A mother should avoid just killing her own kid when possible…

I know this is a hot take to you people, and you don’t get this, and that’s why you lot should probably get sterlized.

Yeah no. If you won’t take personal risks for the sake of the well-being of your own kid, you deserve the harsh judgement you get.
Translation: a woman‘s rights are less than what she carries within her.

Look at all the moral weight you put on her and her alone.

’nuff said.
Translation: a woman‘s rights are less than what she carries within her.

Look at all the moral weight you put on her and her alone.

’nuff said.
Did he say her baby should be able to kill her at will?
We an only hope.......
Coitus interruptus is noooooooooooooo fun. The idea to save the mother is as old as humans because the woman is more valuable than the baby.
Not to to these people. She’s an ambulatory incubator as far as they are concerned.
Some people are total morons who should never breed…but they will. The fetal period begins at 9 weeks after fertilization and ends at the time of birth. It’s basic biology,right?

Seems this CA jury disagrees with you. Scott Peterson guilty of double murder in the murder of his wife and their 8 month unborn child. Hmmm.
Seems this CA jury disagrees with you. Scott Peterson guilty of double murder in the murder of his wife and their 8 month unborn child. Hmmm.
Assuming he is guilty this murderer should be convicted of aggravated and atrocious murder in the first degree. “Double murder” for this sick psychopath and husband cheating on his pregnant wife is indeed legal under many new state laws pushed by the anti-abortion movement.

For decades the well-financed anti-abortion movement has used lawyers and politicians to push such laws. It was a carefully thought-out strategy. They have succeeded in passing scores of innocent-sounding state laws named after pregnant female victim’s of atrocious crimes, often murders committed by “boyfriends” and husbands, or homicides committed by drunken drivers.

Many such laws still have specific exceptions for abortion, or are limited to the later stages of pregnancy, but today many anti-abortion politicians feel emboldened. They are pushing hard to rid all exceptions for abortion and are pressing for these laws to apply immediately after conception, and we see many more prosecutions of absolutely desperate poor and mostly young pregnant girls who have resorted to “coat hanger” abortions and even stabbing themselves.

Here is a tragic article about such cases from back in 2017. It gives a taste of the horrors such women even then were often forced to undergo in states where women’s option to choose safe and legal abortion, or access prescription “abortion pills” early in their pregnancy (such pills are sold over-the-counter in many European countries) were long restricted.

Of course since the ending of Roe v. Wade such situations are becoming more frequent. The laws being used against women are new and more draconic, and they affect many more women, and some are being used even to go after friends who merely try to help them. Of course right now it is still the poor, young, desperate and vulnerable women in “Red States” who suffer the most.

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“Double murder” for this sick psychopath and husband cheating on his pregnant wife is indeed legal under many new state laws pushed by the abortion movement.
So you don’t care about “choice,” it’s not the murder of a wanted child, you just hate the unborn and want them to die. Mask off moments are fun, aren’t they?

For decades the well-financed anti-abortion movement has used lawyers and politicians to push such laws. It was a carefully thought-out strategy.
I know. We’re so insidious in how we don’t like the innocent being killed…

They are push ping to rid all exceptions for abortion and are pressing for these laws to apply immediately after conception
Damn right.

and we see many more prosecutions of absolutely desperate poor and mostly young pregnant girls who have resorted to “coat hanger” abortions and even stabbing themselves.
This isn’t happening, and you’re lying.

Which is a shame. Because a) they should be prosecuted, the murderous scum and b) the more of them that kill themselves with their own malice and stupidity, the better.

Saves on room and board if they take care of their own execution and if they merely sterilize themselves, they’ll never kill another of their own babies this way.
There are a lot of reasons for an abortion beyond the “slut factor” .
I mean you’re the one putting “slut factor” as a label. They just said be responsible.

I don’t really care if someone else is promiscuous or chaste. Whatever they do they should be at minimum an adult human being who acts like an adult human being and takes responsibility for their actions.

If you choose to have the type of sex that makes kids and you choose not to sterilize yourself beforehand and the other partner is not sterile either, you know you might make kids. So if you do that, congrats, here are the obvious and foreseeable consequences of your own chosen actions - now take care of your kid.

The difference here is one of personal vice and the realm of personal choice - sexual promiscuity - vs literally doing violence, lethal violence against other human beings. The former is not really others’ business; the latter will always be everyone’s business.

This distinction matters and we should not allow anyone to blur those lines out of ignorance or malice.

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