The Vulgar and crazy attacks against a great President.

The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Spare us your bull shit. Yes there were some of what you described by some people, but not full scale media thuggery. Your pissed because the Hildebeast lost and you thought you had locked up. No wonder looney left wingers like you are sewage rats capable of most anything that does not fit your narrow narrative.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
Misleading thread title.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
Misleading thread title.

Perhaps, but accurate content comparing what was thrown at BO and Trump.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Spare us your bull shit. Yes there were some of what you described by some people, but not full scale media thuggery. Your pissed because the Hildebeast lost and you thought you had locked up. No wonder looney left wingers like you are sewage rats capable of most anything that does not fit your narrow narrative.

If you don't like the media reporting the dumb things Trump says and does, then tell him to quit saying and doing those things.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Spare us your bull shit. Yes there were some of what you described by some people, but not full scale media thuggery. Your pissed because the Hildebeast lost and you thought you had locked up. No wonder looney left wingers like you are sewage rats capable of most anything that does not fit your narrow narrative.

If you don't like the media reporting the dumb things Trump says and does, then tell him to quit saying and doing those things.

The difference between the 'media' reports on Dem vs GOP Presidents is very wide indeed. Dems do no wrong no matter what for the most part. Does Trump say dumb things? Sure, who doesn't. It gets more play because he and not the Hildebeast is in the White House.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
Snowflake alert.
What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Spare us your bull shit. Yes there were some of what you described by some people, but not full scale media thuggery. Your pissed because the Hildebeast lost and you thought you had locked up. No wonder looney left wingers like you are sewage rats capable of most anything that does not fit your narrow narrative.

If you don't like the media reporting the dumb things Trump says and does, then tell him to quit saying and doing those things.

The difference between the 'media' reports on Dem vs GOP Presidents is very wide indeed. Dems do no wrong no matter what for the most part. Does Trump say dumb things? Sure, who doesn't. It gets more play because he and not the Hildebeast is in the White House.

No. It's because he does it so often.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Remember the Bush 43 days (when it all began)?
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Shall I show you a decapitation?
The hanging and/or burning of effigies has become a staple of political protest, and political speech has generally been given the greatest amount of First Amendment protection.

The phrase "to burn (something) in effigy" means:

To burn or to hang an image or picture of a person, as a token of public odium.
It is common to burn an effigy of a person ("burn in effigy") as an act of protest or dislike. The word first appeared in 1539 and comes, perhaps via French, from the Latin effigies, meaning "representation."
Last edited:
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Shall I show you a decapitation?
Go right ahead.
And then fuctard Sundance uses an extremist right source to push his bullshit, the American NON Thinker.

Rule 4b. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the source. Under no conditions, attempt to refute the content.
Rule 4b. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the source. Under no conditions, attempt to refute the content.

So if I post a link to a POV from Stormfront that all Jews need to be gassed I need to counter the argument? I don't think so. If you're gonna link to a shitty site you're gonna get a shitty answer...
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Remember the Bush 43 days (when it all began)?

I think you mean Clinton...
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Shall I show you a decapitation?
Go right ahead.
You already forgot the ugly bitch and a bloody Trump head? Figures, it wasn't important because it wasn't Obama.

Selective outrage is at epidemic levels with the left.

BTW, see post #31
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Remember the Bush 43 days (when it all began)?

I think you mean Clinton...

If you want to go that route, what about Reagan...

It escalated beyond sane levels after 2000 and Florida. What Slick Willie got is powder puff by comparison.
The attacks on 'American Thinker' are unjustified and just another example of leftwing hysteria.

For the Record:
American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. Contributors are accomplished in fields beyond journalism and animated to write for the general public out of concern for the complex and morally significant questions on the national agenda.

There is no limit to the topics appearing on American Thinker. National security in all its dimensions -- strategic, economic, diplomatic, and military -- is emphasized. The right to exist and the survival of the State of Israel are of great importance to us. Business, science, technology, medicine, management, and economics in their practical and ethical dimensions are also emphasized, as is the state of American culture.

