The War on Journalism

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  • #41
Republicans do NOT care about the 'free press'

Republicans have demonstrated the only thing they care about is MONEY.

Republicans have no humanity, no morality, and no soul.

Republicans can all go to Hell AFAIC.

We care about a responsible press.

That MONEY you disdain, it provides entitlements among other things.

Where is your humanity, morality and soul on saying, "Republicans can all go to Hell AFAIC?

You are already in Hell, why would I visit you?

The problem is who decides what is or isn’t a “responsible” press? Should criticism of the ruling government be labeled irresponsible? We have courts and laws to address libel and slander.
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  • #42
Hatred of Journalism threatens democracies.

RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies

The climate of hatred is steadily more visible in the Index, which evaluates the level of press freedom in 180 countries each year. Hostility towards the media from political leaders is no longer limited to authoritarian countries such as Turkey (down two at 157th) and Egypt (161st), where “media-phobia” is now so pronounced that journalists are routinely accused of terrorism and all those who don’t offer loyalty are arbitrarily imprisoned.

More and more democratically-elected leaders no longer see the media as part of democracy’s essential underpinning, but as an adversary to which they openly display their aversion. The United States, the country of the First Amendment, has fallen again in the Index under Donald Trump, this time two places to 45th. A media-bashing enthusiast, Trump has referred to reporters “enemies of the people,” the term once used by Joseph Stalin.

The line separating verbal violence from physical violence is dissolving. In the Philippines (down six at 133rd), President Rodrigo Duterte not only constantly insults reporters but has also warned them that they “are not exempted from assassination.” In India (down two at 138th), hate speech targeting journalists is shared and amplified on social networks, often by troll armies in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pay. In each of these countries, at least four journalists were gunned down in cold blood in the space of a year.

Verbal violence from politicians against the media is also on the rise in Europe, although it is the region that respects press freedom most. In the Czech Republic (down 11 at 34th), President Milos Zeman turned up at a press conference with a fake Kalashnikov inscribed with the words “for journalists.” In Slovakia, (down 10 at 27th), then Prime Minister Robert Fico called journalists “filthy anti-Slovak prostitutes” and “idiotic hyenas.” A Slovak reporter, Ján Kuciak, was shot dead in his home in February 2018, just four months after another European journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was killed by a targeted car-bombing in Malta (down 18 at 65th).

The unleashing of hatred towards journalists is one of the worst threats to democracies,” RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “Political leaders who fuel loathing for reporters bear heavy responsibility because they undermine the concept of public debate based on facts instead of propaganda. To dispute the legitimacy of journalism today is to play with extremely dangerous political fire.”

Journalists supporting the attacks on political leaders isn't exactly helping democracy either.

Supporting or reporting?
Republicans do NOT care about the 'free press'

Republicans have demonstrated the only thing they care about is MONEY.

Republicans have no humanity, no morality, and no soul.

Republicans can all go to Hell AFAIC.

We care about a responsible press.

That MONEY you disdain, it provides entitlements among other things.

Where is your humanity, morality and soul on saying, "Republicans can all go to Hell AFAIC?

You are already in Hell, why would I visit you?

The problem is who decides what is or isn’t a “responsible” press? Should criticism of the ruling government be labeled irresponsible? We have courts and laws to address libel and slander.

I can count on one hand the number of times the press went after Obama. I can also count on one hand the number of days the press didn't attack Trump.
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?

1) The land occupied by an embassy in a foreign country is considered the sovereign territory of the country the embassy represents.

2) This event has nothing to do with journalism, but tribal ideology.
Hatred of Journalism threatens democracies.

RSF Index 2018: Hatred of journalism threatens democracies

The climate of hatred is steadily more visible in the Index, which evaluates the level of press freedom in 180 countries each year. Hostility towards the media from political leaders is no longer limited to authoritarian countries such as Turkey (down two at 157th) and Egypt (161st), where “media-phobia” is now so pronounced that journalists are routinely accused of terrorism and all those who don’t offer loyalty are arbitrarily imprisoned.

More and more democratically-elected leaders no longer see the media as part of democracy’s essential underpinning, but as an adversary to which they openly display their aversion. The United States, the country of the First Amendment, has fallen again in the Index under Donald Trump, this time two places to 45th. A media-bashing enthusiast, Trump has referred to reporters “enemies of the people,” the term once used by Joseph Stalin.

