I am....Or are you now going to run from what you are.....?
He is a leftist and a case of arrested development because of the abuse he faced as a child. Often times, a person's emotional development is stunted and they remain forever at the maturity level of their time of abuse.

The one thing he is NOT is liberal. Like the majority of profoundly ignorant leftists here, he wouldn't recognize liberalism if it whacked him along side the head.
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.
No surgery is required, and this illusory transgender invasion is on national law books. That's how far mental illness can be taken.
Why is it conservatives boil down decisions on pregnancy, childbirth, raising a child as issues of “convenience”?

It is as if it were as insignificant as the inconvenience of forgetting to brush your teeth.

Look at the argument by most of the left here on this forum, look at the stories you read online, and the people protesting over it…am I wrong? Most of the left are very casual about abortion. Even the phrase “my body my choice” implies that a woman should be able to get an abortions simply because she so chooses.

I say it’s a convenience issue because the numbers concur with that.

Women get abortions (and get pregnant) for lots of reasons. Men get women pregnant for lots of reasons too.

We should not grant the STATE the power to set up laws or tribunals to unravel “good, bad and ugly” motivations in such complex emotional matters. We don’t generally forbid or force women to marry, divorce, or have children these days, and we have the science to make abortions — when they are necessary or chosen — be quite convenient and usually as simple as taking a pill or going in for minor outpatient surgery.

This is not saying anything “flippant” but just recognizing reality. The emotional trauma for a woman choosing an abortion can be major or very minor, depending on many factors, and of course nobody is forcing the woman to do anything but follow her conscience and her sense of what is best for her, her future children, her family and all involved.

Our courts cannot even determine if “rape” of “sexual abuse” occurs in 90% of cases. In my own life I’ve seen far too many young women “taken advantage of” by men —“boyfriends” totally unprepared and unwilling to settle down, marry and raise children. “Sure, I have the condom right here!” — these are famous last words of horny men.

We can now see that the pro-choice movement was right all along when it warned that the rightwing evangelical anti-abortion movement was extremist and would never be satisfied. Even under Roe v Wade the religious right managed in many states first to remove abortion out of hospitals, isolating and making it vulnerable, and then to close virtually all abortion centers — since to these moral absolutists a zygote is already a human life that has the right to live inside and outside of an unwilling pregnant woman’s body. All the promises that this issue would be resolved in the separate states was a smokescreen or a delusion.

That doesn’t mean that compromises may not be re-established eventually. I was personally satisfied with the Roe vs. Wade 50 year precedent allowing states to limit or even veto abortion in the last trimester. It was the dark alliance of rightwing evangelical witch hunters and cynical MAGA opportunists who demonize the “Demonrat Party” which is now proposing we outlaw abortion pills NATIONALLY — even though this issue will likely harm their short-term electoral prospects. They have a totally unrepresentative Supreme Court on their side too. If by some chance they were to sweep both Houses and the Presidency in 2024, they will run with this and many other destructive campaigns.

The nation would suffer terribly and its remaining social unity be further undercut. We might even end up losing what remains of our Republic and “rule of law” entirely, as Trump has made it clear he cares little about such matters.

In any case, the defense of women’s right to abortion today is related to many other issues of privacy and personal freedom in society, even it seems the right to birth control and to marry who one wishes. Finally it gives the woman — long suffering in this respect — more power and control of her own position in society, making family planning much easier, producing more stable families, and more loved and wanted children.
Im not saying it’s not an emotional issue for some women, but what we are seeing in the news and online is women feel they should be able to use abortion like birth control. The statistics verify this, with like 40% getting abortion for financial reasons and 36% because they are not ready.
Look at the argument by most of the left here on this forum, look at the stories you read online, and the people protesting over it…am I wrong? Most of the left are very casual about abortion. Even the phrase “my body my choice” implies that a woman should be able to get an abortions simply because she so chooses.

I say it’s a convenience issue because the numbers concur with that.
And, of course, it isn't particularly convenient for those OTHER bodies they are eliminating.

