The Vulgar and crazy attacks against a great President.

The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trumpt

Wait- I thought you were going to be talking about the vulgar and crazy attacks against President Obama

Didn't you get the 'Great President' part?


Certainly I did.

Perhaps at some point in his future President Trump will be a great President but he certainly isn't now.

President Snowflake has n problem making vulgar and crazy attacks against other people- including President Obama.

He just can't handle anyone making any comments against him.

President Snowflake is a bully and a bit of a wimp.
What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

You're full of shit, let's see the hangings, burnt in effigy shall I go on. How soon you righties forget. Trump deserves everything he's gotten. You give shit you get shit.

Spare us your bull shit. Yes there were some of what you described by some people, but not full scale media thuggery. Your pissed because the Hildebeast lost and you thought you had locked up. No wonder looney left wingers like you are sewage rats capable of most anything that does not fit your narrow narrative.

If you don't like the media reporting the dumb things Trump says and does, then tell him to quit saying and doing those things.

The difference between the 'media' reports on Dem vs GOP Presidents is very wide indeed. Dems do no wrong no matter what for the most part. Does Trump say dumb things? Sure, who doesn't. It gets more play because he and not the Hildebeast is in the White House.

Trump doesn't just say dumb things- he lies.

Pretty constantly and consistently.

And he bullies.

It gets more play because Trump says outragious things and wants the media to pick up on them.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
Ah do Naht support pickin up Donald Trump lak a bowlin' ball. Mah arm ain't strong 'nuff anymore - Bill Clinton
Well OP you certainly struck a raw nerve the libs are vomiting stomach bile.

No- we libs are still laughing at the OP for a) calling Trump a 'great President' and b) for the hypocritical whining about the 'vulgar and crazy attacks' against Trump- when Trump regularly makes vulgar and crazy attacks against anyone he believes has slighted him.

Maureen Dowd
Columnist, The New York Times
“pretends she knows me well--wrong!”

“hardly knows me”
“makes up things that I never said”
“boring interviews and column”
“A neurotic dope!”

Megyn Kelly
Anchor, Fox News
“You have no idea what my strategy on ISIS is”
“get your facts straight”

“highly overrated”
“so average in so many ways!”
“Never worth watching”
“the most overrated person on tv”

“is always complaining about Trump and yet she devotes her shows to me”
“Highly overrated”

“her bad show is a total hit piece on me”

“Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore”
“Without me her ratings would tank”
“Get a life Megyn!”

“lightweight reporter”
“I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct”
“lightweight reporter”

“so average in every way”

“highly overrated”
“very bad at math”
“the most overrated anchor”
“really weird, she's being driven crazy”
“don't watch her show”
“I don't watch”
“had her two puppets say bad stuff”

“should take another eleven day 'unscheduled' vacation”
“highly overrated”

“really off her game”
“not very good or professional”
“really bombed tonight”

Alicia Machado
Former Miss Universe
“disgusting (check out sex tape and past)”
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
That doesn't even scratch the surface of what the conservative right did to Obama. And we (the left) don't have to make anything up. I believe we're having Donald for dinner, again!

If you ask me, I think their going light on him.

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