it amazes me that people have this idea that DNA the size of a grain of rice has as much 'personhood' as a post born human female with a life history.
Does this look like a grain of rice to you?

it amazes me that people have this idea that DNA the size of a grain of rice has as much 'personhood' as a post born human female with a life history.
Some people are total morons who should never breed…but they will. The fetal period begins at 9 weeks after fertilization and ends at the time of birth. It’s basic biology,right?

Yeah, you’re kind of a piece of shit if you’re not willing to take some risks and make some sacrifices for your own kid.

So you think women should be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and die and leave behind their grieving children and spouse? Shouldn’t you demand the spouse commit Hari Kari and share the sacrifice…or is it just thrpe woman?

What a mysogonist.

Read the shit you type out loud - you’ll start hearing way dumber stuff immediately.

How about valuing human life equally and avoiding killing any innocent human beings unless there is literally no other way?
How about letting the woman have a say in her own life? Is that too much to ask?
So you think women should be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and die and leave behind their grieving children and spouse?
Already been through all this. If both patients are going to die, save the one you can save.

If we’re not at that point, we’re not at that point, do all you can to save both.

Shouldn’t you demand the spouse commit Hari Kari and share the sacrifice…or is it just thrpe woman?

What a mysogonist.
Is that gonna help anyone? Also seppuku guarantees your death and we’re not talking about suicide, we’re talking about being willing to take risks for the sake of others, most salient and notably here, the other is literally your own damn kid.

In more general terms, sure, fathers should be willing to take risks and make sacrifices to help their kid, too. Of course.
Already been through all this. If both patients are going to die, save the one you can save.

If we’re not at that point, we’re not at that point, do all you can to save both.

Is that gonna help anyone? Also seppuku guarantees your death and we’re not talking about suicide, we’re talking about being willing to take risks for the sake of others, most salient and notably here, the other is literally your own damn kid.

In more general terms, sure, fathers should be willing to take risks and make sacrifices to help their kid, too. Of course.
So, tbe woman should be willing to die for a fetus and leave behind her other children.

No one should be telling HER what risks she should and judge her.

No one else is being judged like that.
So, tbe woman should be willing to die for a fetus and leave behind her other children.

No one should be telling HER what risks she should and judge her.

No one else is being judged like that.
What percentage of abortions is to save the life of the mother?

Let's see your data so we can all mock your dumbassery.

Coyote watcha got?
Some people are total morons who should never breed…but they will. The fetal period begins at 9 weeks after fertilization and ends at the time of birth. It’s basic biology,right?

Life begins at conception.

Science. Try it sometime.
Not the point. Please, spare us the dramatics and at least PRETEND to follow the conversation.
YOU are the one being dramatic by focusing on something that doesn't even register statistically, Simp.

Abortions performed to preserve the life or the health of the mother are so rare that they do not register statistically, according to Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood, who did more to promote and spread abortion on demand throughout the world than any other individual.

What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?
YOU are the one being dramatic by focusing on something that doesn't even register statistically, Simp.

Abortions performed to preserve the life or the health of the mother are so rare that they do not register statistically, according to Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood, who did more to promote and spread abortion on demand throughout the world than any other individual.

What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?
Again. Try to follow the entire conversation instead of belly flopping into the middle of it with your attempted “gotcha”.
So, tbe woman should be willing to die for a fetus and leave behind her other children.
A mother should avoid just killing her own kid when possible…

I know this is a hot take to you people, and you don’t get this, and that’s why you lot should probably get sterlized.

No one should be telling HER what risks she should and judge her.
Yeah no. If you won’t take personal risks for the sake of the well-being of your own kid, you deserve the harsh judgement you get.
This man did five years in prison for not paying child support, then found out that he was never the father.

The woman who filed charges knew who the real father was.

Didn't have any charges filed against her for anything.

Women have too many fucking rights.

That isn’t a right nor is it a reason to demote her to an incubator.

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