We’ll, you have a point, I guess. Our state laws can outlaw abortion or make them legal, and you’re right, it’s none of my business why a woman would want an abortion. I guess some people just simply have no regard for life…actually, they don’t even think it’s life, it’s just extra tissue in the body.

We should probably start requesting the removal of special treatment for pregnant women, I mean, if I have a sore back or a corn on my toe…I’m not getting any special treatment for that, so why should a woman with a little bit of extra tissue in her body?
— Arrogant cynical “wise guy” talk from a misogynist troll pretending to care about … “life.”

It is revealing that you admit it is none of your fucking business if a woman you don’t even know — based on her own sense of right and wrong and using her own best judgement — chooses to have a child … or not.
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the fact that idiots like that have been made "moderators" is the reason I rarely post on this board anymore. It makes you question the sanity of whoever owns this place.

I understand where you're coming from, but you shouldn't let anybody scare you away. You have a right to be here just as much as they do. Just ignore them and don't let them bother you. :) Pretend they're Charlie Brown's teacher. 😆
you would need a brain to have a thought.
Brilliant! You are so smart!

I love how the rightists keep trying to invent new “wars on women“ to distract from their own misogynist policies.

Quite a few of us on the left support rights for transgender people such as non discrimination, access to healthcare, etc. without supporting having them compete in athletics as women.
— Arrogant cynical “wise guy” talk from a misogynist troll pretending to care about … “life.”

It is revealing that you admit it is none of your fucking business if a woman you don’t even know — based on her own sense of right and wrong and using her own best judgement — chooses to have a child … or not.

Wait…exactly how do you think I’m being a misogynist?

It is revealing that you admit it is none of your fucking business if a woman you don’t even know — based on her own sense of right and wrong and using her own best judgement — chooses to have a child … or not

No, I’m admitting that a woman can make her own choice, I’m also admitting that if a woman doesn’t believe she is carrying a human baby, that if they truly believe that it’s nothing more than a lump of cells, then women deserve no special treatment for being “with cells”. They need to eliminate all the rules regarding pregnant women, including special treatment that employers give.

There’s nothing misogynist about that, if you think there is, please explain how.
Brilliant! You are so smart!
View attachment 781693

I love how the rightists keep trying to invent new “wars on women“ to distract from their own misogynist policies.

Quite a few of us on the left support rights for transgender people such as non discrimination, access to healthcare, etc. without supporting having them compete in athletics as women.

Why do you not support them competing as women?
Because they are not women, they are transgender women, and biology does make a difference in athletics.

Wow you're one hundred percent correct for once,.. but yet biology doesn't make a difference when it comes to men going into little girl's restrooms or if little Robert wants to become little Roberta. In your eyes anyways.
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.
That is ridiculous. Less than 1 in every 200 are transgender. The actually percentage in the workplace where transgenders are passing as women is even smaller. This seems to be a major issue on social media but in real life it is not. My granddaughter works in large office with 230 employees. There is one transgender male that works there and she is well liked and there is no problem.
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That is ridiculous. Less than 1 in every 200 are transgender. The actually percentage in the workplace where transgenders are passing as women is even smaller. This seems to be a major issue on social media but in real life it is not. My granddaughter works in large office with 230 employees. There is one transgender male that works there and she is well liked and there is no problem.
Anecdotes are fun huh
Don't misunderstand. Women want abortion because they themselves don't have control over their bodies. They don't seem to know when they are fertile and seem to want to have sex anytime the opportunity arises regardless of the risk of pregnancy.

When did women start getting pregnant by themselves? You talk about women having sex and getting pregnant as if they do this all on their own.

This is the problem with right wing men. They want to blame the women for getting pregnant, if no man had any part in it whatsoever.

The reality is women don’t know when they’re fertile. That’s why the rhythm method of birth control - abstaining from sex during the fertile period, is such a failure. What do you call people who use the rhythm method for birth control? Parents.

But underlying your post is the clear hatred of women “who can’t control themselves”. As if these women got pregnant by themselves, or were throwing themselves at men in the hopes of getting laid.

Why aren’t the men protecting themselves against pregnancy? Because they don’t wanna wear a condom. It spoils the fun. Talk about not being able to control yourself.
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What a bunch of crap from most of the men here: misogynists, incels, losers and jerks. Zero empathy with real ordinary women who sometimes do “get into trouble.”

Perhaps some of these commenters are now older bastards who just get off ridiculing the majority of Americans — and majority of women especially — who defend a woman’s right to have an abortion in situations where it most often occurs.

Most Americans are not fanatics who equate the “rights” of an embryo or first or second trimester fetus with those of a grown woman. We support convenient “abortion pills” and early abortions without restrictions. They — we — support the right of women to end unwanted pregnancies as conveniently and as quickly as possible, without authoritarian religious politicians or a the state throwing up obstacles that delay or make the procedure much worse. We defend women against the real, growing, now national “ban-abortion” war on women.

Half the men who talk a “moralistic” anti-abortion line would urge their own out-of-marriage lovers to have an abortion in a split second … to save their marriage or even just their reputation and alimony. But they still talk their shit.

You would think these men never really learned how to listen to others. It is as if they have no sisters, no daughters, no real women friends. Whether “Moral Majority” hypocrites or religious nuts or just cynical political trolls, they all have their own “wise guy” excuses for participating in this immoral and politically reactionary “war on women.”

I’m sure there are really some religious people who do have a “deep moral commitment” to preserving life — in other people’s wombs — but frankly I don’t see any sign of them here in this thread.
here: misogynists, incels, losers and jerks. Zero empathy with real ordinary women who sometimes do “get into trouble.

But the man involved, he also “sometimes do get in trouble.

I watched a man who spent five years in prison for not supporting “his child”, find out after release his “son” was not his when a dna test was given. When the mother was asked if she knew who her sons real mother was, she said YES.

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