The Vice President


Dim Bulb

Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?
Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?

Yes, your decision to post this, and a 4th bad decision......your decision to join the USMB and operate as a Moronic Uninformed Jock Strap Sniffing Leftist Troll.
Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?

Yes, your decision to post this, and a 4th bad decision......your decision to join the USMB and operate as a Moronic Uninformed Jock Strap Sniffing Leftist Troll.
Thanks for the thoughtful response.
Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?

Yes, your decision to post this, and a 4th bad decision......your decision to join the USMB and operate as a Moronic Uninformed Jock Strap Sniffing Leftist Troll.
Thanks for the thoughtful response.

I am kind like that. Just trying to help Trolls embrace acceptance of who they are. It's the first step to recovery. I wish you luck on your recovery.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
My point is that I am a Pence believer, a true conservative, you know? But he sort of seems to be in a bit of a box here.
No one is in a box, but The Democrat Party who beat their chest like a Gorilla and cried like a bitch for an Independent Counsel, and now they are all hunkered down!

Their Bluff was called and some REAL SHIT is going to hit the fan and when it's over The Dems will be covered in their own shit.

Have you heard one word from these Seditious "Resist Democracy" DemNazis since the Independent Counsel was announced?

Their goose is cooked. Their only chance of gaining back seats in 2018 was to keep pushing the false Russian Narrative and have some Clinton Loyalist stool pigeon puppet like Comey keep an Investigation about Nothing going for them until 2018 and beyond.

Now we are going to conclude this farce, and Dems are going to get a massive beating in 2018 because of their treachery, lies, hateful speech, and seditious actions.

Phuck them and anyone that defends them.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
Hmm, I don't see Pence on the bottom, Don could get chaffed; all that drivin'-it-"home" for Jesus.
Look, if you want to be like that, nothing is stopping you. I am just looking for an explanation that makes sense here.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin


President Ryan?
I would prefer Pence. But I don't see a reasonable explanation for him. Either he knew about Flynn and okayed his hiring anyway, or he didn't know and appears to be ignorant of what his team was doing. Maybe a third explanation would be to blame Gov Christie and try to say he was in charge or something.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
My point is that I am a Pence believer, a true conservative, you know? But he sort of seems to be in a bit of a box here.
No one is in a box, but The Democrat Party who beat their chest like a Gorilla and cried like a bitch for an Independent Counsel, and now they are all hunkered down!

Their Bluff was called and some REAL SHIT is going to hit the fan and when it's over The Dems will be covered in their own shit.

Have you heard one word from these Seditious "Resist Democracy" DemNazis since the Independent Counsel was announced?

Their goose is cooked. Their only chance of gaining back seats in 2018 was to keep pushing the false Russian Narrative and have some Clinton Loyalist stool pigeon puppet like Comey keep an Investigation about Nothing going for them until 2018 and beyond.

Now we are going to conclude this farce, and Dems are going to get a massive beating in 2018 because of their treachery, lies, hateful speech, and seditious actions.

Phuck them and anyone that defends them.

I would set the over/under on completion of Mueller's work at two years. And I would most certainly take the over.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
My point is that I am a Pence believer, a true conservative, you know? But he sort of seems to be in a bit of a box here.
No one is in a box, but The Democrat Party who beat their chest like a Gorilla and cried like a bitch for an Independent Counsel, and now they are all hunkered down!

Their Bluff was called and some REAL SHIT is going to hit the fan and when it's over The Dems will be covered in their own shit.

Have you heard one word from these Seditious "Resist Democracy" DemNazis since the Independent Counsel was announced?

Their goose is cooked. Their only chance of gaining back seats in 2018 was to keep pushing the false Russian Narrative and have some Clinton Loyalist stool pigeon puppet like Comey keep an Investigation about Nothing going for them until 2018 and beyond.

Now we are going to conclude this farce, and Dems are going to get a massive beating in 2018 because of their treachery, lies, hateful speech, and seditious actions.

Phuck them and anyone that defends them.

I would set the over/under on completion of Mueller's work at two years. And I would most certainly take the over.

Of course you would, because you are a FAKE CONSERVATIVE.

Give up the charade sparky. You gave yourself away twice in this thread.

  • Once when you claimed you were a "Pence Believer" but then claimed he may have known about Flynn's dealings with Turkey but didn't give a damn about it, which calls his integrity in to question. You are essentially calling him corrupt, MR. PENCE BELIEVER.
  • Then you gave away your wishful thinking hoping that The Investigation About Nothing would carry on for 2 years right in to the 2018 Election.

Go pound Salt! "PENCE BELIEVER".

Explain to me how an Investigation like this is going to carry on for 2 years or longer according to you, when President Trump and his team were under surveillance 24-7 'illegally' for about 18 months and all of that surveillance netted NOTHING.

The FBI, NSA, CIA, Treasury Department and The Head of National Intelligence, all OBAMA HOLD OVERS at the time ALL SAID, there was NO EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Exactly what kind of "NEW EVIDENCE" do you morons think you are going to uncover when 16 Intelligence Agencies looked at all of this, plus all of the classified data, and surveillance some of it illegal and all came to the same conclusion?



