The wall won't work

... making our country look like a big Douchebag to the world. .
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

Well I think Bri does make really good points, Now look I agree with him on pretty much everything, so I know his point of view.

Sure he's abrasive, but I doubt anyone can match me in that regard. I'm also pretty partisan, but I think it goes to trust. I'm willing to give it a shot, others may not be yet. One thing about Bri is he does post insight, and people may or may not agree, but he atleast tries to have a real conversation. Same with me, I try to have a conversation about facts, but if people want to get nasty, I'll get nasty. It's one of reasons I like Trump, he's the same way. Even though he's a billionaire and I'm just a college educated IT professional, I feel he understands my position.

The ones that I listed, typically start a thread and then rarely ever respond to anyone within it. Also my issue is they rarely provide links or give any insight.The trio I posted are people who are dirve by posters.

And then there is the starkey set people who claim to be or have been republicans but left, based on some really stupid reasons, and always promote the leftwing point of view. Those are the ones I have the most contempt for because of their dubious, bs.
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

Well I think Bri does make really good points, Now look I agree with him on pretty much everything, so I know his point of view.

Sure he's abrasive, but I doubt anyone can match me in that regard. I'm also pretty partisan, but I think it goes to trust. I'm willing to give it a shot, others may not be yet. One thing about Bri is he does post insight, and people may or may not agree, but he atleast tries to have a real conversation. Same with me, I try to have a conversation about facts, but if people want to get nasty, I'll get nasty. It's one of reasons I like Trump, he's the same way. Even though he's a billionaire and I'm just a college educated IT professional, I feel he understands my position.

The ones that I listed, typically start a thread and then rarely ever respond to anyone within it. Also my issue is they rarely provide links or give any insight.The trio I posted are people who are dirve by posters.

And then there is the starkey set people who claim to be or have been republicans but left, based on some really stupid reasons, and always promote the leftwing point of view. Those are the ones I have the most contempt for because of their dubious, bs.
I’ve had plenty of battles with both of you and I see i distinct difference. You can engage in an honest way with the ability to listen and acknowlege points made by your opponents. Bri distorts and misrepresents peoples positions to try and gain an edge. I don’t know, maybe he just does it with me, but I lost respect for him as a honest advisory. You both can be complete douchebags when poked, I’m guilty of the same thing, but there’s got to be honesty and balance or else we are just wasting eachohers time.
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.
It wouldn't hurt if Mexico actually paid for it. Since they aren't, however, it will hurt. Repair our bridges, improve our roads, rebuild our airports or update our water systems instead. The wall won't stop illegal immigration. It's simply a token....a very, very, expensive token.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

Well I think Bri does make really good points, Now look I agree with him on pretty much everything, so I know his point of view.

Sure he's abrasive, but I doubt anyone can match me in that regard. I'm also pretty partisan, but I think it goes to trust. I'm willing to give it a shot, others may not be yet. One thing about Bri is he does post insight, and people may or may not agree, but he atleast tries to have a real conversation. Same with me, I try to have a conversation about facts, but if people want to get nasty, I'll get nasty. It's one of reasons I like Trump, he's the same way. Even though he's a billionaire and I'm just a college educated IT professional, I feel he understands my position.

The ones that I listed, typically start a thread and then rarely ever respond to anyone within it. Also my issue is they rarely provide links or give any insight.The trio I posted are people who are dirve by posters.

And then there is the starkey set people who claim to be or have been republicans but left, based on some really stupid reasons, and always promote the leftwing point of view. Those are the ones I have the most contempt for because of their dubious, bs.
I’ve had plenty of battles with both of you and I see i distinct difference. You can engage in an honest way with the ability to listen and acknowlege points made by your opponents. Bri distorts and misrepresents peoples positions to try and gain an edge. I don’t know, maybe he just does it with me, but I lost respect for him as a honest advisory. You both can be complete douchebags when poked, I’m guilty of the same thing, but there’s got to be honesty and balance or else we are just wasting eachohers time.

Well at least we're communicating like adults, I had a similar convo with Faun in another thread. Yeah, some people are dug in, which is tough to get them out. I'm guilty of that and I think we have a chance to communicate and find some common ground. We just need to stop assigning motives and hiding behind language. To me, while I liked Trumps policies and ideas, I didn't vote for him in the primary. But I started watching and listening to his speeches and the real reason I really like the guy is because of his tweets and the trolling he does. I find it refreshing that someone cant be shut up or cowtowed, so if he can shatter that veil of being able to say what you really think instead of what is "polite", that will be his greatest contribution, even if his other policies turn out as great as I think they will. The roadblocks to communication need to be removed.

