Correct. If women are allowed to kill their way out of parental responsibility, end all court-ordered child support; afterall, as they claim, men didn’t consent to parenthood when they consented to sex.

Only they don’t agree, they think men consent to parenthood and women don’t.

Because they’re misandrist fuckheads.
Another sick-in-the-head-&-heart fake moralist who shows himself to be anything but. This is what many MAGA men are really like: bitter, aggrieved, childishly ignorant “men” whose cynicism knows no bounds. They are nihilists who despite their claims to moral superiority and their politically convenient political alliance with religious fundamentalists, are ready at the drop of a hat to reject men’s traditional responsibility to defending the family, protecting the “weaker sex,” pregnant women and children.

These immature types loudly exclaim that responsible liberals who do respect women and their natural rights … “can’t define the difference between a man & a women” — while they themselves ignore these differences and demand “legal equality” between a “woman’s right to choose” and their own sick aspiration to force abortion (or more often pregnancy & childbirth) on them.

Controlling women’s bodies, gratifying themselves and then disposing of women and any unwanted children … have long been among the most base instincts of men. Civilization itself has long struggled to reign in this male instinct to “fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.” Here it is visible once again, lurking in a very strange place indeed.
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Getting pregnant is easy, carrying the child to term successfully is difficult.

1. Human beings have two biological imperatives: survival and procreation. It is much easier to get pregnant than not.

2. Even the birth control pill in practice, is only 85% effective. The figures that the drug companies use is based on controlled studies: The women taking the pill at the same time every day in the same way (with food or without).

In real life, that doesn’t happen. Circumstances are not always ideal. And timing isn’t always exactly 24 hours since the last pill. Lots of women get pregnant while taking the pill.

3. See my prior post on my costs of getting a prescription for birth control pills.

4. One Catholic woman who went for an abortion, which asked why she wasn’t on the pill. Her response as a devout Catholic: taking a birth control pill is considered to be a mortal sin, as is abortion. She thought that since taking birth control pills was an equivalent sin to having an abortion, it would be better to commit one mortal sin of having an abortion rather than 21 mortal sins per month taking birth control pills.

5. High school girls report not using birth control because that would make them “look like sluts” if they were on the pill or carrying condoms.

6. With sex education, being pulled from school curriculums everywhere, and books even mentioning sex being banned from high school libraries, where are young women supposed to learn about biology and their bodies?

7. Last but not least abortion has declined substantially in the last 50 years in the USA. It’s been cut in half. Right now your abortion rate is being driven by poverty. And unless you address the issues of low wages, lack of universal health, insurance, and lack of paid maternity leave for poor families banning abortion will not solve your problems.

As someone who used birth control throughout my reproductive life, I can count on the fingers of both hands, how many times I had sex without “taking precautions”. And I got pregnant five times. Two of those 5 pregnancies were unplanned.

The thing that Republican men fail to understand is that the third of our pregnancies have complications. They end in miscarriage or worse. My two miscarriages had complications, and I would have been denied care under the abortion ban laws currently being passed.

The second one in particular, I had been pregnant for more 8 weeks, but the foetus had died somewhere around the 5th or 6th week. Carrying dead tissue for more than 2 weeks is dangerous, so I went in hospital to have it removed. I only have one working fallopian tube, so anything happening to this one and I wouldn’t had been able to have another baby. I was able to get pregnant again right away. My daughter was born 11 months after the miscarriage.

There are 11 transgendered athletes in all of NCAA sports - more thann300,000 women. And one of those 11 athletes is nationally ranked and could be considered “elite”. And that athlete is ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation in swimming.

Banning trans gendered athletes from women’s sports is a solution in search of a problem. It’s not helping female athletes at all, and it’s pretending that they care about women while real women are bleeding out and dying from lack of reproductive healthcare

Campaign life, your names, a lie. You don’t care if women die.
You are opening the door to the greater subject of the general health of women (and perhaps men as well), which must surely affect their reproductive health. This is especially evident among black, Hispanic, and native American women as they have higher rates of obesity and associated problems.
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Another sick-in-the-head-&-heart fake moralist who shows himself to be anything but. This is what many MAGA men are really like: bitter, aggrieved, childishly ignorant “men” whose cynicism knows no bounds. They are nihilists who despite their claims to moral superiority and their politically convenient political alliance with religious fundamentalists, are ready at the drop of a hat to reject men’s traditional responsibility to defending the family, protecting the “weaker sex,” pregnant women and children.

These immature types loudly exclaim that responsible liberals who do respect women and their natural rights … “can’t define the difference between a man & a women” — while they themselves ignore these differences and demand “legal equality” between a “woman’s right to choose” and their own sick aspiration to force abortion (or more often pregnancy & childbirth) on them. Controlling women’s bodies, gratifying themselves and then disposing of women and any unwanted children … have long been among the most base instincts of men. Civilization itself has long struggled to reign in this male instinct to “fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.” Here it is visible once again, lurking in a very strange place indeed.
"Hump 'em and dump 'em" isn't limited to Right wing men. It's pretty common among all men.
Another sick-in-the-head-&-heart fake moralist who shows himself to be anything but.
Retarded piece of shit.

You’re diametrically opposed to equality and fairness, got it.

