The Walking Dead Season 6

For some reason, it looks to me like Abraham is going to get gunned down by those Saviors right in front of Sasha and Daryl. Anyone else think that may happen? Abe doesn't seem to like being told what to do. If that happens, then he's not the one beaten by Negan later on. Some here have commented that Glenn will not die at Negan's hand but I think Glenn or Maggie could meet that fate. We know it has to be someone and I think it being Heath is unlikely, even though he's been signed to do another series and will probably die somehow. I don't think Heath has been as significant a character in the TV show as he was/is in the comic book so he is likely too minor to be killed off in such a major and defining Negan scene in the TV series. JMO
No way they take out Abe like that. Glenn is as save as can be at the moment. For major death scenes from the comic the show never kills off the same show character.

I think they might shoot Abraham. Judging by the previews, it's either going to be Abraham or Sasha, IMO. That doesn't mean Abraham will DIE though. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens! :D
Morgan, I forgot about Morgan. I think he is the one going to take Glenn's place in the head smashing.

I say good riddens the show destroyed a once promising character
I might be done with TWD.

I'm getting tired of them walking from one bad situation to another. I understand that it's the apocalypse but come on. They don't even put up a fight anymore. Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham had a huge truck, automatic weapons, and even a rocket launcher and they surrender to a few guys on motorcycles with pistols? That plus Daryl getting bested by those two people in the woods and the debacle with Glen and the dumpster which he never should have survived, I'm almost at the point where I'm not enjoying it anymore.

I love(d) the show but I'm thinking it has jumped the shark.
I might be done with TWD.

I'm getting tired of them walking from one bad situation to another. I understand that it's the apocalypse but come on. They don't even put up a fight anymore. Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham had a huge truck, automatic weapons, and even a rocket launcher and they surrender to a few guys on motorcycles with pistols? That plus Daryl getting bested by those two people in the woods and the debacle with Glen and the dumpster which he never should have survived, I'm almost at the point where I'm not enjoying it anymore.

I love(d) the show but I'm thinking it has jumped the shark.
Come on admit it you will tune in this Sunday! Lol

I agree it was utterly uncharacter like and ill advised for the trio (possibly the three best warriors of the group) to surrender the way they did.

Daryl got one over on him, but I don't think that was too horrendous.

Glenn I was torn on. 1. It was so unrealistic that he could have survived, but 2. I was glad to see him survivor more then the I believability factor!
For some reason, it looks to me like Abraham is going to get gunned down by those Saviors right in front of Sasha and Daryl. Anyone else think that may happen? Abe doesn't seem to like being told what to do. If that happens, then he's not the one beaten by Negan later on. Some here have commented that Glenn will not die at Negan's hand but I think Glenn or Maggie could meet that fate. We know it has to be someone and I think it being Heath is unlikely, even though he's been signed to do another series and will probably die somehow. I don't think Heath has been as significant a character in the TV show as he was/is in the comic book so he is likely too minor to be killed off in such a major and defining Negan scene in the TV series. JMO
No way they take out Abe like that. Glenn is as save as can be at the moment. For major death scenes from the comic the show never kills off the same show character.

I think they might shoot Abraham. Judging by the previews, it's either going to be Abraham or Sasha, IMO. That doesn't mean Abraham will DIE though. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens! :D
TWD previews always make you think a character is dead, but lives.
I might be done with TWD.

I'm getting tired of them walking from one bad situation to another. I understand that it's the apocalypse but come on. They don't even put up a fight anymore. Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham had a huge truck, automatic weapons, and even a rocket launcher and they surrender to a few guys on motorcycles with pistols? That plus Daryl getting bested by those two people in the woods and the debacle with Glen and the dumpster which he never should have survived, I'm almost at the point where I'm not enjoying it anymore.

I love(d) the show but I'm thinking it has jumped the shark.
Come on admit it you will tune in this Sunday! Lol

I agree it was utterly uncharacter like and ill advised for the trio (possibly the three best warriors of the group) to surrender the way they did.

Daryl got one over on him, but I don't think that was too horrendous.

Glenn I was torn on. 1. It was so unrealistic that he could have survived, but 2. I was glad to see him survivor more then the I believability factor!

Yes I will watch, but my enthusiasm is dampened. All it will take is one more improbable event and I'm out.
I just can't handle not reading the back of the book first. So...I went huntin'. I know what happens in the first episode. ;)
I feel better now. And look forward to SEEING it instead of READING it.
Morgan, I forgot about Morgan. I think he is the one going to take Glenn's place in the head smashing.