The line separating verbal violence from physical violence is dissolving. In the Philippines (down six at 133rd), President Rodrigo Duterte not only constantly insults reporters but has also warned them that they “are not exempted from assassination.” In India (down two at 138th), hate speech targeting journalists is shared and amplified on social networks, often by troll armies in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pay. In each of these countries, at least four journalists were gunned down in cold blood in the space of a year.

Verbal violence from politicians against the media is also on the rise in Europe, although it is the region that respects press freedom most. In the Czech Republic (down 11 at 34th), President Milos Zeman turned up at a press conference with a fake Kalashnikov inscribed with the words “for journalists.” In Slovakia, (down 10 at 27th), then Prime Minister Robert Fico called journalists “filthy anti-Slovak prostitutes” and “idiotic hyenas.” A Slovak reporter, Ján Kuciak, was shot dead in his home in February 2018, just four months after another European journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, was killed by a targeted car-bombing in Malta (down 18 at 65th).

The unleashing of hatred towards journalists is one of the worst threats to democracies,” RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “Political leaders who fuel loathing for reporters bear heavy responsibility because they undermine the concept of public debate based on facts instead of propaganda. To dispute the legitimacy of journalism today is to play with extremely dangerous political fire.”

The media in this country has declared war on the President and the REpublicans.

Whining about Trump fighting back makes libs look like babies. Spoiled babies not used to not getting their own way, all the time.
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?

Republicans do NOT care about the 'free press'

Republicans have demonstrated the only thing they care about is MONEY.

Republicans have no humanity, no morality, and no soul.

Republicans can all go to Hell AFAIC.

Good Job!

You feel just the way the corporate media is intending you to feel.

Doesn't it feel great to be one of the special people?
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  • #47
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?

What did we do when the UK jailed Tommy Robinson?

Didn’t he willfully break the law and admit it?

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I'm sure that the saudis can say that this reporter broke some law too. Hell, if they knew you wanted it, I'm sure they could have provided video of him admitting he broke the law.
Was Tommy murdered? Was he abducted from another country? Are you saying journalists should not be bound by any laws?
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?

What did we do when the UK jailed Tommy Robinson?

Didn’t he willfully break the law and admit it?

View attachment 223230

I'm sure that the saudis can say that this reporter broke some law too. Hell, if they knew you wanted it, I'm sure they could have provided video of him admitting he broke the law.
Was Tommy murdered? Was he abducted from another country? Are you saying journalists should not be bound by any laws?

He was jailed for reporting.

Your desire to dodge this, is good. It shows that on some level, you know this is a huge problem for your war mongering on this issue.
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  • #50
Reporters Without Borders ranks Norway as best and N Korea the worst for journalistic freedom (no surprise there). It ranks Mexico as the second most deadly country. Mexico and Central America suffer heavy corruption from organized crime and trafficking. Journalists attempting to investigate it are frequent targerpts for murder.
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  • #51
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?

What did we do when the UK jailed Tommy Robinson?

Didn’t he willfully break the law and admit it?

View attachment 223230

I'm sure that the saudis can say that this reporter broke some law too. Hell, if they knew you wanted it, I'm sure they could have provided video of him admitting he broke the law.
Was Tommy murdered? Was he abducted from another country? Are you saying journalists should not be bound by any laws?

He was jailed for reporting.

Your desire to dodge this, is good. It shows that on some level, you know this is a huge problem for your war mongering on this issue.
Actually no, that wasn’t why he was jailed (here is a hint for you, what he was reporting had been and was being reported).
What did we do when the UK jailed Tommy Robinson?

Didn’t he willfully break the law and admit it?

View attachment 223230

I'm sure that the saudis can say that this reporter broke some law too. Hell, if they knew you wanted it, I'm sure they could have provided video of him admitting he broke the law.
Was Tommy murdered? Was he abducted from another country? Are you saying journalists should not be bound by any laws?

He was jailed for reporting.

Your desire to dodge this, is good. It shows that on some level, you know this is a huge problem for your war mongering on this issue.
Actually no, that wasn’t why he was jailed (here is a hint for you, what he was reporting had been and was being reported).

I'm well aware of the lame ass excuses of the government for jailing the reporter.