For example, Calling Haiti a shithole......It's rude, offensive and mean. BUT it's also true. And If we can recognize that it is a shithole, then we start the question of why? It's like being an alcoholic, you cant treat it until you admit it.

While that doesn't address specific policy, it opens the environment to start finding out how to fix things like that. I think it will be helpful in the long run and should be done with our inner cities...they are shit holes.....I have ideas on how to fix them, but I think once we can say that, then we can start discussing ideas, but until then, it's nearly impossible to have a conversation on it.
... making our country look like a big Douchebag to the world. .
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

There's nothing to debate. I'm not here to learn anything from snowflakes and other pieces of shit. I'm here to ridicule and discredit their lies and idiocies.
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.
It wouldn't hurt if Mexico actually paid for it. Since they aren't, however, it will hurt. Repair our bridges, improve our roads, rebuild our airports or update our water systems instead. The wall won't stop illegal immigration. It's simply a token....a very, very, expensive token.
You guys don't care about wasting government money, so spare us the cost lesson
And walls work all the time.
and Mexico will pay for the wall. How do you lefties not know anything about power dynamics in a relationship?
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

There's nothing to debate. I'm not here to learn anything from snowflakes and other pieces of shit. I'm here to ridicule and discredit their lies and idiocies.
Well I do think there is a time and place for that. But I do think we need to try and have sensible conversations with the other side when they try to have them.
For one it will keep us sharp, I don't want to become the dismissive, crazy anftifa types they have. Where you say one thing, they scream racist and the conversation is over. If they say something stupid, nuke the shit out of them, but if they try to have a conversation, even if you think they disingenuous and are full of crap, it's worth it to have a discussion. I destroyed Jake Starkey (not that i's hard to do) on the French Revolution leading to the modern left and on how the southern strategy is a complete myth.
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

There's nothing to debate. I'm not here to learn anything from snowflakes and other pieces of shit. I'm here to ridicule and discredit their lies and idiocies.
Yeah, no shit
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
I think it depends on the person, I know several college professors (my dad is one, although he's Kansas conservative), and they can be reasoned with. a lot of their notions and such are crap, but you need to converse in order to find the for those willing to engage in a real debate, you should do it....for the lakhotas, joebs, just mock them and move on
Hate to break it to you but Bri is Just as bad as those you just listed, he is just on the opposite wing. He plays the same partisan games and doesn’t display an ability to listen and debate. One of those to just mock and move on...

There's nothing to debate. I'm not here to learn anything from snowflakes and other pieces of shit. I'm here to ridicule and discredit their lies and idiocies.

First of all, it would a miracle and historic first if someone were always right.
Second is that ridicule and attempting to discredit without addressing logic only make you look bad, and changes nothing towards what you would want.
If you actually want to make things better, then you have to make a case for it.
Otherwise you accomplish the opposite.
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.
It wouldn't hurt if Mexico actually paid for it. Since they aren't, however, it will hurt. Repair our bridges, improve our roads, rebuild our airports or update our water systems instead. The wall won't stop illegal immigration. It's simply a token....a very, very, expensive token.
You guys don't care about wasting government money, so spare us the cost lesson
And walls work all the time.
and Mexico will pay for the wall. How do you lefties not know anything about power dynamics in a relationship?

Lefties do not believe in wasteful spending, but spending that saves money, like public health care, free tuition, housing subsidies, etc.
The wall won't save any money because immigrants don't cost anything, and instead they prop up agriculture and other US businesses.

Walls don't work any time. East Berlin was about the most recent attempt at a wall, and clearly it did not at all work.

There is a trade deficit with Mexico that is more than the cost of the wall, but that is private enterprise, not government money, so there is absolutely no way to divert any of that private money into public wall funding. If trade with the US somehow became more expensive, such as a tariff to pay for a wall, then Mexico would just sent its products to a different market, that did not have tariffs. So there is no way to get money out of Mexico.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.
It wouldn't hurt if Mexico actually paid for it. Since they aren't, however, it will hurt. Repair our bridges, improve our roads, rebuild our airports or update our water systems instead. The wall won't stop illegal immigration. It's simply a token....a very, very, expensive token.
You guys don't care about wasting government money, so spare us the cost lesson
And walls work all the time.
and Mexico will pay for the wall. How do you lefties not know anything about power dynamics in a relationship?

