"The War on Trump"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.

The War on Trump...is real....and entirely of his own making. :)
The media just reports what's going on. If Trump isn't a complete asshat, what does the media have to report on?
His own worst enemy. Makes his own bad press. Sometimes, on purpose I think.

I gotta ask, media hate aside. What redeeming qualities do you find in this man that makes him worthy of your abject devotion?
And how is the media responsible for your love and adoration?
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.

And because We The Patriots did nothing.......they may well prevail
"All that was required for evil leftists to steal the nations was for people who thought they were good men, to do nothing"

While trump may be the best we have, he is by NO MEANS a stellar Republican. In fact, he is a life long DEMOCRAT.

Toomey-Manchin background check measure faces obstacles
by Susan Ferrechio
| August 13, 2019 12:01 AM

A Senate measure to expand background checks would seem headed for quick passage following the recent string of mass shootings and President Trump’s interest in the bill.

But decades of partisan fighting over gun control in Congress, coupled with the elevated political stakes in a looming election years, it is more likely headed for the legislative graveyard.

Sens. Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, and Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, are lead sponsors of a bill to expand background checks to include gun show and internet sales.

President Trump signaled his interest in a background check measure, telling reporters last week, “There’s an appetite, and I mean a very strong appetite, for background checks.”

Trump said the GOP and Democrats “are getting close to” a bill expanding background checks.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.

The War on Trump...is real....and entirely of his own making. :)
The media just reports what's going on. If Trump isn't a complete asshat, what does the media have to report on?
His own worst enemy. Makes his own bad press. Sometimes, on purpose I think.

I gotta ask, media hate aside. What redeeming qualities do you find in this man that makes him worthy of your abject devotion?
And how is the media responsible for your love and adoration?
When two scoops of ice cream or picking up a glass of water is the biggest story they can find to report on, they're not doing their jobs.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.

The War on Trump...is real....and entirely of his own making. :)
The media just reports what's going on. If Trump isn't a complete asshat, what does the media have to report on?
His own worst enemy. Makes his own bad press. Sometimes, on purpose I think.

I gotta ask, media hate aside. What redeeming qualities do you find in this man that makes him worthy of your abject devotion?
And how is the media responsible for your love and adoration?
When two scoops of ice cream or picking up a glass of water is the biggest story they can find to report on, they're not doing their jobs.

LOL. What alternate reality do you live in? 160K+ dead...and that's not the biggest story?? That alone should be enough for you to question his competence.
Reported on every single day. Again, what is the basis for your love and adoration?
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
The war on President Trump is very real but the Communist Democrat MSM would have done this to any Republican who happened to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 :smoke:
The war on President Trump is very real but the Communist Democrat MSM would have done this to any Republican who happened to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016

Unless they thought they could control him (e.g., Romney, McCain).
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.

The War on Trump...is real....and entirely of his own making. :)
The media just reports what's going on. If Trump isn't a complete asshat, what does the media have to report on?
His own worst enemy. Makes his own bad press. Sometimes, on purpose I think.

I gotta ask, media hate aside. What redeeming qualities do you find in this man that makes him worthy of your abject devotion?
And how is the media responsible for your love and adoration?
Really? Media was lying long before Trump.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
I give You Deflategate. Bullshit spun by the media. Nothing to do with Trump. Our media sucks ass.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
I give You Deflategate. Bullshit spun by the media. Nothing to do with Trump. Our media sucks ass.
I hear you Zog and yes they suck. On the other hand, when they accurately film and show what he says and report what he does, though it is news. Not fake news, no matter how much he wishes it was not reported. He actually does suck, as much or more at times.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
I give You Deflategate. Bullshit spun by the media. Nothing to do with Trump. Our media sucks ass.
I hear you Zog and yes they suck. On the other hand, when they accurately film and show what he says and report what he does, though it is news. Not fake news, no matter how much he wishes it was not reported. He actually does suck, as much or more at times.
But they need to report the news and allow the viewer to make the decision not try and make the decision for me. Ever since Deflategate I have zero trust of the media. None. So they can tell me the Sun rises in the East but until I verify it with my own sources I wont believe them. Especially that fraud Chris Cuomo who tried to vilify those NJ gym owners with zero facts. Media sucks. With or without Trump. They should be ashamed.
The "War on Trump" is in my estimation, a pretty smart ruse.

I really don't want to hurt any feelings.....

