The War on Journalism

He just dominates rightwing heafspace :)



As I recall Trump is the one who labeled the media as the enemy of the people. Given the corruption and scandal ridden, nepotistic and crony infested organization he calls his "Administration" - he has been the architect of his own demise in the hands of the media. If he would just shut his tweeter they would have a lot less garbage to latch onto.
He labeled fake *journalism* and all those who engage in it as the enemy of the people.

And he was absolutely, 100 percent right.

Dishonest leftists like to pretend his comment was a stated desire to eliminate free press. It wasn't, it still isn't.

It was his accurate description of the state of the free press in the US..which is that the people on the top, the mainstream media...are enemies of the US. They don't report reality, they lie, they hide information, and they do it all for the purpose of overthrowing our form of government.

And you defend them.
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He just dominates rightwing heafspace :)



As I recall Trump is the one who labeled the media as the enemy of the people. Given the corruption and scandal ridden, nepotistic and crony infested organization he calls his "Administration" - he has been the architect of his own demise in the hands of the media. If he would just shut his tweeter they would have a lot less garbage to latch onto.
He labeled fake *journalism* and all those who engage in it as the enemy of the people.

And he was absolutely, 100 percent right.

Dishonest leftists like to pretend his comment was a stated desire to eliminate free press. It wasn't, it still isn't.

It was his accurate description of the state of the free press in the US..which is that the people on the top, the mainstream media...are enemies of the US. They don't report reality, they lie, they hide information, and they do it all for the purpose of overthrowing our form of government.

And you defend them.

That's amusing but here in the world of reality a free press is crucial to democratic society, which the Founders of this country could see and made it number one on the Bill of Rights hit parade for that reason. Only a psychotic demagogue would try to sell the opposite as if it were some kind of 'value'. Psychotic demagogues understand that he who controls the flow of information controls everything, and the first step in that is to discredit that flow of the information that he CAN'T control.
In fact, I think I've argued with Coyote in the past specifically about how awful Saudi Arabia is in terms of human rights violations.

It would have been years ago. If it wasn't her, it was someone like her, who was enamored of Islam and sharia....

Sorry but I've never supported the Saudi's.
I'll say it again.

There is no war on journalism. That it's become a clown show is all on them.
The front page versus the editorial page. There is no front page in the liberal press anymore.
Huh? That makes no sense. Just admit, your own bias tells you what's fact and opinion. Now that would make sense.
I'm not biased. I know what is right and fair. The Leftist media isn't fair. You can't even trust their reporting of natural disasters without them blaming Trump or any republican president for something.
Every source has some degree of bias, even in choosong which facts to prevent and what context to leave out. It is up to us the think.
This I know, in the semantical sense. But in colloquial political speak, bias implies a larger degree of partiality than really exists. Anyways, I'm dealing with facts vs opinions. Facts just cannot be bias, in themselves.
The front page versus the editorial page. There is no front page in the liberal press anymore.
Huh? That makes no sense. Just admit, your own bias tells you what's fact and opinion. Now that would make sense.
I'm not biased. I know what is right and fair. The Leftist media isn't fair. You can't even trust their reporting of natural disasters without them blaming Trump or any republican president for something.

That may be the quickest shooting-itself-in-the-foot post I've ever seen. :rofl:
Every source has some degree of bias, even in choosong which facts to prevent and what context to leave out. It is up to us the think.
This I know, in the semantical sense. But in colloquial political speak, bias implies a larger degree of partiality than really exists. Anyways, I'm dealing with facts vs opinions. Facts just cannot be bias, in themselves.
Good luck getting that acrosss to coyote.
Journalists, Lawyers, Volunteers Face Increased Scrutiny By Border Agents

Last November, the Committee to Protect Journalists published an urgent report about increasing incidents of CBP agents searching journalists' electronic devices and questioning them about their reporting and their sources. The committee has been in touch with several of the journalists who have been stopped and interrogated by CBP.

"The ability for journalists to protect their sources, the ability for them to protect information they gather in the course of their reporting, the ability for them to be seen as independent of law enforcement and not just another intelligence arm of the government, is so central to what journalism is," said Alexandra Ellerbeck, the organization's North America program coordinator.

Kitra Cahana, an American-Canadian photojournalist who has been covering the migration of refugees from Central America, has repeatedly been denied entrance to Mexico in recent weeks. Cahana had crossed back and forth across the border without incident before she was turned back after flying to Mexico City from Detroit on Jan. 17.

"For me, this is a question of freedom of the press and our ability as the press to cover important stories like the migrant caravan," Cahana said. "And I, along with other journalists, are effectively no longer able to cover the story of the migrant caravan."
Journalist And Duterte Critic Maria Ressa Posts Bail After Arrest In Philippines

Award-winning journalist Maria Ressa was freed on Thursday in the Philippines after posting bail.

"What we're seeing is death by a thousand cuts of our democracy," Ressa told reporters at the Manila court Thursday, according to The Associated Press. She accused the government of using the law to silence criticism.

