The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.
Boycotts are funny things. I mean I could boycott broccoli for almost no reason, but gasoline is a toughie.
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I'm not sure a boycott against the Palestinians would accomplish much, they simply don't have enough of an economy. More likely strings attached to aid.
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.

That's what makes discussion of anything related to IP extremely difficult - it's like walking through a minefield full of anti-semitic canards from one side and accusations of anti-semitism from the other.
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.

That's what makes discussion of anything related to IP extremely difficult - it's like walking through a minefield full of anti-semitic canards from one side and accusations of anti-semitism from the other.
It would be imbecilic to claim that it didnt exist and has existed throughout history. But it doesnt put Israel beyond reasonable criticism.
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

in the future I will point out for you how the nature of your
posts reveal the fact that you are anti-Semitic. I am a minor expert-----I grew up in a town that was heavily WASP----in the true sense of WASP----anglo saxon protestant having been
of that unfortunate nature since the time that the "united 'states" was -----THE COLONIES. My paternal "ancestors" resided in London----east end, of course. If
you lived in the USA, you would be a typical anti-Semitic
WASP. Even way back when I was a kid ---the PLETHORA of anti-jewish propaganda that floated around was "pro-arab" ------long before I knew what an "arab" is-----or where Syria happens to be-------I understood that the seedy little
propaganda pamphlets that floated around my town had something to do with Syria and "arabs" I thought that Syria had lots of Nazis-----but later found out that what Syria had was escaped Nazi war criminals who were prolific writers.
Of course I also thought that Syria was a CHRISTIAN country
since all the Syrians I knew were Christians with extra lines
in their crosses (keep in mind---your literature fell into my hands by the time I was eight years old)
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

You're advocating boycotting the Palestinians?

Actually IS a boycott of Palestinians. Has been for almost 10 years.. Called the Gaza Embargo.. Of course they still have a govt of sorts. Mostly murderous sorts.. :cool-45:
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.

That's what makes discussion of anything related to IP extremely difficult - it's like walking through a minefield full of anti-semitic canards from one side and accusations of anti-semitism from the other.

think hard------what sort of persons are likely to endlessly repeat anti-Semitic canards? I will freely admit that I make
of lingo
Boycotts are a good approach. How you doing on fuel oil and gasoline?

Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

You're advocating boycotting the Palestinians?

Actually IS a boycott of Palestinians. Has been for almost 10 years.. Called the Gaza Embargo.. Of course they still have a govt of sorts. Mostly murderous sorts.. :cool-45:

Forgot about that one.
Boycotts and peaceful protests are civilized means of creating change. Beats the hell out of IED's and suicide vests.

There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.

That's what makes discussion of anything related to IP extremely difficult - it's like walking through a minefield full of anti-semitic canards from one side and accusations of anti-semitism from the other.

think hard------what sort of persons are likely to endlessly repeat anti-Semitic canards? I will freely admit that I make
of lingo

I think a belief in and deliberate propagation of those canards are a pretty defining symptom of it.
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

in the future I will point out for you how the nature of your
posts reveal the fact that you are anti-Semitic. I am a minor expert-----I grew up in a town that was heavily WASP----in the true sense of WASP----anglo saxon protestant having been
of that unfortunate nature since the time that the "united 'states" was -----THE COLONIES. My paternal "ancestors" resided in London----east end, of course. If
you lived in the USA, you would be a typical anti-Semitic
WASP. Even way back when I was a kid ---the PLETHORA of anti-jewish propaganda that floated around was "pro-arab" ------long before I knew what an "arab" is-----or where Syria happens to be-------I understood that the seedy little
propaganda pamphlets that floated around my town had something to do with Syria and "arabs" I thought that Syria had lots of Nazis-----but later found out that what Syria had was escaped Nazi war criminals who were prolific writers.
Of course I also thought that Syria was a CHRISTIAN country
since all the Syrians I knew were Christians with extra lines
in their crosses (keep in mind---your literature fell into my hands by the time I was eight years old)
Um, ok.
There is nothing either peaceful nor civilized about trying to destroy a tiny country because you hate their ethnicity and because you have joined the campaign of the savages whose only wish in life is to kill them.

I don't think that is why they are engaging in boycotts - it's a means to try and achieve a change in policy - whether right or wrong. It's certainly far more preferable than violence. Regardless of what you think about Israel - it isn't exactly black and white. There are wrongs and injustices on both sides, that need to be resolved.
I think you are showing remarkable patience.
Dogmaphobe frames his argument in dishonest terms that seeks to stifle debate.

Israel, in his eyes, can do no wrong and to suggest so is to mark you as an anti Semite.

Its a nonsense.

That's what makes discussion of anything related to IP extremely difficult - it's like walking through a minefield full of anti-semitic canards from one side and accusations of anti-semitism from the other.

think hard------what sort of persons are likely to endlessly repeat anti-Semitic canards? I will freely admit that I make
of lingo

I think a belief in and deliberate propagation of those canards are a pretty defining symptom of it.

