The wall won't work

Why are the Democrats against controlling illegal immigration?

Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

Mexico has borders and immigration laws.
They enforce their immigration laws.
They would never allow as much illegal immigration as we do.
There is nothing "unfair or immoral" about having immigration laws. That's just knutts.
Only real racist cretins believe that they don't have to respect our immigration laws.
Jorge Ramos "this is our country, not theirs"
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.

A. Bullshit!
B. Jose and Consuelo are not commandos who climbing ropes for a living? Have you ever climbed down a 30 foot rope?
C. We have repeatedly discussed how tunneling is not an option in the middle of a desert!
D. How are you going to put guards on towers in the middle of BFE? It will takes hours just t put them into position, plus you would need a road to get them there. What will they do, yell at them in Spanish when they attempt to cross?

Anyone can climb a knotted rope. It is trivial, and everyone is required to climb up and down a 30' rope in jr. high school.
This is NOT a sand desert, but one of mostly clay, and very easy to tunnel in. There also has to first be a road built if you want to build a wall to start with.

Bullshit! Pure bullshit! Try selling that crap someplace else.

That 30 foot rope claim in jr.high is false. How do I know? I am a retired teacher. Schools don't even have those ropes anymore because of all the kids who were hurt trying to do that! It was a nightmare!

Actually, it is a rock desert. Learn some geography or look at some pictures. You can't tunnel without being seen!

The road is on our side!

My God, just how big of a dumb ass are you?

Never heard of anyone failing the rope climb in jr. high.
It is not a rock desert. I live in NM. It is clay mostly. Tunneling is easy. I just laid in some pipe. Tunneling can't be seen once you build a wall to block the view. You don't need a road on the Mexican side.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

What makes you think anyone has to scale it unassisted? You throw a knotted rope over, someone holds it on each end, and it is trivial for anyone healthy to climb over.
But there are rivers and obstacles that make a contiguous wall impossible, and like the Berlin wall, people can tunnel under, go around, etc. And if it worked, food prices in the US would double.

Who is going to hold it on the US side?

Anyone healthy? You had best think that through again.

You can't go around a wall that goes from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, unless you want to walk a few hundred miles and them take a LONG swim, dodging the Border Patrol boats!

If the border wall was really so easy to get around, they wouldn't be trying so hard to shoot it down. They're afraid of it.

Only because it is a waste of $20 billion, and will cause extinction of some species.
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Indeed. It seems that every time that a wall has been built, and supported, it has worked. And worked well.

"Belfast is a small city, but it’s demarcated by almost 100 ‘peace walls’ that separate Catholic and Protestant areas. Once serving as peace-keeping measures, they are now, in a post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland, popular tourist locations. Here’s our brief guide to Northern Ireland’s peace lines."

The Story Behind Northern Ireland’s Peace Walls

Now that the walls are coming down, there are those who feel that maybe they shouldn't....

"Last week, Belfast tore down its first peace wall. These brick and wire boundaries were strung across roads, parks and even backyards during the period of the Northern Irish Troubles, in a bid to create manageable barriers between the province’s warring communities. With the walls in place, both sides of Northern Ireland’s sectarian divide found respite from daily tension and violence on their doorstep. Now, 18 years after the Good Friday Agreement that brokered a peace deal for the region, it’s time for these relics of former strife to come down. By 2023, all of Northern Ireland’s 48 peace walls (most of them in Belfast) will be demolished, ushering in a new era in which the province’s communities can live in both proximity and harmony.

That’s the aspiration at least, and a noble one at that. But while it’s true that inter-communal violence has dropped greatly and attitudes shifted in recent decades, the reality that Belfast’s peace walls have both shaped and reflected is complex. The walls don’t just prevent street violence. The practical and psychological barriers they have put up have fostered a sense of stability that, while ultimately untenable, will require delicate renegotiation."
The Complex Process of Demolishing Belfast's 'Peace Walls'

Belfast is completely different because both sides wanted the wall.
East Berlin is a better example of trying to impose a wall, and it obviously failed completely.
Democracy and walls are contradictory.

