The Walking Dead Season 6

Dead pool for Walking Dead Season 6.

Here is what we know, a main character will get his head bashed in by Negan and it won't be Glenn. Every major killing is changed up from the comic to show. People are predicting it will be Daryl, I think Daryl lived on and it will be Abe. I don't want Abe to die, I just think he will. Here is my predictions:

Foresure Live
Rick - no need to kill the main protagonist yet
Carl, Judith
Carol - new fan fav
Glenn - after the fake out they aren't killing him any time soon

More likely to live than die
Daryl - this is the first time I had him out of the foresure cat. The rumors are there. And he seems like a perfect person to take Glenn head smashing
Rick's love interest, forgot her name
Sam - shit hole will probably live even though he can't shut the fuck up
Rosita - simply because I want her to

More likely Dead
Abe - as stated before I think he takes Glenn's spot
Tara - for no other reason then no one cares about her
Eric (Aaron's boyfriend)
Gabriel ( please please kill him off - he is a worse character then Dale)
Morgan (in my opinion they destroyed his character and he wasn't worth the wait)

Walker Food:
Dumb Ron will die in the first episode saving his mother and brother from the walkers that equally dumb Sam alerts
Heath - soup is served
Well, whoever Negan kills, it won't happen until close to the final episode of this season. I read Negan himself won't appear until the last episode or second to last episode. So we still have at least 7 episodes to go before we find out who Negan smashes to smithereens with "Lucille", his barbed wire baseball bat.
Well, whoever Negan kills, it won't happen until close to the final episode of this season. I read Negan himself won't appear until the last episode or second to last episode. So we still have at least 7 episodes to go before we find out who Negan smashes to smithereens with "Lucille", his barbed wire baseball bat.

Who do you think it will be?

They tend to flip characters for big comic scenes.

Herschel for Tyreese in the gov head chop off.
Bob for Dale in the Hunter's tainted meat.

Maggie in the almost rape for Michonne.

Therefore I don't think it is Glenn. My money is on Abe or Eugene.
Sgt_Gath, you also work, so you and I can talk about the show after everyone else. ;)

Sounds like a plan! :)

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

It used to be hard for me to keep my mouth shut about it so that I wouldn't ruin the show for you! Lol. :razz:

Now we are on the same schedule that night pretty much! :)

I think I actually get home a little earlier now. [emoji14]

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

I smileys that come up on your phone are so perverted looking. :lol:
Sgt_Gath, you also work, so you and I can talk about the show after everyone else. ;)

Sounds like a plan! :)

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

It used to be hard for me to keep my mouth shut about it so that I wouldn't ruin the show for you! Lol. :razz:

Now we are on the same schedule that night pretty much! :)

I think I actually get home a little earlier now. [emoji14]

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

I smileys that come up on your phone are so perverted looking. :lol:

True! [emoji38][emoji14]
Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk
Sgt_Gath, you also work, so you and I can talk about the show after everyone else. ;)

Sounds like a plan! :)

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

It used to be hard for me to keep my mouth shut about it so that I wouldn't ruin the show for you! Lol. :razz:

Now we are on the same schedule that night pretty much! :)

I think I actually get home a little earlier now. [emoji14]

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

I smileys that come up on your phone are so perverted looking. :lol:

True! [emoji38][emoji14]
Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

It's that one with the tongue hanging out. He's a perv. :D Lol.
Dead pool for Walking Dead Season 6.

Here is what we know, a main character will get his head bashed in by Negan and it won't be Glenn. Every major killing is changed up from the comic to show. People are predicting it will be Daryl, I think Daryl lived on and it will be Abe. I don't want Abe to die, I just think he will. Here is my predictions:

Foresure Live
Rick - no need to kill the main protagonist yet
Carl, Judith
Carol - new fan fav
Glenn - after the fake out they aren't killing him any time soon

More likely to live than die
Daryl - this is the first time I had him out of the foresure cat. The rumors are there. And he seems like a perfect person to take Glenn head smashing
Rick's love interest, forgot her name
Sam - shit hole will probably live even though he can't shut the fuck up
Rosita - simply because I want her to

More likely Dead
Abe - as stated before I think he takes Glenn's spot
Tara - for no other reason then no one cares about her
Eric (Aaron's boyfriend)
Gabriel ( please please kill him off - he is a worse character then Dale)
Morgan (in my opinion they destroyed his character and he wasn't worth the wait)

Walker Food:
Dumb Ron will die in the first episode saving his mother and brother from the walkers that equally dumb Sam alerts
Heath - soup is served

Poor Sam! He's just a little kid! :( He is frightened and has been sheltered the whole time! Someone should have just put that kid on his back and covered him up with some bloody sheets. That would have been a better idea.
For some reason, it looks to me like Abraham is going to get gunned down by those Saviors right in front of Sasha and Daryl. Anyone else think that may happen? Abe doesn't seem to like being told what to do. If that happens, then he's not the one beaten by Negan later on. Some here have commented that Glenn will not die at Negan's hand but I think Glenn or Maggie could meet that fate. We know it has to be someone and I think it being Heath is unlikely, even though he's been signed to do another series and will probably die somehow. I don't think Heath has been as significant a character in the TV show as he was/is in the comic book so he is likely too minor to be killed off in such a major and defining Negan scene in the TV series. JMO
For some reason, it looks to me like Abraham is going to get gunned down by those Saviors right in front of Sasha and Daryl. Anyone else think that may happen? Abe doesn't seem to like being told what to do. If that happens, then he's not the one beaten by Negan later on. Some here have commented that Glenn will not die at Negan's hand but I think Glenn or Maggie could meet that fate. We know it has to be someone and I think it being Heath is unlikely, even though he's been signed to do another series and will probably die somehow. I don't think Heath has been as significant a character in the TV show as he was/is in the comic book so he is likely too minor to be killed off in such a major and defining Negan scene in the TV series. JMO

I was thinking that too when I was watching some previews. Another friend I was talking too also agreed that this new group is probably going to shoot Abraham.
Who do you think Negan will beat with his infamous baseball bat? Glenn, like in the comics, or someone else?
This whole comic being a little ahead of the show thing really ruins things. I don't read the comic but I always end up reading ABOUT it because of reasons like this where people speculate about what's gonna happen with the show. Even though they don't follow each other exactly they're close enough that it spoils the show. It would be nice if I didn't already know who negan and the saviors were before the series went into halftime.
For some reason, it looks to me like Abraham is going to get gunned down by those Saviors right in front of Sasha and Daryl. Anyone else think that may happen? Abe doesn't seem to like being told what to do. If that happens, then he's not the one beaten by Negan later on. Some here have commented that Glenn will not die at Negan's hand but I think Glenn or Maggie could meet that fate. We know it has to be someone and I think it being Heath is unlikely, even though he's been signed to do another series and will probably die somehow. I don't think Heath has been as significant a character in the TV show as he was/is in the comic book so he is likely too minor to be killed off in such a major and defining Negan scene in the TV series. JMO
No way they take out Abe like that. Glenn is as save as can be at the moment. For major death scenes from the comic the show never kills off the same show character.
NOooooooooooooo! Not Abraham! Glen? I don't really care, but not with a baseball bat either. Jeez. Get rid of the idiots they now have to take care of, not any of Ricks group!
This whole comic being a little ahead of the show thing really ruins things. I don't read the comic but I always end up reading ABOUT it because of reasons like this where people speculate about what's gonna happen with the show. Even though they don't follow each other exactly they're close enough that it spoils the show. It would be nice if I didn't already know who negan and the saviors were before the series went into halftime.

Like I just posted, I never read the comics so it is all new for me. ;)

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