The Vulgar and crazy attacks against a great President.

Perhaps if everyone acted with the same level of grace, proprietary and class as Donald Trump we could finally have civil comportment.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

great at what? demeaning the presidency and this country?

the so-called "left" isn't crazy or vile... and I'll remind you that most of the country thinks the orange one is a loser....

only the 36% of the country that is trump loons thinks he isn't an embarrassment.

but you're funny... wackadoodle
If you want to go that route, what about Reagan...

It escalated beyond sane levels after 2000 and Florida. What Slick Willie got is powder puff by comparison.

Ronnie Raygun? Really? You ever hear of a person called Ken Starr? You might want to look him up. The only things that they after Raygun for -rightly - were 'we begin bombing in five minutes - which was a really dumb, dumb, dumb thing to say. And Iran Contra. But it was NOTHING compared the vitriol Bubba put up with.
Considering that Trump is on tape talking about how he can grab pussy because he is a star, I'm not sure that anyone has said anything about him that is as vulgar as what he said about himself.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

A great president? The only choice was him or hillary so I went for Trump, but he acts like a spoiled little man child most of the time. The choices for politicians are getting crappier with every election cycle.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

Could you have found a less credible source? I don't think so.

hehheh 'When the message is painful attack the messenger'......I got run along....if you hurry you can catch cnn with anderson cooper. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WNDor Newsmax. They've published articles by such conservative luminaries as Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters) and Pamela Geller and such climate "experts" as S. Fred Singer and Christopher Monckton, as well as an interview with (and hagiography of) white nationalist Jared Taylor.[2]

The magazine, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism.

American Thinker - RationalWiki
So this crazy conspiracy laden The American Stinker site is right up the alley of Alex Jones/ Trump/ his supporters.
" they concentrate on creationism"
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Remember the Bush 43 days (when it all began)?

Bullshit. It started with Newt Gingrich and Dick Army when Clinton as president.
Rule 4b. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the source. Under no conditions, attempt to refute the content.

So if I post a link to a POV from Stormfront that all Jews need to be gassed I need to counter the argument? I don't think so. If you're gonna link to a shitty site you're gonna get a shitty answer...
... at which you seem to excel.
Ronnie Raygun? Really? You ever hear of a person called Ken Starr? You might want to look him up. The only things that they after Raygun for -rightly - were 'we begin bombing in five minutes - which was a really dumb, dumb, dumb thing to say. And Iran Contra. But it was NOTHING compared the vitriol Bubba put up with.

Words are more important than actions only in the minds of the intellectually challenged.
Since Election Day, the Democrats have engaged in a dangerous unprecedented incitement campaign against Trump and his family. They're radicalizing their supporters. It's an agenda. The attacks on Trump and his family are unforgivable.

How many radicalized Democrat loons are out there? Democrats have a created a very dangerous climate. Their incitement needs to be reigned in. If that doesn't start happening, there will likely be more violence.
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