But let's remember Trump is a lifelong DEMOCRAT and only switched to run in 2016. How convenient.
He also nominated not one but TWO REALLY great ESTABLISHMENT loyal Supreme Court Justices.
Finally, he once said "Take their guns. then worry about the law".
He also supports more background checks and other gun control measures.

Trump is loyal to the Establishment above all else. He really has no choice.
Check ALL his judicial appointments carefully and you will see a clear pattern of judges that will and do protect the Establishment above all else.

I will say RIGHT here RIGHT now that if he gets a second term, it will become PAINFULLY clear that Trump is as much a part of the Swamp
as was Obama and every other politician in Washington. He will not need to swoon the Right any longer.
You will see more new Federal gun control measures under Trump than you did under Obama.

The American Right is in for severe heartbreak regardless of who gets elected in November.
Laugh, mock me....but just remember I said it. (because I'm pretty sure I'm correct, and time will tell)
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
Where do we volunteer?
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
I give You Deflategate. Bullshit spun by the media. Nothing to do with Trump. Our media sucks ass.
I hear you Zog and yes they suck. On the other hand, when they accurately film and show what he says and report what he does, though it is news. Not fake news, no matter how much he wishes it was not reported. He actually does suck, as much or more at times.
But they need to report the news and allow the viewer to make the decision not try and make the decision for me. Ever since Deflategate I have zero trust of the media. None. So they can tell me the Sun rises in the East but until I verify it with my own sources I wont believe them. Especially that fraud Chris Cuomo who tried to vilify those NJ gym owners with zero facts. Media sucks. With or without Trump. They should be ashamed.
Write Cuomo off. I think it runs in that family. I do a fair amount of cross checking myself. Pain in the butt to have to. A lot of it is Ted Turner's fault. How do you fill up 24 hours of "news" broadcasting without doubling the cost of new gathering? You don't. You just repeat and bring on an endless stream of people to analyze and re-feed, re-preach it to the masses. The more you analyze the more bias slips in on purpose or by accident until it is plain, the political stance of the corporation broadcasting it.
The "War on Trump" is in my estimation, a pretty smart ruse.

I really don't want to hurt any feelings.....

But let's remember Trump is a lifelong DEMOCRAT and only switched to run in 2016. How convenient.
He also nominated not one but TWO REALLY great ESTABLISHMENT loyal Supreme Court Justices.
Finally, he once said "Take their guns. then worry about the law".
He also supports more background checks and other gun control measures.

Trump is loyal to the Establishment above all else. He really has no choice.
Check ALL his judicial appointments carefully and you will see a clear pattern of judges that will and do protect the Establishment above all else.

I will say RIGHT here RIGHT now that if he gets a second term, it will become PAINFULLY clear that Trump is as much a part of the Swamp
as was Obama and every other politician in Washington. He will not need to swoon the Right any longer.
You will see more new Federal gun control measures under Trump than you did under Obama.

The American Right is in for severe heartbreak regardless of who gets elected in November.
Laugh, mock me....but just remember I said it. (because I'm pretty sure I'm correct, and time will tell)
Anti President Trump crusade night huh?:icon_rolleyes:
The "War on Trump" is in my estimation, a pretty smart ruse.

I really don't want to hurt any feelings.....

But let's remember Trump is a lifelong DEMOCRAT and only switched to run in 2016. How convenient.
He also nominated not one but TWO REALLY great ESTABLISHMENT loyal Supreme Court Justices.
Finally, he once said "Take their guns. then worry about the law".
He also supports more background checks and other gun control measures.

Trump is loyal to the Establishment above all else. He really has no choice.
Check ALL his judicial appointments carefully and you will see a clear pattern of judges that will and do protect the Establishment above all else.

I will say RIGHT here RIGHT now that if he gets a second term, it will become PAINFULLY clear that Trump is as much a part of the Swamp
as was Obama and every other politician in Washington. He will not need to swoon the Right any longer.
You will see more new Federal gun control measures under Trump than you did under Obama.

The American Right is in for severe heartbreak regardless of who gets elected in November.
Laugh, mock me....but just remember I said it. (because I'm pretty sure I'm correct, and time will tell)
Anti President Trump crusade night huh?:icon_rolleyes:

Not at all.
But did you know he was a NewYork Democrat 99% of his life?

Honestly, have YOU kept up with his judicial nominations? I have.
Seriously, he has been very good to the Establishment.
The phenomenon is too obvious to deny. The Media have done everything imaginable to slander, misrepresent, mischaracterize, and adopt the most negative view and interpretation of everything President Trump has said and done since well before he was inaugurated. The proportion of negative vs positive vs neutral stories about Trump and his Administration is well documented. The expression, "The War on Trump" virtually coins itself, and yet...I've never heard it.