Lefties do not believe in wasteful spending, but spending that saves money, like public health care, free tuition, housing subsidies, etc.
The wall won't save any money because immigrants don't cost anything, and instead they prop up agriculture and other US businesses.

Walls don't work any time. East Berlin was about the most recent attempt at a wall, and clearly it did not at all work.

There is a trade deficit with Mexico that is more than the cost of the wall, but that is private enterprise, not government money, so there is absolutely no way to divert any of that private money into public wall funding. If trade with the US somehow became more expensive, such as a tariff to pay for a wall, then Mexico would just sent its products to a different market, that did not have tariffs. So there is no way to get money out of Mexico.
This I have to disagree with
Lefties waste money all the time. In fact they don't like oversight of their programs and they do baseline budgeting which is a HUUUUUUGE waste of money. It does not build any incentive for efficiency at all.

Walls do work, ask the people in East Berlin, making it to West Berlin was an accomplishment. the main difference is, we're not keeping people in, we're keeping them out, which is the main purpose of a wall and has worked throughout history. Jericho and Constantinople were two big examples. And it works in Israel Eastern Europe, private estates and resorts today.

As for trading, yeah there is:
First the tariffs would be on US businesses relocating to Mexico or any other country. So they don't really touch Mexican business
Second it's expensive to ship products and then to negotiate terms with other countries. If we cant get Japan to open up with our market, Mexico wont
Mexico needs us, we know it, they know it, so just like democrats realizing that the wall will be built and to just let Trump have it...Mexico will do the same thing.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.
I have no objection to that plan. I do think a 30 foot wall will be difficult to overcome and require a lot of time and teamwork. Thereby doing it's job. The wall is to frustrate and slow, but if they want to go with your plan....I'm on board.
I do think a 30 foot wall will be difficult to overcome

No problem.


The wall is to frustrate and slow, but if they want to go with your plan....I'm on board.

I'd be happy to donate some labor or pay an extra tax out of my paycheck to help build it sooner. Personally, I like the idea of industrial lasers that are triggered by motion detectors that simply cut you in half, but if you make it over, just look at how many other countries treat invaders! Starvation, beatings and forced labor prison camps. Then if you survive, you are thrown out of the country with a chip implanted in your body that if you come near the wall again, it explodes in your body killing you.

Enough of this people being deported 9 times. Build the wall a few hundred feet inside the border so that if you even get close enough to SEE the wall, we cut you down with a Gatling gun!
I do think a 30 foot wall will be difficult to overcome

No problem.

View attachment 173249

The wall is to frustrate and slow, but if they want to go with your plan....I'm on board.

I'd be happy to donate some labor or pay an extra tax out of my paycheck to help build it sooner. Personally, I like the idea of industrial lasers that are triggered by motion detectors that simply cut you in half, but if you make it over, just look at how many other countries treat invaders! Starvation, beatings and forced labor prison camps. Then if you survive, you are thrown out of the country with a chip implanted in your body that if you come near the wall again, it explodes in your body killing you.

Enough of this people being deported 9 times. Build the wall a few hundred feet inside the border so that if you even get close enough to SEE the wall, we cut you down with a Gatling gun!
LOL, yeah all good ideas. I tell the dems they better hope the wall works, the next step is putting the military on the border and having them do live target practice!
I do think a 30 foot wall will be difficult to overcome

No problem.

View attachment 173249

The wall is to frustrate and slow, but if they want to go with your plan....I'm on board.

I'd be happy to donate some labor or pay an extra tax out of my paycheck to help build it sooner. Personally, I like the idea of industrial lasers that are triggered by motion detectors that simply cut you in half, but if you make it over, just look at how many other countries treat invaders! Starvation, beatings and forced labor prison camps. Then if you survive, you are thrown out of the country with a chip implanted in your body that if you come near the wall again, it explodes in your body killing you.

Enough of this people being deported 9 times. Build the wall a few hundred feet inside the border so that if you even get close enough to SEE the wall, we cut you down with a Gatling gun!
LOL, yeah all good ideas. I tell the dems they better hope the wall works, the next step is putting the military on the border and having them do live target practice!

If you don't like any of those, I have a design for a type of "crossbow" that instead of firing arrows, shoots circular saw blades at high speed and power spinning very very fast. Leave no doubt that if you want to enter the USA for a visit, fine! Love to have you! Come and spend your money here! Want to come on a temporary work visa? Great! Want to apply for permanent citizenship? Go for it! But I'm sorry your country SUCKS. Why don't you expend your energies THERE to try to effect change THERE. But don't you dare try to invade America illegally just because we happen to be next door. Borders exist for a reason and a country cannot be a country without borders.
I do think a 30 foot wall will be difficult to overcome

No problem.

