The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

Posts have been shifted to FZ - let's take the off topic fighting over there.
I really think you should not copy the title of this thread into the FZ.
posts in that thread do not relate to Mindfuls topic or title. I think you should change the FZ title.
Also, there are people who don't like to post there, who may do so unwittingly, due to the Unecessary confusion caused by duplicated titles.
Posts have been shifted to FZ - let's take the off topic fighting over there.
I really think you should not copy the title of this thread into the FZ.
posts in that thread do not relate to Mindfuls topic or title. I think you should change the FZ title.
Also, there are people who don't like to post there, who may do so unwittingly, due to the Unecessary confusion caused by duplicated titles.

The title copies automatically. What would you like it changed to? Post a suggestion in the thread.
Posts have been shifted to FZ - let's take the off topic fighting over there.
I really think you should not copy the title of this thread into the FZ.
posts in that thread do not relate to Mindfuls topic or title. I think you should change the FZ title.
Also, there are people who don't like to post there, who may do so unwittingly, due to the Unecessary confusion caused by duplicated titles.

The title copies automatically. What would you like it changed to? Post a suggestion in the thread.
Call it what you will, I really don't think this title should be copied to the FZ for the reasons already mentioned.
Also, isn't there a rule against taking peoples posts from the upstairs down into the FZ?

Not when they are FZ material and derailing threads - we can move them or trash them. FZ is the place to hash this out - not in threads like this.
Hey look posters! Civil discussion complete with sources.

I happen to think they overlook what socialism has contributed, but I am not name calling.

I don't know, increased socialism might have been means to remedy what they saw as societal ills but not sure created a view of the state as god....

The term is FASCISM to describe the socialist ideal of "The state is everything, and everything is the state"

Fascism and socialism are different things.
Hey look posters! Civil discussion complete with sources.

I happen to think they overlook what socialism has contributed, but I am not name calling.

I don't know, increased socialism might have been means to remedy what they saw as societal ills but not sure created a view of the state as god....

The term is FASCISM to describe the socialist ideal of "The state is everything, and everything is the state"

Fascism and socialism are different things.

Are they they why did the National Socialist Workers party of Germany practise and epitomise fascism.

Because they became fascist, not socialist.

Why is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea called "Democratic" when it isn't?

And why is Israel likened to the same fascist party ? and named as fascist if the socialists of Germany werent fascists ?

You'll have to ask people who call them fascist.

To fool the rest of the communists into seeing them as something they arent. And they started out originally as fascists in the true sense, not the sense team palestine now uses.

The answer is the same as the last 1,000 times "because we say they are" . Then start the name calling, threats and LIES to silence the voices of truth and reason.
And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
so you are still down with Lucy's views?
Despite the fact that coyote keeps bringing up Lucys views, this is not a thread about Lucys views, and she isn't even participating in this thread, so I don't think it's relevant to discuss them. Plus, I've already answered your question, Ravi.

It's not a thread about Muslims either.

It's about British lefties agitating for the boycotting of Israeli products.
You do realise that gaza is not occupied dont you, and that firing illegal rockets into Israel is a war crime and not defence. So want to find where in the Geneva conventions it says targetting children is allowed as a defencive move ?

By the way under International laws it is the arab muslims that occupy Israel, and it is time the UN forced them to leave
By blockading Gaza, controlling its air space and territorial waters, and periodically massacring its citizens, Gaza is effectively occupied territory.

Not according to international law, and that is what counts. Not your JEW HATRED and NAZISM.

If hamas stopped firing illegal weapons into Israel from civilian areas then its civilians would not be killed
International law requires Israel to get out of Palestine.

It's not that clear-cut.
"Operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
(UN Security Council Resolution 242 Adopted unanimously half a century ago)

Which is not legally enforceable as it is just a set of recommendations. You also need to read the authors side notes that clearly state this means in the goodness of time after a peace treaty has been thrashed out. Why do you always gloss over the next part that tells the arab muslims what they must do. In matter of fact 242 dictates to the arab muslims and not the Jews, which is why the arab muslims try to alter its meaning
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.

Not when it is done to appease the membership who complained about the post
More coming out of London, on the theme of demonising.

