The wall won't work

I see the panic I caused over the idea of tunneling under Stalin's, oops I meant Trump's wall!

Ground & Siesmic sensors can be spoofed easily - just dig some holes in the ground on the Mexican side and blast sound into them (including sub-sonic) and all your sensors and detectors become USELESS.

Dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough and there's no way it can be stopped.

Sorry to bust your bubbles!

Here's a few tunnels for ya:

Third Tunnel of Aggression - Wikipedia

Vinh Moc tunnels and remains of Vietnam DMZ - Dong Ha - Vietnam

This Explosion Was the Biggest Blast Before Atomic Bombs

Tunnels are expensive and difficult to construct, especially in BFE. It takes manpower and machinery to do, and those are easily detected.They are usually easily detected by the material removed from the tunnel. You have to put that stuff somewhere and usually it is easily seen from the air.

You obviously have not given much thought to this, but relied on Google. That's a typical liberal know-nothing response.

The Mexican cartels have plenty o money and man power. You don't have to worry about desposing of the extracted material if the tunnel starts on the Mexican side.

Apparently, it's you who haven't thought this thru. But then, you never do.

Hey dumb ass! You don't think we can look on the other side of the border?

Please stop embarrassing yourself! It's cruel for those of us who have to watch you flaunt your stupidity.

This is coming from the guy that wasn't man enough to admit that he didn't know about the u-boat campaign against American shipping early in the WWII.

You seriously have no integrity whatsoever, so I'm not going to continue this discussion with you.

Good luck with your wall, IDIOT!

Once again, since you brought it up, you have me confused with someone else.

I have a history degree and one of my extensive papers I wrote was on submarine warfare in WWII. Why would I write on that topic? Because I am a qualified submariner, and wore dolphins on my chest for 21 of my 23 years in the Navy.

Now, KMA you idiot!
I see the panic I caused over the idea of tunneling under Stalin's, oops I meant Trump's wall!

Ground & Siesmic sensors can be spoofed easily - just dig some holes in the ground on the Mexican side and blast sound into them (including sub-sonic) and all your sensors and detectors become USELESS.

Dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough and there's no way it can be stopped.

Sorry to bust your bubbles!

Here's a few tunnels for ya:

Third Tunnel of Aggression - Wikipedia

Vinh Moc tunnels and remains of Vietnam DMZ - Dong Ha - Vietnam

This Explosion Was the Biggest Blast Before Atomic Bombs

Tunnels are expensive and difficult to construct, especially in BFE. It takes manpower and machinery to do, and those are easily detected.They are usually easily detected by the material removed from the tunnel. You have to put that stuff somewhere and usually it is easily seen from the air.

You obviously have not given much thought to this, but relied on Google. That's a typical liberal know-nothing response.

These think a bunch of ignorant impoverish peasants are going to dig tunnels miles long and hundreds of feet deep to get across the border. That doesn't pass the laugh test. Drug dealers may do it, but not pedro who just wants an American job.
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

You have no clue about the Maginot line, dumbass!

You are the greatest failure ever!

So the line worked then, most have it all wrong.

There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

It IS that tough ---- in fact, it is virtually impossible to go UNDER the "wall" undetected ... presuming the proposed technology is faithfully implemented.

You're letting your ignorance show.
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

Why is the German army going to attack us?
And besides the French didn't extend it all the way, the Germans just went around it.
Pssst --- the Maginot Line was NOT a wall. Try to educate the idiots.

And it did not work either!
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

Why is the German army going to attack us?
And besides the French didn't extend it all the way, the Germans just went around it.
Pssst --- the Maginot Line was NOT a wall. Try to educate the idiots.

And it did not work either!

You're letting your ignorance show .... the Maginot LINE was not a wall ... your asinine comment is a non sequitur.
Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests
Why did anyone need to test that? That's like testing whether birds have wings. The reason there's no wall there now is that a wall won't work.

What idiot ever thought a wall is such a bright idea, in the first place?

Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.
-- William T. Kelley, one of Trump's professors at U. Penn​
The reason there is no wall --- we'll ignore the 700 miles already in place --- is because we have 50% of our politicians who are more interested in courting the Hispanic vote than they are in securing their country.
There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Mexico will pay for the wall ... in several ways. You need to stop being stupid ... If you like, I'll be happy to educate you on how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.
Or they can just come through the border checkpoint and then overstay their visas, or take a boat ride and land somewhere on the gulf coast or California coast. Or they can fly in.
Yep --- 54% of them do just that.

But, with a wall, the other 46% won't.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.
Actually , we agree to disagree. We don't need a border wall. We need to enforce immigration laws and punish businesses those that use, exploit , hire or otherwise choose to hire illegals over and above Legal imigrants or American workers. THAT seems more practical and to the point.
Sorry --- you cannot enforce the current immigration laws without stopping illegal immigration.

This convenient canard that US business promotes, and fosters, illegal immigration is, simply, a liberal lie.

Take the time to do the research ---- investigate where these illegal immigrants are supposedly working - check out how much they are paid, look at what documentation they are required to produce.

Come back to us, with your hat in hand - because, you are, simply, wrong. You have been misled and deluded. Time to stop - make the effort.
What idiot ever thought a wall is such a bright idea, in the first place?

Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.
-- William T. Kelley, one of Trump's professors at U. Penn

As for the wall, what idiot would think it would not work? If they don't work, why is there one around the Vatican?

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall?
By Robert Farley
Posted on April 26, 2017
Secure Fence Act of 2006, which called for construction of 700 miles of fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras. Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

In a very general sense, the Democrats named by Mulvaney supported a bill to build more border fencing in 2006, and Trump is now asking for money to build a wall and fencing.

Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall? -

... fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras. ..."

It's NOT just a wall !!
So all the millions of illegals will all know which border patrol agent to bribe and have the money to make it worth while?

ARe you smoking crack again?

First, millions don't cross every day.

Second, it probably won't take long for the coyotes to figure out who can be bribed.

I said the military as in the Army and Marines for land based border patrols and the Navy for sea based.

You weren't that specific, and again, an E-1 making 17K will be pretty easy to bribe. $1000 bucks and ten minutes with Maria in the back of the truck? Done.
Pretty tough to "bribe" a drone ... pay off a radar .... subvert a ground sensor ... block a satellite.

Grow up and get educated .... geesh. You're just making yourself look stupid.
There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

again, dig through it, tunnel under it, bribe the guy guarding the door, go around it by sea. Fly over it in a plane. Or just come in on a legit VISA and don't go home.

"Highly trained testers"? How many commandos are there among the rag-tag border crossers? If the wall stops 98% of illegal entries into the U.S. electronic surveillance will capture the rest. It's beyond belief that the angry and crazy left would rather throw up their hands and whine and surrender to illegal aliens rather than doing something about it

I'm all for doing something effective. I'm not for wasting billions on something that won't work.

Here's how you fix the problem.

1) Create a system of National ID's so that verification of employment can be instant.
2) Crack down hard on employers who routinely hire illegals.
3) Create a guest-worker program that will allow cheap labor to come in when the economy actually needs that.

Once you get rid of the demand for illegal labor, you will get rid of the supply.

But the silliness of building a wall that engineers have already said is impossible to build, just to show your contempt for brown people, isn't really a solution.
Where is this mythical "cheap labor" you keep crowing about???? Check out their wages.

Are you willing to be stopped on the streets and asked for YOUR National ID??? Are you willing to go to jail because you left it in your desk? Maybe the answer is to tattoo "registration numbers" on their wrist, right???
First, 15 million over 10 years is almost nothing. spread among 20,000 border gaurds, that comes to about $50 per gaurd per year.

Except you don't need to pay off every guard. You just need to pay off the
one who happens to be watching the part of the wall you want to cross that day.

Second, one of the main arguments used by lying turds like you is that people work better than walls.

No, I've never made that argument. The argument I've made, is that as long as there's a compelling reason for undocumented workers to get across that border THEY WILL FIND A WAY TO GET ACROSS THAT BORDER!!!