No, they're not. Athens had the Long Walls. Thebes had their walls. The only place that didn't have walls was Sparta and they weren't a democracy. You need to learn some history dude. Just sayin...

The Minoans also did not have walls. But those walls in Athens and Thebes were for people to shoot down from, not to prevent climbers. Walls without defenders never worked.
Why are the Democrats against controlling illegal immigration?

Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

Mexico has borders and immigration laws.
They enforce their immigration laws.
They would never allow as much illegal immigration as we do.
There is nothing "unfair or immoral" about having immigration laws. That's just knutts.
Only real racist cretins believe that they don't have to respect our immigration laws.
Jorge Ramos "this is our country, not theirs"

Sure Mexico has immigration laws, but they would allow most US citizens in almost instantly. I know dozens who have done so. Most became Mexican citizens, others simply get a 99 year lease. Our immigration laws are not really legal, to discriminate against natives by giving them a lower quota then Europeans.
Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.

Actually they will. There are only a few places where tunneling is possible, thus, the walls will constrict the tunnelers to those areas and with a bit of technology in the way of seismic detectors you can track the tunnel building, then when the diggers get close you seal it up with cement and they get to start over. A huge waste of time and money for them, and a nice training and technology development test for us.

Impossible. Seismic detectors have to be within 100' or so with something as quiet as digging. And near a road there would be too much background noise even for that. But it is not likely they would bother digging. They could just go around.

You might be correct twenty years ago, but the seismic detectors have become far more sensitive. Digging is actually quite loud. Footsteps aren't, and they can detect those over 300 feet away depending on soil type.

If we assume every 300 feet, since the border is about 2000 miles long, that is over 40,000 sensors.
And they won't work near rivers, roads, or anything generating noise. And while shovels are loud, you can use a rotary auger that is quieter than a foot step. Foot steps actually are VERY loud, but just too low of frequency for humans to hear.
Ignorance abounds.

There are several kinds of sensors --- electromagnetic (it's a cable system that measures variations in the capacitance of the ground as a result of an object placed above it, and is sensitive enough to detect a rabbit - 1970s technology), temperature (a mesh network buried below the surface of the ground that detects changes in the surface temperature, and is able to reconstruct the weight, temperature, and shape of an object placed on it - down to the weight of a dollar bill), radar (sensors placed on top of the wall - presumably - that detect reflection of energy of any object placed in coverage - down to the cross section of a robin), sonar (identifying sound variations, as low as [classified] micro-decibels), thermal (you don't even want to know). An integrated approach, using available technologies, would tighten the border, making it impossible for a bird to cross undetected (or a rabbit).

I would suggest that if we can read a Russian newspaper from 22,000 miles in space, watching three Mexicans moving 50 lbs of marijuana across an open field shouldn't be too much of a problem. Frankly, the average person has absolutely no concept of the technology available. To try to define the limitations of a particular system, based on ignorance, is a fool's errand.

By the way, you don't HEAR - you don't SEE -- you don't SENSE - you let computers do the hard work for you.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

What makes you think anyone has to scale it unassisted? You throw a knotted rope over, someone holds it on each end, and it is trivial for anyone healthy to climb over.
But there are rivers and obstacles that make a contiguous wall impossible, and like the Berlin wall, people can tunnel under, go around, etc. And if it worked, food prices in the US would double.

Who is going to hold it on the US side?

Anyone healthy? You had best think that through again.

You can't go around a wall that goes from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, unless you want to walk a few hundred miles and them take a LONG swim, dodging the Border Patrol boats!

If the border wall was really so easy to get around, they wouldn't be trying so hard to shoot it down. They're afraid of it.

Only because it is a waste of $20 billion, and will cause extinction of some species.
... especially the ever ubiquitous illegalus immigrantalus.
Why are the Democrats against controlling illegal immigration?

Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

Mexico has borders and immigration laws.
They enforce their immigration laws.
They would never allow as much illegal immigration as we do.
There is nothing "unfair or immoral" about having immigration laws. That's just knutts.
Only real racist cretins believe that they don't have to respect our immigration laws.
Jorge Ramos "this is our country, not theirs"

Sure Mexico has immigration laws, but they would allow most US citizens in almost instantly. I know dozens who have done so. Most became Mexican citizens, others simply get a 99 year lease. Our immigration laws are not really legal, to discriminate against natives by giving them a lower quota then Europeans.
You personally know DOZENS of people who have illegally immigrated to Mexico? Really??

Last time I checked, Mexicans were NOT natives - at least, to this country. Mexican natives, maybe --- you know, the ones who have no legal standing in the US.
Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

Mexico has borders and immigration laws.
They enforce their immigration laws.
They would never allow as much illegal immigration as we do.
There is nothing "unfair or immoral" about having immigration laws. That's just knutts.
Only real racist cretins believe that they don't have to respect our immigration laws.
Jorge Ramos "this is our country, not theirs"

Sure Mexico has immigration laws, but they would allow most US citizens in almost instantly. I know dozens who have done so. Most became Mexican citizens, others simply get a 99 year lease. Our immigration laws are not really legal, to discriminate against natives by giving them a lower quota then Europeans.
You personally know DOZENS of people who have illegally immigrated to Mexico? Really??

Last time I checked, Mexicans were NOT natives - at least, to this country. Mexican natives, maybe --- you know, the ones who have no legal standing in the US.

The Aztlan Nationalist are racist Mexicans who do not accept that American is a sovereign country with borders.
They are racist who want to change America into a Latino country.
Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.

Actually they will. There are only a few places where tunneling is possible, thus, the walls will constrict the tunnelers to those areas and with a bit of technology in the way of seismic detectors you can track the tunnel building, then when the diggers get close you seal it up with cement and they get to start over. A huge waste of time and money for them, and a nice training and technology development test for us.

Impossible. Seismic detectors have to be within 100' or so with something as quiet as digging. And near a road there would be too much background noise even for that. But it is not likely they would bother digging. They could just go around.

You might be correct twenty years ago, but the seismic detectors have become far more sensitive. Digging is actually quite loud. Footsteps aren't, and they can detect those over 300 feet away depending on soil type.

If we assume every 300 feet, since the border is about 2000 miles long, that is over 40,000 sensors.
And they won't work near rivers, roads, or anything generating noise. And while shovels are loud, you can use a rotary auger that is quieter than a foot step. Foot steps actually are VERY loud, but just too low of frequency for humans to hear.

You are simply talking out of your ass. Why don't you quit while you are behind?
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Indeed. It seems that every time that a wall has been built, and supported, it has worked. And worked well.

"Belfast is a small city, but it’s demarcated by almost 100 ‘peace walls’ that separate Catholic and Protestant areas. Once serving as peace-keeping measures, they are now, in a post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland, popular tourist locations. Here’s our brief guide to Northern Ireland’s peace lines."

The Story Behind Northern Ireland’s Peace Walls

Now that the walls are coming down, there are those who feel that maybe they shouldn't....

"Last week, Belfast tore down its first peace wall. These brick and wire boundaries were strung across roads, parks and even backyards during the period of the Northern Irish Troubles, in a bid to create manageable barriers between the province’s warring communities. With the walls in place, both sides of Northern Ireland’s sectarian divide found respite from daily tension and violence on their doorstep. Now, 18 years after the Good Friday Agreement that brokered a peace deal for the region, it’s time for these relics of former strife to come down. By 2023, all of Northern Ireland’s 48 peace walls (most of them in Belfast) will be demolished, ushering in a new era in which the province’s communities can live in both proximity and harmony.

That’s the aspiration at least, and a noble one at that. But while it’s true that inter-communal violence has dropped greatly and attitudes shifted in recent decades, the reality that Belfast’s peace walls have both shaped and reflected is complex. The walls don’t just prevent street violence. The practical and psychological barriers they have put up have fostered a sense of stability that, while ultimately untenable, will require delicate renegotiation."
The Complex Process of Demolishing Belfast's 'Peace Walls'

Belfast is completely different because both sides wanted the wall.
East Berlin is a better example of trying to impose a wall, and it obviously failed completely.
Democracy and walls are contradictory.

