The wall will never be built for a variety of reasons, but even if it miraculously got built...

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
How many American women and girls have to be raped by illegals before the left agrees to secure our borders??
Democrats would tell you that crime happens. Suck it up.

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Government should be equally lax about tax laws and gun regulations.

Let's be consistent and have a free-for-all in paying taxes and children buying machine guns. Who cares, right?

Democrats would tell you that crime happens. Suck it up.

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
What wall?

What border are the millions of illegals crossing?

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
What wall?

What border are the millions of illegals crossing?

Democrats don't respect borders. They want foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will. They also want Americans to pay for those foreign nationals healthcare and welfare.

Raise your hand if you want an open border that allows foreign nationals to come and go unchecked and unregulated at will and have Americans pay for their healthcare and welfare...

Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
What wall?

What border are the millions of illegals crossing?

The Great Wall of Trump
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Damn Skippy

We will tear down that wall as soon as Trump leaves
And Mexico will pay for it
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Damn Skippy

We will tear down that wall as soon as Trump leaves
And Mexico will pay for it
The cartels are paying Democrats for resisting the wall, and the cartels will pay them to tear it down.
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
If the illegals were not here in the first place, Americans would not need to compete with them.

You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Damn Skippy

We will tear down that wall as soon as Trump leaves
And Mexico will pay for it
The cartels are paying Democrats for resisting the wall, and the cartels will pay them to tear it down.
And they will never win another election if they do.

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
If the illegals were not here in the first place, Americans would not need to compete with them.

Democrats force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Damn Skippy

We will tear down that wall as soon as Trump leaves
And Mexico will pay for it
The cartels are paying Democrats for resisting the wall, and the cartels will pay them to tear it down.
And they will never win another election if they do.

They are hoping the cartels push enough foreign nationals into America to cement their power. Free stuff for everyone paid for by evil racist lazy Americans will be their slogan.
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
If the illegals were not here in the first place, Americans would not need to compete with them.

We have a 3.7 percent unemployment rate
Those American workers do not seem to be doing that badly
I'm saying there are foreign nationals of all types coming and going unchecked and unregulated at will into America. Democrats only see brown people.
Where is the wall?
Derp derp... can't refute what I say ofcourse.

The wall is being upgraded in places. If Democrats have their way they will tear down the wall for the cartels that they work for. Democrats also seem to enjoy all the human trafficking.
Damn Skippy

We will tear down that wall as soon as Trump leaves
And Mexico will pay for it
The cartels are paying Democrats for resisting the wall, and the cartels will pay them to tear it down.
And they will never win another election if they do.


Tear down that wall
Only Conservatives care about wasting money on it
LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
If the illegals were not here in the first place, Americans would not need to compete with them.

We have a 3.7 percent unemployment rate
Those American workers do not seem to be doing that badly
And millions of illegals are employed, allowing for multiple levels of tax evasion.

More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.
So you believe we should prosecute employers who pay substandard wages to illegals

If they paid the same as legal workers, Americans would be able to compete for those jobs
If the illegals were not here in the first place, Americans would not need to compete with them.

We have a 3.7 percent unemployment rate
Those American workers do not seem to be doing that badly
And millions of illegals are employed, allowing for multiple levels of tax evasion.


I say, give them temporary work visas that allow them a fair wage and requires them to pay taxes

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