As long as we have jobs that Americans just don't want to do, we will have immigrants willing to do them. The Mexicans are just the latest in a long line of those immigrants, starting with the Irish, followed by the Germans, Italians and Poles.

Hiring more of these very same corrupt border gaurds is one of their main favored solutions.

Meh, it doesn't piss away a lot of money, so that's a good thing about it.
Let me explain a simple fact of life about security ....

There is no such thing as a perfectly secure, and impenetrable, system ... of any type. The idea is not to build a system that can't be penetrated ... the idea is to build a system that is so expensive to penetrate that it is not cost effective to try. The cost exceeds the gain. Your computer system is built that way, your banking system is built that way, our monetary system is built that way ... and our immigration system needs to be built the same way.

To do that, you must use a multi-tiered system of physical restriction, penalties, and costs that makes it impractical to penetrate. We do that by:

1) Build a system that is too expensive to penetrate. Put up the wall, put in the sensors, add the drones, fire up the radar, and reposition the satellites. This will cut the flow of drugs and people by orders of magnitude. Not many illegal immigrants can afford the anti-tank missile necessary to penetrate the wall. Not many illegal immigrants can afford the fine and 5 years in jail for attempting to circumvent the border security mechanisms.

2) Create penalties that make penetration cost prohibitive. Any person crossing the border illegally, or trying to circumvent immigration control, is fined $150,000 and confined to jail for not less than 5 years. Any person assisting in illegal immigration is fined $250,000 and confined to jail for not less than 10 years. Any person selling/providing/gifting a product used for circumvention of a US border is fined $1 million, and confined to jail for 25 years. Any person smuggling illegal contraband across the border is fined $2 million and 35 years in jail Any person hiring/supporting/encouraging contraband transfer across the border is fined $5 million and confined in jail for 50 years.If any person so convicted of any immigration crime cannot pay the fine, payment is made using the standard incarceration pay rate - $1 per day.

3) Make a formal declaration that any - ANY - orchestrated attempt, federal or commercial, to circumvent the border security, from within adjacent countries, will be considered an act of war, and response will be commensurate.

Guaranteed to make that border tighter than a nun's asshole.
Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!

If we can just get about 1 in 10 illegals to self-deport, we will save that much!
Brilliant, you try and starve them out, get 1 out of 10 to self deport and then increase poverty and crime for the 9 that stay. A real genius plan you got there :cuckoo:

They commit a crime, you lock them up and send the others in the family packing. Less government money paid out to support them. Problem solved.
You just said self deport. Are you changing that plan to “arrest and forcefully deport” the 10+ million people living here without documentation?
I see the panic I caused over the idea of tunneling under Stalin's, oops I meant Trump's wall!

Ground & Siesmic sensors can be spoofed easily - just dig some holes in the ground on the Mexican side and blast sound into them (including sub-sonic) and all your sensors and detectors become USELESS.

Dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough and there's no way it can be stopped.

Sorry to bust your bubbles!

Here's a few tunnels for ya:

Third Tunnel of Aggression - Wikipedia

Vinh Moc tunnels and remains of Vietnam DMZ - Dong Ha - Vietnam

This Explosion Was the Biggest Blast Before Atomic Bombs

Ignorance abounds.

Ground and seismic sensors cannot be spoofed ... you are talking about a single type - sonic sensors. All the explosions in Mexico will NOT affect magnetic, seismic, or thermal dynamic sensors. Blow the shit out of it - and then try to cross under the wall --- seriously??? Further, there's probably an excellent chance that your "distracting" explosions will collapse any tunnels within miles.

You're probably not familiar with the impact of subterranean explosions, are you?

Any more stuff you want to make up??? I know!!! Spiderman! He can do it!
I see the panic I caused over the idea of tunneling under Stalin's, oops I meant Trump's wall!

Ground & Siesmic sensors can be spoofed easily - just dig some holes in the ground on the Mexican side and blast sound into them (including sub-sonic) and all your sensors and detectors become USELESS.

Dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough and there's no way it can be stopped.

