don't realize Rush and Fox is where you get your bad ideas from. We even hear the president repeating their lies. You guys are just idiots. And you repeat that shit?
You know, just when I think I've made some headway by saying a compromising factual statement that no one should be able to disagree with and think I'm about to hear something intelligent from you that we can agree on, you prove me wrong again and sidestep the issue with strawman arguments and bullshit again. I guess I'll never learn. Let's try this:
  1. I haven't heard Rush's program in over a DECADE, and I don't even have cable or satellite and haven't received Fox in at least six years. SO DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHERE I GET MY IDEAS FROM. The source of my ideas is ME, MYSELF and I.
  2. Yes, I know Trump watches Fox every day and lives and dies by their approval. That is HIS business. Deal with it.
  3. Who are "we guys?" I'm part of no "group." And FWIW, I probably had more sense than you at the age of seven. You want an idiot, go look in the mirror.
  4. Tell me what I "repeated" in my previous post, that is allied to anything to do with Rush, Fox or the GOP? I dare you. The chart I posted and the comments I made were my own and the opinion and work of an independent media watch group.
Now if you want to have an intelligent discussion relating to the topic of this thread, go ahead. I have yet to hear ONE person on the Left so far even agree that they have been even 0.00001% unfair or responsible in exacerbating the Trump situation, and apparently, that is the reason why you keep losing elections.
You may not be getting your marching orders directly from Rush's mouth but you are getting them.
Thanks for warning me. Always good to hear from the fortunate illuminati spared all external propaganda.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
You are being conned by near everybody else though. That is the issue. Near every TV channel. Near every program. Near every movie. And you believe it.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
You are being conned by near everybody else though. That is the issue. Near every TV channel. Near every program. Near every movie. And you believe it.

Wrong! What you don't realize is that by attacking the free media you are defending the corrupt politicians like Trump who when they get caught they just say FAKE NEWS.

The GOP have been waging war on the media for years. The only line of defense we have as far as a corrupt government is the media. The problem is you now believe the lying government because you don't believe Trump is a liar or part of the deep state. He has you fooled.

The GOP also waged war on labor. Look at how they attacked unions. Look at how in the 2000's they said illegals were only hear doing jobs Americans won't do. And look at how conservative corporations sent jobs overseas. Look at your love affair with Walmart. Look at Republican tax breaks. It's all responsible for the widening gap between rich and poor.

Look at your war against education and science because they say global warming is real and evolution is real.

So the rich aka conservatives aka republican party has waged war on the media, labor, education and science. And you right wingers have swallowed it because you are on here every day fighting on the front lines in their defense.
Mad dog, Rex, Kelley the list goes on. They aren’t all wrong. And all the firings and quitting says trump doesn’t surround himself with the best
How do you surround yourself when you only have to pick from those you think aren't out to get you? And plenty of presidents have been hard to work with. That doesn't make them a bad president or justify the derision, lies, chargers and heinous accusations outright contempt by the Left. Rather than work with him, make him better, minimize his flaws, all you've done is make him worse. You create the very "monster" you detest.

If you guys actually worked with him and halfway went along with him on some things, if they really were such bad ideas or blew up, now, he'd have no one to blame but himself, now, wouldn't he?
Excuse me? If we went along then later you’d say you won’t take blame because we went along.

look at iraq. You’re quick to say we voted to invade too

look at what Clinton got for going along with nafta. Bush invented that shit but to cons Clinton owns it.
Nope. I disagree. You'll only get more honey with Trump by at least being reasonable and (most important to him), fair with him. Not by what the Left have done. They have only put Trump in a position to be as big an ass as possible. Now he spends half his time putting down the fake news media because, guess what? They have wrapped themselves into an industry of lies trying to harm him because they have nothing honest to say.

Recently was Melania's birthday. She's a kind and nice lady with a huge story behind her life! Did Time put her on the cover and play her up like they did for Hillary?


Before she even got into office, top Hollywood dress designers all got in line to say they refused to even work for her!

They should have put Melania's stripper pics on the cover.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. He also proposed irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.

And you wonder why the media depicts him as an idiot? He is!
Why? Because she was a model? Ever see one of her pics that wasn't in good taste? She's a BEAUTIFUL woman, guys like you create her industry, make her rich and drool over pictures like that.
She's a whore. She married a guy 30 years older than her for money. It wasn't like she was a rich successful model. She literally was a whore. Pretty woman.

When I talk about my 27 year old Belurussian girlfriend you should hear how conservatives talk to me. I'm 49. They say no way she could love me, I'm too old. Something wrong with me I can't find a woman my own age. The list goes on and on. But when I point out Trump and Melania's age gap is just as big as ours, they get cognitive dissonance bigly.
You can lie pretty good but not good enough.
Clearly I'm not as good as Fox or Rush are when it comes to conning you. You think Fox is truth?
You are being conned by near everybody else though. That is the issue. Near every TV channel. Near every program. Near every movie. And you believe it.

Wrong! What you don't realize is that by attacking the free media you are defending the corrupt politicians like Trump who when they get caught they just say FAKE NEWS.

The GOP have been waging war on the media for years. The only line of defense we have as far as a corrupt government is the media. The problem is you now believe the lying government because you don't believe Trump is a liar or part of the deep state. He has you fooled.

The GOP also waged war on labor. Look at how they attacked unions. Look at how in the 2000's they said illegals were only hear doing jobs Americans won't do. And look at how conservative corporations sent jobs overseas. Look at your love affair with Walmart. Look at Republican tax breaks. It's all responsible for the widening gap between rich and poor.

Look at your war against education and science because they say global warming is real and evolution is real.

So the rich aka conservatives aka republican party has waged war on the media, labor, education and science. And you right wingers have swallowed it because you are on here every day fighting on the front lines in their defense.
Free media? You mean the lying media.

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