The War of the Red Line

Kerry says Syria has crossed ‘world’s red line’ as he lobbies for move against Assad

Kerry says Syria has crossed ?world?s red line? as he lobbies for move against Assad - The Irish Times - Tue, Sep 03, 2013

nice spin Mr Fairy.

I thought The World wasn't in.

Didn't our greatest ally and the UN say hell to the no?

This is Bitchboi's Red Line with no back up plan on the red line.

If you're going to be the leader of the Free World, you should probably have a plan.

tick tock tick tock.
obama is getting worse, it's now to degrade capability without removing Assad or changing the momentum.

He's getting more incoherent minute by minute. Why doesn't someone step in and stop him? McCain is playing IPhone poker, Kerry is useless. Isn't there one single person that would step up and stop obama's madness? Gen Martin Dempsey Joint Chiefs Chairman admits he hasn't a clue. If we put personnel over there trusting terrorist allies of obama, there will be insider attacks like we have neve seen before.
Kerry says Syria has crossed ‘world’s red line’ as he lobbies for move against Assad

Kerry says Syria has crossed ?world?s red line? as he lobbies for move against Assad - The Irish Times - Tue, Sep 03, 2013

nice spin Mr Fairy.

I thought The World wasn't in.

Didn't our greatest ally and the UN say hell to the no?

This is Bitchboi's Red Line with no back up plan on the red line.

If you're going to be the leader of the Free World, you should probably have a plan.

tick tock tick tock.

I guess Obamba figured if HE spoke Assad would listen or a coalition of the willing countries would fall in line if need be...why prepare a plan, he's Obomba, "The Exalted One"...:lol:
You can only be on the wrong side of the fence for so long...


There are consequences.
We've scratch He's been warned and warned.

So what's the end game here?

How far does he want to push the divide on race and our relations with the world.

How far we going here.
France seems convinced that the evidence is irrefutable. Intel is never 100%.
And if Obama wanted to "take out Assad", he could have done it long ago.
As much as I despise the President, I'll support the bombings.

This isn't so much an "enforcement" action, but an action of conscience.

Only Hollande committed before any evidence was even presented. He wants to "punish" Assad as well.

Same term as Kerry has been using. It's a western flex. Punish is the key. World police action if you will.

Kill innocent civilians to punish Assad for supposedly killing innocent civilians. Oh that's a freaking interesting way to intervene on humanitarian grounds now isn't it?

Back to Hollande. The latest poll that I saw was 64% were "hostile" to any intervention. He has no backing from his citizenry.

Hollande is also under huge fire from his deputies who are demanding a vote on the matter.

Seriously Mr. H, when Kerry of all people tell you "trust us, our intelligence told us we have proof" do you really expect the world to buy into this shit?

Oh and btw, International law will be broken by any country firing on Syria according to many legal scholars. On the bright side then hopefully Obama will be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize and be declared a war criminal.

Link to why you better not count on Hollande. One of many.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out
The French people are overwhelmingly opposed to armed intervention in Syria, a new poll has revealed.

It shows that 64 per cent of the country are "hostile" to taking part in military intervention in Syria and 58 per cent did not trust Hollande to conduct any operation.

Major concerns expressed are that such action will turn the country against West and increase the barbarity of Syria's civil war, which has already claimed more than 100,000 lives.

French oppose military intervention in Syria and don't trust Francois Hollande to carry it out - Telegraph

And this will take you to an article regarding how Hollande is under the gun by his deputies.

And please note the operative word here. Punish. Punish. Punish. World enforcer wanna bes.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria

(Reuters) - French President Francois Hollande reaffirmed to U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday his will to punish Syria for a suspected chemicals weapons attack but was under increasing pressure to put the intervention to parliament.

France's Hollande facing pressure for deputies to vote on Syria | Reuters

I'm still cool with it.
And you KNOW you can trust me! :eusa_whistle:

I just don't believe that Assad a very well educated man and not your average ME thug dictator would commit this act on the same day the UN Chemical Weapons Inspectors arrived.

The ones he invited in to clear his name on other attacks.

Coincidence? I think not. And he is winning his battle against these so called rebels. It's a religious civil war. Not a populace uprising.

And there is another aspect. Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been funding the "rebels" to get rid of Assad. They have spent untold millions and have not been able to accomplish that.

Now they've managed to drag the US into a civil war to do their dirty work for them. On the pretext of a chemical weapons attack by Assad.

But hey, looks like you're going to get your war from what I'm reading on the hearings. Every one who wants Syria bombed can rejoice now. Let the blood of innocent civilians flow to punish Assad,

I guess drone assassinations just isn't cutting it for the President anymore.

He needs to bomb someone to satiate his blood lust and his ego.
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It looks like Obama is going to get his little war.

Martial spirit and humanitarian compassion...qualities possessed today by the Americans alone...will bail him out. For many in his party, it will be an ungracious acquiescence.

It won't be much of a war...unless it widens.

We were going to teach North Korea a quick lesson back in 1949-1950 until we looked up and a million Chinese soldiers were coming at us.

Obama is haunted an apprehension of such surprises so he has sought cover in a place his arrogance previously made him disdain.

The Ayatollahs are watching...looking for an opportunity for mischief. In fact, the whole Middle East...cursed by Islam to a fatal heritage of malignant passions...are looking for an such a target rich environment as another American invasion of Arabia.

But, maybe Obama will get lucky. Maybe the Ayatollahs will want to sit this one out while they finish up their nuclear weapon. Maybe.

Who can fathom the abysses of the mind of an Iranian Ayatollah?

How do you predict what Crazy will do?

The Chinese and Russians got their ass kicked in Korea with just a portion of American military might.

Korea was a stalemate. You do know what a stalemate is don't you?
We've scratch He's been warned and warned.

So what's the end game here?

How far does he want to push the divide on race and our relations with the world.

How far we going here.

Cleaning up Iran. There is big problem with the Iran nukes, at least if you live in a country controlled by the Israelis....I guess that would be us.

I don't see why we would care about their nukes so much otherwise. They know we'll fight wars for oil: we do that. So I don't think Iran would go after Saudi Arabia and so on.

The Bush administration used a crisis -- 9/11 -- to try to clean up a totally unrelated problem with Saddam as a rogue dictator. They failed and screwed up bigtime, but they did kill Saddam.

This is a valid crisis: they can use it to lie their way into a war with Iran and clean up those nukes for Israel.

That's what I think is the whole point to this and the end game.

Expect something to happen mysteriously to one or more of our ships. Almost all American wars start by our shipping or warships getting shot up, right back to 1812 ("I have not yet begun to fight!") Half the time the attack is faked by our own goverment, half the time it isn't, it's an enemy like at Pearl Harbor or the U.S.S. Cole. There has to be an attack on our ship or they can't get the public mad enough. But that always works, even if they have to fake it, like Tonkin Gulf.

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