Sorry to bust your bubbles!

Here's a few tunnels for ya:

Third Tunnel of Aggression - Wikipedia

Vinh Moc tunnels and remains of Vietnam DMZ - Dong Ha - Vietnam

This Explosion Was the Biggest Blast Before Atomic Bombs

Tunnels are expensive and difficult to construct, especially in BFE. It takes manpower and machinery to do, and those are easily detected.They are usually easily detected by the material removed from the tunnel. You have to put that stuff somewhere and usually it is easily seen from the air.

You obviously have not given much thought to this, but relied on Google. That's a typical liberal know-nothing response.
You can't argue with uneducated idiots ---- they have no professional, or personal, concept of tunnels, explosions, sensors, or radars.

Just let them froth at the mouth - we'll build the wall - extract our payment from Mexico - stop illegal immigration and drug movement across our southern border - and they'll still be frothing and crying that "It CAN'T be done!"
The border guard have trucks, and they can drive up to the guy with the ladder in a couple of minutes. They'll be waiting for him when he comes down the other side. How do you get around that little problem? Or do you just stupidly assume the government will build a $20 billion dollar will without having anyone guard it?

again, they way they get around it now. They bribe the guys who are guarding it.

I see the panic I caused over the idea of tunneling under Stalin's, oops I meant Trump's wall!

Ground & Siesmic sensors can be spoofed easily - just dig some holes in the ground on the Mexican side and blast sound into them (including sub-sonic) and all your sensors and detectors become USELESS.

Dig a tunnel deep enough and long enough and there's no way it can be stopped.

Sorry to bust your bubbles!

Here's a few tunnels for ya:

Third Tunnel of Aggression - Wikipedia

Vinh Moc tunnels and remains of Vietnam DMZ - Dong Ha - Vietnam

This Explosion Was the Biggest Blast Before Atomic Bombs

Please try to keep up with scientific advancements. There are now computer programs, being put to use in Isreal, that can differentiate between a real tunnel and a fake one.

If walls and fences don't work, why is there one around the Vatican? How well did the wall work between East and West Berlin? Why is there a wall around GITMO? How about Israel? Prisons?
I have a history degree and one of my extensive papers I wrote was on submarine warfare in WWII. Why would I write on that topic? Because I am a qualified submariner, and wore dolphins on my chest for 21 of my 23 years in the Navy.

I think the extent to which the Nazi's used submarines in WWII is largely unknown. From what I have read and watched in documentaries, hundreds of ships were sunk easily in sight of land by Nazi submarines. At first, the German Submarine Captains saw it as shooting fish in a barrel. We had no blackouts so the silhouette of ships stood out starkly against bright lit cities. Ships were sunk by German subs all the up to the entrance of the Mississippi River. All of this was kept as secret as possible from the American public in spite of the fact the flames could be seen from shore.

Fascinating story for me especially since I was born on D-Day at Camp Blanding FL. My Ol' Man was a DI and taught motor pool and my Mom worked on the post too. They would often go to Jacksonville Beach for a picnic with their two German Shepherds. I'm sure they never knew that there were likely German Submarines within sight of shore if the sub surfaced.
So all the millions of illegals will all know which border patrol agent to bribe and have the money to make it worth while?

ARe you smoking crack again?

First, millions don't cross every day.

Second, it probably won't take long for the coyotes to figure out who can be bribed.

I said the military as in the Army and Marines for land based border patrols and the Navy for sea based.

You weren't that specific, and again, an E-1 making 17K will be pretty easy to bribe. $1000 bucks and ten minutes with Maria in the back of the truck? Done.
Pretty tough to "bribe" a drone ... pay off a radar .... subvert a ground sensor ... block a satellite.

Grow up and get educated .... geesh. You're just making yourself look stupid.
You can't bribe a wall either.
Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Mexico will pay for the wall ... in several ways. You need to stop being stupid ... If you like, I'll be happy to educate you on how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

So the Mexican government is taking money out of their treasury and handing it over to us like Rump said. They are going to fund the building and maintaining of the wall like we were told? This will get interesting!

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