What part of my post in this thread stating "The Republican men have switched from war on women" did you not read?
"Switched from" indicates there was a war on women, Simp.

Can I assume you have no evidence of the Republican war on women, nor their war on trannies?
Luckily for me, I am not Democrat and don't believe that trans should play on women's teams or get to go in women's restrooms. I might make an exception on the restroom thing, if they have completed gender re-assignment surgeries and no longer have the male parts they were born with. I have been noted saying on here, chicks with dicks aren't chicks.
So you agree the war on women comes from the Dimwinger party.
Because it is in my body and the decision what ever it is, should be my choice, regardless of reason.

Too bad your mother didn't have the same attitude about you. You should be grateful to her that she didn't and decided to give you life you pathetic piece of shit.

My granddaughter declared that "I'm a boy" for a time when she was 3. She's 8 now and a happy little girl who plays with dolls like any other girl.

I went through the exact same thing as a kid,... Of wanting to be a boy anyways. I even used the boy's restroom at school when nobody else was around LOL!!! But I would never have actually went through with wanting to turn into a boy, because I was taught to love myself for who I am and I grew out of it as most kids do. It doesn't become a mental illness until you reach adulthood.
Thanks to submitting my DNA to I have learned recently that I am the father of twin girls as well as a boy from another woman (all adults now). I've been in contact with one of the twins, both of whom are happily married with families of their own. I am not in contact with the boy (now a man).

Back then there were no abortions that I was ever aware of. Girls went away, had the child and gave it up for adoption. Some remained at home and raised the child sans the father. My twin daughters were raised by their mother, while my son was adopted. Actually, having an abortion was unthinkable in the region where I lived which was quite conservative at the time.

My daughter was delighted to learn that she had a 'sister'. When my granddaughter saw picture of one of the twins she exclaimed, "Mom, she looks just like you."

I'm beginning to feel like Clint Eastwood. ;)
Glad you shared this and that in the end everything (or most everything) seems to have worked out well.

I have a lot of respect for you and am glad to see that even here people from different regions and backgrounds (like you and I) can respectfully share their life experiences.


Here’s an anecdote about my grandmother I’d like to share.

My grandma had eight children, five born in Eastern Europe before WWI and three in the U.S.A. afterwards. She was religious and had a child every year after marriage before my grandfather — a carpenter — went alone to the U.S. intending to set up his own business and have the family follow. But the war ruined their plans and then grandpa got sick. The family reunification was delayed for almost nine years. My grandma and her five kids just barely survived the war, moving from town to town (civil war then in Russia and Ukraine made life miserable and dangerous). After living in refugee camps and finally walking much of the way to Odessa, they caught a ship and arrived in New York. Grandma had three more kids in quick succession before her husband died.

So anyway, my little brother once asked her…

“Grandma, so you had a child every year you were together with Grandpa. She hesitated and replied … “yes child.

My kid brother asked, “But doesn’t that mean that if not for the war you would have had 17 kids?”

Grandma didn’t understand at first, so my brother explained his question again, pointing out they had been separated for nine years and therefore would have had nine more children!

My brother told me that when it finally dawned on grandma what she was being asked, she laughed and answered with energy:

No, impossible! God would never have been so cruel to me.
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That would be retarded, which is why you promote it, filth.

Anyone who refuses to be a responsible parent to the kids they create should sterilize themselves, though, men or women. So these trash who kill their own kid should have known their own absolute lack of integrity and character and basic decency and just gotten themselves sterilized. Period.

blah blah blah.gif

so who have you voted for that is in favor of raising taxes to take care of all the forced births, 'eh?

who have you voted for that will legislate tougher gun laws & support the banning of assault rifles since the #1 cause of death for all them post born innocent babies is by guns?

no one? not a single person you say?

then stfu you hypocritical asshole.
View attachment 782284

so who have you voted for that is in favor of raising taxes
Why would I ever support raising taxes you stupid fuck?

forced births
That isn’t a thing, retard.

who have you voted for that will legislate tougher gun laws
I would never vote for such tyranny, you stupid fuck.
Maybe you should learn what words mean before removing all doubt of your utter retardation by spewing them incorrectly in your ignorance.