"I went to Hinde Street Methodist Church’s exhibition in London about Israel’s security checkpoints today expecting something on the scale of the St James’s Church’s lifesize reproduction of Israel’s security barrier outside their own church in 2013 which cost £30,000 to construct. Hinde Street Church’s reproduction, however, was more of an IKEA job.

First, all of the exhibition was inside the church and second, the checkpoint was made from simple plywood with various negative commentaries about the wall, including quotations from the Bible, attached to it.

There were also real photographs of Israeli checkpoints, some sort of jenga section and three prayer stations for silent contemplation.

Third, the Zionist Federation and the Board of Deputies had spent the weekend persuading the church to accept as part of the exhibition literature (including two big boards) explaining why the security checkpoints are so necessary (see below).

The exhibition didn’t seem to be busy (it runs till friday) but the ZF/BOD literature will be effective in countering those unsuspecting members of the public who wander in. My hunch though is that the exhibition will only attract real Israel haters coming to have their views on the Jewish state confirmed.

David Collier and I sat at a prayer station in discussion with two elderly British women for about 15 minutes. We played dumb about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as one of the women proceeded to tell us, inter alia, that Israel has an “unkind society” and that Israel in the West Bank is akin to Putin conquering the Ukraine and transporting Russians there.

Although the exhibition itself is pretty downboat the fact that the church decided to criticise checkpoints that keep Israelis alive is pretty bewildering. Nowhere in the exhibition does the church condemn the Palestinian terrorism that has killed so many Israelis.

But reading the Church’s Facebook page marketing the exhibition gives you an indication of the mindset of some Methodists, perhaps."

Richard Millett.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.

WRONG the UK government is a political party, and the rules that have been relaxed over the last 200 to 300 years should be re-inroduced. This means representing the people that voted for them and not the party politics in Westminster, give the people back their powers to veto party policies after the ballot box
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.
The assholes aren't suspended until there is a media furore because they've exposed their Antisemitism very publicly, usually more than once in the case of the former mayor.
How else would they know?

By listening to what they say, and what they support outside of their political interests. Then make overtures to their local party to complain officially and have the offenders local party suspend them as an M.P.
Still says in "Europe". I have no confidence that I can unleash my disgusting, puerile and debased inner self unless I am in the FZ. I shall have to keep my outer mask of decency until later.

The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

It's not supposed to. Despite your "righteous" indignation.
The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

Rinsing Israel Out of Europe: The Zionistfrei Movement

Sounds quite a considered piece quite frankly. Are you trying to make Wrexham Judenfrei??

The OP is a bit hysterical in comparing events in nazi Germany to an economic boycott of Israeli goods.

Its very insulting to those who died under the Nazis.

The thrust seems to be that Israel has done no wrong and that any criticism of Israel is akin to anti semitism.

That is an outrageous suggestion and one designed to silence all debate.

It does the Israeli people no service whatsoever.

WRONG!!! as usual Economic boycott of Israel is nothing new----In fact such a boycott has been in force since the
inception of Israel. Since approximately 1950 ----ALL arab
countries and even most Muslim countries have imposed a
VERY COMPREHENSIVE boycott on all things Israeli and
in that program BOYCOTT of any business that also does
business with Israel-----It was designed to be the modern
alternative to STARVATION SIEGE-----the very same technique your kith and kin have used for millennia in
conducting your many genocides and continue to use.
In memory of living people-----(like me) the same method
was used to murder the IBO people of BIAFRA by your
fellow filth---(1967-70)----STARVATION SIEGE has been
the method of choice by barbaric filth for MILLENNIA (even
in Europe------whole towns wiped out---by SIEGE OF THE CASTLE--- Learn some history
Boycotts tend to hurt regular people and businesses. That seems like collective punishment to me. I thought all the pally lovers and Antisemites disapprove of collective punishment.

When I was a kid-----(another boring personal anecdote)----
some geniuses decided to promote Christianity by elaborating
a directory of approved businesses based on sunday closure
and "church going owners" and stuff like that----THE DIRECTORY WAS DECLARED ILLEGAL IN MY STATE.
How is BDS different? There are lots of muslim countries exporting lots of stuff to the USA-------I wonder how a BDS
program sponsored by THE JDL would go over in the USA?

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