The Walking Dead Season 6

And now we have a 2 1/2 month wait....

Deanna turned out to be an idiot about dying. In what way is getting eaten better than shooting yourself?

Both of Jessie's kids are terrible. They seem likely to die, but not until after causing plenty of others to die. Sam, at least, has the excuse of his young age. Ron is just a douchebag. Carl did a good job dealing with the situation at the time; making an issue of it would not have helped as the walkers were busting in.

Morgan is an asshole. Carol is an idiot. That entire scenario should never have existed, nor gone down the way it did.

Considering the accuracy with which the group is able to head-shot walkers, I think Rosita or Tara should have shot rather than let the doctor be taken.

Was there never any sort of contingency planning done in the case of a breach? Some sort of noise/visual set up to draw walkers away from town, or at least to one particular side or another?

Father Gabriel just hangs least he's not getting in the way any more. :p

Sunday nights have gotten a lot less entertaining for the next couple of months. :lol:

Sam is Walker Food. Ron....I'd like to buy stock in the kids acting career.

My wife and I were handicapping the Carol Morgan fight and I said Morgan wins this round, Carol's hurt and she's talking instead of acting.

Yes, take the fucking head shot on the W guy. Nothing good ever happened to anyone from dropping their weapon.
Take the fucking ANY shot. You have guns and he has a knife to the throat of a person that's not exactly part of the family anyway. Losing her is a very minor setback at best while letting the wolf go is only going to cause more problems down the road. That was really bad writing. The season started off so great and then really went in the shitter the last couple episodes.

Minor setback? She is the only medically trained person there as far as I know.
They've gotten along just fine since Hershel's been dead which has been a while. And even he only knew rudimentary things. Besides, the wolves kill people just to kill them. Letting him go is clearly not going to lead to anything good. The right play there is take the shot because he's going to kill her anyway.
I'm glad Deanna is dead.
Corl is an idiot.
Carol is turning into an idiot thinking her tiny little knife could take on Morgan.
Morgan needs to die. He's an idiot too and will get a lot of them killed sooner than later.
Emo kid I wished had been eaten immediately. He's already lost his mind, fuck the pretend shit.
Jesse..your kid is now insane. Die with him.
Maggie got a case of the slows, where the walkers had to slow down so she could finally get up there. Pffft.
Fuck the doc/nurse chick. Kill her along with the Wolf with the really REALLY bad teeth.
Fire all the writers. That last show SUCKED big hairy ones.
Alexandria is dead. Good. They all sucked.

Can you tell how much I am beginning to hate this show?
When the dust finally settles and it's safe again Rick needs to bury it deep in Jessie. For me. Because I want to but can't.
First season ending show that didn't make me want the next season to start immediately.

Lame, and the "Mom......Mom" at the end............

Friggen stupid.
Sam is batshit crazy. Hence the dark circles under his eyes and listening to Tiny Tim sing Tiptoeing Through The Tulips.
They should have left him behind for bait so they could escape.

And since when can zombies climb stairs? If they are stupid enough to walk into spikes, they should be too stupid to know what stairs are.

Bad writing. BAD.
Oh..and while I am on a rant...who the FUCK would leave their toddler alone in a house in a room where the house is being overtaken by suddenly smart stair climbing walkers..and a bitch bitten in a room nearby? Huh? Who?

And Maggie could RUN when she saw the balloons, but hobbled and climbed one rung at a time on the ladder?


BTW, if you think its just us that thinks this past epi sucked...check out Twitter. They are not amused. At all.
I'm not buying the cover yourself in guts and walkers can't tell bullshit anymore. It was fine back in the first season but it's not working anymore for me. Here's what I don't get.. Michones pet walkers thing worked great and no one ever does it. It would be the easiest way to have gotten through the herd outside the walls to start a new plan to lure them away. Or for Glenn and the girl to get into the town. While it makes equally as little sense as the guts routine at least it's something that works and doesn't seem to have the drawback that the guts thing does in case one of them decides it can tell you're alive.
I'm not buying the cover yourself in guts and walkers can't tell bullshit anymore. It was fine back in the first season but it's not working anymore for me. Here's what I don't get.. Michones pet walkers thing worked great and no one ever does it. It would be the easiest way to have gotten through the herd outside the walls to start a new plan to lure them away. Or for Glenn and the girl to get into the town. While it makes equally as little sense as the guts routine at least it's something that works and doesn't seem to have the drawback that the guts thing does in case one of them decides it can tell you're alive.

