The War against Women Continues

Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

No sex before marriage,and to back that up we wont tell you the basics either because you need to be protected from sin. And to ensure that is understood you must know that contraception is wrong and just sinful and you will go to hell.
But, if you godless sluts get knocked up you have to live with that for the rest of your life. And to support that we dont give a fuck what happens to you after you have given birth. Or the child either - enjoy your life choice bitch.

That is always the fall back for you guys...that once the child is born the conservatives/repbulicans don't care about it.....that is absurd....since we are ready to keep the baby from being murdered, caring for it after it is born is part of that "responsibility" thing you lefties about "responsibility" and you react like a vampire seeing a cross...

You guys have to tell yourselves that republicans/conservatives don't care about the child after it is order to give you an excuse to kill it........if you didn't lie about that, then that is one more reason that women should carry the baby to you lie...since the truth is so horrible...murdering babies rather than allowing them to live.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.
Its amusing when you get caught. You start lying.. I think you confused yourself again. You claimed we didnt kill people in comas. See?

neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.

"You claimed we didnt kill people in comas."

We don't "kill" people in comas. If someone is in a coma and in the event they are put on a life support machine, if there's no hope of recovery and/or crucial organs begin to fail, then the doctor will tell the family and the family give permission to withdraw the life support....this isn't "killing" the person.

People in comas and people on life support machines do not equate with women using abortion as a means of contraception and consciously destroying the life of an unborn baby.

I mean Leftists really are dense.
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Its one thing for me to call you stupid and dumb but you should have a higher opinion of yourself.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.

Well quite often if someone's in a coma they need life support.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.
Ok, is a newsflash for you. Not every country permits abortion. In fact most countries ban the practice altogether.
So your premise false.
And it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what goes on in a sovereign nation.....So stow it.
You are a silly fellow. I can discuss whatever I want to. And I am right on this issue.
you may be on the correct side of the supreme court ruling, but what is right about the issue is far from over bubba.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.

Well quite often if someone's in a coma they need life support.
but why do they put them on life support, especially if they just pull the plug later on? There is a reason, and I want that stupid fk to say it.
Yeah, you shouldn't!
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.
Its amusing when you get caught. You start lying.. I think you confused yourself again. You claimed we didnt kill people in comas. See?

neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
oh there it is, you're losing so now you're going to make shit up. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that a boy stupid fk. Again with the fantasy make believe of internet message boarding gone bad for you.
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.

Well quite often if someone's in a coma they need life support.
but why do they put them on life support, especially if they just pull the plug later on? There is a reason, and I want that stupid fk to say it.

Of course there's a reason, but yes, we'll wait for Asclepias to say it.
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.

Well quite often if someone's in a coma they need life support.
but why do they put them on life support, especially if they just pull the plug later on? There is a reason, and I want that stupid fk to say it.

Of course there's a reason, but yes, we'll wait for Asclepias to say it.
he/ she won't answer it, it will be a cold day in hell before that evah happens.
The OP is further proof that the faux "war on women" is abortion, first, second, third, and last. Nothing more whatsoever. Strange that so many woman are apparently at "war" with themselves. Oh, well, such is the liberal mind.
a libturd wanting to get to the truth about something is as rare as winning the lottery.
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

Women have lots of choices....have sex/ don't have sex, keep the baby, give the baby up for is that limiting legitimate choice?

If I'm a woman......... I will tell you my body, my choice, my rights, my vagina, my business....... It is not your little penis business.
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.
Its amusing when you get caught. You start lying.. I think you confused yourself again. You claimed we didnt kill people in comas. See?

neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.

"You claimed we didnt kill people in comas."

We don't "kill" people in comas. If someone is in a coma and in the event they are put on a life support machine, if there's no hope of recovery and/or crucial organs begin to fail, then the doctor will tell the family and the family give permission to withdraw the life support....this isn't "killing" the person.

People in comas and people on life support machines do not equate with women using abortion as a means of contraception and consciously destroying the life of an unborn baby.

I mean Leftists really are dense.
I'm not the one that made the comparison. The idiot JC456 made it. I was just pointing out that yes we "kill" people on life support and some cite due to quality of life.
I cant help it because you say some dumb shit. I would suggest researching before you reply to a post. (I'm assuming you can read a little here.)
I know you can't help saying dumb/ stupid things. Go for more libturd

Tell us all again how we dont take people off life support when they are in comas.
see you got comas correct that time. LOL. I asked and of course you didn't answer. I asked why someone in a coma would be on life support at all? Can you answer or not? or is playing stupid more important for ya, if so, let's have some more of your stupid fun.

Well quite often if someone's in a coma they need life support.
but why do they put them on life support, especially if they just pull the plug later on? There is a reason, and I want that stupid fk to say it.
Who cares why they are on life support. Without it they die which means we "kill" them contrary to what you claimed. Youre so dumb you just admitted that you were lying because you got caught being dumb in the first place.

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