The Walking Dead Season 6

It's weird, but I find myself NOT wanting to be in big cities or towns. Not due to fear of walkers....mostly due to how rabid HUMANS can be at the first sign of a catastrophe. Take away their cell phones, puters, electric, warmth, food....and you have living walkers who will KILL you just to take what little you have.

There is no way on Gods green earth I would ever live in a city. Ever.
Have you missed the Black Lives matters protest?

I was almost in the middle of the Miami riots back during 1981 during my National Guard service.

People are ugly.
Another good place to hide out from zombies would be those caves that are built into the side of cliffs in the southwest. I think zombies would have a very difficult time getting up there.

Remember the petrol trucks they found? I think Daryl is driving one right now. Well, he was until the Walker Angels showed up on their spanking shiney bikes.
It was a stupid plan to lead all those walkers out. Some would move on, yes. But they follow sound, right? The majority would have stayed right there, and they could have been fried from the petrol business that isn't far.

Like I said....BAD writing.
Getting upset about the way infection happens is pointless though. That's EVERY zombie story. It's an element of zombie shows and movies that you just accept or not bother following in the first place.
Having it be where one day it's like someone flipped a switch and now everyone is a carrier and death enables reanimation is strange though. Kirkman better decide he's willing to spill the beans on the origin of it sometime before the series ends.
Having it be where one day it's like someone flipped a switch and now everyone is a carrier and death enables reanimation is strange though. Kirkman better decide he's willing to spill the beans on the origin of it sometime before the series ends.

Agree, but like you said, you have to suspend disbelief to even watch a zombie movie. The whole concept is pretty silly that a person who is dead can come back to life because of a virus.
Having it be where one day it's like someone flipped a switch and now everyone is a carrier and death enables reanimation is strange though. Kirkman better decide he's willing to spill the beans on the origin of it sometime before the series ends.

Agree, but like you said, you have to suspend disbelief to even watch a zombie movie. The whole concept is pretty silly that a person who is dead can come back to life because of a virus.
Well yeah because everything we know about biology says that's not even possible. But in other zombie type stories the change happens before any death takes place. Like in I am legend. They just become infected and change into some kind of rabid state. Still far fetched but at least seems more biologically plausible.
Having it be where one day it's like someone flipped a switch and now everyone is a carrier and death enables reanimation is strange though. Kirkman better decide he's willing to spill the beans on the origin of it sometime before the series ends.

Agree, but like you said, you have to suspend disbelief to even watch a zombie movie. The whole concept is pretty silly that a person who is dead can come back to life because of a virus.
Well yeah because everything we know about biology says that's not even possible. But in other zombie type stories the change happens before any death takes place. Like in I am legend. They just become infected and change into some kind of rabid state. Still far fetched but at least seems more biologically plausible.

Those zombies in I Am Legend were like super zombies. Those were the scariest zombies ever! They still had intelligence and they were fast too.
Another good place to hide out from zombies would be those caves that are built into the side of cliffs in the southwest. I think zombies would have a very difficult time getting up there.


I would think hills themselves would be good. Seems to me walkers would take easy routes, like water, they would go with the flow.

GOOD LORD, LISTEN TO ME! I'm a zombie maniac!

Pass the meds!
Another good place to hide out from zombies would be those caves that are built into the side of cliffs in the southwest. I think zombies would have a very difficult time getting up there.


I would think hills themselves would be good. Seems to me walkers would take easy routes, like water, they would go with the flow.

GOOD LORD, LISTEN TO ME! I'm a zombie maniac!

Pass the meds!

Lol! Well, there are a lot of places where they could make a home that that is much safer from zombies than a gated community, but the show would end up being pretty boring!
Sorry, catching up...

Couldn't somebody have told the brat to GO TO THE BATHROOM before he left the house?!?!?

Seems like even the most jaded zombie-warriors can forget those little life lessons! :)
I detect some anger there. : -) But it's all good!

I actually joke w my kids that Carl dies in the next episode, every episode since season 1, and make up the reasons why. They get pissed!

Even tho they're teenagers, i bought these zombie crossbows for xmas by nerf. Everyone should get a toy for Christmas, even if you're too old for a toy! So we're gonna have some headshot zombie-killin fun on the 25th. Of course... I'm gonna be the zombie.... I need to get goggles before they poke an eye out with their head shots... I forgot about that! : -)
I used to buy MrGracie those radio control helicopters but that was many moons ago. He always crashed them, but it was fun watching him mess with them..which took hours for him to get the damn thing to fly to begin with only to crash. took up most of the day and kept him occupied. :lol:

One year, I bought him a race car set..another year a train set. Kiddie toys, but he had fun "playing" with them. :)
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Woah... I love that stuff!

I got us all radio-controlled helicopters a few years ago, because they were on sale, and everyone gets a toy for christmas... :)

But there was a reason they were on sale! The slightest wind blew them off-course and eventually into a tree. They were only good inside, and even still needed constant tinkering to keep them from spinning the body and making them uncontrollable. But it was fun for a couple of weeks!

The race cars!! My cats loved them!!! Me and the kids were all excited about doing some racing, but the cats had other things in mind! Since there are very few basements in AZ, I couldn't keep the thing set up 24/7, and safe from the cats. Every track we built on the pool table, they would destroy within a couple of days, and eventually chewed up the cars.... It was kinda fun watching them chase around the cars, until some sparks flew! And then realized we didn't want to fry the cats....

A train set is a great idea!!! That's the next one!!! Thank you for suggesting it!
Grown men are still little boys at heart. Let them play xmas morning with toys long past. Even tinkertoys, lol.
Radio control cars, too. He would use it to chase the cat around until the cat got wise and got ON it. They both had a great time, lol. MrG built tunnels out of boxes, tents with towels, and that cat would just ride on top. They played for HOURS.
Don't get the wrong idea about me messin up my pool table w cats and stuff... I have tops for it! I'm a big pool player! So this is my table now, ready for xmas. Kinda sucks because I like to practice without having to go to a bar... And can't practice for a little while now. Unless I go to the bar! : -)


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