The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

It's not a thread about Muslims either.

It's about British lefties agitating for the boycotting of Israeli products.

The same thing happens whenever the subject actually IS Islam, when the site Islamists seize upon the opportunity to turn the thread into a hate fest against Christianity or Judaism and in similarly Orwellian fashion, demand others "stay on topic" with the new one they have engineered instead of the original.

I'm rather surprised that anybody would actually thank this behavior.

The British left -- and through extension, the western left in general -- cannot come to terms with what Islam actually IS, and so they utilize all these techniques to distract from the subject matter. This particular ruse is called a Tu Quoque fallacy, and has become part and parcel of western leftist agitprop.
It's not a thread about Muslims either.

It's about British lefties agitating for the boycotting of Israeli products.

The same thing happens whenever the subject actually IS Islam, when the site Islamists seize upon the opportunity to turn the thread into a hate fest against Christianity or Judaism and in similarly Orwellian fashion, demand others "stay on topic" with the new one they have engineered instead of the original.

I'm rather surprised that anybody would actually thank this behavior.

The British left -- and through extension, the western left in general -- cannot come to terms with what Islam actually IS, and so they utilize all these techniques to distract from the subject matter. This particular ruse is called a Tu Quoque fallacy, and has become part and parcel of western leftist agitprop.

thanks for the new word---I had guessed that a TU QUO QUO--is a little fluffy dress worn by ballerinas
]The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Are there any other trite Uber-leftist platitudes you would like to trot out while you are at it? You have already parroted the "any criticism of Israel" nugget you have been trained to repeat as well as the "silencing debate" trick.

The singular fascination with demonizing a tiny nation state that acts to fulfill the aspirations of a besieged minority is not mere criticism. Naming the nature of the hatred does not silence debate. If it did, those such as yourself and the countless other members of the antisemitic left would not be so prominent here, or anywhere else.
Israels exports mostly consist of electronics, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. I wonder have all the BDS Antisemites given up their mobiles? Of the food it exports, its biggest buyers are Russia and China, and they aren't boycotting them. I think the efforts of the BDS movement, which has been going for well over a decade, have failed to meet their objective of completely isolating and demonising Israel, and they will continue to do so, yay :thup:
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The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.
What's really insulting to Israelis and Jews is leftards shrieking Nazi at everyone who disagrees with them, and of course labelling the Israelis themselves as Nazis.
Israels exports mostly consist of electronics, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. I wonder have all the BDS Antisemites given up their mobiles? Of the food it exports, its biggest buyers are Russia and China, and they aren't boycotting them. I think the efforts of the BDS movement, which has been going for well over a decade, have failed to meet their objective of completely isolating and demonising Israel, and they will continue to do so, yay :thup:

the program HAS had an interesting fallout-----I witnessed---in my town---which is replete with every ethnic group on the planet----a REALLY ANGRY interaction between two Muzzettes. One muzzette was happily dumping Israeli made
canned food items into her grocery basket and another muzzette SCREAMED at her about the people Israel is TORTURING
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews

The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Rinsing Israel Out of Europe: The Zionistfrei Movement

Sounds quite a considered piece quite frankly. Are you trying to make Wrexham Judenfrei??


He will fail as the decent people will turn against him and his fellow neo marxists again, this time they will evict them from power
Boycotts tend to hurt regular people and businesses. That seems like collective punishment to me. I thought all the pally lovers and Antisemites disapprove of collective punishment.

They do when they perceive it as being aimed at their hero's. But when they put it in place it is validated because of the blood libels and propaganda lies spewed as the fore runner of the collective punishment. They always have double standards and hypocrisy and claim that they are justified by Israel's treatment of the arabs
By blockading Gaza, controlling its air space and territorial waters, and periodically massacring its citizens, Gaza is effectively occupied territory.

Not according to international law, and that is what counts. Not your JEW HATRED and NAZISM.

If hamas stopped firing illegal weapons into Israel from civilian areas then its civilians would not be killed
International law requires Israel to get out of Palestine.

It's not that clear-cut.
"Operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
(UN Security Council Resolution 242 Adopted unanimously half a century ago)

Which is not legally enforceable as it is just a set of recommendations. You also need to read the authors side notes that clearly state this means in the goodness of time after a peace treaty has been thrashed out. Why do you always gloss over the next part that tells the arab muslims what they must do. In matter of fact 242 dictates to the arab muslims and not the Jews, which is why the arab muslims try to alter its meaning
Anyone who can read English has no difficulty with the diplomatic meaning of "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied". Putting it in one word: ¡Fuera!
Still says in "Europe". I have no confidence that I can unleash my disgusting, puerile and debased inner self unless I am in the FZ. I shall have to keep my outer mask of decency until later.


