NO. And to your point, and as suggested by suicide rates, I have questions of some mental, conditions, aberrations, stability, etc, but, I'm not the one to make the call that legislatures could do some half-bake blanket denial of their 2nd amendment rights bases on nothing more than them choosing to change their sex for reasons, I don't understand. It would not get past the Supreme Courts, probably not even state level, and definitely not US Supreme Court.

Yeah, you're probably right but we should still not have these kinds of people in our military though.
Yeah, you're probably right but we should still not have these kinds of people in our military though.
On that one, i just don't think the Army should be paying for it if they are a member, and should be one of those prior medical conditions that keep you out, as it may cause problems down the road that Uncle Sam should not be on the hook for. Heck, Trump was ineligible for "heel spurs". It doesn't take much in the way of prior medical conditions.
I think that transgender surgery and transgender hormone treatment should be treated as “cosmetic” and therefore not covered under ordinary insurance, Medicare (or military medical plans). I know the medical community had to diagnose it as a highly stressful psychiatric “condition” — even a “mental illness” — in order to justify insurance payments for treatment.

This seems to me wrong and counterproductive. Having such feelings is not, imo, at all the same as being “mentally ill.” Gays and lesbians are not “mentally ill” either! After all, biological males exposed to unusual hormonal levels in the womb often later naturally feel more “feminine,” & vice versa. Sexual development in the womb is effected by more than DNA, more than by the crucial X and Y chromosomes.

If adults want sex-change treatments it should be on their own dime. But no bullying or discrimination is warranted against people who simply feel uncomfortable living as members of the sex they were born into, or who want to “pass” and live as the opposite sex.

The “war on women” exists and it is a cultural war closely connected to the hostility of most Republican MAGA politicians and rightwing evangelicals to gays and transgenders. The Republican “war on women” and on women’s (and men’s) need for all-around family planning — including elective abortion — is a fundamental and truly significant issue.
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When was the last time you had a woman to war on?
Women have always wanted to be part of male culture and society why is it wrong for men to want to do the same?
Probably his cell mate Rocky.
With all the methods of effective birth control, why is abortion, the killing of a potential human being, being in control of YOUR body? I am prochoice, but abortion should be a last option, it has to be used when it’s the LEAST bad option, not the option of choice.
Because it is in my body and the decision what ever it is, should be my choice, regardless of reason.
I think that transgender surgery and transgender hormone treatment should be treated as “cosmetic” and therefore not covered under ordinary insurance, Medicare (or military medical plans). I know the medical community had to diagnose it as a highly stressful psychiatric “condition” — even a “mental illness” — in order to justify insurance payments for treatment.

This seems to me wrong and counterproductive. Having such feelings is not, imo, at all the same as being “mentally ill.” Gays and lesbians are not “mentally ill” either! After all, biological males exposed to unusual hormonal levels in the womb often later naturally feel more “feminine,” & vice versa. Sexual development in the womb is effected by more than DNA, more than by the crucial X and Y chromosomes.

If adults want sex-change treatments it should be on their own dime. But no bullying or discrimination is warranted against people who simply feel uncomfortable living as members of the sex they were born into, or who want to “pass” and live as the opposite sex.

The “war on women” exists and it is a cultural war closely connected to the hostility of most Republican MAGA politicians and rightwing evangelicals to gays and transgenders. The Republican “war on women” and on women’s (and men’s) need for all-around family planning — including elective abortion — is a fundamental and truly significant issue.
I would disagree with it being on their own dime. I think insurance should cover hormone treatment at least.
You actually think that is worse than denying women control over their bodies and healthcare decisions?

No wonder you guys are losing the support of women voters. You are out of touch and plowing full steam ahead.
Abortion is still legal in most states and Abortion isn't "Healthcare". Try the truth for once. You'll sleep better.
My granddaughter declared that "I'm a boy" for a time when she was 3. She's 8 now and a happy little girl who plays with dolls like any other girl.
Of course. When I was 7 I told my parents that I was a pirate. They had enough sense to not chop off my right leg below the knee, poke out my left eye and put a patch over it, and put a skull and crossbones flag on my bedroom door, though I did get a parrot.
Getting pregnant is easy, carrying the child to term successfully is difficult.