She was arrested on Wednesday at the headquarters of Rappler, the news outlet she runs in the Philippines, the latest in a deluge of legal attacks on the journalist by President Rodrigo Duterte's government.

Ressa, 55, is a former CNN bureau chief. She was among four journalists, including the murdered Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi, named by Time magazine as Person of the Year for 2018. Since starting Rappler in 2012, Ressa has not been afraid to cast criticism on the government as a result of the news website's investigations into impunity and corruption.

Plainclothes officers from the National Bureau of Investigation, an agency within the Department of Justice, arrived at Rappler's offices in Manila around 5 p.m. local time Wednesday. As law enforcement served the warrant, staff were told to stop taking photos and videos. "We'll go after you too," an officer told reporters, according to Rappler.

Ressa was charged with cyber libel by the Philippine's Department of Justice.

.....Since Ressa launched Rappler with other high profile journalists about seven years ago, it has become known for its thorough investigations on the extrajudicial killings in Duterte's war on drugs.

Amid a crackdown on media, the president has repeatedly targeted Rappler, accusing the outlet of producing "fake news."
This is hilarious.

The Anglo-American fascist establishmentarians crying foul because it's propagandists are being treated poorly while it black lists real investigative journalists.

Journalists, Lawyers, Volunteers Face Increased Scrutiny By Border Agents

Last November, the Committee to Protect Journalists published an urgent report about increasing incidents of CBP agents searching journalists' electronic devices and questioning them about their reporting and their sources. The committee has been in touch with several of the journalists who have been stopped and interrogated by CBP.

"The ability for journalists to protect their sources, the ability for them to protect information they gather in the course of their reporting, the ability for them to be seen as independent of law enforcement and not just another intelligence arm of the government, is so central to what journalism is," said Alexandra Ellerbeck, the organization's North America program coordinator.

Kitra Cahana, an American-Canadian photojournalist who has been covering the migration of refugees from Central America, has repeatedly been denied entrance to Mexico in recent weeks. Cahana had crossed back and forth across the border without incident before she was turned back after flying to Mexico City from Detroit on Jan. 17.

"For me, this is a question of freedom of the press and our ability as the press to cover important stories like the migrant caravan," Cahana said. "And I, along with other journalists, are effectively no longer able to cover the story of the migrant caravan."
Every source has some degree of bias, even in choosong which facts to prevent and what context to leave out. It is up to us the think.
This I know, in the semantical sense. But in colloquial political speak, bias implies a larger degree of partiality than really exists. Anyways, I'm dealing with facts vs opinions. Facts just cannot be bias, in themselves.
Perhaps facts cannot be biased, however, WHICH facts you choose to even mention, and thus, the whole perception of reality can be entirely skewed.
Journalists, Lawyers, Volunteers Face Increased Scrutiny By Border Agents

Last November, the Committee to Protect Journalists published an urgent report about increasing incidents of CBP agents searching journalists' electronic devices and questioning them about their reporting and their sources. The committee has been in touch with several of the journalists who have been stopped and interrogated by CBP.

"The ability for journalists to protect their sources, the ability for them to protect information they gather in the course of their reporting, the ability for them to be seen as independent of law enforcement and not just another intelligence arm of the government, is so central to what journalism is," said Alexandra Ellerbeck, the organization's North America program coordinator.

Kitra Cahana, an American-Canadian photojournalist who has been covering the migration of refugees from Central America, has repeatedly been denied entrance to Mexico in recent weeks. Cahana had crossed back and forth across the border without incident before she was turned back after flying to Mexico City from Detroit on Jan. 17.

"For me, this is a question of freedom of the press and our ability as the press to cover important stories like the migrant caravan," Cahana said. "And I, along with other journalists, are effectively no longer able to cover the story of the migrant caravan."

Are you trying to lump Trump and Freaking Justine Trudeau together?
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?
we know which way the markets are going.
Freedom of the press does not mean that the press won't be called upon to answer for its lying.
Freedom of the press does not mean that the press won't be called upon to answer for its lying.

Making claims of "lying" does not mean y'all strawman manufacturers won't be called out to demonstrate it.

e.g. Smirk-Boi.... that's out there a month now.

Here's what you Rumpologists. don't get. When you make a statement or commit an action, e.g. "very fine people", e.g. "I don't see why it would be Russia", e.g. "beat the crap out of 'im", e.g. gyrating around to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for you ---- you become what we call "responsible" for that statement or action. You can't go whining that somebody reported it just because it didn't sell the amount of bullshit you hoped it would.

Of course a freakoid who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his wasted life wouldn't be aware of that though.
there is no money in honest reporting, so we are not getting any.

"If it bleeds it leads" sensationalism certainly carries the day in commercial news media, where the objective leans not so much to "what happened today" and more to "how many eyeballs can we sell ads to"... but that's still a different thing from "lying".

But that's again why for-profit news makes as much damn sense as for-profit hospitals. Both exploit human vulnerabilities to put money into their own pocket. That's exactly why I always distinguish with the adjective commercial media.

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