The War against Women Continues

yep, so why are men left out of the decision to commit murder on their babies when it does happen. This is where you want it both ways, you want the man accountable during the sex, but not for the baby that is made. Make the male accountable, why isn't that a choice?
When men are able to start carrying babies we will talk about THEIR choices.
BTW, in
perhaps it is your writing skills that are lacking. please explain this post then.

"You sound like another idiot. How is wanting women to control their choice to have a child or not hating women?"

Cause we agree. We don't hate women, yet you think we do. Or is that not accurate and you agree we don't hate women. I don't know, you're so confused.
Nope its just your poor reading skills. Its obvious that my post was talking about women controlling their choices not having them. You always expose yourself as an idiot without having to do any extra work.
And it is what we believe, so what is your issue with conservatism then?
My primary beef is that all of you conservatives seem to be under educated and are easily confused with simple statements. Somehow 2 of you turned "control of their choices" into not having any choices. How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?
we did where? Are you saying that a woman doesn't have a choice to have sex or not?

"How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?"

I ask that everyday with you libturds. Cause you all are totally fked up confused.
Where you claimed women had choices. Are you confused yet again?

who's saying they have no choices? It's already been demonstrated there are three choices, and we agree that they have them.

You see I never said women didnt have choices. You just had another lapse in reading comprehension.
well no I didn't, but again, it is you.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

I'm not preaching abstinance. I'm talking about responsibility. I'm not even sayin no sex before marriage; just be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
No contraception is 100% fail safe.

That's true it isn't, but the sheer number of abortions per year every year, NOBODY has that many botched contraception situations.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.

What does that have to do with anything? A newborn baby isn't self-sustaining either, it can't do anything for itself, it relies 100% on it's parents to care for it.

So should society just kill born babies as well because they're not self-sustaining?
I dont believe that. I think you should get as much experience with different women as possible. I dont see any correlation at all in having sex and marrying someone. My only departure from that is if its a single mother.

That's fine. I DO believe that. Sex has only one biological use, procreation. It has several, unnecessary emotional and psychological side effects but only one biological use. That use SHOULD be associated with marriage alone.
When men are able to start carrying babies we will talk about THEIR choices.
BTW, in
Nope its just your poor reading skills. Its obvious that my post was talking about women controlling their choices not having them. You always expose yourself as an idiot without having to do any extra work.
And it is what we believe, so what is your issue with conservatism then?
My primary beef is that all of you conservatives seem to be under educated and are easily confused with simple statements. Somehow 2 of you turned "control of their choices" into not having any choices. How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?
we did where? Are you saying that a woman doesn't have a choice to have sex or not?

"How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?"

I ask that everyday with you libturds. Cause you all are totally fked up confused.
Where you claimed women had choices. Are you confused yet again?

who's saying they have no choices? It's already been demonstrated there are three choices, and we agree that they have them.

You see I never said women didnt have choices. You just had another lapse in reading comprehension.
well no I didn't, but again, it is you.

Actually you did and everyone reading your below quote can see you got confused again due to your bad reading comprehension.

who's saying they have no choices? It's already been demonstrated there are three choices, and we agree that they have them.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.
then why is it against the law to break the egg of a bald eagle?
Bald eagles and women. You're out there dude.
He is trying his best to put distance between himself and his poor reading comprehension mistake once again.
there you go again, no, I'm trying to understand why you think we don't think women have choices when we agree they do? You seem confused by that word or something. Cause choice is choice right?
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

They have a choice..... don't spread the legs for him unless you're ready to marry him and raise the kid together.

What you people want is an opportunity to ignore unpleasant consequences of a choice.
You have a choice to. Don't take it out of your pants unless you're prepared to pay for the abortion or support the kid you create.
Absolutely. But I mentioned that in a thread once about child support and.....well....let's say this was a "ridiculous" suggestion for many of our male posters.
Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.
then why is it against the law to break the egg of a bald eagle?
Bald eagles and women. You're out there dude.
He is trying his best to put distance between himself and his poor reading comprehension mistake once again.
there you go again, no, I'm trying to understand why you think we don't think women have choices when we agree they do? You seem confused by that word or something. Cause choice is choice right?
Youre trying to understand something I never stated but refusing to understand I never stated it. Its amusing you are confused.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

They have a choice..... don't spread the legs for him unless you're ready to marry him and raise the kid together.

What you people want is an opportunity to ignore unpleasant consequences of a choice.
You have a choice to. Don't take it out of your pants unless you're prepared to pay for the abortion or support the kid you create.
Absolutely. But I mentioned that in a thread once about child support and.....well....let's say this was a "ridiculous" suggestion for many of our male posters.

It's not a ridiculous suggestion, only the worst type of man would refuse to financially support a child he's helped to create. I already made a post about this earlier in the thread.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.

What does that have to do with anything? A newborn baby isn't self-sustaining either, it can't do anything for itself, it relies 100% on it's parents to care for it.

So should society just kill born babies as well because they're not self-sustaining?
So, using your comparison, a pregnant women can just pass the fetus off to someone else to take over the pregnancy. Cool.
The Real War on Women waged by the left for the last 100 years.


Thank you Jim, yes THAT IS an actual war on women. A real war that the Leftists and Feminists don't seem to be concerned about.

View attachment 70184

Yes, religious fundamentalists of the patriarchal religions are a big problem for women.

Yes Islam has a war on women.

As do other patriarchal religions when given a chance.

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