No, they're not. Athens had the Long Walls. Thebes had their walls. The only place that didn't have walls was Sparta and they weren't a democracy. You need to learn some history dude. Just sayin...

The Minoans also did not have walls. But those walls in Athens and Thebes were for people to shoot down from, not to prevent climbers. Walls without defenders never worked.

Who has ever said the walls would be unguarded? You assume an awful lot.. And we all know what happens when you assume things now don't we.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.

A. Bullshit!
B. Jose and Consuelo are not commandos who climbing ropes for a living? Have you ever climbed down a 30 foot rope?
C. We have repeatedly discussed how tunneling is not an option in the middle of a desert!
D. How are you going to put guards on towers in the middle of BFE? It will takes hours just t put them into position, plus you would need a road to get them there. What will they do, yell at them in Spanish when they attempt to cross?

Anyone can climb a knotted rope. It is trivial, and everyone is required to climb up and down a 30' rope in jr. high school.
This is NOT a sand desert, but one of mostly clay, and very easy to tunnel in. There also has to first be a road built if you want to build a wall to start with.

Bullshit! Pure bullshit! Try selling that crap someplace else.

That 30 foot rope claim in jr.high is false. How do I know? I am a retired teacher. Schools don't even have those ropes anymore because of all the kids who were hurt trying to do that! It was a nightmare!

Actually, it is a rock desert. Learn some geography or look at some pictures. You can't tunnel without being seen!

The road is on our side!

My God, just how big of a dumb ass are you?

Never heard of anyone failing the rope climb in jr. high.
It is not a rock desert. I live in NM. It is clay mostly. Tunneling is easy. I just laid in some pipe. Tunneling can't be seen once you build a wall to block the view. You don't need a road on the Mexican side.

You heard wrong!

You realize that New Mexico's border with Mexico is small compared to other states.

Newsflash: We have these new-fangled inventions called satellites, helicopter, and drones. They can see on BOTH sides of the wall. Some of the walls you can see through, but not get through.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

What makes you think anyone has to scale it unassisted? You throw a knotted rope over, someone holds it on each end, and it is trivial for anyone healthy to climb over.
But there are rivers and obstacles that make a contiguous wall impossible, and like the Berlin wall, people can tunnel under, go around, etc. And if it worked, food prices in the US would double.

Who is going to hold it on the US side?

Anyone healthy? You had best think that through again.

You can't go around a wall that goes from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, unless you want to walk a few hundred miles and them take a LONG swim, dodging the Border Patrol boats!

If the border wall was really so easy to get around, they wouldn't be trying so hard to shoot it down. They're afraid of it.

Only because it is a waste of $20 billion, and will cause extinction of some species.

Really? Like what species?

Are you talking out of your ass again?
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.

A. Bullshit!
B. Jose and Consuelo are not commandos who climbing ropes for a living? Have you ever climbed down a 30 foot rope?
C. We have repeatedly discussed how tunneling is not an option in the middle of a desert!
D. How are you going to put guards on towers in the middle of BFE? It will takes hours just t put them into position, plus you would need a road to get them there. What will they do, yell at them in Spanish when they attempt to cross?

Anyone can climb a knotted rope. It is trivial, and everyone is required to climb up and down a 30' rope in jr. high school.
This is NOT a sand desert, but one of mostly clay, and very easy to tunnel in. There also has to first be a road built if you want to build a wall to start with.

Bullshit! Pure bullshit! Try selling that crap someplace else.

That 30 foot rope claim in jr.high is false. How do I know? I am a retired teacher. Schools don't even have those ropes anymore because of all the kids who were hurt trying to do that! It was a nightmare!

Actually, it is a rock desert. Learn some geography or look at some pictures. You can't tunnel without being seen!

The road is on our side!

My God, just how big of a dumb ass are you?

Never heard of anyone failing the rope climb in jr. high.
It is not a rock desert. I live in NM. It is clay mostly. Tunneling is easy. I just laid in some pipe. Tunneling can't be seen once you build a wall to block the view. You don't need a road on the Mexican side.

