The War against Women Continues

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.

What does that have to do with anything? A newborn baby isn't self-sustaining either, it can't do anything for itself, it relies 100% on it's parents to care for it.

So should society just kill born babies as well because they're not self-sustaining?
So, using your comparison, a pregnant women can just pass the fetus off to someone else to take over the pregnancy. Cool.

Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.
Funny how the OP is never concerned about what Islam does to women.
That isn't the topic. We're supposed to be superior to them, remember?
“Even Iran’s abortion laws are more liberal than this proposal. That’s why we must protest,” said Marta Nowak, one of the protesters at the rally, which was organised via social media by the leftwing Together party.

You say: this a lie?

"Ireland is the only country in Europe - apart from Andorra, Malta and San Marino – that bans women from getting abortions even in cases of rape, severe or fatal foetal impairment or a risk to their health, which is their human right under international law.
Amnesty International today launched a campaign calling on Ireland to change its law so that women and girls can have abortions in those cases, at the very least.
Only allowing abortion if the woman’s life is at risk, Ireland’s abortion law is one of the most restrictive in the world, forcing at least 4,000 women and girls to travel outside the country for an abortion every year at considerable mental, financial and physical cost. Women and girls who cannot travel are left without access to necessary health treatment, or risk criminal penalties if they undergo illegal abortions at home. Ireland’s abortion law treats women like vessels

Ireland’s draconian laws have created a climate of fear where counsellors can be fined for telling women how to seek medical care, and as a result some women are avoiding doctors altogether."
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Shall I show you photos of pregnant women who committed suicide because they didn't have the option to terminate a pregnancy? Is that what you'd rather have? Two deaths instead of one?
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Shall I show you photos of pregnant women who committed suicide because they didn't have the option to terminate a pregnancy? Is that what you'd rather have? Two deaths instead of one?
why would a woman want to do that? Please share with us your knowledge of such a thingy.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.
Funny how the OP is never concerned about what Islam does to women.
That isn't the topic. We're supposed to be superior to them, remember?
“Even Iran’s abortion laws are more liberal than this proposal. That’s why we must protest,” said Marta Nowak, one of the protesters at the rally, which was organised via social media by the leftwing Together party.

You say: this a lie?

"Ireland is the only country in Europe - apart from Andorra, Malta and San Marino – that bans women from getting abortions even in cases of rape, severe or fatal foetal impairment or a risk to their health, which is their human right under international law.
Amnesty International today launched a campaign calling on Ireland to change its law so that women and girls can have abortions in those cases, at the very least.
Only allowing abortion if the woman’s life is at risk, Ireland’s abortion law is one of the most restrictive in the world, forcing at least 4,000 women and girls to travel outside the country for an abortion every year at considerable mental, financial and physical cost. Women and girls who cannot travel are left without access to necessary health treatment, or risk criminal penalties if they undergo illegal abortions at home. Ireland’s abortion law treats women like vessels

Ireland’s draconian laws have created a climate of fear where counsellors can be fined for telling women how to seek medical care, and as a result some women are avoiding doctors altogether."
Its just as bad in the North. One thing that might unite them.
NI abortion law 'breaches human rights' - BBC News
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Shall I show you photos of pregnant women who committed suicide because they didn't have the option to terminate a pregnancy? Is that what you'd rather have? Two deaths instead of one?

I don't want to see dead pictures of anyone, I'm glad that no aborted babies have been posted, because they're horrific.

Dhara, I already commented to you that I'm anti-Abortion with the exceptions for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned....I'm not for 100% outlawing of Abortion, there are exceptional circumstances and I've just told them to you.

However multiple millions of babies are aborted each year and every year, around the world, they for the majority part are because either the woman and man couldn't be bothered using contraception OR the woman decided that a baby would just "get in the way"
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

They have a choice..... don't spread the legs for him unless you're ready to marry him and raise the kid together.

What you people want is an opportunity to ignore unpleasant consequences of a choice.
You have a choice to. Don't take it out of your pants unless you're prepared to pay for the abortion or support the kid you create.
Absolutely. But I mentioned that in a thread once about child support and.....well....let's say this was a "ridiculous" suggestion for many of our male posters.
it was? where?
Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

This is a baby at 14 weeks, it can and does get aborted, this ISN'T a fertilised egg anymore Dhara:

Nor is it self-sustaining.
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Yeah we do. There are plenty of people that are in comas that are taken off life support. Damn you just keep on showing your stupidity.
huh? adults are in comas and not on machines and someone takes care of them.
Some of them are on life support machines and get taken off. Just how illiterate are you?
so this stupid fk thinks that every child and adult can fend for themselves. What a dolt!!!!!!
neither is an adult in a coma, yet we don't kill them.
Well, give the libs more time, patience.
Too late. This is already occurring and has been for decades.
yeah, but wait! It's why you all don't want a Trump victory!!!! LOL and ROGLMFAO. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Well you are going to have to wait and be disappointed but that has nothing to do with the fact people are and have been killed by being taken off of life support for a long time now.
Outlawing the slaughter of children is not in any way analogous to a "war on women".

People like you hate women.
You sound like another idiot. How is wanting women to control their choice to have a child or not hating women?
who's saying they have no choices? It's already been demonstrated there are three choices, and we agree that they have them. They should use them. How is that hate sherman? find peabody yet?
Why are you asking me who said they didnt have any choices? I said women should control their choices. You always seem to have a hard time with reading comprehension. :laugh:.
You are anti-female. Why do you hate females so much.

Didn't you get many dates?
I love females. I got more than my fair share from what I have been told.
I do not believe you.

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