I say good riddens the show destroyed a once promising character
I think it will be Glenn that gets the nail studded baseball bat because they don't dare kill off Morgan what with the times nowadays. Even TWD has to be PC, ya know.
Meanwhile, I looked up Negan...or rather the guy that will be playing him. Dayum! Yum!

Surprises are not my thing. I like reading up to where it got to the end...HOW it got there, what happened to get there, etc.
Bump for tonight! I have 2.5 more hours to go, but already know since I read at SurvivorSucks and got a rough idea of the results from fans. I am eager to SEE it myself.
Worst episode in a very long time. The show might have jumped the shark!
(1) The explosion in the beginning was such horrendous special effects. The sequence was stupid. You have a tanker why stop the truck and get out. Very implausible that Daryl quietly over powered the guy. Very horrible beginning.

(2) How could walkers take over the world if they are too stupid to notice a person in walker guts. How can they just walk into a fire. Stupid.

(3) Why have edge Wolf live to just meaninglessly kill him two seconds later?

(4) They made it out. Why not lead Sam away from danger? Stupid.

(5) Dumb Ron still only cared about killing Rick and Carl. So much so he tries to shoot them in the middle of the Walkers.

(6) Rick goes nuts and just starts killing walkers. Then more people join. Not a very smart plan.

(7) Another Glenn death fake out. I actually wanted him to die this time. Yet Abe and Daryl get there at the exact right time.

(8) Then you give your baby to the most I trust worthy coward in the town. How fucking stupid is Rick?

(9) Carl gets shot in the eye. I am sorry but under normal conditions he would surly die, but in Alexandria he would have no chance.

Worst episode in a long time. Only good point was that Sam and Dumb Ron died!
Worst episode in a very long time. The show might have jumped the shark!
(1) The explosion in the beginning was such horrendous special effects. The sequence was stupid. You have a tanker why stop the truck and get out. Very implausible that Daryl quietly over powered the guy. Very horrible beginning.

(2) How could walkers take over the world if they are too stupid to notice a person in walker guts. How can they just walk into a fire. Stupid.

(3) Why have edge Wolf live to just meaninglessly kill him two seconds later?

(4) They made it out. Why not lead Sam away from danger? Stupid.

(5) Dumb Ron still only cared about killing Rick and Carl. So much so he tries to shoot them in the middle of the Walkers.

(6) Rick goes nuts and just starts killing walkers. Then more people join. Not a very smart plan.

(7) Another Glenn death fake out. I actually wanted him to die this time. Yet Abe and Daryl get there at the exact right time.

(8) Then you give your baby to the most I trust worthy coward in the town. How fucking stupid is Rick?

(9) Carl gets shot in the eye. I am sorry but under normal conditions he would surly die, but in Alexandria he would have no chance.

Worst episode in a long time. Only good point was that Sam and Dumb Ron died!

1. I agree.

2. Walkers have always been stupid. They 'took over' because no one expected or was prepared for it, and because people are so easily turned into walkers.

3. It was making a point about how people have changed in the post-zombie world.

4. What do you mean they made it out? They never made it out. They were attempting to get out.

5. The kid just watched his brother and mother get eaten following the people he blames for his fathers death. He snapped.

6. I agree.

7. I agree.

8. Again, showing changes people have undergone in the post zombie world. It also gives a reason to keep Gabriel's character around.

9. No reason to assume the bullet hit him head on and went into his skull. It could have been a grazing hit. Losing an eye certainly sucks but it not necessarily going to kill you.

I was disappointed in the episode overall. The writers seemed to be trying too hard. Rick walking out might have made sense if he was going to try and distract the walkers away from the house, but instead it was some sort of bonding scene for the group and the people of Alexandria.

Considering the number of walkers that appeared to have gone into Alexandria, how did those few people kill so many? No one else got killed doing it?

I agree that the explosion of the bikers was terrible. There was a clear moment where the biked went from being occupied to empty. Poor editing.

Glenn needs to die if this shit is going to continue.

I wasn't upset that the walker guts worked (as Rick said, they've done it before) but I was upset that Sam didn't actually do much of anything to get noticed. He stopped walkers attack each other if they stop moving? It just seemed nonsensical. I thought it was going to end up that Sam started crying or calling out that got him killed, not just freezing up. Then, as if that isn't enough, mom starts screaming, but just stands there. Fight, don't just stand there, woman! Another poorly written scene IMO.

I hope this was just a matter of trying to do to much in the mid-season break and they settle back down for the rest.
Pretty awesome first episode, I thought.