I suspect that even writing the words would be an acknowledgement that it actually exists, and the Media's credibility depends on denial. If the War on Trump becomes real in the public's mind, then the NYT as the "newspaper of record" becomes nothing more than a leftist practical joke. CNN as a source of news is a joke.

Say it loud: The War on Trump. It's real.
There is no war on trump. If he would quit saying and doing stupid things, they would not report that he did. He could choose to be normal, but does not and as President, it makes news. It is as simple as that.
I give You Deflategate. Bullshit spun by the media. Nothing to do with Trump. Our media sucks ass.
I hear you Zog and yes they suck. On the other hand, when they accurately film and show what he says and report what he does, though it is news. Not fake news, no matter how much he wishes it was not reported. He actually does suck, as much or more at times.
But they need to report the news and allow the viewer to make the decision not try and make the decision for me. Ever since Deflategate I have zero trust of the media. None. So they can tell me the Sun rises in the East but until I verify it with my own sources I wont believe them. Especially that fraud Chris Cuomo who tried to vilify those NJ gym owners with zero facts. Media sucks. With or without Trump. They should be ashamed.
Write Cuomo off. I think it runs in that family. I do a fair amount of cross checking myself. Pain in the butt to have to. A lot of it is Ted Turner's fault. How do you fill up 24 hours of "news" broadcasting without doubling the cost of new gathering? You don't. You just repeat and bring on an endless stream of people to analyze and re-feed, re-preach it to the masses. The more you analyze the more bias slips in on purpose or by accident until it is plain, the political stance of the corporation broadcasting it.
NYT is a disgrace too as is the Boston Globe. I get my news from the WSJ, internal sources and podcasts. Sadly.
The "War on Trump" is in my estimation, a pretty smart ruse.

I really don't want to hurt any feelings.....

But let's remember Trump is a lifelong DEMOCRAT and only switched to run in 2016. How convenient.
He also nominated not one but TWO REALLY great ESTABLISHMENT loyal Supreme Court Justices.
Finally, he once said "Take their guns. then worry about the law".
He also supports more background checks and other gun control measures.

Trump is loyal to the Establishment above all else. He really has no choice.
Check ALL his judicial appointments carefully and you will see a clear pattern of judges that will and do protect the Establishment above all else.

I will say RIGHT here RIGHT now that if he gets a second term, it will become PAINFULLY clear that Trump is as much a part of the Swamp
as was Obama and every other politician in Washington. He will not need to swoon the Right any longer.
You will see more new Federal gun control measures under Trump than you did under Obama.

The American Right is in for severe heartbreak regardless of who gets elected in November.
Laugh, mock me....but just remember I said it. (because I'm pretty sure I'm correct, and time will tell)
Anti President Trump crusade night huh?:icon_rolleyes:

Not at all.
But did you know he was a NewYork Democrat 99% of his life?
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat at one point and so was Dwight Eisenhower. ;)
The "War on Trump" is in my estimation, a pretty smart ruse.

I really don't want to hurt any feelings.....

But let's remember Trump is a lifelong DEMOCRAT and only switched to run in 2016. How convenient.
He also nominated not one but TWO REALLY great ESTABLISHMENT loyal Supreme Court Justices.
Finally, he once said "Take their guns. then worry about the law".
He also supports more background checks and other gun control measures.

Trump is loyal to the Establishment above all else. He really has no choice.
Check ALL his judicial appointments carefully and you will see a clear pattern of judges that will and do protect the Establishment above all else.

I will say RIGHT here RIGHT now that if he gets a second term, it will become PAINFULLY clear that Trump is as much a part of the Swamp
as was Obama and every other politician in Washington. He will not need to swoon the Right any longer.
You will see more new Federal gun control measures under Trump than you did under Obama.

The American Right is in for severe heartbreak regardless of who gets elected in November.
Laugh, mock me....but just remember I said it. (because I'm pretty sure I'm correct, and time will tell)
Anti President Trump crusade night huh?:icon_rolleyes:

Not at all.
But did you know he was a NewYork Democrat 99% of his life?
Ronald Reagan was a Democrat at one point and so was Dwight Eisenhower. ;)

ok, I guess time will tell.
Still, what do think about his two SCOTUS appointments? Am I wrong?

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