Health or life of the mother
fetal abnormalities
birth control failure
life changes like job loss, marriage break up.
so if the pro life side compromised and said ONLY IN THE CASE OF rape and incest and when the mothers health is in danger (the others you mentioned are nonsense) aportion could be absolutely legal at the federal level, would you agree to that?

simple yes or no.
So, anything.
the moron had to really think hard to come up with a couple of those. watch her tap dance around my simple question. I won't get an answer because its NOT ABOUT ANY OF THE THINGS SHE LISTED and she knows it.

It's all about being allowed to kill a baby at will because of irresponsibility. it's just that simple. And they NEVER WANT TO TALK ABOUT the actual topic at hand. Take this very thread for instance.

The topic was changed because admitting you are wrong is unacceptable in the mind of a lunatic liberal.
the moron had to really think hard to come up with a couple of those. watch her tap dance around my simple question. I won't get an answer because its NOT ABOUT ANY OF THE THINGS SHE LISTED and she knows it.

Keep trying. It would be helpful if you remember the question I had responded to.

It's all about being allowed to kill a baby at will because of irresponsibility. it's just that simple. And they NEVER WANT TO TALK ABOUT the actual topic at hand. Take this very thread for instance.

I always talk about the topic at hand. The right of any person to make decisions on their own body and health care. Bodily autonomy.

The topic was changed because admitting you are wrong is unacceptable in the mind of a lunatic liberal.
The topic has remained unchanged. Update your talking points and stop self-identifying as a moron.
so if the pro life side compromised and said ONLY IN THE CASE OF rape and incest and when the mothers health is in danger (the others you mentioned are nonsense) aportion could be absolutely legal at the federal level, would you agree to that?

simple yes or no.
Sure, here is the simple answer: No.

None of the others are nonsensical because you don’t understand the situation. It comes down to rights and a woman has more rights than a fertilized egg to her body. Those rights may well mean she chooses to carry to term. What she chooses is irrelevant. What matters is that she is the only one with the right to make that decision.

Disclaimer for those who self-identify as moron: don’t take this to mean I support abortion without limits.
You actually think that is worse than denying women control over their bodies and healthcare decisions?

No wonder you guys are losing the support of women voters. You are out of touch and plowing full steam ahead.
Did women have to get vaxxed?
Sure, here is the simple answer: No.

None of the others are nonsensical because you don’t understand the situation. It comes down to rights and a woman has more rights than a fertilized egg to her body. Those rights may well mean she chooses to carry to term. What she chooses is irrelevant. What matters is that she is the only one with the right to make that decision.

Disclaimer for those who self-identify as moron: don’t take this to mean I support abortion without limits.

Why should there be any difference from a "fertilized egg" and a fetus at 38 weeks? They are both in her body; that's your bright line is it not?
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.

Because of what you state here, it is the worst time for women in my lifetime. They openly mock and demean us and the govt and large corporations take up the cause, because it is sexually deviant. Anything sexually deviant, the Left cheerleads. Even if it tramples previous "interest groups".
This used to be the biggest drum the left beat in politics.
Now they are the ones waging war on women via the support of men invading their spaces under the guise of pretending that pretending to be a woman is perfectly normal behavior.

What do you think does more damage to a woman? Depriving of the right to decide their own bodies? Denying them an Abortion? In Texas it is even illegal to travel to a state where Abortion is legal. Or the one locker room or bathroom out of what? A thousand? Ten thousand?

The Right hates independent women. It hates women making their own choices. And it is wrapping it in the guise of defending them.

The Right hates their own supporters. Declaring everyone as woke so they can demolish them.

The Right is feeding on their own and declaring themselves the winners. Victory now will insure their defeat for a generation.

My line is viability.

So an 18 week old fetus can be ripped apart bit by bit, alive, in the womb, while her heart is beating. But wait four weeks, MAGIC! The baby gets to live.

You realize this is inconsistent with your fundamental argument. Your argument is that it's the mother's body. If that is your argument, then logically you should support a mother "aborting" her baby until the minute she is expelled from her body.

Of course, that's an atrocity. It is a horror.

So is all abortion.
What do you think does more damage to a woman? Depriving of the right to decide their own bodies? Denying them an Abortion? In Texas it is even illegal to travel to a state where Abortion is legal. Or the one locker room or bathroom out of what? A thousand? Ten thousand?

The Right hates independent women. It hates women making their own choices. And it is wrapping it in the guise of defending them.

The Right hates their own supporters. Declaring everyone as woke so they can demolish them.

The Right is feeding on their own and declaring themselves the winners. Victory now will insure their defeat for a generation.

the Left's so-called "support" of women comes down to ONLY supporting the right of women to kill future women and men in the womb.

That's it. Other than that they have abdicated any high ground they used to have in "women's rights" in this transgender mess, among other issues.
What do you think does more damage to a woman?
Giving birth is not damaging to women. In fact it is normal lol.

Physical mutilation of a child is damaging no matter their sex. Also allowing MEN into women's spaces puts women and children at much more risk of sexual assault and other acts of perversion.
Taking trophies and scholarships away from women and giving them to men pretending to be women is CLEARLY harmful to the women who lost the opportunity made for women but given to men.
There is NOTHING normal with ANY of this trans bullshit and it is a DURECT assault on women.
So an 18 week old fetus can be ripped apart bit by bit, alive, in the womb, while her heart is beating. But wait four weeks, MAGIC! The baby gets to live.
So a woman can die in agony, bleeding out, septic, because the fetus still has a heart beat.

Everything about this is arbritary Including what defines a life or when it begins. There are multiple definitions depending on what discipline you use to approach it with.

As far I am concerned, until it is able to breath and exist outside of another’s body, that person’s rights to her own body are paramount. To take them away reduce’s her rights to autonomy and even her own life and death decisions.

You realize this is inconsistent with your fundamental argument. Your argument is that it's the mother's body. If that is your argument, then logically you should support a mother "aborting" her baby until the minute she is expelled from her body.
That is a simplification of my argument. I’ve stated this before and I will again: my argument is that this is about competing rights. Who’s rights are paramount, and when.

No one should be forced to house anything inside their body against their will. The most frequent arguments abrogating bodily autonomy involve assigning moral values devaluing her rights to her own body.

I agree though, that the baby inside her has rights (ALL life has rights), so at what point does it’s rights to exist over-rule her rights to her own body? In my opinion, that is at viability, when it can exist independent of her body.

Of course, that's an atrocity. It is a horror.

So is all abortion.
Sure, here is the simple answer: No.

None of the others are nonsensical because you don’t understand the situation. It comes down to rights and a woman has more rights than a fertilized egg to her body. Those rights may well mean she chooses to carry to term. What she chooses is irrelevant. What matters is that she is the only one with the right to make that decision.

Disclaimer for those who self-identify as moron: don’t take this to mean I support abortion without limits.
of course its no. I definitely never dreamed you would say yes. Because your argument is pure bullshit and everyone knows it.

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