The war against whites in advertising

The War Against Whites in Advertising

Very in depth article. I have noticed and I also make sure I DON'T buy from companies that push this filth.
Lol, racism is stupid.

Lol, Anti-Racism is stupid.

Crepitus SobieskiSavedEurope
What about healing the injuries of past genocide
and resolving problems blamed on racism?

If we heal the root causes behind these conflicts,
then we can restore good faith relations and solve
problems without any need to place blame on any one group.

The focus should be on solving problems effectively
without imposing one group's beliefs on others, right?
The War Against Whites in Advertising

Very in depth article. I have noticed and I also make sure I DON'T buy from companies that push this filth.

Tell me about it. I knew there was some very good reason I was enjoying Fargo, the show, up to about the seventh episode. Hmmm . . . I wonder why that was? While I have nothing against interracial relationships, shoving them down my throat as the new national norm does get on my nerves. In fact, I would argue such advertising is indeed racist because it tries to force a racial archetype artificially. Relationships just . . . happen . . . between a man and a women. No need to glorify them or condemn them either way.
I don't like watching Neggras on TV or in the movies or even being around them in real life because:

1. More than half of the assholes are on welfare that I have to pay for.

2. They commit most of the crimes in this country.

3. They are the core voting block of the filthy Democrat Party.

4. They have an entitlement mentality.

5. Their ghetto culture sucks.

6. Their ghetto music sucks.

7. Most of them are ugly diabetes ridden fat asses.

8. They are lazy.


The War Against Whites in Advertising

Very in depth article. I have noticed and I also make sure I DON'T buy from companies that push this filth.
Yeah both my wife and myself are getting sick and tired of having this crap force fed to us even in TV advertising. So much so that we've begun to avoid the companies who engage in it. I wonder if all those mixed race couples out there are going to be enough pick to up the slack and make it a paying proposition for those companies who seem to be more interested in social engineering and political correctness than selling their products. Watching TV these days, instead of being in proportion to actual racial balance one would be led to think we were all living in the middle of Africa instead of the United States of America.
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Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...
Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...

Traitor, and not even a correct one.

Sure I am.

Look, it is TV and only losers care about the advertising from some company.

I do not care if a white guy marries a black woman or a Polish girl falls in love with Muhammad because it is not my life.

Seriously some of you need to get a life and boy I am whiter than you...
Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...

Traitor, and not even a correct one.

Sure I am.

Look, it is TV and only losers care about the advertising from some company.

I do not care if a white guy marries a black woman or a Polish girl falls in love with Muhammad because it is not my life.

Seriously some of you need to get a life and boy I am whiter than you...

Your culture matters more than life.
This is what generations fought, and died for, and struggled to create.

What a great disrespect, and ignorance, on your behalf.
Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...

Traitor, and not even a correct one.

Sure I am.

Look, it is TV and only losers care about the advertising from some company.

I do not care if a white guy marries a black woman or a Polish girl falls in love with Muhammad because it is not my life.

Seriously some of you need to get a life and boy I am whiter than you...

Your culture matters more than life.
This is what generations fought, and died for, and struggled to create.

What a great disrespect, and ignorance, on your behalf.

Oh lard!

It is those like you that fuel the flames of bigotry because you fear losing out to a non-white ...

Also from your picture you are darker than me.
Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...
I am 34, I ain't dying anytime idiots have been saying that same old shit for 30 years...and yet my 5 kids are coming up as racially aware proud white one is dying out that thinks like I do. In fact racial awareness is becoming more prevalent the more the invasion continues into America
Being Honky is overrated and Filipinas are better at everything than some fat Polish woman that has a big toe the size of her head.

Personally the reality is the world is changing and those like you are a dying breed which is a good thing...

Traitor, and not even a correct one.

Sure I am.

Look, it is TV and only losers care about the advertising from some company.

I do not care if a white guy marries a black woman or a Polish girl falls in love with Muhammad because it is not my life.

Seriously some of you need to get a life and boy I am whiter than you...

Your culture matters more than life.
This is what generations fought, and died for, and struggled to create.

What a great disrespect, and ignorance, on your behalf.

Oh lard!

