The War against Women Continues

You have a choice to. Don't take it out of your pants unless you're prepared to pay for the abortion or support the kid you create.
yep, so why are men left out of the decision to commit murder on their babies when it does happen. This is where you want it both ways, you want the man accountable during the sex, but not for the baby that is made. Make the male accountable, why isn't that a choice?
When men are able to start carrying babies we will talk about THEIR choices.
BTW, in
Why are you asking me who said they didnt have any choices? I said women should control their choices. You always seem to have a hard time with reading comprehension. :laugh:.
perhaps it is your writing skills that are lacking. please explain this post then.

"You sound like another idiot. How is wanting women to control their choice to have a child or not hating women?"

Cause we agree. We don't hate women, yet you think we do. Or is that not accurate and you agree we don't hate women. I don't know, you're so confused.
Nope its just your poor reading skills. Its obvious that my post was talking about women controlling their choices not having them. You always expose yourself as an idiot without having to do any extra work.
And it is what we believe, so what is your issue with conservatism then?
My primary beef is that all of you conservatives seem to be under educated and are easily confused with simple statements. Somehow 2 of you turned "control of their choices" into not having any choices. How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?
we did where? Are you saying that a woman doesn't have a choice to have sex or not?

"How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?"

I ask that everyday with you libturds. Cause you all are totally fked up confused.
Where you claimed women had choices. Are you confused yet again?

who's saying they have no choices? It's already been demonstrated there are three choices, and we agree that they have them.

You see I never said women didnt have choices. You just had another lapse in reading comprehension.
You have a choice to. Don't take it out of your pants unless you're prepared to pay for the abortion or support the kid you create.
yep, so why are men left out of the decision to commit murder on their babies when it does happen. This is where you want it both ways, you want the man accountable during the sex, but not for the baby that is made. Make the male accountable, why isn't that a choice?
When men are able to start carrying babies we will talk about THEIR choices.
BTW, in
Why are you asking me who said they didnt have any choices? I said women should control their choices. You always seem to have a hard time with reading comprehension. :laugh:.
perhaps it is your writing skills that are lacking. please explain this post then.

"You sound like another idiot. How is wanting women to control their choice to have a child or not hating women?"

Cause we agree. We don't hate women, yet you think we do. Or is that not accurate and you agree we don't hate women. I don't know, you're so confused.
Nope its just your poor reading skills. Its obvious that my post was talking about women controlling their choices not having them. You always expose yourself as an idiot without having to do any extra work.
And it is what we believe, so what is your issue with conservatism then?
My primary beef is that all of you conservatives seem to be under educated and are easily confused with simple statements. Somehow 2 of you turned "control of their choices" into not having any choices. How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?
we did where? Are you saying that a woman doesn't have a choice to have sex or not?

"How stupid must one be to be so utterly confused all the time?"

I ask that everyday with you libturds. Cause you all are totally fked up confused.
Does a man have a choice to put on a condom?
No...protesting to allow murder against innocent humans....didn't Europe learn anything from the 1930s-40s? Or China....
What you want to do is NOT stop abortions just make women have to choose unsafe ones. That is warring against women. Women's choices are less important to you than a zygote.

No...I respect a womans choices....have sex, don't have sex...if she has sex and gets pregnant....keep the baby, give the baby up for adoption...those are a lot of choices.......

Commit not a legitimate choice.

Spoken like a true Monday Morning Quarterback with zero skin in the game. :eusa_clap:

Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

Women have lots of choices....have sex/ don't have sex, keep the baby, give the baby up for is that limiting legitimate choice?
A man telling a woman what choices she can have. YOU don't get it.

Ain't never stopped him before...
You sound like an asshole that only got laid one time in your life and murdered the baby.

No actually I sound like a non-fascist who doesn't have the arrogance to purport to tell other people with biology and experiences I'll never have how to run their lives just because I have an account on a message board. So your analysis, to paraphrase Bob Uecker, is juuuuuuuuust a bit outside.
That's just what you think you sound like.

Reality is a different story.
Damn. Thats either messed up or you got lucky.

I've been sexually involved with 5 women in my life. That's all. Each was a long-term relationship where I was prepared to marry her if she got pregnant despite contraceptives. In my mind that's how it should be. If you can't see yourself marrying her, don't bed her.
Yes....protesting to support the right to commit murder against the should not be happening in a civilized nation. Thanks for the post.
Protesting against recriminalizing choice options for women.

No...protesting to allow murder against innocent humans....didn't Europe learn anything from the 1930s-40s? Or China....
What you want to do is NOT stop abortions just make women have to choose unsafe ones. That is warring against women. Women's choices are less important to you than a zygote.

Wouldn't that be because the woman made her choice and doesn't want to live with the consequences of that choice nor allow the baby to become viable and get to make its own choice?
Damn. Thats either messed up or you got lucky.

I've been sexually involved with 5 women in my life. That's all. Each was a long-term relationship where I was prepared to marry her if she got pregnant despite contraceptives. In my mind that's how it should be. If you can't see yourself marrying her, don't bed her.
I dont believe that. I think you should get as much experience with different women as possible. I dont see any correlation at all in having sex and marrying someone. My only departure from that is if its a single mother.
Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

I'm not preaching abstinance. I'm talking about responsibility. I'm not even sayin no sex before marriage; just be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.
then why is it against the law to break the egg of a bald eagle?
Bald eagles and women. You're out there dude.
He is trying his best to put distance between himself and his poor reading comprehension mistake once again.
Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

I'm not preaching abstinance. I'm talking about responsibility. I'm not even sayin no sex before marriage; just be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Ok now I see why you have that frame of mind.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

Yes but very often they're not aborting fertilised eggs, they're aborting an actual infant.

Those women, who couldn't be bothered using contraception, who have used and are using abortion as a means of contraception, unless they repent, when they themselves die they'll be sent straight to Hell for committing such a heinous sin as murdering the most innocent as it slumbers in the womb.

Abortion is Infanticide.
Thousands protest in Warsaw against proposed abortion ban

Unreal that this should be happening in a civilised country.

Civilized people don't murder babies
Civilized people know the difference between a baby and a fertilized egg.

Yes but very often they're not aborting fertilised eggs, they're aborting an actual infant.

Those women, who couldn't be bothered using contraception, who have used and are using abortion as a means of contraception, unless they repent, when they themselves die they'll be sent straight to Hell for committing such a heinous sin as murdering the most innocent as it slumbers in the womb.

Abortion is Infanticide.
Its not legally an infant until its born. If youre asking people to agree on when its a baby morally you are going to get a wide range of opinions.
Abstinence is an absurd concept. You might as well try and turn back the tides with harsh words.

There is a raft of unhealthy attitudes to sex on here combined with a fundamentalist need to control women.(not just christian)

I'm not preaching abstinance. I'm talking about responsibility. I'm not even sayin no sex before marriage; just be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.
No contraception is 100% fail safe.
A few years ago I visited my siblings in the old country. My brother was sad that the once great country, Hungary, has fallen on bad times, and God has taken His hands away from Hungary.

I told him that if there were more Hungarians in church and fewer in abortion clinics, God might change His mind.
You mean the good old days when Hungary was a Communist country? :lol:

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