This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.

Republican men are focussed on trans women to deflect from the real war on against women’s reproductive rights and healthcare. Not only do they get to control women by banning abortion, they get to hate on trans people, and pretend they’re protecting women.

The only people talking about trans women in washrooms, are Republican men. There are fewer than 100,000 trans women in all of the USA. But all of the right wing focus is on trans women.

There is no public outcry against trans women in sports, except among Republican men v and the issue has NO traction among women whatsoever.

When even pro-life Republican women are suing Republican governments because they nearly died trying to have a baby, your party is in trouble.

In Nebraska, the three Republican women, and the two Democratic women in the state house all spoke eloquently against passing the complete ban on abortion, citing the needs of women with pregnancy complications and partial miscarriages, victims of rape and incest.

All of the women voted against the draconian abortion ban with no exceptions, and the bill was defeated. Subsequent to the vote, the Republican women were told that they would be “primaried” for their “disloyalty”.

As we saw in the midterms, abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. Taking away rights from more than half of the voters. In the United States of America, it’s not gonna help Republicans win elections. Ever.

There are 8 million more women voters than men. Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are condemned to repeat them, and nobody learns less from their mistakes than the Republican party.

Republicans can’t wait to get into power and cut taxes and run up the deficit again. Even though the last three times I did it ended with an economic crash. Like I said, those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them and Republicans never learn.
I love how the rightists keep trying to invent new “wars on women“ to distract from their own misogynist policies.
I love how you make this ridiculous statement and in your very next breath admit the war is happening!!

Quite a few of us on the left support rights for transgender people such as non discrimination, access to healthcare, etc. without supporting having them compete in athletics as women.
so a few of you are just mildly retarded rather than completely. but at least you admit there is a war on actual women by mentally ill people trying to compete in their athletics.
Republican men are focussed on trans women to deflect from the real war on against women’s reproductive rights and healthcare. Not only do they get to control women by banning abortion, they get to hate on trans people, and pretend they’re protecting women.

The only people talking about trans women in washrooms, are Republican men. There are fewer than 100,000 trans women in all of the USA. But all of the right wing focus is on trans women.

There is no public outcry against trans women in sports, except among Republican men v and the issue has NO traction among women whatsoever.

When even pro-life Republican women are suing Republican governments because they nearly died trying to have a baby, your party is in trouble.

In Nebraska, the three Republican women, and the two Democratic women in the state house all spoke eloquently against passing the complete ban on abortion, citing the needs of women with pregnancy complications and partial miscarriages, victims of rape and incest.

All of the women voted against the draconian abortion ban with no exceptions, and the bill was defeated. Subsequent to the vote, the Republican women were told that they would be “primaried” for their “disloyalty”.

As we saw in the midterms, abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. Taking away rights from more than half of the voters. In the United States of America, it’s not gonna help Republicans win elections. Ever.

There are 8 million more women voters than men. Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are condemned to repeat them, and nobody learns less from their mistakes than the Republican party.

Republicans can’t wait to get into power and cut taxes and run up the deficit again. Even though the last three times I did it ended with an economic crash. Like I said, those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them and Republicans never learn.
Crafting more sensible ways of co-existing should be on the tale from our ruling class. We have this all or nothing attitude and many issues are not that. The abortion issue is overblown, as real statistics and where they come from and if any women are getting multiple procedures are in the mix. Republicans in areas need to be prudent and not to ideological also. However, if they are, that is what Republican voters face from Prog politicians that Prog voters do not understand.
Republican men are focussed on trans women to deflect from the real war on against women’s reproductive rights and healthcare. Not only do they get to control women by banning abortion, they get to hate on trans people, and pretend they’re protecting women.

The only people talking about trans women in washrooms, are Republican men. There are fewer than 100,000 trans women in all of the USA. But all of the right wing focus is on trans women.

There is no public outcry against trans women in sports, except among Republican men v and the issue has NO traction among women whatsoever.

When even pro-life Republican women are suing Republican governments because they nearly died trying to have a baby, your party is in trouble.

In Nebraska, the three Republican women, and the two Democratic women in the state house all spoke eloquently against passing the complete ban on abortion, citing the needs of women with pregnancy complications and partial miscarriages, victims of rape and incest.

All of the women voted against the draconian abortion ban with no exceptions, and the bill was defeated. Subsequent to the vote, the Republican women were told that they would be “primaried” for their “disloyalty”.

As we saw in the midterms, abortion is a losing issue for Republicans. Taking away rights from more than half of the voters. In the United States of America, it’s not gonna help Republicans win elections. Ever.

There are 8 million more women voters than men. Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are condemned to repeat them, and nobody learns less from their mistakes than the Republican party.