It is those like you that fuel the flames of bigotry because you fear losing out to a non-white ...

Also from your picture you are darker than me.

Oh noes, Bigotry is so wrong, sniff, sniff.

Bigotry is a fact of life.
An ad depicting an interracial interracial relationship hurt your feelz. You poor downtrodden honky.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.
An ad depicting an interracial interracial relationship hurt your feelz. You poor downtrodden honky.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.

"I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,"

but you ARE dumb enough to not realize that THOUSANDS OF YEARS of your bloodline inevitably includes black genes.

Researcher uses DNA to demonstrate just how closely everyone on Earth is related to everyone else

"New research by Peter Ralph of USC Dornsife has confirmed that everyone on Earth is related to everyone else on the planet. So the Trojan Family is not just a metaphor. Turns out, we're also linked by genetics more closely than previously thought."

so YOU are a "negra", too!

have some watermelon.....
I have already traced my lineage back as far as it can go AND my wife's as well. We are German,Polish,French,English,Scottish and Irish. :) Oh and Watermelon is a southern thing not a negro thing. Just like Fried Chicken.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.

If your bloodline was any good, it wouldn’t be in danger of being destroyed by some TV commercials.

You might want to consider dialing back on your insecurity.
I have no insecurity about these filthy commercials. They are just ANOTHER way cultural marxists are trying to brainwash young folks and adults at the same time. Just like these drag queen reading times, pure brainwashing technique for the young.

"German,Polish,French,English,Scottish and Irish"


you can trace it HUNDREDS of years....NOT THOUSANDS.

Because if you trace it THOUSANDS as originally stated you WILL GET BLACK GENES!

or else....

your people did NOT start in africa along with every other human being on the planet?

you have a completely separate lineage from everyone else?

you should inform the experts in this field.....I'm sure they had no idea.
An ad depicting an interracial interracial relationship hurt your feelz. You poor downtrodden honky.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.
An ad depicting an interracial interracial relationship hurt your feelz. You poor downtrodden honky.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.

"I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,"

but you ARE dumb enough to not realize that THOUSANDS OF YEARS of your bloodline inevitably includes black genes.

Researcher uses DNA to demonstrate just how closely everyone on Earth is related to everyone else

"New research by Peter Ralph of USC Dornsife has confirmed that everyone on Earth is related to everyone else on the planet. So the Trojan Family is not just a metaphor. Turns out, we're also linked by genetics more closely than previously thought."

so YOU are a "negra", too!

have some watermelon.....
I have already traced my lineage back as far as it can go AND my wife's as well. We are German,Polish,French,English,Scottish and Irish. :) Oh and Watermelon is a southern thing not a negro thing. Just like Fried Chicken.
Don't hurt my feelings, Why would it? I am not dumb enough to destroy THOUSANDS of years of my bloodline,anyone that does is mentally weak. I just don't give companies that push this filth any money.

If your bloodline was any good, it wouldn’t be in danger of being destroyed by some TV commercials.

You might want to consider dialing back on your insecurity.
I have no insecurity about these filthy commercials. They are just ANOTHER way cultural marxists are trying to brainwash young folks and adults at the same time. Just like these drag queen reading times, pure brainwashing technique for the young.

"German,Polish,French,English,Scottish and Irish"


you can trace it HUNDREDS of years....NOT THOUSANDS.

Because if you trace it THOUSANDS as originally stated you WILL GET BLACK GENES!

or else....

your people did NOT start in africa along with every other human being on the planet?

you have a completely separate lineage from everyone else?

you should inform the experts in this field.....I'm sure they had no idea.

Kostenki man some 36,000 years ago had genes rather similar to Northern Europe / Eastern Europe.

He may have been Brown, but had genes for light pigmentation.

Also Brown doesn't equate to Negroid, automatically.

Look at Asian Indians, they look like Whites who got burnt in the sun too long.
So, are they're genes more like Europeans, than like Africans.

Actually, some Europeans are genetically more African like than Asian Indians.... Like Sicilians, and people from Southern Spain, for example.
So now we're supposed to give a shit about something we all either ignore, fast-forward through, or use as a chance to take a piss?

That's laughable, especially when one considers the things that really matter...

Hard pass...

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