The soils along the border are mainly quaternary alluvium, sandy loam, and get down to 3 to 4 feet and there is a hard caliche layer that is as tough as cement. You only get good clay up around Taos and Santa Fe.
Why are the Democrats against controlling illegal immigration?

Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

Mexico has borders and immigration laws.
They enforce their immigration laws.
They would never allow as much illegal immigration as we do.
There is nothing "unfair or immoral" about having immigration laws. That's just knutts.
Only real racist cretins believe that they don't have to respect our immigration laws.
Jorge Ramos "this is our country, not theirs"

Sure Mexico has immigration laws, but they would allow most US citizens in almost instantly. I know dozens who have done so. Most became Mexican citizens, others simply get a 99 year lease. Our immigration laws are not really legal, to discriminate against natives by giving them a lower quota then Europeans.

That is a laughable assertion. We set immigration policy how we like. Race, and origination are immaterial. Once upon a time immigration was limited to people we felt would help this country. Lately it has been a bunch of folks with zero skills. Great for them, but terrible for this country.
Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Mexico will pay for the wall ... in several ways. You need to stop being stupid ... If you like, I'll be happy to educate you on how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

So the Mexican government is taking money out of their treasury and handing it over to us like Rump said. They are going to fund the building and maintaining of the wall like we were told? This will get interesting!
Is that what Trump said? Or, is that what you want to believe Trump said? Grow up.

So Rump did not say Mexico was going to pay for the wall?
He did not say that they were going to like it?
And you rubes did not cheer loudly as he bald faced lied to you when he said it?
Why are the Democrats against controlling illegal immigration?

Because we are a nation of immigrants, claiming ALL individuals have inherent rights, not just citizens. And because we need a larger population to compete with China and to support Social Security.

All countries have borders and immigration laws.
It's not racist or intolerant to control immigration.
What's really racist are people who believe that don't have to obey our immigration laws.
Think about it. What would happen if we stopped enforcing our immigration laws.


Most countries do not claim to be a democracy built by immigrants like the US is. And in most countries, immigration laws mean you have to sign a list and take a pledge. That is about all. It is racist and intolerant to prevent immigration of American natives from places like Mexico, considering they used of own about a forth of this country. Our immigration laws are unfair and immoral. Nor are they at all necessary.

ROFL! That is the dumbest thing an SJW has ever said. Mexico is a shithole. The reason it's as shithole is the fact that it's infested with Mexicans. They have made it a shithole. You can't argue that they aren't responsible. If they aren't, then who is?

You believe there is no valid reason for barring these people from our country. The only reason needed is to look South and see what they have done to their own country. Allowing a vast flood of these people into this country means America will come to resemble Mexico more and more. Anyone who endorses that is either an idiot or a despicable piece of shit who wants to destroy the country he lives in for the sake of political power. The same idiots who claim it's "racist" to oppose immigration from Mexico also claim mathematics is racist.

Face it: you're an idiot. Move to Mexico since you have no problem living in a shithole.
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Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.

Actually they will. There are only a few places where tunneling is possible, thus, the walls will constrict the tunnelers to those areas and with a bit of technology in the way of seismic detectors you can track the tunnel building, then when the diggers get close you seal it up with cement and they get to start over. A huge waste of time and money for them, and a nice training and technology development test for us.

Impossible. Seismic detectors have to be within 100' or so with something as quiet as digging. And near a road there would be too much background noise even for that. But it is not likely they would bother digging. They could just go around.

You might be correct twenty years ago, but the seismic detectors have become far more sensitive. Digging is actually quite loud. Footsteps aren't, and they can detect those over 300 feet away depending on soil type.

If we assume every 300 feet, since the border is about 2000 miles long, that is over 40,000 sensors.
And they won't work near rivers, roads, or anything generating noise. And while shovels are loud, you can use a rotary auger that is quieter than a foot step. Foot steps actually are VERY loud, but just too low of frequency for humans to hear.
Like everything else you have posted, both your claims are based on ignorance. How do you know what the range of the sensors is? How do you know they can't filter out natural noises? The latter seems easily feasible.

Like all SJW morons, you will say any lie in your zeal to defeat the wall.

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