1. Human beings have two biological imperatives: survival and procreation. It is much easier to get pregnant than not.

2. Even the birth control pill in practice, is only 85% effective. The figures that the drug companies use is based on controlled studies: The women taking the pill at the same time every day in the same way (with food or without).

In real life, that doesn’t happen. Circumstances are not always ideal. And timing isn’t always exactly 24 hours since the last pill. Lots of women get pregnant while taking the pill.

3. See my prior post on my costs of getting a prescription for birth control pills.

4. One Catholic woman who went for an abortion, which asked why she wasn’t on the pill. Her response as a devout Catholic: taking a birth control pill is considered to be a mortal sin, as is abortion. She thought that since taking birth control pills was an equivalent sin to having an abortion, it would be better to commit one mortal sin of having an abortion rather than 21 mortal sins per month taking birth control pills.

5. High school girls report not using birth control because that would make them “look like sluts” if they were on the pill or carrying condoms.

6. With sex education, being pulled from school curriculums everywhere, and books even mentioning sex being banned from high school libraries, where are young women supposed to learn about biology and their bodies?

7. Last but not least abortion has declined substantially in the last 50 years in the USA. It’s been cut in half. Right now your abortion rate is being driven by poverty. And unless you address the issues of low wages, lack of universal health, insurance, and lack of paid maternity leave for poor families banning abortion will not solve your problems.

As someone who used birth control throughout my reproductive life, I can count on the fingers of both hands, how many times I had sex without “taking precautions”. And I got pregnant five times. Two of those 5 pregnancies were unplanned.

The thing that Republican men fail to understand is that the third of our pregnancies have complications. They end in miscarriage or worse. My two miscarriages had complications, and I would have been denied care under the abortion ban laws currently being passed.

The second one in particular, I had been pregnant for more 8 weeks, but the foetus had died somewhere around the 5th or 6th week. Carrying dead tissue for more than 2 weeks is dangerous, so I went in hospital to have it removed. I only have one working fallopian tube, so anything happening to this one and I wouldn’t had been able to have another baby. I was able to get pregnant again right away. My daughter was born 11 months after the miscarriage.

There are 11 transgendered athletes in all of NCAA sports - more thann300,000 women. And one of those 11 athletes is nationally ranked and could be considered “elite”. And that athlete is ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation in swimming.

Banning trans gendered athletes from women’s sports is a solution in search of a problem. It’s not helping female athletes at all, and it’s pretending that they care about women while real women are bleeding out and dying from lack of reproductive healthcare

Campaign life, your names, a lie. You don’t care if women die.
Your grievances may have some validation. Everyone has those validations for their ways also. And the only way to end this, is the destruction of the way we currently live and begin a new journey. The culling of the population will decrease the elderly and/or sickly easily. This will save massive percentages of resources alone. We do not have the ways to live well in technology yet to live in a sensibly taxed world.
For a woman horrified and depressed to learn she is pregnant, possibly with a man she never would think of marrying or sharing parental duties with, a quick medically induced abortion or outpatient surgery is indeed often the key to restoring her mental health and turning her life around.

I have known well at least 6 or 7 women like that, and I suspect dozens more of my acquaintances have similar stories they could tell. Most are today married and in stable relationships, many having later had children (and grandchildren) they love dearly.

Of course I’m an older guy who lived through different times, including times when abortion was illegal and required a trip to Puerto Rico or elsewhere. Also options for birth control were not as abundant or safe in those days and women were not as well educated concerning them as today. In fact abortion has declined dramatically as a result, and very late abortions are today virtually never undertaken … except for health reasons or because other obstacles prevented earlier abortion.

