The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

The Palestinians have a right to defend themselves as best they can from a brutal Israeli occupation.

You do realise that gaza is not occupied dont you, and that firing illegal rockets into Israel is a war crime and not defence. So want to find where in the Geneva conventions it says targetting children is allowed as a defencive move ?

By the way under International laws it is the arab muslims that occupy Israel, and it is time the UN forced them to leave
By blockading Gaza, controlling its air space and territorial waters, and periodically massacring its citizens, Gaza is effectively occupied territory.

Not according to international law, and that is what counts. Not your JEW HATRED and NAZISM.

If hamas stopped firing illegal weapons into Israel from civilian areas then its civilians would not be killed
International law requires Israel to get out of Palestine.

It's not that clear-cut.
"Operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
(UN Security Council Resolution 242 Adopted unanimously half a century ago)
Stop being a pervert and peeping at them

Thank goodness for Cosco, what with all the windex I need to buy for removing all the grimy nose smudges from the outside of my bedroom window.

Mooning again were you?

You are incapable of discussing the subject matter.

You sure do think genocide if funny by the looks of your response to post 461, though.

We'll just have to add that to the list of things you consider funny like the rape of children, the massacre of gay people and just about anything else your heroes do.
And Isis dissolving people people in vats of acid, she finds that funny too.

10 Myths About Muslim Immigrants in the West

People look at the huge families of many new Muslim immigrants and imagine them multiplying at exponential rates. But this is a bit of an illusion — as are many of the figures suggesting that Muslim immigrants have fertility rates higher than in their homelands. This is because most new immigrants have most of their children in the years immediately after their arrival. The way we calculate Total Fertility Rate — the measure of average family size — is by taking the total number of births a woman has had and extrapolating it across her fertile life. As a result, because immigrants tend to have most of their children soon after arriving, scholarly analyses of their actual family sizes show that they appear to have more children than they really do.

In reality, the family sizes of Muslim immigrant groups are converging fast with those of average Westerners — faster, it seems, than either Jewish or Catholic immigrants did in their time. Muslims in France and Germany are now having only 2.2 children per family, barely above the national average. And while Pakistani immigrants in Britain have 3.5 children each, their British-born daughters have only 2.5. Across Europe, the difference between the Muslim and non-Muslim fertility rate has fallen from 0.7 to 0.4, and is headed toward a continent-wide convergence.

I sure wish this forum had a moderator of good character who would warn people when they are WAY off topic.

The topic here isn't American Muslims. It is antisemitism, specifically the politically correct variety sweeping the European left.

What do you expect when they are islamonazi propagandists who refuse to see the complaints made against them
Ironically, if this thread were about Muslims, coyote would be the first to go full Godwin, and would be ranting ad nauseum about Nazis and painting Muslims as the new Jews.

And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)

You are such a desperate and revolting thing.

You really are quite insane in the Islamomania of yours.

That what she said was a terrible accusation.

A lot of people make terrible accusations here. Though I doubt you've noticed. On the other hand, Tilly did hit "agree" with a post that was talking about nuking Muslim kids over the age of 5 because they might be indoctrinated. Hard to wiggle out of that one.
As has been explained over and over again, I agreed that children are being indoctrinated, and I agreed with the Ayan Hirsi Ali's comments about this abuse, and with her comments about the abuse of female children - FGM in particular. I do not agree with nuking Muslims or their children - anywhere. So, again, why won't you take this up with the person who actually said they think Muslims and their children should be nuked?
Because you are a coward.
I sure wish this forum had a moderator of good character who would warn people when they are WAY off topic.

The topic here isn't American Muslims. It is antisemitism, specifically the politically correct variety sweeping the European left.

What do you expect when they are islamonazi propagandists who refuse to see the complaints made against them
Ironically, if this thread were about Muslims, coyote would be the first to go full Godwin, and would be ranting ad nauseum about Nazis and painting Muslims as the new Jews.

And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
Stop being a pervert and peeping at them

Thank goodness for Cosco, what with all the windex I need to buy for removing all the grimy nose smudges from the outside of my bedroom window.

Mooning again were you?

I hear the local perverts have painted your black so they cant see anything anymore

Well that makes no sense. If you're going to attempt to be clever then you need to try and get the grammar and wording right.
Says the creature who consistently uses 'then' for 'than', and 'tenants' for 'tenets'. Lol. Oh and who supports the terrorists Hamas - who are among the worst antisemites going.
The European left are disproportionately energised in their demonisation of Israel because they are Antisemitic.