It's in another thread of the same title in the FZ if you wish to wander over there.
thanks for the new word---I had guessed that a TU QUO QUO--is a little fluffy dress worn by ballerinas

I would wear a little fluffy dress every single day if that was what it took to make the left liberal again.

This new Nazi left disturbs me to no end.
Israels exports mostly consist of electronics, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.

....and green technology.

of course, these posturing idiots who CLAIM to be environmentalists would rather support primitives who intentionally destroy such technology, instead.

The world is maddeningly Orwellian these days when it comes to this new authoritarian left. Whether it is women's rights, gay rights, the environment or most anything else, what they ACTUALLY support is the very antithesis of what they claim to support.
thanks for the new word---I had guessed that a TU QUO QUO--is a little fluffy dress worn by ballerinas

I would wear a little fluffy dress every single day if that was what it took to make the left liberal again.

This new Nazi left disturbs me to no end.

Ruth Smeeth: 'I've never seen anti-Semitism in Labour like this'

I have been watching it from afar, but I have been on discussion groups like this since the nineties, and my experience is that if a person defines themselves as British and left of center, pretty much all I have encountered were actively hostile to Jews.
thanks for the new word---I had guessed that a TU QUO QUO--is a little fluffy dress worn by ballerinas

I would wear a little fluffy dress every single day if that was what it took to make the left liberal again.

This new Nazi left disturbs me to no end.

Ruth Smeeth: 'I've never seen anti-Semitism in Labour like this'

I have been watching it from afar, but I have been on discussion groups like this since the nineties, and my experience is that if a person defines themselves as British and left of center, pretty much all I have encountered were actively hostile to Jews.

I hope Phoenell reads that link.

I wanted to ask him what he thinks of Dianne Abbott.
Not according to international law, and that is what counts. Not your JEW HATRED and NAZISM.

If hamas stopped firing illegal weapons into Israel from civilian areas then its civilians would not be killed
International law requires Israel to get out of Palestine.

It's not that clear-cut.
"Operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
(UN Security Council Resolution 242 Adopted unanimously half a century ago)

Which is not legally enforceable as it is just a set of recommendations. You also need to read the authors side notes that clearly state this means in the goodness of time after a peace treaty has been thrashed out. Why do you always gloss over the next part that tells the arab muslims what they must do. In matter of fact 242 dictates to the arab muslims and not the Jews, which is why the arab muslims try to alter its meaning
Anyone who can read English has no difficulty with the diplomatic meaning of "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied". Putting it in one word: ¡Fuera!

It seems that you do as it does not say when or which territories it means, that is in the description of the meaning as provided by the authors.

The most controversial clause in Resolution 242 is the call for the "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict." This is linked to the second unambiguous clause calling for "termination of all claims or states of belligerency" and the recognition that "every State in the area" has the "right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."

The British Ambassador who drafted the approved resolution, Lord Caradon, declared after the vote: "It is only the resolution that will bind us, and we regard its wording as clear."

This literal interpretation was repeatedly declared to be the correct one by those involved in drafting the resolution. On October 29, 1969, for example, the British Foreign Secretary told the House of Commons the withdrawal envisaged by the resolution would not be from "all the territories." When asked to explain the British position later, Lord Caradon said: "It would have been wrong to demand that Israel return to its positions of June 4, 1967, because those positions
were undesirable and artificial."

Similarly, Amb. Goldberg explained: "The notable omissions-which were not accidental-in regard to withdrawal are the words 'the' or 'all' and 'the June 5, 1967 lines'....the resolution speaks of withdrawal from occupied territories without defining the extent of withdrawal."

The resolutions clearly call on the Arab states to make peace with Israel. The principal condition is that Israel withdraw from "territories occupied" in 1967, which means that Israel must withdraw from some, all, or none of the territories still occupied. Since Israel withdrew from 91% of the territories when it gave up the Sinai, it has already partially, if not wholly, fulfilled its obligation under 242.

So what conclusion do you draw from the true meaning of 242, as opposed to the islamonazi one you seem to think is the real one ?

The Meaning of UN Security Council Resolution 242 | Jewish Virtual Library
thanks for the new word---I had guessed that a TU QUO QUO--is a little fluffy dress worn by ballerinas

I would wear a little fluffy dress every single day if that was what it took to make the left liberal again.

This new Nazi left disturbs me to no end.

Ruth Smeeth: 'I've never seen anti-Semitism in Labour like this'

I have been watching it from afar, but I have been on discussion groups like this since the nineties, and my experience is that if a person defines themselves as British and left of center, pretty much all I have encountered were actively hostile to Jews.

I hope Phoenell reads that link.

I wanted to ask him what he thinks of Dianne Abbott.

She is the worst racist scum and most hated two faced person I have ever come across. She says she is a true socialist and then sends her child to public school because he would mix with white trash in the local secondary modern ones. This video shows her to be the real racist and she has never lived it down

The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

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