I'm sure the Saudi Government has a reason or two for their actions too. YOu going to swallow them without question too?
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  • #54
Attacks on journalists increase during Nicaragua protests

Since anti-government protests began in April, reporters have found themselves under attack for doing their job. They have been "harassed, shot at" and had "angry mobs sent by the government" after them.

International journalist organizations say that has led to an alarming decline in press freedom in the country.
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  • #55
Didn’t he willfully break the law and admit it?

View attachment 223230

I'm sure that the saudis can say that this reporter broke some law too. Hell, if they knew you wanted it, I'm sure they could have provided video of him admitting he broke the law.
Was Tommy murdered? Was he abducted from another country? Are you saying journalists should not be bound by any laws?

He was jailed for reporting.

Your desire to dodge this, is good. It shows that on some level, you know this is a huge problem for your war mongering on this issue.
Actually no, that wasn’t why he was jailed (here is a hint for you, what he was reporting had been and was being reported).

I'm well aware of the lame ass excuses of the government for jailing the reporter.

I'm sure the Saudi Government has a reason or two for their actions too. YOu going to swallow them without question too?
So far they haven’t offered up any.

Robinson is still alive, unharmed, “reporting”....and you ignore the fact that what he reported was already reported...and those folks didn’t get put in jail.
The abduction and likely death of Kashoggi. A surprisingly sycophantic attitude from an American President known for cosying to autocrats. It must be “rogue assassins”...or something. Or something.

To abduct a person from a consulate on another nation’s territory...against that nation’s laws, represents a new and much more dangerous assault on journalistic freedom. In fact...I think it is unheard of. And it puts the US in a tricky position. Saudi Arabia is our ally. But a free media and the rights of journalists to report, and to hold their governments responsible has long been an underpinning of American Democracy. We have censored allies before for bad behavior...withheld sales for example.

We are witnessing a demise journalistic freedomof around the world journalists are being threatened, killed and jailed for trying to do their jobs. They depend on bigger more powerful countries to look out for their rights should authoritarian states come down on them.

If we kow tow to the Saudi’s over this, what does that tell other dictators and what does it say to our values?
What COYOTE said!!
Journalist have been getting killed all over the earth........Media outlets are silenced in countries................

More so in dictatorships.............and in areas where they don't really care about human is cheap to some in some areas of the world........

This is just another example of it in a brutal area of the world............

This happened in Turkey..........they need to step up and do what is necessary here.........jail, try, convict, and execute..........Throw out Saudi Diplomats if they think it was gov't sanctioned.............

Saudi Arabia may make threats........who something about it.......they will do nothing.
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  • #58
A year after Gauri Lankesh murder, no end to attacks on journalists | Major cases of 2018

A year has passed by since senior journalist Gauri Lankesh was murdered outside her home in Bengaluru. The investigation is on, nearly 10 people have been arrested but the masterminds behind the attack are still at large. The nationwide outrage after Lankesh's murder has however failed to change the situation on the ground as journalists continue to be attacked and threatened across the country.

The deteriorating freedom of press in India was also highlighted by Reporters Without Borders in its annual report on freedom of speech across the world. India's rank fell by two positions from 136 in 2017 to 138 in 2018 in regards to independence enjoyed by the press. The report places India as one of the most dangerous place for journalists to work in.
Trump has had several lame comments on this subject to be sure. On the other hand, ruining the economy over one person seems a pretty high price to pay. I find most journalists, are not. They are socialists with a mission. It would be great if we had journalists.
I think that the claim it would ruin the economy is a straw man. The Saudi’s by 99.9% of their weapons systems from us. These are complex proprietary systems. Russian systems don’t talk to Chinese systems don’t talk to American systems etc. The Saudi’s have invested billions into our systems, they are not going to start from scratch with another supplier.

The other question is...are you proposing we give Carter Blanche to them? They can do whatever they want in the territory of another ally, Turkey? When do we take a stand?

Does journalistic freedom mean anything to you? I don’t like all journalists and reporting, but where do you draw the line? Authoritarianism vs a free media. And a free media is the only check on governments.
------------------------------------------------ seems to me that it should be 'turkey' that should handle THEIR problem . And the money from sales is not the problem . USA wants the Saudi to fight iran and yemen . Besides that , where is the PROOF that the Saudis did the murder Coyote ??

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