In correct parlance-----lingo and the expression of canards
is not a "symptom" A symptom is a phenomenon reported by the "patient" and is subjective-----PAIN is a symptom.
A "sign" is that which is observed by the diagnostician---eg.
a 'rash" -----the use of lingo and canards is constitutes
"signs" (sorry---but that is how it is). Of course one could
say that the belief in and propagation of canards constitute
the SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS of the syndrome
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

in the future I will point out for you how the nature of your
posts reveal the fact that you are anti-Semitic. I am a minor expert-----I grew up in a town that was heavily WASP----in the true sense of WASP----anglo saxon protestant having been
of that unfortunate nature since the time that the "united 'states" was -----THE COLONIES. My paternal "ancestors" resided in London----east end, of course. If
you lived in the USA, you would be a typical anti-Semitic
WASP. Even way back when I was a kid ---the PLETHORA of anti-jewish propaganda that floated around was "pro-arab" ------long before I knew what an "arab" is-----or where Syria happens to be-------I understood that the seedy little
propaganda pamphlets that floated around my town had something to do with Syria and "arabs" I thought that Syria had lots of Nazis-----but later found out that what Syria had was escaped Nazi war criminals who were prolific writers.
Of course I also thought that Syria was a CHRISTIAN country
since all the Syrians I knew were Christians with extra lines
in their crosses (keep in mind---your literature fell into my hands by the time I was eight years old)
Um, ok.

good answer. Kinda like Hillary's
"I CAN TAKE IT" ------(from the deplorables)
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

in the future I will point out for you how the nature of your
posts reveal the fact that you are anti-Semitic. I am a minor expert-----I grew up in a town that was heavily WASP----in the true sense of WASP----anglo saxon protestant having been
of that unfortunate nature since the time that the "united 'states" was -----THE COLONIES. My paternal "ancestors" resided in London----east end, of course. If
you lived in the USA, you would be a typical anti-Semitic
WASP. Even way back when I was a kid ---the PLETHORA of anti-jewish propaganda that floated around was "pro-arab" ------long before I knew what an "arab" is-----or where Syria happens to be-------I understood that the seedy little
propaganda pamphlets that floated around my town had something to do with Syria and "arabs" I thought that Syria had lots of Nazis-----but later found out that what Syria had was escaped Nazi war criminals who were prolific writers.
Of course I also thought that Syria was a CHRISTIAN country
since all the Syrians I knew were Christians with extra lines
in their crosses (keep in mind---your literature fell into my hands by the time I was eight years old)
Um, ok.

good answer. Kinda like Hillary's
"I CAN TAKE IT" ------(from the deplorables)
Well you sorta stumped me. You accused me of something pretty horrible and then backed it up with some stories from your childhood. Not sure what the correct response is to that.
Because the boycott is only on Israeli outlets and not on muslim outlets selling the same goods. This makes it a RACIST ATTACK and hence ANTI SEMITISM.

If it was truly a boycott of Israeli goods then the muslim shops should be targeted as well. Only a neo marxist neo nazi would not see that as true and welcome the next line of attack on the Jews, just as we saw in 1930's Germany. We have had little " krystalnachts" already along with burning of Torah scrolls and defacing Jewish homes, shops and Synagogues. Dont forget tainted that it was you neo marxists that tried to silence all debate when your political party was in power, and invited extremist muslims to come here and attack British Jews


Thats a nonsense and you know it. In my life time I have boycotted South African and Chilean goods.
I have also boycotted businesses like Starbucks,Vodafone, Amazon and Sports Direct because of their dubious business model. I used to get my specs from Specsavers until I read about their tax avoidance and I have never bought the Sun or other Murdoch rags.

I know some on here have claimed to be boycotting Target in the US.

To me boycotting is a low key and non violent protest.

I disagree with the way that Israel treats the Palestinians but that does not make me anti-Semitic. How should I express this to meet your satisfaction ?

in the future I will point out for you how the nature of your
posts reveal the fact that you are anti-Semitic. I am a minor expert-----I grew up in a town that was heavily WASP----in the true sense of WASP----anglo saxon protestant having been
of that unfortunate nature since the time that the "united 'states" was -----THE COLONIES. My paternal "ancestors" resided in London----east end, of course. If
you lived in the USA, you would be a typical anti-Semitic
WASP. Even way back when I was a kid ---the PLETHORA of anti-jewish propaganda that floated around was "pro-arab" ------long before I knew what an "arab" is-----or where Syria happens to be-------I understood that the seedy little
propaganda pamphlets that floated around my town had something to do with Syria and "arabs" I thought that Syria had lots of Nazis-----but later found out that what Syria had was escaped Nazi war criminals who were prolific writers.
Of course I also thought that Syria was a CHRISTIAN country
since all the Syrians I knew were Christians with extra lines
in their crosses (keep in mind---your literature fell into my hands by the time I was eight years old)
Um, ok.

good answer. Kinda like Hillary's
"I CAN TAKE IT" ------(from the deplorables)
Well you sorta stumped me. You accused me of something pretty horrible and then backed it up with some stories from your childhood. Not sure what the correct response is to that.

oh----"horrible"-----lots of people take that which you are
calling "horrible" as simple fact. It was WRITTEN for
centuries and it is taught to more than a billion people
from early childhood------whether in school or from "grandma"
If the best you can do by way of response is "uh huh"-----
it might be wise to refrain from responding. I anticipate the
debates with bated breath----I wonder who will say
"uh huh" first

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