He is just as culpable unless he files suit to stop the other partner from murdering the life THEY created. It is completely wrong to say that the male partner has no say in this issue.

He absolutely is not. He has no say in it whatsoever. So many men have been conned into fatherhood, if anyone deserves reparations it is those men.
He absolutely is not. He has no say in it whatsoever. So many men have been conned into fatherhood, if anyone deserves reparations it is those men.
Wrong. He willingly put his tool into her without protection, knowing full well that the result could be another living human. As for the woman having sole authority over the decision to abort, I disagree with that as well. There are two partners and the male should be able to force the birth in all but the cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother. He is held responsible for child support and as a participating partner in the creation of this life, he should have equal say as to whether or not the child is aborted. We are dealing in hypotheticals anyway, so this discussion is irrelevant. Abortion is murder after a heartbeat.
Sorry bout that,

1. Each women has the keys to the human future, its a great responsibility for the women folks.
2. But at the same time that women must know to take great heed how they respond to this responsibility.
3. Just tossing a baby away is not right.
4. What did the baby ever do to you?
5. Your unjust if you think its just to end the life of a baby.
6. Use better judgement with this reproductive responsibility.
7. Life is important and life itself should have safeguards.
8. Killing the baby does not come as faultless, if you do it, you hold in your heart a guilt that never goes away, for eternity.
9. Chose wisely, when those legs spread apart.
10. There is a lot at stake.

Yup. As usual it is all on the woman except for the ability to make her own decisions about her body.. And she is labeled a slut.
Yup. As usual it is all on the woman except for the ability to make her own decisions about her body.. And she is labeled a slut.

So why doesn't the father also get his say of whether or not he wants to keep his child? That's my question.
Health or life of the mother
fetal abnormalities
birth control failure
life changes like job loss, marriage break up.
health of the mother is already excepted in EVERY state, as well as rape and incest in all but TX and OK, so that little piece of garbage is irrelevant strawman posturing. The remainder of your nonsense is not now or will it ever be reason for murder.
Try again moron. Fourteen states in the US have bans on abortion after six weeks (cardiac activity). All other states have limits at 20 weeks and above. TX and OK are the only states with no exception for rape and incest and NO state has no exception for the health of the mother. STFU or educate yourself, murderer.
Up until a few weeks ago when the state Supreme Court struck it down, Oklahoma’s ONLY exception was if the mother life was in eminent danger and it was an emergency. That is not the health of the mother.

States where the ONLY exception is threat to the woman’s life in a medical emergency, not health: SD, TX, AR, OK.

9 states have no exception for rape or incest: AR, TX, OK, MO, AL, KY, TN, LA, SD.

It is interesting to note that the states with strictest abortion laws also have weakest maternal supports. Enlightening to say the least.
Wrong. He willingly put his tool into her without protection, knowing full well that the result could be another living human. As for the woman having sole authority over the decision to abort, I disagree with that as well. There are two partners and the male should be able to force the birth in all but the cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother. He is held responsible for child support and as a participating partner in the creation of this life, he should have equal say as to whether or not the child is aborted. We are dealing in hypotheticals anyway, so this discussion is irrelevant. Abortion is murder after a heartbeat.

Sure, but she makes the decision at all points. His responsibility ends when his right to decide ends.

If abortion remains legal, this is a no brainer
Yup. As usual it is all on the woman except for the ability to make her own decisions about her body.. And she is labeled a slut.
The act of sexual intercourse is on the woman. She has the say. Unless you say it is different and that means a criminal offense is taken place.

Pregnant, brain-dead woman kept on life support​

NOMAAN MERCHANTJanuary 3, 2014

DALLAS(AP) — Marlise Munoz lies in a North Texas hospital, 19 weeks pregnant but with no chance of seeing her child born.
Her husband, Erick Munoz, says a doctor told him she’s brain dead, but John Peter Smith Hospital is refusing to allow him to take her off of life support. The hospital says Texas law prohibits it from following a family directive when a pregnancy is involved, although three experts say the hospital is misreading the law in question.

Sorry bout that,

1. Sad to here she won't make it but her baby will!
2. And I'm sure the father will be ready to welcome his baby!


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