Consistency isn’t “hypocritical,” for example, imbecile.
Why would I ever support raising taxes you stupid fuck?

because you care about all them thar babies being born ...
riiiiight? you ignorant asshole.

That isn’t a thing, retard.

sure is you ignorant fuck.

I would never vote for such tyranny, you stupid fuck.

that is what makes you a hypocritical asshole. you love the fetus - & hate the child. you care & love the 2nd amendment over a post born 2nd grader.

Maybe you should learn what words mean before removing all doubt of your utter retardation by spewing them incorrectly in your ignorance.

Consistency isn’t “hypocritical,” for example, imbecile.

dylan fail.gif
because you care about all them thar babies being born ...
riiiiight? you ignorant asshole.
It’s already illegal to attack and kill born kids, moronic filth.
that is what makes you a hypocritical asshole. you love the fetus - & hate the child.
It is already very illegal to attack born kids, retard. I want the same standard universally. Consistency isn’t hypocrisy.

How do you remember how to breathe? I wish you would just stop.
It’s already illegal to attack and kill born kids, moronic filth.

you played hookey the day they taught reading comp, didn't you oh lil' special one? maybe if you try real hard, you'll follow the bouncing ball thru that reply & figure out just what you said & how i answered you.

It is already very illegal to attack born kids, retard. I want the same standard universally.

you gotta try bigley hard & rub them remaining brain cells together & you might get a *spark*.

Consistency isn’t hypocrisy.

lol ...

How do you remember how to breathe? I wish you would just stop.


you played hookey the day they taught reading comp, didn't you oh lil' special one? maybe if you try real hard, you'll follow the bouncing ball thru that reply & figure out just what you said & how i answered you.
Nothing you say is worth trying hard to understand.

It’s just you drooling on a keyboard after your routine meal of crayons and paste.

It’s already illegal to kill born kids. We want it to be equally illegal to kill unborn kids. The same. The same standard is not hypocrisy.

Learn to speak English.
Nothing you say is worth trying hard to understand.

It’s just you drooling on a keyboard after your routine meal of crayons and paste.

It’s already illegal to kill born kids. We want it to be equally illegal to kill unborn kids. The same. The same standard is not hypocrisy.

Learn to speak English.

you want to force births then don't want to do what it takes so they continue to live by raising the taxes needed to feed, clothe, educate, provide housing & medical care. after the cord is cut - yer job is done AND if they are turned into swiss cheese by some rw nutter who needs an AR 15 to compensate for his teeny weeny peeny, then so be it as long as you can stroke yer gun.

there ... now you can comprehend what i wrote & how THAT was the response to yer silly hypocrisy you illiterate knuckle dragger.
This man did five years in prison for not paying child support, then found out that he was never the father.

The woman who filed charges knew who the real father was.

Didn't have any charges filed against her for anything.

Women have too many fucking rights.
you want to force births
I’m not a pro-abort. You assholes want to force birth, not me. Please stop lying.

then don't want to do what it takes so they continue to live…
Blah blah blah, socialist bullshit.

I don’t support socialist bullshit for the unborn either. Just laws against killing them.

Shooting born kids is already very illegal, you will die in prison for that crime if you aren’t killed on the scene.
You assholes want to force birth, not me. Please stop lying.

you are not pro choice - therefore you are forced birth.

Blah blah blah, socialist bullshit.

blah blah blah, hypocrisy.

I don’t support socialist bullshit for the unborn either. Just laws against killing them.


Shooting born kids is already very illegal, you will die in prison for that crime if you aren’t killed on the scene.

you don't want to do anything that keeps them alive once they are outside the womb.

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