The intro scene was freaking epic. I am inclined to wonder how long it will be before we finally see Negan, however. Looks like they've got some petty drama to get out of the way first, if the preview for next week is any indication.

It was kind of lame how they just skipped over the kid calling his mother's name. Just another false cliffhanger, I suppose. However, they manage to salvage it later.

Holy crap, did not expect them to kill off the entire freaking family this soon. I'm not sure if I like that, but I'll give them points in that I wasn't expecting it.

Also, it's interesting to note that it was Carol's bullying which actually seems to have finally brought on the kid's freak out. I wonder if anything will come of that.

I liked how the Wolf actually redeemed himself.

I also liked how they fought to re-take Alexandria. That was freaking bad ass.

In reality, however, they most likely would have burned the whole town down doing that. lol. Frankly, even if they didn't, that fuel would likely burn so long, and send up so much smoke, that it'd be visible for miles around for days on end, and lead Negan right to them.
I liked it. But I am thrilled sissy cookie boy got eaten by the monsters mean assed carol planted in his pussified little mind, his dumbfuck brother who would have turned out just like his scummy dad if Rick hadn't killed him, and his mother who refused to see her two kids as they are/were.

Loved Abraham this epi! And Elvis finally found a pair of balls!

Now...since the fire attracted the walkers INTO it to be consumed, why the hell didn't they do that at the quarry? Dumbfucks.
Pretty awesome first episode, I thought.

The intro scene was freaking epic. I am inclined to wonder how long it will be before we finally see Negan, however. Looks like they've got some petty drama to get out of the way first, if the preview for next week is any indication.

It was kind of lame how they just skipped over the kid calling his mother's name. Just another false cliffhanger, I suppose. However, they manage to salvage it later.

Holy crap, did not expect them to kill off the entire freaking family this soon. I'm not sure if I like that, but I'll give them points in that I wasn't expecting it.

Also, it's interesting to note that it was Carol's bullying which actually seems to have finally brought on the kid's freak out. I wonder if anything will come of that.

I liked how the Wolf actually redeemed himself.

I also liked how they fought to re-take Alexandria. That was freaking bad ass.

In reality, however, they most likely would have burned the whole town down doing that. lol. Frankly, even if they didn't, that fuel would likely burn so long, and send up so much smoke, that it'd be visible for miles around for days on end, and lead Negan right to them.

I'm still watching it right now. :D It's over soon though. I thought it was a good episode. I thought the explosion from the grenade launcher or whatever that thing was that Daryl had was pretty funny! :lol: Did he say something to the head that was lying on the ground?

I was sad about the little boy. :( Then the mom. That was pretty sad. I'm pissed that the other kid shot Carl, so not too heartbroken over him; still, I don't really like that kind of stuff much (when it involves children).

I think Carl is going live. What do you think?
Pretty awesome first episode, I thought.

The intro scene was freaking epic. I am inclined to wonder how long it will be before we finally see Negan, however. Looks like they've got some petty drama to get out of the way first, if the preview for next week is any indication.

It was kind of lame how they just skipped over the kid calling his mother's name. Just another false cliffhanger, I suppose. However, they manage to salvage it later.

Holy crap, did not expect them to kill off the entire freaking family this soon. I'm not sure if I like that, but I'll give them points in that I wasn't expecting it.

Also, it's interesting to note that it was Carol's bullying which actually seems to have finally brought on the kid's freak out. I wonder if anything will come of that.

I liked how the Wolf actually redeemed himself.

I also liked how they fought to re-take Alexandria. That was freaking bad ass.

In reality, however, they most likely would have burned the whole town down doing that. lol. Frankly, even if they didn't, that fuel would likely burn so long, and send up so much smoke, that it'd be visible for miles around for days on end, and lead Negan right to them.

I'm still watching it right now. :D It's over soon though. I thought it was a good episode. I thought the explosion from the grenade launcher or whatever that thing was that Daryl had was pretty funny! [emoji38] Did he say something to the head that was lying on the ground?

I was sad about the little boy. :( Then the mom. That was pretty sad. I'm pissed that the other kid shot Carl, so not too heartbroken over him; still, I don't really like that kind of stuff much (when it involves children).

I think Carl is going live. What do you think?

Yeah. I think Abraham said "nibble on that." LOL

I'm pretty sure "Cor-al" is going to live. I think he's had a messed up face in the comics for a while now, for what that's worth (Rick was actually supposed to lose a hand to the Guv back in the day, but they cut that out).

Seriously thought we were going to lose Glen for a minute there. I was going to be pissed! Lol

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