The Walking Dead Season 6

Haven't seen it yet. From what people are saying, however, it sounds like they're basically just milking the anxiety created by the uncertainty over Glen's death.

Figures. :D
Well, I felt the most sorry for Tabitha the goat. :(

It was interesting to find out about Morgan's background. I just wish they hadn't focused the entire episode on just him and his story.
Haven't seen it yet. From what people are saying, however, it sounds like they're basically just milking the anxiety created by the uncertainty over Glen's death.

Figures. :D

Of course! Now you just HAVE to tune in next week! :lol: I can't stand the host guy on The Talking Dead. He annoys me for some reason. I think he played a talk show host on a horror movie I've seen. One of the Halloweens maybe? I just saw him recently on some really stupid horror movie, younger but it was definitely the same guy.
Haven't seen it yet. From what people are saying, however, it sounds like they're basically just milking the anxiety created by the uncertainty over Glen's death.

Figures. :D

Of course! Now you just HAVE to tune in next week! :lol: I can't stand the host guy on The Talking Dead. He annoys me for some reason. I think he played a talk show host on a horror movie I've seen. One of the Halloweens maybe? I just saw him recently on some really stupid horror movie, younger but it was definitely the same guy.

I've never watched Talking Dead, I don't understand the appeal. I don't want spoilers, if I want to talk about TWD I want to talk about it, not listen to other people talk about it. Why watch Talking Dead? :dunno:
Haven't seen it yet. From what people are saying, however, it sounds like they're basically just milking the anxiety created by the uncertainty over Glen's death.

Figures. :D

Of course! Now you just HAVE to tune in next week! :lol: I can't stand the host guy on The Talking Dead. He annoys me for some reason. I think he played a talk show host on a horror movie I've seen. One of the Halloweens maybe? I just saw him recently on some really stupid horror movie, younger but it was definitely the same guy.

I've never watched Talking Dead, I don't understand the appeal. I don't want spoilers, if I want to talk about TWD I want to talk about it, not listen to other people talk about it. Why watch Talking Dead? :dunno:
They don't give you a spoiler and the sneak peak usually tell you nothing!

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What a waste of an episode! Boring and pointless. What a useless philosophy in a dangerous world without law and order. It worked for the doc because he didn't encounter too many living people.

However, if Rick's group followed the illogical philosophy they would have been killed a while back. His philosophy would have got him eaten by the Termites, it got a whole lot of Alexandrian killed, it nearly got Rick killed and it now puts the whole town in jeopardy!

For such a beloved character they really ruined him.

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I disagree, I thought it was a very good episode. Very good human drama. It explained what happened to Morgan and why he's decided not to kill, it continued the theme of people's codes of conduct being challenged, and while I agree that Eastman's philosophy would not work in some situations, it was an understandable decision on his part.

Although I was hoping to see more of the overall story going into the episode, this turned out to be a very good diversion from the main arc.
I guess I was hoping to know something about Glenn.

I wish they didn't kill off Eastman so quickly. He was actually a pretty cool character.

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Glenn's not dead.

Absolutely, positively not dead

Nicholas landed on top of him and Glenn is covered with Nick guts. The walkers get distracted and leave Glenn at the bottom of the pile
Glenn's not dead.

Absolutely, positively not dead

Nicholas landed on top of him and Glenn is covered with Nick guts. The walkers get distracted and leave Glenn at the bottom of the pile
I think he's dead. We'll have to wait another week to find out.

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Glenn's not dead.

Absolutely, positively not dead

Nicholas landed on top of him and Glenn is covered with Nick guts. The walkers get distracted and leave Glenn at the bottom of the pile
I think he's dead. We'll have to wait another week to find out.

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At least....there's no reason to assume the group will find out he's dead any time soon.
We might find out in 2 weeks. Not much left of the season, so I am presuming that is when we will know for sure. Cliffhanger season ending solved.

Meanwhile..I liked the story of how Morgan got sane. But he is making a HUGE mistake with that wolf he has locked up. BIG mistake. Someone is gonna die due to it.
Haven't seen it yet. From what people are saying, however, it sounds like they're basically just milking the anxiety created by the uncertainty over Glen's death.

Figures. :D

Of course! Now you just HAVE to tune in next week! :lol: I can't stand the host guy on The Talking Dead. He annoys me for some reason. I think he played a talk show host on a horror movie I've seen. One of the Halloweens maybe? I just saw him recently on some really stupid horror movie, younger but it was definitely the same guy.

I've never watched Talking Dead, I don't understand the appeal. I don't want spoilers, if I want to talk about TWD I want to talk about it, not listen to other people talk about it. Why watch Talking Dead? :dunno:

Oh, I just didn't bother changing the channel because I was busy on my phone, so it came on, and when I saw that Morgan had an English accent like Rick, I was entranced! :lol:
Twitter cracks me up. They are posting pics of themselves looking in dumpsters with the caption "Glenn?" :lol:

Not on here yet, but I more or less caught up on what happens.


Fans are really getting into this, lol.
Another episode with no word on Glen. Grrr... Lol

Yep, it was kind of a fluff episode! In fact it was a pretty annoying episode.

The Alexandrians are such elites asshole. It was nicely pointed out that none of them fought against the Wolves and none of them scavenged for the food, but they feel entitled to take whatever they want. Then the one asshole with his great speech and then he steals food. Please kill that guy.

Fucking Carl, you would think that his character would have gotten a little better, but then he gets into a girlie fight with Ron, who sucks equally as much as Carl.

And no Glenn explanation and it doesn't appear that we will get closure next week either.

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Actually, you can lay all this on Rick for being a dumbass. All those walkers in one place....why lead them OUT? Why not just find gasoline and torch the whole lot of them in one big circle? Dumb idea to move them from that pit. Dumb.
Maybe its just me, but I don't care for Jessie.
Deanna is a weakling. And totally clueless. Her asswipe thieving son Spencer was correct when he blasted her with truth.
Corl's fight with the other kid was how I envision some posters here when they are fighting in the FZ, lol. Whirlyarm pinwheel girly fight. Corl (what twitter'ers call him) is a dumb ass that he has not put two and two together that Enid is probably a Wolf.

I miss the group being the group. Ricks group.
Actually, you can lay all this on Rick for being a dumbass. All those walkers in one place....why lead them OUT? Why not just find gasoline and torch the whole lot of them in one big circle? Dumb idea to move them from that pit. Dumb.
I think that he did the best that he could with the available resources.
I'd imagine that it would take hundreds, if not thousands, of gallons of fuel to torch that quarry. They probably have a hard enough time getting enough usable fuel for the few vehicles they've got, let alone enough to use in that manner. Most of what they're finding is probably contaminated by now.
Besides, that cliff giving way before they were fully ready sort of forced the issue. They really could have used the cheese wheel from "Z Nation".

As an aside, this is the first episode in a while that actually made me say "ewwww..." - that pair of Z's in the sewer... ick.

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