late term abortions are the utmost rarest of all & it's because some severe abnormalities & devastating illness' are not detected until well into the pregnancy.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you ignoramus - i am talking about 6 WEEK OLD embryonic DNA.


& ^^^ THAT ^^^ is not the same


as ^^^ THAT ^^^
Try again moron. Fourteen states in the US have bans on abortion after six weeks (cardiac activity). All other states have limits at 20 weeks and above. TX and OK are the only states with no exception for rape and incest and NO state has no exception for the health of the mother. STFU or educate yourself, murderer.
Try again moron. Fourteen states in the US have bans on abortion after six weeks (cardiac activity).

14 too many. & they think that a grain of rice is equal to a post born human being.

All other states have limits at 20 weeks and above. TX and OK are the only states with no exception for rape and incest and NO state has no exception for the health of the mother. STFU or educate yourself, murderer.

you're all over the place. & 5 months is not viable. a 5 month old fetus is not equal to a 10 year old female either.
How do you know better? Do you hang around a lot with “sluts”? Are you one yourself?

I’m so fed up with these arguments. You and your male co-thinkers here characterize millions of fine women who have had abortions over the years as sluts. Often condoms or birth control fails, often men abuse weak, or young, or vulnerable or poor & ignorant women and push them to have unprotected sex. Even raped women are often fearful or unable to get help, and few rape cases are resolved — even if the women know the men’s names.

Even prostitutes who protect themselves carefully have unwanted pregnancies and should be able to choose an early abortion via pills or other abortion services that are legal. Their “business” is older than civilization itself, not pretty, but often legal. Society can protect itself. We can’t and shouldn’t seek to have courts and police prevent “sluts” or “prostitutes” from having children — but there is always hope that individuals can change for the better. Sometimes having a child can give a woman new hope. Such “miracles” do occur. But society should protect itself too, and at the very least provide such women legal opportunities to break out of victimhood and a life of self-abasement. This is even more important with drug addicts, whose children — should they be born — are almost always condemned to live miserable lives and end up being supported by the state, in prison or out.
OK, how about this. Abortion made legal---ONCE. During the murder, the woman's ability to reproduce is removed as well as the man's if he is known. Then they alone carry the penalty for their lack of responsibility which resulted in the death of a child.
14 too many. & they think that a grain of rice is equal to a post born human being.

you're all over the place. & 5 months is not viable. a 5 month old fetus is not equal to a 10 year old female either.
They are human life, moron. I don't care how many ways you try to twist it. Are you trying to salve your guilt for an abortion you had performed? Too bad. I hope you suffer as much as the life you took, if you did.

Pregnant, brain-dead woman kept on life support​

NOMAAN MERCHANTJanuary 3, 2014

DALLAS(AP) — Marlise Munoz lies in a North Texas hospital, 19 weeks pregnant but with no chance of seeing her child born.
Her husband, Erick Munoz, says a doctor told him she’s brain dead, but John Peter Smith Hospital is refusing to allow him to take her off of life support. The hospital says Texas law prohibits it from following a family directive when a pregnancy is involved, although three experts say the hospital is misreading the law in question.

well it's the woman's choice, since she is the one that will be going thru all the intensity & risks of pregnancy & beyond.



The slave mentality still exists. And as I’ve said before, equality is great until it sucks.
OK, how about this. Abortion made legal---ONCE. During the murder, the woman's ability to reproduce is removed as well as the man's if he is known. Then they alone carry the penalty for their lack of responsibility which resulted in the death of a child.

Why would you remove from the man?

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