Agree completely!

A moron could defeat a herd of those things.

It's like no one has ever thought of just placing a boom box in a convenient location and wait for the walkers to leave?

Maybe the shows just losing steam?
So, if you hate the show so much, why would you watch it? So you can complain about it? :rolleyes-41: I've never understood people who do that. Watch a show but continually bitch about it. So, don't watch then! :slap:
Notice how no guts were smeared on faces?
Oh, and they just stood there in the midst of the walkers, looking around all nonchalant.

Yes. The show is losing steam. Which is why they have FEAR the Walking Dead now.

They fucked up the whole show when they went to Alexandria. That spelled the doom for most fans.
Notice how no guts were smeared on faces?
Oh, and they just stood there in the midst of the walkers, looking around all nonchalant.

Yes. The show is losing steam. Which is why they have FEAR the Walking Dead now.

They fucked up the whole show when they went to Alexandria. That spelled the doom for most fans.

Well, at least they finally got around to using that trick again.

I was kind of thinking they'd forgotten all about it. :lol:
They used the trick, but forgot to duct tape the dumb kids mouth. And I guess they didn't want to dirty their faces this time.

It was a bunch of hooey leading the walkers out anyway. Set fire to them. Or take turns at the truck where they smooshed thru to lop off heads. Spray them with gas and light the dam things.

The whole thing was just bad writing. BAD.
I didn't think the episode was so terrible. In fact, there was a lot of action and a lot of things happened. The previews showed that Darryl, Abraham, and Sasha are confronted by a gang on motorcycles who tell them they are going to take all of their belongings.
Notice how no guts were smeared on faces?
Oh, and they just stood there in the midst of the walkers, looking around all nonchalant.

Yes. The show is losing steam. Which is why they have FEAR the Walking Dead now.

They fucked up the whole show when they went to Alexandria. That spelled the doom for most fans.
It's following th comics though. They're not necessarily just making the show up as they go. They're just getting careless with some things. I dont hate it by any means I thought the first half of the season was awesome. But some of the writing lately has gotten bad.
I didn't think the episode was so terrible. In fact, there was a lot of action and a lot of things happened. The previews showed that Darryl, Abraham, and Sasha are confronted by a gang on motorcycles who tell them they are going to take all of their belongings.
That's the next enemy group they'll be facing. The saviors. Negan is the governor on steroids.
I didn't think the episode was so terrible. In fact, there was a lot of action and a lot of things happened. The previews showed that Darryl, Abraham, and Sasha are confronted by a gang on motorcycles who tell them they are going to take all of their belongings.

It wasn't terrible, IMO. I would say, however, that this whole season in general has taken some pretty silly turns.

Hopefully having an actual villain next season (barbed wire baseball bat guy) will make things a bit better. We're like three or four seasons out from his death now, and the Gov still hasn't really been topped as far as series highlights go.

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So, if you hate the show so much, why would you watch it? So you can complain about it? :rolleyes-41: I've never understood people who do that. Watch a show but continually bitch about it. So, don't watch then! :slap:

I hated the last few episodes. Until this season each episode made me want for the next. Not now.

At some point I have been expecting the survivors to have learned from past experiences.

It appears they don't
They used the trick, but forgot to duct tape the dumb kids mouth. And I guess they didn't want to dirty their faces this time.

It was a bunch of hooey leading the walkers out anyway. Set fire to them. Or take turns at the truck where they smooshed thru to lop off heads. Spray them with gas and light the dam things.

The whole thing was just bad writing. BAD.

At the gate, spear th MFs. Each one taken out is one less to worry about later!

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