The wall will never be built for a variety of reasons, but even if it miraculously got built...

1. Illegal immigration drops enormously. Agents and money is transferred from the border to finding illegals inside the country.

2. As labor oversupply dries up, employers are forced to increase wages due to supply and demand, not the "Goodness of their hearts".

3. Crime drops. Communities flourish as resources are spent on AMERICANS, instead of Mexicans.

4. You can shove your spin up your ass.
Lol um it would still cost billions to be able to round them up and it of course wouldn’t be paid for with any revenue.

What the fuck are you talking about? You’re just saying crap that sounds good but lacks any actual relevance. How would any of that happen just because illegals were gone?

Crime among illegals is a much lower rate than the general population. Why? Because any crime they commit exposes their status. Also, what are you even basing that on? What resources?

1. Money well spent. INdeed, better spent than anything else the government is doing.

2. Because of supply and demand. Less supply of labor, leads to an increase is price, ie wages.

3. Yeah, I call bullshit.
Um no because the unemployment rate is still 4%.

And finally, the lower end wages are starting to rise.

Let's keep doing more of that. For the next 50 years.
Um yeah barely. They are still way behind on the cost living.

Which is why we need to keep that up for the next 50 years.

We've been making policy based on macroeconomic numbers for the last 50 years, and letting the people on the low end get fucked.

We need to balance that out. For the next 50 years. At least.
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage
For one thing, it might stop these poor people from dying in the desert.

We have been told they are Rapists and Murders...

How many American women and girls have to be raped by illegals before the left agrees to secure our borders??
Democrats would tell you that crime happens. Suck it up.

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage
No, the fear is not with us.

It is the American fools who encourage the horde to Cloward-Pivon the U.S. who should be afraid. We consider that an unforgivable, act of high treason, warranting a death sentence, justifying lynching. Yes, we want those who engage in such treachery to be brutally killed and we are 100% justified in our righteous blood lust. This is an existential assault. This is open war.

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage
No, the fear is not with us.

It is the American fools who encourage the horde to Cloward-Pivon the U.S. who should be afraid. We consider that an unforgivable, act of high treason, warranting a death sentence, justifying lynching. Yes, we want those who engage in such treachery to be brutally killed and we are 100% justified in our righteous blood lust. This is an existential assault. This is open war.

Thanks Capt Hyperbole
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

Why didn't you tear down Clinton or Obama's wall?

We will
Mexico will pay for it

When you get burned just post random stuff huh?
I don’t fear brown people

Yeah your 80 years old and didn't have to compete with them for wages.

Afraid you can’t outwork a Mexican?
Why didn't you tear down Clinton or Obama's wall?

We will
Mexico will pay for it

When you get burned just post random stuff huh?
I don’t fear brown people

Yeah your 80 years old and didn't have to compete with them for wages.

Afraid you can’t outwork a Mexican?

Not 29 million Illegals..

When you were working only 5 ..
Conservative reason for building a wall

Brown people are talking Spanish around me
We need a wall
For me, it’s not about stopping Mexicans from coming here. We need them and they are welcome, but we need to have a prescribed path for entry, documentation and citizenship. An open border where anybody can wander across is worse than a wall.

There are simple ways of increasing boarder security with out one monolithic wall which will expensive to build and expensive to maintain... Yes Barriers are needed in populated areas but in desserts electronic surveillance is more effective.

A wall will actually increase the amount undocumented in US. The wall will be like a tax for undocumented workers.

The best way to control this is to control demand.

The "countries" you are referring to are 100% controlled by Cartels. EVERY fucking politician in these countries is bought and paid for by the Cartels. The Cartels put the politicians of their choosing in office.
Sending more US dollars to these 'countries' is like sending a ton a heroin to a junky in the vain hope the junky will someday clean up.
NEVER going to happen!

If the LIBs believed that all these illegals would one day vote REP these LIBs would be guarding the border by the thousands, armed with the LIB weapon of choice........BBC dildos.
...then what?

Do republicans just have this delusion that it will turn America into some magical utopia? Let’s take the fantasy further and pretend that the wall would reduce illegal immigration from Mexico to 0% and we magically deported all undocumented immigrants. Then what? What the fuck do republicans expect to happen? More jobs? The unemployment rate is what, 4% now? Why would businesses nationwide collectively say “well all those illegals that I chose to hire to begin with are gone. I guess I’ll start paying my employees more out out of the kindness of my own heart. My profit margins are of course less important than that.”

It’s amazing what simple reasoning will get you.

Of course, we know the wall won’t be built. Hell, Trump had two years to do that with a republican Congress and his dumbass still failed.
Even though it's been "being built" for a while now, these pathetic liars still play games.
For one thing, it might stop these poor people from dying in the desert.

We have been told they are Rapists and Murders...

How many American women and girls have to be raped by illegals before the left agrees to secure our borders??
Democrats would tell you that crime happens. Suck it up.

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
We have been told they are Rapists and Murders...

How many American women and girls have to be raped by illegals before the left agrees to secure our borders??
Democrats would tell you that crime happens. Suck it up.

I want Dem's to pick a number, how many Americans do illegals have to rape and kill before they stop encouraging them to come here and giving them sanctuary? 10,000? 100,000? How many Americans must be sacrificed on the alter of liberalism?
Fear the brown people!
Democrats are so racist they assume every foreign national that comes and goes unchecked and unregulated is a brown person.

They are obsessed with racism to their core.
You left out the part where Conservatives don’t see color
If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone

If Trump builds it.....
We will tear it down when he is gone
Lol the people who lost their land because the government seized it would take care of that for us.

LefTard Logic:
“I swear Mr President, you better not try to protect Americans and deprive wetbacks of the right to fuck them over.”
More Conservative fear mongering

Fear the Mexican hordes who stream over the border to rape and pillage

The op is arguing that we should bring illegals in to work jobs instead of giving them to Americans or raising wages.

Arguing against that, with the goal of better wages for American workers, is completely reasonable.

You are verging on being a troll.

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