........over half of them worldwide being female.
Im not saying it’s not an emotional issue for some women, but what we are seeing in the news and online is women feel they should be able to use abortion like birth control. The statistics verify this, with like 40% getting abortion for financial reasons and 36% because they are not ready.

what you don't seem to grasp is ...............

it's none of your business the reason a female may need or want an abortion. & if you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one.

it really is that simple.
what you don't seem to grasp is ...............
it's none of your business the reason a female may need or want an abortion. & if you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one.
it really is that simple.
Absolutely correct.

In addition, ThisIsMe shows how far he is locked into his rightwing media echo chamber when he writes “what we are seeing in the news and online is women feel they should be able to use abortion like birth control”.

He goes on to make a logically unrelated argument:
“The statistics verify this, with like 40% getting abortion for financial reasons and 36% because they are not ready.”

Don’t know what these “statistics” are supposed to prove or where they came from, but can he really believe that …

Having or not having “financial” resources to raise a child … is irrelevant?

Having or not having the time to love and care for a child, or being able to support a child emotionally until adulthood … is unimportant?

Having a child — even when you are in a stable relationship with a working-class income — is a life changing responsibility!

Being mature enough, prepared enough, having the financial resources to support, shelter & educate a child — this is what we expect of modern parents.

Being a successful parent is something that many unwilling women — especially if they are poor and single — are usually quite incapable of pulling off on their own. Today, many single parents manage to do a decent job, but usually only if they have educated themselves first and developed some kind of a career.

The unreality of many rightwingers, who make impossible demands of women and then go on to blame them if things don’t go well with the children they have been forced to bring into the world against their will … just amazes me.
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what you don't seem to grasp is ...............

it's none of your business the reason a female may need or want an abortion.
They never need an elective abortion by definition, and they almost always want one so they can abandon parental responsibility and save money, so personal gain, a very common motive for homicide, and not remotely a just motive.

Stopping violence against our fellow human beings is always all of our business, so don’t worry, we are minding our business when we ban abortion.
what you don't seem to grasp is ...............

it's none of your business the reason a female may need or want an abortion. & if you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one.

it really is that simple.

We’ll, you have a point, I guess. Our state laws can outlaw abortion or make them legal, and you’re right, it’s none of my business why a woman would want an abortion. I guess some people just simply have no regard for life…actually, they don’t even think it’s life, it’s just extra tissue in the body.

We should probably start requesting the removal of special treatment for pregnant women, I mean, if I have a sore back or a corn on my toe…I’m not getting any special treatment for that, so why should a woman with a little bit of extra tissue in her body?
this kind of delusional thinking is what makes it easy to understand why you morons are supporting men destroying the things women worked for decades to acquire.
Oh? And what does your delusional mind think (that might be an overstatement) I’m supporting?
Absolutely correct.

In addition, ThisIsMe shows how far he is locked into his rightwing media echo chamber when he writes “what we are seeing in the news and online is women feel they should be able to use abortion like birth control”.

He goes on to make a logically unrelated argument:
“The statistics verify this, with like 40% getting abortion for financial reasons and 36% because they are not ready.”

Don’t know what these “statistics” are supposed to prove or where they came from, but can he really believe that …

Having or not having “financial” resources to raise a child … is irrelevant?

Having or not having the time to love and care for a child, or being able to support a child emotionally until adulthood … is unimportant?

Having a child — even when you are in a stable relationship with a working-class income — is a life changing responsibility!

Being mature enough, prepared enough, having the financial resources to support, shelter & educate a child — this is what we expect of modern parents.

Being a successful parent is something that many unwilling women — especially if they are poor and single — are usually quite incapable of pulling off on their own. Today, many single parents manage to do a decent job, but usually only if they have educated themselves first and developed some kind of a career.

The unreality of many rightwingers, who make impossible demands of women and then go on to blame them if things don’t go well with the children they have been forced to bring into the world against their will … just amazes me.

Ok, so, they cannot afford the child, so they have an abortion, that’s still not a “last resort” option that the left keeps pointing to.

You know, there’s also the option of, if you are not prepared to deal with the consequence of your actions, then don’t have sex? I know I know “that’s ridiculous, you should be able to have as much sex as you want! It’s freedom!”…so, by having sex because you know if you become pregnant, you can just run down to the clinic and “take care of it”, just shows the flippant regard to the whole situation, and, that abortion is just about convenience.

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