Republicans can’t wait to get into power and cut taxes and run up the deficit again. Even though the last three times I did it ended with an economic crash. Like I said, those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them and Republicans never learn.
The level of ignorance in that post is simply astounding.
But the man involved, he also “sometimes do get in trouble.
Absolutely! Millions of young men, unready for marriage or to be a father, or not wanting to be married to the woman they got pregnant, suddenly strongly favor the woman having an abortion. They often help the woman pay for the abortion, travel out of state if necessary, etc. Another excellent reason that medical abortion should be legal, widely available, and easy to get. Of course using birth control before sex is far preferable and today the norm,, but no birth control method is 100% infallible, and young men and young women are often inexperienced, and for their own pleasure men sometimes promise to use condoms but then do not use them or use them carelessly.
I watched a man who spent five years in prison for not supporting “his child”, find out after release his “son” was not his when a dna test was given. When the mother was asked if she knew who her sons real mother was, she said YES.
Well, that’s a strange anecdote, but possible. Usually, states will arrange for a couple and child to have a DNA paternity test if requested by one partner before child support decisions are made. If the alleged father accepted his paternity by signing a document, most states later allow him to seek a paternity test, and if it proves lack of paternity, he can seek a reversal of the earlier family court’s child support decision.

But this is a matter of state law — and such matters, and divorce itself where children are involved, is almost always a traumatic experience. Planning parenthood together with a legal spouse, practicing birth control, defending or extending the right of women (in consultation with their husbands or lovers when that is possible) to end an unwanted pregnancy — these are measures that can go far in protecting and strengthening successful family life.

Abortion of course should only be a legal option for pregnant women to choose of their own free will — it is not right for everyone.

The same can be said of becoming sexually active with a partner, choosing and pre-planning the use of birth control or “day after pills,” and above all getting pregnant purposely (in or outside of marriage). These are all serious decisions, generally best made with forethought by mature people. But young people, young men especially, often have powerful sexual urges they can barely control.

Modern developments in science have widened options available, especially for women, but responsibility is still absolutely necessary for them to protect themselves. One good sign is that the average age for having children has gone up in all advanced Western societies, in part due to advances in civil and reproductive rights and scientific developments. It is especially encouraging that the rate of abortions have gone down notably in recent decades … among all classes of women.
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Absolutely! Millions of young men, unready for marriage or to be a father, or not wanting to be married to the woman they got pregnant, suddenly strongly favor the woman having an abortion. They often help the woman pay for the abortion, travel out of state if necessary, etc. Another excellent reason that medical abortion should be legal, widely available, and easy to get. Of course using birth control before sex is far preferable and today the norm,, but no birth control method is 100% infallible, and young men and young women are often inexperienced, and for their own pleasure men sometimes promise to use condoms but then do not use them or use them incorrectly.

Well, that’s a strange anecdote, but possible. Usually, states will arrange for a couple and child to have a DNA paternity test if requested by one partner before child support decisions are made. If the alleged father accepted his paternity by signing a document, most states later allow him to seek a paternity test, and if it proves lack of paternity, he can seek a reversal of the earlier family court’s child support decision.

But this is a matter of state law — and such matters, and divorce itself where children are involved, is almost always a traumatic experience. Planning parenthood together with a legal spouse, practicing birth control, defending or extending the right of women (in consultation with their husbands or lovers when that is possible) to end an unwanted pregnancy — these are measures that can go far in protecting and strengthening successful family life.

Abortion of course should only be a legal option for women “in trouble” to choose of their own free will — it is not right for everyone.

The same can be said of becoming sexually active with a partner, choosing and pre-planning the use of birth control or “day after pills,” and above all getting pregnant purposely (in or outside of marriage). These are all serious decisions, generally best made with forethought by mature people. But young people, young men especially, often have powerful sexual urges they can barely control.

I think modern developments in science have widened options available, especially for women, but responsibility is still absolutely necessary for them to protect themselves. One good sign is that the average age for having children has gone up in all advanced Western societies, in part due to advances in civil and reproductive rights and scientific developments. It is especially encouraging that the rate of abortions have gone down notably in recent decades … among all classes of women.

As long as abortions are on the table as a legal way to avoid unwanted parenthood, then equality within the issue demands that both parties be given the same choice as to when they become a parent.

Let’s get real for a moment.
It's truly amazing to me how the left can claim they are for women's rights and support trannies taking over women's sports, dressing with women in dressing rooms, and using women's bathrooms.
Because they are afraid of the tranny activists that they radicalized.
I love how you make this ridiculous statement and in your very next breath admit the war is happening!!

so a few of you are just mildly retarded rather than completely. but at least you admit there is a war on actual women by mentally ill people trying to compete in their athletics.
Yet they tried to change to subject to abortion to avoid talking about biological men in sports. Apparently Men in sports is something lefties are willing to concede for abortion.
As long as abortions are on the table as a legal way to avoid unwanted parenthood, then equality within the issue demands that both parties be given the same choice as to when they become a parent… Let’s get real for a moment.
So you are in favor of men having the right to force women to have abortions?