Editor and Publisher — Thomas Lifson
Senior Editor — Larrey Anderson
Deputy Editor — Drew Belsky
News Editor — Ed Lasky
Blog Editor — Rick Moran
Manager, Social Media — David Daley
Chief Political Correspondent — Richard Baehr
Consulting Editor — J.R. Dunn
Staff biographies
Thomas Lifson, editor and publisher, calls himself a recovering academic. After graduating from Kenyon College, he studied modern Japan, sociology, and business as a graduate student at Harvard (three degrees) and joined the faculty at Harvard Business School, where he began the consulting career that was to lead him away from academia. He also taught sociology and East Asian studies at Harvard and held visiting professorships at Columbia University and the Japanese National Museum of Ethnology. As a consultant, he has worked with major companies from the United States, Japan, Europe, Asia, and Australasia at the nexus of human, organizational, and strategic issues.

A Democrat by birth, Thomas became more conservative in adulthood as reality taught him that dreams of perfecting human society always run smack into human nature.

In 2003 he founded American Thinker.

Larrey Anderson, submissions editor, is a writer and philosopher. He studied comparative religion, philosophy, and law at Harvard, Penn State, and Catholic University of America. He served three terms as an Idaho state senator including a stint as chairman of the Health and Welfare Committee. He retired from the Senate for health reasons. He has written four books.

Larrey lives on the Snake River in Idaho with his wife (sometime AT contributor Eileen McDevitt). Larrey and Eileen have two children and four grandchildren.

Ed Lasky, news editor, is a former lawyer, and now a stock trader. He has degrees from Northwestern University (B.A., economics), University of Michigan Law School (J.D.), and J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University) (Master of Management).

A read-aholic husband of one and a father of three wonderful kids (twin girls and a son), Ed is focused on politics, media monitoring, and foreign affairs. He started being concerned about the future when he had children. September 11, 2001 was a motivating factor as well. He feels fortunate to live in America.

Ed has appeared on the Milt Rosenberg show in Chicago and a variety of other radio shows (including National Public Radio); has been mentioned in Newsweek and interviewed by the NY Times. Recently he appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News.

Rick Moran, blog editor, is a professional writer/editor living in Streator, IL and a frequent contributor to American Thinker. He also serves as the Chicago editor of Pajamas Media and is the proprietor of the website Right Wing Nuthouse.

Richard Baehr, chief political correspondent, is a management consultant in the health care field and is the president of Richard A. Baehr & Associates. He frequently serves as an expert witness in health care litigation cases involving planning and financial matters. Richard has a longstanding interest in the Middle East and American politics, and he is a frequent speaker and writer on these subjects. He has spoken at many Jewish organization meetings, synagogues, and colleges on various topics: Israeli-Palestinian relations, the war in Lebanon, American politics and Israel, the future of Israel and the Middle East, and American political trends.

Richard was recently named a Visiting Fellow of the Jewish Policy Center, and he was a panelist for a Jewish Policy Center Forum along with Michael Medved, John Podhoretz, and David Horowitz. He has been a guest on many talk radio programs, including those of Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, and Milt Rosenberg. Richard also writes a commentary on the Middle East and American politics which is distributed by e-mail. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Kenyon College. He is married with two adult children.

J.R. Dunn, consulting editor, has been involved in several fields of business including real estate, infotech, and PR. He managed a real estate corporation in Northern New Jersey for a decade beginning in the late '70s (think Glengarry Glen Ross). During the dot-com epoch, he worked at a pioneering Wall Street business database firm until 9/11 wiped out many of the company's clients. In recent years, he has worked for Novita, a New Jersey political PR agency.

As a writer, J.R. has published three critically acclaimed novels: This Side of Judgment (1994), Days of Cain (1997), and Full Tide of Night (1998). He has also published a number of shorts and articles in various magazines and anthologies.

Additionally, J.R. worked on the academic encyclopedia The International Military Encyclopedia (1992- ) as associate editor for twelve years.

His first book on politics deals with the inexplicably overlooked fact that liberal policies (criminal justice "reform," the CAFE standards, the DDT ban, etc.) tend to kill Americans by the tens of thousands. Provisionally titled Death by Liberalism, the book will be appearing later this year.
Why would people want to attack a dude that's trying to do right by them?

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