The Voters of America Are Coming to Their Senses!


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2012
CONFIRMED: The Voters of America Are Coming to Their Senses!


By Scan
Thursday Aug 04, 2016 · 7:18 PM MDT

345 Comments (345 New)

It got a little scary there for a few days in late July...but now that voters have seen both party conventions and the aftermath, Hillary Clinton has rightfully reemerged as the clear frontrunner. Hey...America is pretty smart!

Below is a sampling of today's amazing numbers.

McClatchy/Marist national poll:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has surged to a 15-point lead over reeling, gaffe-plagued Republican Donald Trump, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

Clinton made strong gains with two constituencies crucial to a Republican victory – whites and men – while scoring important gains among fellow Democrats, the poll found.

Clinton not only went up, but Trump also went down. Clinton now has a 48-33 percent lead, a huge turnaround from her narrow 42-39 advantage last month.

The findings are particularly significant because the poll was taken after both political conventions ended and as Trump engaged in a war of words with the parents of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who was killed in an explosion in Iraq 12 years ago while trying to rescue other soldiers.

NBC News/WSJ national poll:

Hillary Clinton has jumped out to a nine-point lead over Donald Trump, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal national poll shows, nearly doubling the five-point advantage she held over her Republican foe before the political conventions.

In a head-to-head matchup, the Democratic ticket of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine receives the support of 47 percent of registered voters, while the Republican ticket of Donald Trump and Mike Pence gets 38 percent, the survey shows. Last month, Clinton led Trump by a margin of 46 percent to 41 percent.

In this latest poll, Clinton enjoys a significant advantage among women (51 percent to Trump's 35 percent), African Americans (91 percent to 1 percent), all non-white voters (69 percent to 17 percent), young voters (46 percent to 34 percent), and white voters with a college degree (47 percent to 40 percent).

Pennsylvania poll:

The July-August 2016 Franklin & Marshall College Poll of Pennsylvania shows that Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump 49% to 38% among likely voters. The Democratic convention appeared to benefit Secretary Clinton more than the Republican convention benefitted Mr. Trump. Nearly two in three (62%) of those who watched the Democratic convention reported being more likely to vote for Secretary Clinton, while only two in five (40%) of those who watched the Republican convention said they were more likely to vote for Mr. Trump.

New Hampshire poll:

According to a new WBUR poll of New Hampshire voters, Hillary Clinton is enjoying a dramatic post-convention bump and now leads Donald Trump by 15 points. Our poll also shows Democrat Maggie Hassan with a big advantage in her bid to unseat Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte.

The last time we polled in New Hampshire, three months ago, the presidential contest was virtually tied. Our new poll of 609 likely New Hampshire voters, conducted July 29 through Aug. 1, shows Clinton leading Trump 47 percent to 32 percent. When Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are omitted, Clinton's 15-point lead swells to 17 points.

Among the most important reasons Clinton has moved ahead so dramatically in this important swing state following last week's Democratic National Convention is that Democrats are uniting around her.

Florida poll:

Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump in the key state of Florida, a new Suffolk University Poll finds, another sign of a bounce in support for the Democratic presidential nominee in the wake of the national political conventions and controversies that have enveloped her Republican rival.

In the survey, Clinton leads Trump 48%-42% in a two-way race. That's an improvement for her from other recent Sunshine State polls averaged by RealClearPolitics, which had shown the two tied at 44%-44%.

Michigan poll:

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Republican Donald Trump in Michigan as 3-in-5 likely voters say the New York businessman is not qualified to be president, according to a new poll conducted for The Detroit News and WDIV-TV.

Clinton led Trump 41 percent to 32 percent in the statewide survey of 600 likely voters conducted Saturday through Monday following Clinton’s formal nomination at last week’s Democratic National Convention.

The poll contains many troubling signs for Trump’s White House campaign, including a “shocking” lead for Clinton in the Republican strongholds of west and southwest Michigan, pollster Richard Czuba said.

This is just today. I'm not including Hillary's 10-point lead in the Fox News poll, 9-point lead in the CNN/ORC poll, 8-pt lead in the NBC/SurveyMonkey poll, and 6-point lead in the CBS News poll. For the full picture of this week's polls, check out this list and chart from RCP.


And how about Nate Silver's current Now-cast map, which now shows even Arizona and Georgia slightly trending blue!


Obviously, these are numbers gathered in the wake of an extremely successful Democratic convention and a massive Trump meltdown, so nothing should be taken for granted from now until election day. But it's safe to say that the voters of America are coming to their senses after taking a good long look at both candidates.

That's nice

The only 'poll' I give a crap about is taken on the first Tuesday in November.

After all, it's the only one that counts.
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

Yeah, remember that. A poster above has already posted the thread's concluding thought. We'll know in Nov. Paying attention to polls and tweets is for twits. Praising the results of polls that go the way you like while bemoaning the polls that don't is utterly idiotic. A space you constantly inhabit.
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.
I'll explain this to you. If polling companies are conducting a poll of likely voters in a state, they already know the approximate ratio of democrats/republicans in that state. This ratio is hardly ever a perfect 50/50. An accurate result depends on getting this ratio correct in their sample. In a survey of voters in, for example, New York they will naturally survey more democrats. If it is in Texas they will survey more republicans. It's not some plot, it's statistical science, something most of us have little knowledge of and is often counter-intuitive.
Your poll is weighted with did you think the results would be?
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
It really goes to show you just how the low the bar has been set in this country when a self-centered, lying crook like Clinton is the country's preferred choice for president.
It really goes to show you just how the low the bar has been set in this country when a self-centered, lying crook like Clinton is the country's preferred choice for president.

She might not be had the other party come up with a reasonable alternative.
All polls everywhere are cheats? You would think with all their money the GOP could buy some results that show they are ahead. Oh wait, they already did that in 2012 and it did not turn out well for them. Face it, your man is an unmitigated disaster, so much so he makes even Hillary Clinton look good.

I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?
I never said that...I said the one quoted is weighted with dems...36% -27%. Your attempt at a strawman is duly noted
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?

I didn't get past "let me explain it to you"'re an idiot why would I read any further?
Do you actually think a poll taken of a 50-50 split sample would be more accurate?

Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?

I didn't get past "let me explain it to you"'re an idiot why would I read any further?
Because you are an incurious shit-for-brains.
Well're quite the dimwitted fool aren't you? Any poll can achieve any desired result.

I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?

I didn't get past "let me explain it to you"'re an idiot why would I read any further?
Because you are an incurious shit-for-brains.

You'll get over run along and pester someone else
I'll explain this to you.

Fug off
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?

I didn't get past "let me explain it to you"'re an idiot why would I read any further?
Because you are an incurious shit-for-brains.

You'll get over run along and pester someone else
I got all day to cast pearls of wisdom before swine.
It really goes to show you just how the low the bar has been set in this country when a self-centered, lying crook like Clinton is the country's preferred choice for president.

She might not be had the other party come up with a reasonable alternative.

I understand that, but there are other people running for president too. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are on the ballot as well and they could seriously shake up the race if so many people in this country would stop being masochists at the voting booth. Voting for Trump or Hillary is like saying "Thank you, Sir, may I have another?"
LOL, what's the matter? Did I make too much sense?

I didn't get past "let me explain it to you"'re an idiot why would I read any further?
Because you are an incurious shit-for-brains.

You'll get over run along and pester someone else
I got all day to cast pearls of wisdom before swine.

Ignored, I have zero use for progtard "wisdom" you fools think a man can be a woman. Dismissed

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