God, you are out of your mind. And then you add: “Let’s get real for a moment.”

Do you think you can find even a “Red State” that would support such a sick misogynist idea? Does your “Church of Women Hating Incels” support such an idea?

I wonder how it could be carried out in practice? Shall a law be passed allowing any man to demand of any pregnant women that she take an invasive paternity test of the DNA of the fetus implanted in her womb?

Afterwards, I guess a court would simply order a forced abortion because the “man in trouble” was proven “father of the fetus”!
Brilliant! :abgg2q.jpg:

What do others here think of this novel “War on Women” proposal?
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If so, why do women, who don't want a child, engage in sex?
Women go along with the whims of men because they are weak. Give into sex to avoid never being alone. No birth control because they are too afraid to ask men to wear a condom if they aren’t on the pill.
Women go along with the whims of men because they are weak. Give into sex to avoid never being alone. No birth control because they are too afraid to ask men to wear a condom if they aren’t on the pill.
My wife avoided pregnancy for over a year after we were married. She knew when she was fertile and found ways to avoid having sex with me. I finally got mad a called her on it. She relented and soon after was pregnant with our son. I could only guess why she did this.
it's not for you to decide. the gov'ment should decide to force upon you a snip snip, so you don't ever spawn.
That would be retarded, which is why you promote it, filth.

Anyone who refuses to be a responsible parent to the kids they create should sterilize themselves, though, men or women. So these trash who kill their own kid should have known their own absolute lack of integrity and character and basic decency and just gotten themselves sterilized. Period.
As long as abortions are on the table as a legal way to avoid unwanted parenthood, then equality within the issue demands that both parties be given the same choice as to when they become a parent.

Let’s get real for a moment.
Correct. If women are allowed to kill their way out of parental responsibility, end all court-ordered child support; afterall, as they claim, men didn’t consent to parenthood when they consented to sex.

Only they don’t agree, they think men consent to parenthood and women don’t.

Because they’re misandrist fuckheads.
Can you explain why women have unwanted pregnancies?

Getting pregnant is easy, carrying the child to term successfully is difficult.

1. Human beings have two biological imperatives: survival and procreation. It is much easier to get pregnant than not.

2. Even the birth control pill in practice, is only 85% effective. The figures that the drug companies use is based on controlled studies: The women taking the pill at the same time every day in the same way (with food or without).

In real life, that doesn’t happen. Circumstances are not always ideal. And timing isn’t always exactly 24 hours since the last pill. Lots of women get pregnant while taking the pill.

3. See my prior post on my costs of getting a prescription for birth control pills.

4. One Catholic woman who went for an abortion, which asked why she wasn’t on the pill. Her response as a devout Catholic: taking a birth control pill is considered to be a mortal sin, as is abortion. She thought that since taking birth control pills was an equivalent sin to having an abortion, it would be better to commit one mortal sin of having an abortion rather than 21 mortal sins per month taking birth control pills.

5. High school girls report not using birth control because that would make them “look like sluts” if they were on the pill or carrying condoms.

6. With sex education, being pulled from school curriculums everywhere, and books even mentioning sex being banned from high school libraries, where are young women supposed to learn about biology and their bodies?

7. Last but not least abortion has declined substantially in the last 50 years in the USA. It’s been cut in half. Right now your abortion rate is being driven by poverty. And unless you address the issues of low wages, lack of universal health, insurance, and lack of paid maternity leave for poor families banning abortion will not solve your problems.

As someone who used birth control throughout my reproductive life, I can count on the fingers of both hands, how many times I had sex without “taking precautions”. And I got pregnant five times. Two of those 5 pregnancies were unplanned.

The thing that Republican men fail to understand is that the third of our pregnancies have complications. They end in miscarriage or worse. My two miscarriages had complications, and I would have been denied care under the abortion ban laws currently being passed.

The second one in particular, I had been pregnant for more 8 weeks, but the foetus had died somewhere around the 5th or 6th week. Carrying dead tissue for more than 2 weeks is dangerous, so I went in hospital to have it removed. I only have one working fallopian tube, so anything happening to this one and I wouldn’t had been able to have another baby. I was able to get pregnant again right away. My daughter was born 11 months after the miscarriage.

Dudes cheating at publicly funded sports is a government concern.

There is no “war on women,” retard. Killing kids isn’t “healthcare,” you vile, dishonest trash.

There are 11 transgendered athletes in all of NCAA sports - more thann300,000 women. And one of those 11 athletes is nationally ranked and could be considered “elite”. And that athlete is ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation in swimming.

Banning trans gendered athletes from women’s sports is a solution in search of a problem. It’s not helping female athletes at all, and it’s pretending that they care about women while real women are bleeding out and dying from lack of reproductive healthcare

Campaign life, your names, a lie. You don’t care if women die.

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