All of you. And your children too. And your mother. I hate her the most.
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Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
Hmm, I don't see Pence on the bottom, Don could get chaffed; all that drivin'-it-"home" for Jesus.
Look, if you want to be like that, nothing is stopping you. I am just looking for an explanation that makes sense here.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin


President Ryan?
I would prefer Pence. But I don't see a reasonable explanation for him. Either he knew about Flynn and okayed his hiring anyway, or he didn't know and appears to be ignorant of what his team was doing. Maybe a third explanation would be to blame Gov Christie and try to say he was in charge or something.
You're still operating on the premiss that someone/anyone will either be a decent human being and step up to accept responsibility, or the the system/power structure will hold someone acountable who really is. That's just not how our system works.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
My point is that I am a Pence believer, a true conservative, you know? But he sort of seems to be in a bit of a box here.
No one is in a box, but The Democrat Party who beat their chest like a Gorilla and cried like a bitch for an Independent Counsel, and now they are all hunkered down!

Their Bluff was called and some REAL SHIT is going to hit the fan and when it's over The Dems will be covered in their own shit.

Have you heard one word from these Seditious "Resist Democracy" DemNazis since the Independent Counsel was announced?

Their goose is cooked. Their only chance of gaining back seats in 2018 was to keep pushing the false Russian Narrative and have some Clinton Loyalist stool pigeon puppet like Comey keep an Investigation about Nothing going for them until 2018 and beyond.

Now we are going to conclude this farce, and Dems are going to get a massive beating in 2018 because of their treachery, lies, hateful speech, and seditious actions.

Phuck them and anyone that defends them.

I would set the over/under on completion of Mueller's work at two years. And I would most certainly take the over.

Of course you would, because you are a FAKE CONSERVATIVE.

Give up the charade sparky. You gave yourself away twice in this thread.

Once when you claimed you were a "Pence Believer" but then claimed he may have known about Flynn's dealings with Turkey.
Then you gave away your wishful thinking hoping that The Investigation About Nothing would carry on for 2 years right in to the 2018 Election.

Go pound Salt! "PENCE BELIEVER".
The only TRUE thing you are is a TRUE rabid frothy-mouthed zealot.
Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?

You're ignoring the facts. Flynn's company represented a business in Belgium that was owned by a Turkish businessman, not the government of Turkey. So to say he took money from Turkey is BS. Do you have evidence they knew at the time who owned the Belgium business when they took the job?

Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
Hmm, I don't see Pence on the bottom, Don could get chaffed; all that drivin'-it-"home" for Jesus.
Look, if you want to be like that, nothing is stopping you. I am just looking for an explanation that makes sense here.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin


President Ryan?
I would prefer Pence. But I don't see a reasonable explanation for him. Either he knew about Flynn and okayed his hiring anyway, or he didn't know and appears to be ignorant of what his team was doing. Maybe a third explanation would be to blame Gov Christie and try to say he was in charge or something.
You're still operating on the premiss that someone/anyone will either be a decent human being and step up to accept responsibility, or the the system/power structure will hold someone acountable who really is. That's just not how our system works.
Yeah, that's true. I think that Pence, when I lived in Indiana, was a good guy, a bit extreme on a few things, but principled. The problem is, if you are the head of the transition team and you don't know that Flynn told the lawyers that he was under investigation, you look incompetent. Maybe he can just go with the "it was a big organization and we were dealing with a lot of things" excuse, that might work in his case because people respect him.

I see this as an actual problem, some of my friends on this site don't even like the question being raised. They would prefer to take the ostrich defense.
Either didn't know that Flynn had told the transition team that he was accepting money from Turkey or he knew and was okay with him being hired anyway.

Seems kind of like two bad choices. Am I missing a third?

You're ignoring the facts. Flynn's company represented a business in Belgium that was owned by a Turkish businessman, not the government of Turkey. So to say he took money from Turkey is BS. Do you have evidence they knew at the time who owned the Belgium business when they took the job?

Flynn told the transition lawyers that he was under investigation. President Trump's loyalty to him at the time is laudable, but I think it undermined his ability to put some actual legislation in place because of the media furor.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin
Hmm, I don't see Pence on the bottom, Don could get chaffed; all that drivin'-it-"home" for Jesus.
Look, if you want to be like that, nothing is stopping you. I am just looking for an explanation that makes sense here.
Perhaps Pence and Trump will share a cell at San Quentin


President Ryan?
I would prefer Pence. But I don't see a reasonable explanation for him. Either he knew about Flynn and okayed his hiring anyway, or he didn't know and appears to be ignorant of what his team was doing. Maybe a third explanation would be to blame Gov Christie and try to say he was in charge or something.
You're still operating on the premiss that someone/anyone will either be a decent human being and step up to accept responsibility, or the the system/power structure will hold someone acountable who really is. That's just not how our system works.
Yeah, that's true. I think that Pence, when I lived in Indiana, was a good guy, a bit extreme on a few things, but principled. The problem is, if you are the head of the transition team and you don't know that Flynn told the lawyers that he was under investigation, you look incompetent. Maybe he can just go with the "it was a big organization and we were dealing with a lot of things" excuse, that might work in his case because people respect him.

I see this as an actual problem, some of my friends on this site don't even like the question being raised. They would prefer to take the ostrich defense.
That's what happens once we become "believers" in some thing or position; we lose the ability to think critically and must defend. I try not to focus on the personalities, it is the system itself, the donor class who it serves alone, the power structure and it's reward structure. We merely receive the behaviors outta these folks that the donor class rewards.

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