...The European Left has a disproportionate obsession with Israel: its default position is against Israel; its default sympathy is often with Israel's declared enemies. This unbalanced focus on Israel is itself an example of antisemitism. There are dozens of brutal dictatorships to choose from. Saudi Arabia. Iran. Islamic State. Russia. China. Eritrea. North Korea. Cuba. Yet the Left expends extra time and resources on its critiques of Israel, which is a democracy....
From the article above:

...And when you're Jewish, you look at these things and ask, why is the Left failing to criticise "friends" who want to destroy an entire country, but insisting on sanctions against one of the few democracies in the Middle East?

This cognitive dissonance comes up time and time again:

  • No doubt Labour MP Naz Shah doesn't literally hate Jewish people, she simply regarded herself as a critic of the Israeli government's sometimes harsh policies in its occupied territories. But then she wrote a Facebook post that suggested Israel should be relocated to the US to end "foreign interference" in the Middle East, “Problem solved.”
  • No doubt NUS president Malia Bouattia doesn't literally hate the Jews. But somehow she suggested that the Jews control the media.
  • No doubt Ken Livingstone doesn't literally hate Jewish people, either. But he somehow managed to equate Hitler with the only country on the planet that Jews call home.
This stuff goes down to the party level. Here is a Labour activist who was suspended from the party because he wrote a Facebook post arguing that the Holocaust was somehow advantageous to the Jews. ("The Holocaust has been the most useful political tool of the Zionist government in Israel to establish a financial racket in the West, whereby Israel receives an unlimited sum for the duration of its existence," he said.)

These incidents add up, and they have one thing in common: An unbalanced, disproportionate level of criticism against one small country, coupled with a complete lack of criticism of the many larger non-Jewish regimes who do far worse things. You don't have to be a huge champion of Israel to realise that this just isn't fair.

When you treat one group of people, or their country, differently than another, that's discrimination. And that's why the Left's "anti-Zionism" so often functions effectively as the anti-Semitism it claims not to be.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
Ironically, if this thread were about Muslims, coyote would be the first to go full Godwin, and would be ranting ad nauseum about Nazis and painting Muslims as the new Jews.

And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
so you are still down with Lucy's views?
Despite the fact that coyote keeps bringing up Lucys views, this is not a thread about Lucys views, and she isn't even participating in this thread, so I don't think it's relevant to discuss them. Plus, I've already answered your question, Ravi.
And you'd be the first to agree when someone calls for nuking Muslim kids :)
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
so you are still down with Lucy's views?
Despite the fact that coyote keeps bringing up Lucys views, this is not a thread about Lucys views, and she isn't even participating in this thread, so I don't think it's relevant to discuss them. Plus, I've already answered your question, Ravi.
No, you didn't but I understand both your reluctance to answer and your chastising me for being off topic while being off topic yourself.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
so you are still down with Lucy's views?
Despite the fact that coyote keeps bringing up Lucys views, this is not a thread about Lucys views, and she isn't even participating in this thread, so I don't think it's relevant to discuss them. Plus, I've already answered your question, Ravi.
No, you didn't but I understand both your reluctance to answer and your chastising me for being off topic while being off topic yourself.
I am responding to people's off topic comments directly to me. And yes, your question was answered. If you want more details, you'd have to be more specific and this thread is not about a specific posters views, nor my views on those, despite yourself and coyotes attempts to make it so.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.
The assholes aren't suspended until there is a media furore because they've exposed their Antisemitism very publicly, usually more than once in the case of the former mayor.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.
The assholes aren't suspended until there is a media furore because they've exposed their Antisemitism very publicly, usually more than once in the case of the former mayor.
How else would they know?
You are the one who is pally with the person who wrote that Muslims and their children should be nuked, and you are the one too Craven to take her to task about it. Hypocrite, thy name is lying coyote.
For the record, please refer to my sig, and note why it's necessary, people.
Have you gone off Lucy finally?
i have gone off coyote constantly attributing Lucys words to me whilst she is too Craven to actually take to task the person who actually wrote those words. Lucy and I have never agreed on everything, which you might have noticed if you weren't so busy calling me a Nazi.
so you are still down with Lucy's views?
Despite the fact that coyote keeps bringing up Lucys views, this is not a thread about Lucys views, and she isn't even participating in this thread, so I don't think it's relevant to discuss them. Plus, I've already answered your question, Ravi.
No, you didn't but I understand both your reluctance to answer and your chastising me for being off topic while being off topic yourself.
As usual you understand very little, I guess it's back on ignore for you.
If the Labour Party suspended an asshole for antisemitism then I conclude that the European left is against antisemitism.
So if the gvmnt suspended an asshole for being racist against blacks you would conclude the same? The European left is against racism against Black people?
The gvmnt is not a party. I have no idea what point you are trying to make. The asshole was suspended by his party.
The assholes aren't suspended until there is a media furore because they've exposed their Antisemitism very publicly, usually more than once in the case of the former mayor.
How else would they know?
How else would who know?
Posts have been shifted to FZ - let's take the off topic fighting over there.

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