The War against Women Continues

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
why are
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Well, give the libs more time, patience.
Too late. This is already occurring and has been for decades.
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
but dude, you still don't get it. Truly a libturd
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.
You have NO SAY in the is THEIR country.
Poland can do whatever they want. You are not entitled to an opinion on the matter.
Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
why are
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Well, give the libs more time, patience.
Too late. This is already occurring and has been for decades.
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
but dude, you still don't get it. Truly a libturd
I get you are once again wrong due to stupidity. Your claim that we dont kill people in commas shows you dont get it.
so this stupid fk thinks that every child and adult can fend for themselves. What a dolt!!!!!!
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.
You have NO SAY in the is THEIR country.
Poland can do whatever they want. You are not entitled to an opinion on the matter.
He's a libturd, in his eyes he is allowed to interfere with anyone any time.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
why are
Well, give the libs more time, patience.
Too late. This is already occurring and has been for decades.
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
but dude, you still don't get it. Truly a libturd
I get you are once again wrong due to stupidity. Your claim that we dont kill people in commas shows you dont get it.
I love it when your point is busted, I have so much fun at this simple game of thrones.
so this stupid fk thinks that every child and adult can fend for themselves. What a dolt!!!!!!
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
why are
Too late. This is already occurring and has been for decades.
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
but dude, you still don't get it. Truly a libturd
I get you are once again wrong due to stupidity. Your claim that we dont kill people in commas shows you dont get it.
I love it when your point is busted, I have so much fun at this simple game of thrones.
Its amusing to me that you find your stupidity fun.
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

No...protesting to allow murder against innocent humans....didn't Europe learn anything from the 1930s-40s? Or China....
What you want to do is NOT stop abortions just make women have to choose unsafe ones. That is warring against women. Women's choices are less important to you than a zygote.
Your post is bereft of logic. You are just whining about something that is none of your business.
Oh......What is a surgical procedure to terminate a pregnancy you people refer to as a "lifestyle choice" or "reproductive freedom"....are according to the Roe v Wade ruling is a right. However, as with all rights..none are absolute.
Poland has no such ruling. Nor is access to an abortion a right. It is this was in most of Europe
so this stupid fk thinks that every child and adult can fend for themselves. What a dolt!!!!!!
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

Women have lots of choices....have sex/ don't have sex, keep the baby, give the baby up for is that limiting legitimate choice?
A man telling a woman what choices she can have. YOU don't get it.
Oh please.
You don't know what you want.
But you want to be able to choose without regard to anyone but yourself.
That ain't how it works.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
why are
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
but dude, you still don't get it. Truly a libturd
I get you are once again wrong due to stupidity. Your claim that we dont kill people in commas shows you dont get it.
I love it when your point is busted, I have so much fun at this simple game of thrones.
Its amusing to me that you find your stupidity fun.
Yes, your stupidity is indeed hilarious fun for me. Keep playing.
so this stupid fk thinks that every child and adult can fend for themselves. What a dolt!!!!!!
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.
Ok, is a newsflash for you. Not every country permits abortion. In fact most countries ban the practice altogether.
So your premise false.
And it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what goes on in a sovereign nation.....So stow it.
You are a silly fellow. I can discuss whatever I want to. And I am right on this issue.
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.
Its amusing when you get caught. You start lying.. I think you confused yourself again. You claimed we didnt kill people in comas. See?

neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Shall I show you photos of pregnant women who committed suicide because they didn't have the option to terminate a pregnancy? Is that what you'd rather have? Two deaths instead of one?

How about two living humans, after the woman gives the child up for adoption....then you have no lives lost......

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