The war on vapers

Some stupid bureaucrat (whose boss is a corrupt politician) idea of protecting us from ourselves.

Well, again, it's more like 'Protecting us from Each Other".

You guys go all into hysterics about the handful of people who are killed by undocumented immigrants, but you are fine with the 485,000 killed each year by the Tobacco Industry or the 33,000 a year killed by the gun industry.

Now, we have a valid question about vaping. I'd like to see more science done.

Are the inherently designed wrong?
Do they need medical supervision?
Are all the deaths due to someone tampering with the cartridges?

These are good questions...
Some stupid bureaucrat (whose boss is a corrupt politician) idea of protecting us from ourselves.

Well, again, it's more like 'Protecting us from Each Other".

You guys go all into hysterics about the handful of people who are killed by undocumented immigrants, but you are fine with the 485,000 killed each year by the Tobacco Industry or the 33,000 a year killed by the gun industry.

Now, we have a valid question about vaping. I'd like to see more science done.

Are the inherently designed wrong?
Do they need medical supervision?
Are all the deaths due to someone tampering with the cartridges?

These are good questions...

Sorry Sport but you are barking up the wrong tree. You are confused.

I am anti tobacco. Only an idiot uses tobacco. Conservative or Liberal.

However, I don't want the fucking government telling people that they can't be idiots.

We don't need a fucking nanny state to run our lives. We are quite capable of making our own decisions, even when those decisions don't meet the approval of some stupid bureaucrat and they are dumbass decision like with tobacco use. It is called Liberty.

Don't tell me you stupid Moon Bats are concerned about public safety because you are lying. If you really were concerned you would stop supporting abortion on demand for the sake of convenience that kills a million American children each year. Shame!
Sorry Sport but you are barking up the wrong tree. You are confused.

I am anti tobacco. Only an idiot uses tobacco. Conservative or Liberal.

However, I don't want the fucking government telling people that they can't be idiots.

We don't need a fucking nanny state to run our lives. We are quite capable of making our own decisions, even when those decisions don't meet the approval of some stupid bureaucrat and they are dumbass decision like with tobacco use. It is called Liberty.

I'm all for liberty. Just let anyone who get sick from nicotine to file lawsuits for damages... period.

Don't tell me you stupid Moon Bats are concerned about public safety because you are lying. If you really were concerned you would stop supporting abortion on demand for the sake of convenience that kills a million American children each year. Shame!

Fetuses aren't people.

Women will get abortions no matter what the law is.

The problem with you wingnuts is you think abortions didn't happen until 1973.

In fact, they were common, doctors wrote something else down on the charts, and the courts just ended the charade.
Sorry Sport but you are barking up the wrong tree. You are confused.

I am anti tobacco. Only an idiot uses tobacco. Conservative or Liberal.

However, I don't want the fucking government telling people that they can't be idiots.

We don't need a fucking nanny state to run our lives. We are quite capable of making our own decisions, even when those decisions don't meet the approval of some stupid bureaucrat and they are dumbass decision like with tobacco use. It is called Liberty.

I'm all for liberty. Just let anyone who get sick from nicotine to file lawsuits for damages... period.

That's already the case.

Fetuses aren't people.


LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.

Why? What part of your logic, puts guns on one side of a line, and the rest on the other?

Guns are designed to kill things. Swimming pools aren't...neither are cars...
If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.
That's already the case.

Well, no, it really isn't. But never mind.

Again, the Libertarian definition of Freedom- letting the rich corporations fuck us at will.

LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.'s hilarious to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore- Not people.

If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.

I love watching them go hysterical when people stand up against their fetish and threaten to take their guns.

Pools? Really?


Stop me before I kill again!!!!
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Don’t care.
Vaping has to be one of the dumbest things a human can do next to synthetic marijuana.

Well done Mr. President. I doubt he really gives two shits about anyone dying from this but it is what it is.

Clearly smoking is far safer!!:2up:

What is it about the progressive mind? Zero ability to think on the margin.
That's already the case.

Well, no, it really isn't. But never mind.

Again, the Libertarian definition of Freedom- letting the rich corporations fuck us at will.

LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.'s hilarious to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore- Not people.

If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.

I love watching them go hysterical when people stand up against their fetish and threaten to take their guns.

Pools? Really?


Stop me before I kill again!!!!

I don’t have a gun fetish, I don’t own a gun, never owned a gun, don’t want to own a gun. I have fired a gun at a shooting range once in my life. Not my thing. The Constitution allows for all to own or not a gun. If you don’t like the law or the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment as ruled by the courts time and time again, change the 2nd Amendment, good luck.
That's already the case.

Well, no, it really isn't. But never mind.

Again, the Libertarian definition of Freedom- letting the rich corporations fuck us at will.

LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.'s hilarious to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore- Not people.

If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.

I love watching them go hysterical when people stand up against their fetish and threaten to take their guns.

Pools? Really?


Stop me before I kill again!!!!

I don’t have a gun fetish, I don’t own a gun, never owned a gun, don’t want to own a gun. I have fired a gun at a shooting range once in my life. Not my thing. The Constitution allows for all to own or not a gun. If you don’t like the law or the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment as ruled by the courts time and time again, change the 2nd Amendment, good luck.

Gun ownership isn't for everybody.

However, the Liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are.

These stupid Moon Bats have a hard time understanding that.

They are as confused about the Constitution as they are confused about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science and Biology.
That's already the case.

Well, no, it really isn't. But never mind.

Again, the Libertarian definition of Freedom- letting the rich corporations fuck us at will.

LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.'s hilarious to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore- Not people.

If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.

I love watching them go hysterical when people stand up against their fetish and threaten to take their guns.

Pools? Really?


Stop me before I kill again!!!!

I don’t have a gun fetish, I don’t own a gun, never owned a gun, don’t want to own a gun. I have fired a gun at a shooting range once in my life. Not my thing. The Constitution allows for all to own or not a gun. If you don’t like the law or the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment as ruled by the courts time and time again, change the 2nd Amendment, good luck.

lol........JoeB has been going on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on about gun grabbing for 10 years. Still the people are not caring as evidenced upon zero gun legislation for many years now. Its called having the political IQ of a small soap dish.:abgg2q.jpg:. Funniest thing is, you know the guy goes to sleep at night miserable as fuck about it!!:2up:
That's already the case.

Well, no, it really isn't. But never mind.

Again, the Libertarian definition of Freedom- letting the rich corporations fuck us at will.

LOL! Then you Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.

You Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Biology as you are of History, Economics, Climate Science, the Constitution and Ethics.'s hilarious to watch you guys try to pretend you understand science.

Fetuses aren't viable outside the womb. Therefore- Not people.

If we are wanting to ban activities that can kill you let’s go after people that have sex with multiple partners. Let’s ban it! Swimming pools kill,
Let’s ban it. Cars kill, let’s ban it. Alcohol kills, ban it. We are now going to ban everything? Who determines what we ban and what we don’t ban? Large sodas are banned, plastics bags are being banned, straws are being banned. The list grows daily and it is arbitrary which means we are losing freedoms to the scare of the moment. Guns would have been banned long ago if it wasn’t for the Constitution, free speech is in danger. Having opinions that run counter to the political correctness of the day is now being treated as criminal. Books are now being banned. I thought we grew up long ago and protected our freedoms. Seems to me the only thing being protected are arbitrary feelings.

I love watching them go hysterical when people stand up against their fetish and threaten to take their guns.

Pools? Really?


Stop me before I kill again!!!!

I don’t have a gun fetish, I don’t own a gun, never owned a gun, don’t want to own a gun. I have fired a gun at a shooting range once in my life. Not my thing. The Constitution allows for all to own or not a gun. If you don’t like the law or the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment as ruled by the courts time and time again, change the 2nd Amendment, good luck.

Gun ownership isn't for everybody.

However, the Liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are.

These stupid Moon Bats have a hard time understanding that.

They are as confused about the Constitution as they are confused about Economics, History, Ethics, Climate Science and Biology.

Thank you, well said. We all have choices we can make and we are 100% responsible for our choices and actions and the Constitution makes sure we have freedom. The left wants to dictate their idea of freedom based on their "feelings", it's a dangerous road.

Thank you, well said. We all have choices we can make and we are 100% responsible for our choices and actions and the Constitution makes sure we have freedom. The left wants to dictate their idea of freedom based on their "feelings", it's a dangerous road.

The other thing the Left is confused about is what kind of government we have.

They think we live in a Democracy where the rule of the Mob dictates our Liberty. If the Moon Bats want to take away your rights they think all they have to do is vote in Democrat representatives and then pass laws to take away your rights. They do all the time.

However, we don't live in a Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic. Our Constitution says very clearly that the right to keep and bear arm shall not be infringe.

No elected Representative, bureaucrat or judge has the legal right to infringe upon our right to keep and bear arms. They do all the time and get away with it but they are acting illegally.

One of the problems we have with our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is that the courts typically do not apply the same strict scrutiny to that individual right as they do to other individual rights and that is despicable.

For instance, in the Heller case four stupid yahoo Justices sitting on the Court voted to deny Heller the right to keep and bear arms in his own home because the filthy DC politicians passed a law saying he couldn't have a firearm. How confused is that? You would think that four Supreme Court Justices that supposedly went to Law School would have understood the Bill of Rights but they didn't.

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