This is what many MAGA men are really like: bitter, aggrieved, childishly ignorant “men” whose cynicism knows no bounds.
Oh and now this pathetic cuck man-hater wants to define manhood?

They are nihilists who despite their claims to moral superiority and their politically convenient political alliance with religious fundamentalists, are ready at the drop of a hat to reject men’s traditional responsibility to defending the family, protecting the “weaker sex,” pregnant women and children.
Yeah, none of that happened, retard cuck.

These immature types loudly exclaim that responsible liberals who do respect women and their natural rights … “can’t define the difference between a man & a women” — while they themselves ignore these differences and demand “legal equality” between a “woman’s right to choose” and their own sick aspiration to force abortion (or more often pregnancy & childbirth) on them.
Yeah, or we could just ban abortion, retard cuck.

Clearly the point went right over your brainless skull.
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There are 11 transgendered athletes in all of NCAA sports - more thann300,000 women. And one of those 11 athletes is nationally ranked and could be considered “elite”. And that athlete is ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation in swimming.
Whatever. Men shouldn’t cheat by claiming to be ladies to have an easier time.

Banning trans gendered athletes from women’s sports is a solution in search of a problem.

while real women are bleeding out and dying from lack of reproductive healthcare
Delusional. Killing kids isn’t healthcare, scumbag. It’s the opposite of healthcare.
The Republican men have switched from war on women to war on transgender, imitation women, except for abortion. They still don't think you competent to make decision involving your body, although there are lots of places women of money and worth in their book can escape to, though if you are knocked up, and making a break for the border, you may need to be packing until you make the state line then cannot go back without facing charges. It is just poor women that are fked and will have to stay fcked.
The Republican men have switched from war on women to war on transgender, imitation women, except for abortion. They still don't think you competent to make decision involving your body, although there are lots of places women of money and worth in their book can escape to, though if you are knocked up, and making a break for the border, you may need to be packing until you make the state line then cannot go back without facing charges. It is just poor women that are fked and will have to stay fcked.
Incorrect. Leftist transgender activists are targeting women. And Democrats are supporting it.
The Republican men have switched from war on women to war on transgender, imitation women, except for abortion. They still don't think you competent to make decision involving your body, although there are lots of places women of money and worth in their book can escape to, though if you are knocked up, and making a break for the border, you may need to be packing until you make the state line then cannot go back without facing charges. It is just poor women that are fked and will have to stay fcked.
What war on transgender? Be specific.
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What war on transgender? Br specific.
We've had people right on here saying they should be denied 2nd Amendment rights. It ain't like they are viewed positive by many, you gotta admit. They have a pretty big culture war target on their back, and you know how Republicans love a good culture war.
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.
We've had people right on here saying they should be denied 2nd Amendment rights. It ain't like they are viewed positive by many, you gotta admit. They have a pretty big culture war target on their back, and you know how Republicans love a good culture war.
Seems to me you have no evidence of a Republican war on women.

Holding the position men should be able to play in any women’s sport IS evidence of a war on women. That would be your Dimwinger party, Simp.
Seems to me you have no evidence of a Republican war on women.

Holding the position men should be able to play in any women’s sport IS evidence of a war on women. That would be your Dimwinger party, Simp.
What part of my post in this thread stating "The Republican men have switched from war on women" did you not read?
You actually think that is worse than denying women control over their bodies and healthcare decisions?

No wonder you guys are losing the support of women voters. You are out of touch and plowing full steam ahead.
With all the methods of effective birth control, why is abortion, the killing of a potential human being, being in control of YOUR body? I am prochoice, but abortion should be a last option, it has to be used when it’s the LEAST bad option, not the option of choice.
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Seems to me you have no evidence of a Republican war on women.

Holding the position men should be able to play in any women’s sport IS evidence of a war on women. That would be your Dimwinger party, Simp.
Luckily for me, I am not Democrat and don't believe that trans should play on women's teams or get to go in women's restrooms. I might make an exception on the restroom thing, if they have completed gender re-assignment surgeries and no longer have the male parts they were born with. I have been noted saying on here, chicks with dicks aren't chicks.
So you are in favor of men having the right to force women to have abortions?

God, you are out of your mind. And then you add: “Let’s get real for a moment.”

Do you think you can find even a “Red State” that would support such a sick misogynist idea? Does your “Church of Women Hating Incels” support such an idea?

I wonder how it could be carried out in practice? Shall a law be passed allowing any man to demand of any pregnant women that she take an invasive paternity test of the DNA of the fetus implanted in her womb?

Afterwards, I guess a court would simply order a forced abortion because the “man in trouble” was proven “father of the fetus”!
Brilliant! :abgg2q.jpg:

What do others here think of this novel “War on Women” proposal?

Oh, I never said that. But only a warped human could even imply such a thing.

Equality sucks sometimes if it’s actually applied.

Grown ups know this.
Would you trust a mentally ill person with a weapon?
NO. And to your point, and as suggested by suicide rates, I have questions of some mental, conditions, aberrations, stability, etc, but, I'm not the one to make the call that legislatures could do some half-bake blanket denial of their 2nd amendment rights bases on nothing more than them choosing to change their sex for reasons, I don't understand. It would not get past the Supreme Courts, probably not even state level, and definitely not US Supreme Court.

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