The legal availability of early abortion, neutral counseling and sympathetic emotional support for women who have unwanted pregnancies prevents terrible mental and emotional stress … even in women who never resort to abortion! This is because they now know that should contraception fail there is still another back-up option.

“Planned parenthood” should be the aim of any modern and civilized society.
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For a woman horrified and depressed to learn she is pregnant, possibly with a man she never would think of marrying or sharing parental duties with, a quick medically induced abortion or outpatient surgery is indeed often the key to restoring her mental health and turning her life around.
Disgusting. Homicide for pure personal gain.

"Your life makes me sad, so I'm going to take it and feel better."

I have known well at least 6 or 7 women like that
I'm sorry you've known so many reprehensible scumbags who deserved to die in prison.

Most are today married and in stable relationships
That's a shame and an absolute failure on the part of civilization to give them the punishment they deserve and to deny them the happiness and peace they don't.

“Planned parenthood” should be the aim of any modern and civilized society.
You spelled "barbaric filth" wrong.
When was the last time you had a woman to war on?
Women have always wanted to be part of male culture and society why is it wrong for men to want to do the same?
What the fk is this salad?

Next thing you will write is they want to be raped!
For a woman horrified and depressed to learn she is pregnant, possibly with a man she never would think of marrying or sharing parental duties with, a quick medically induced abortion or outpatient surgery is indeed often the key to restoring her mental health and turning her life around.

I have known well at least 6 or 7 women like that, and I suspect dozens more of my acquaintances have similar stories they could tell. Most are today married and in stable relationships, many having later had children (and grandchildren) they love dearly.

Of course I’m an older guy who lived through different times, including times when abortion was illegal and required a trip to Puerto Rico or elsewhere. Also options for birth control were not as abundant or safe in those days and women were not as well educated concerning them as today. In fact abortion has declined dramatically as a result, and very late abortions are today virtually never undertaken … except for health reasons or because other obstacles prevented earlier abortion.

The legal availability of early abortion, neutral counseling and sympathetic emotional support for women who have unwanted pregnancies prevents terrible mental and emotional stress … even in women who never resort to abortion! This is because they now know that should contraception fail there is still another back-up option.

“Planned parenthood” should be the aim of any modern and civilized society.
The location very specifically where abortions occur and those who have multiple abortions should be known.
For a woman horrified and depressed to learn she is pregnant, possibly with a man she never would think of marrying or sharing parental duties with, a quick medically induced abortion or outpatient surgery is indeed often the key to restoring her mental health and turning her life around.

I have known well at least 6 or 7 women like that, and I suspect dozens more of my acquaintances have similar stories they could tell. Most are today married and in stable relationships, many having later had children (and grandchildren) they love dearly.

Of course I’m an older guy who lived through different times, including times when abortion was illegal and required a trip to Puerto Rico or elsewhere. Also options for birth control were not as abundant or safe in those days and women were not as well educated concerning them as today. In fact abortion has declined dramatically as a result, and very late abortions are today virtually never undertaken … except for health reasons or because other obstacles prevented earlier abortion.

The legal availability of early abortion, neutral counseling and sympathetic emotional support for women who have unwanted pregnancies prevents terrible mental and emotional stress … even in women who never resort to abortion! This is because they now know that should contraception fail there is still another back-up option.

“Planned parenthood” should be the aim of any modern and civilized society.
Thanks to submitting my DNA to I have learned recently that I am the father of twin girls as well as a boy from another woman (all adults now). I've been in contact with one of the twins, both of whom are happily married with families of their own. I am not in contact with the boy (now a man).

Back then there were no abortions that I was ever aware of. Girls went away, had the child and gave it up for adoption. Some remained at home and raised the child sans the father. My twin daughters were raised by their mother, while my son was adopted. Actually, having an abortion was unthinkable in the region where I lived which was quite conservative at the time.

My daughter was delighted to learn that she had a 'sister'. When my granddaughter saw picture of one of the twins she exclaimed, "Mom, she looks just like you."

I'm beginning to feel like Clint Eastwood. ;)

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