View attachment 173249

The wall is to frustrate and slow, but if they want to go with your plan....I'm on board.

I'd be happy to donate some labor or pay an extra tax out of my paycheck to help build it sooner. Personally, I like the idea of industrial lasers that are triggered by motion detectors that simply cut you in half, but if you make it over, just look at how many other countries treat invaders! Starvation, beatings and forced labor prison camps. Then if you survive, you are thrown out of the country with a chip implanted in your body that if you come near the wall again, it explodes in your body killing you.

Enough of this people being deported 9 times. Build the wall a few hundred feet inside the border so that if you even get close enough to SEE the wall, we cut you down with a Gatling gun!
LOL, yeah all good ideas. I tell the dems they better hope the wall works, the next step is putting the military on the border and having them do live target practice!

If you don't like any of those, I have a design for a type of "crossbow" that instead of firing arrows, shoots circular saw blades at high speed and power spinning very very fast. Leave no doubt that if you want to enter the USA for a visit, fine! Love to have you! Come and spend your money here! Want to come on a temporary work visa? Great! Want to apply for permanent citizenship? Go for it! But I'm sorry your country SUCKS. Why don't you expend your energies THERE to try to effect change THERE. But don't you dare try to invade America illegally just because we happen to be next door. Borders exist for a reason and a country cannot be a country without borders.
exactly, just copy our constitution, make some modifications for cultural differences and voila! A country that works!
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.
It wouldn't hurt if Mexico actually paid for it. Since they aren't, however, it will hurt. Repair our bridges, improve our roads, rebuild our airports or update our water systems instead. The wall won't stop illegal immigration. It's simply a token....a very, very, expensive token.
You guys don't care about wasting government money, so spare us the cost lesson
And walls work all the time.
and Mexico will pay for the wall. How do you lefties not know anything about power dynamics in a relationship?

Lefties do not believe in wasteful spending, but spending that saves money, like public health care, free tuition, housing subsidies, etc.
The wall won't save any money because immigrants don't cost anything, and instead they prop up agriculture and other US businesses.

Walls don't work any time. East Berlin was about the most recent attempt at a wall, and clearly it did not at all work.

There is a trade deficit with Mexico that is more than the cost of the wall, but that is private enterprise, not government money, so there is absolutely no way to divert any of that private money into public wall funding. If trade with the US somehow became more expensive, such as a tariff to pay for a wall, then Mexico would just sent its products to a different market, that did not have tariffs. So there is no way to get money out of Mexico.

What screwed up alternative history novel have you been reading?
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

A). Just because a commando has a hard time doesn't mean a Mexican drug cartel will. They have been practicing beating walls for a long time.
B). All you need to get down from a 30 foot wall is a piece of rope.
C). Then there is the matter of stopping them from tunneling UNDER it.
D). The "Wall" should be a secondary wall with guard towers. The principle wall is a lesser barrier that you must breech first to slow you down, then cross a 25 foot gap full of barbed wire and other traps before you even get to the real wall. Anyone touching the first barrier or crossing between: shoot them dead on sight and throw their body back over. A trebuchet would work nice.

By no means am I knocking it: but with it needs to be some form of electronic detection to alert patrols of someone around or on the wall, combined with some form of lethal force. A trap door where the ground opens up and you fall into a closed pit to starve and die would be nice. Just go through every so often with a wheel loader to scoop all the dead bodies out. When the dead bodies start piling up in front of the wall, these people will think harder about trying to go over it.

A. Bullshit!
B. Jose and Consuelo are not commandos who climbing ropes for a living? Have you ever climbed down a 30 foot rope?
C. We have repeatedly discussed how tunneling is not an option in the middle of a desert!
D. How are you going to put guards on towers in the middle of BFE? It will takes hours just t put them into position, plus you would need a road to get them there. What will they do, yell at them in Spanish when they attempt to cross?
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

What makes you think anyone has to scale it unassisted? You throw a knotted rope over, someone holds it on each end, and it is trivial for anyone healthy to climb over.
But there are rivers and obstacles that make a contiguous wall impossible, and like the Berlin wall, people can tunnel under, go around, etc. And if it worked, food prices in the US would double.

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