Not many. You can flap your arms and squawk but I know better... and you do squawk a lot
How do you know better? Do you hang around a lot with “sluts”? Are you one yourself?

I’m so fed up with these arguments. You and your male co-thinkers here characterize millions of fine women who have had abortions over the years as sluts. Often condoms or birth control fails, often men abuse weak, or young, or vulnerable or poor & ignorant women and push them to have unprotected sex. Even raped women are often fearful or unable to get help, and few rape cases are resolved — even if the women know the men’s names.

Even prostitutes who protect themselves carefully have unwanted pregnancies and should be able to choose an early abortion via pills or other abortion services that are legal. Their “business” is older than civilization itself, not pretty, but often legal. Society can protect itself. We can’t and shouldn’t seek to have courts and police prevent “sluts” or “prostitutes” from having children — but there is always hope that individuals can change for the better. Sometimes having a child can give a woman new hope. Such “miracles” do occur. But society should protect itself too, and at the very least provide such women legal opportunities to break out of victimhood and a life of self-abasement. This is even more important with drug addicts, whose children — should they be born — are almost always condemned to live miserable lives and end up being supported by the state, in prison or out.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Each women has the keys to the human future, its a great responsibility for the women folks.
2. But at the same time that women must know to take great heed how they respond to this responsibility.
3. Just tossing a baby away is not right.
4. What did the baby ever do to you?
5. Your unjust if you think its just to end the life of a baby.
6. Use better judgement with this reproductive responsibility.
7. Life is important and life itself should have safeguards.
8. Killing the baby does not come as faultless, if you do it, you hold in your heart a guilt that never goes away, for eternity.
9. Chose wisely, when those legs spread apart.
10. There is a lot at stake.

How do you know better? Do you hang around a lot with “sluts”? Are you one yourself?

I’m so fed up with these arguments. You and your male co-thinkers here characterize millions of fine women who have had abortions over the years as sluts. Often condoms or birth control fails, often men abuse weak, or young, or vulnerable or poor & ignorant women and push them to have unprotected sex. Even raped women are often fearful or unable to get help, and few rape cases are resolved — even if the women know the men’s names.

Even prostitutes who protect themselves carefully have unwanted pregnancies and should be able to choose an early abortion via pills or other abortion services that are legal. Their “business” is older than civilization itself, not pretty, but often legal. Society can protect itself. We can’t and shouldn’t seek to have courts and police prevent “sluts” or “prostitutes” from having children — but there is always hope that individuals can change for the better. Sometimes having a child can give a woman new hope. Such “miracles” do occur. But society should protect itself too, and at the very least provide such women legal opportunities to break out of victimhood and a life of self-abasement. This is even more important with drug addicts, whose children — should they be born — are almost always condemned to live miserable lives and end up being supported by the state, in prison or out.

Dude if a woman doesn't want to be pg she and any partner can be personally responsible.

That's just a fact. You can stop flapping and squawking also, dumbass
Dude if a woman doesn't want to be pg she and any partner can be personally responsible.

That's just a fact. You can stop flapping and squawking also, dumbass

You didn’t answer my question. Or my arguments. Your “sassy” insults toward me are just chickenshit diversions.
Sure you care — or you wouldn’t be trying to divert and insult. You are fearful of trying to answer, or even considering my arguments.

P.S. Maybe your avatar is wrong. Maybe — I don’t know you well enough to say for sure — but just maybe you should consider changing it to read something like: “I am weak minded, I enjoy insulting people, and I may be descended from a long line of violent drunks and religious fanatics.”

Sure you care — or you wouldn’t be trying to divert and insult. You are fearful of trying to answer, or even considering my arguments.

P.S. Maybe your avatar is wrong. Maybe — I don’t know you well enough to say for sure — but just maybe you should consider changing it to read something like: “I am weak minded, I enjoy insulting people, and I may be descended from a long line of violent drunks and religious fanatics.”


No I don't. You only think I do.

Dumbass leftist loon
There are a lot of reasons for an abortion beyond the “slut factor” .
The VAST majority are for the "slut factor" Most of the new anti abortion laws have specific exceptions for the mother's health, rape and incest and they don't take effect until after a heartbeat is detected. As for not knowing they are pregnant---they knew they had unprotected sex and they could have taken a morning after pill but they were irresponsible or too lazy to take care of it. In either case, it is no excuse for murder.
I’m so fed up with these arguments.
I’m fed up with your strawman bullshit misrepresentation of the argument.

You and your male co-thinkers here characterize millions of fine women who have had abortions
There is no such thing, asshole.

They are killers who belong in prison cells. “Sluts” is too kind by far to these scum and it focuses on something that is far less important and relevant.

Moreover, in this thread (and in general) you assholes are the ones focused on that aspect and using that word “slut” - we’re focused on the needless violence they have done.

I don’t give a damn about others’ sex life or lack there of, and I don’t want to hear about it either, but I do care if you start killing other innocent human beings.
On a biological level it is a fact that men and women will NEVER be equal.

Men and women will never be the same, but this just means, they have different roles to play in the family and in society.

Surely, it has nothing to do with, "equality."

One of the most powerful leaders we have ever had in this nation, has been Eleanor Roosevelt. She never held any formal office.

We cannot live without each other. All members of society deserve respect, and an equal say in what happens in the course of the family, and the affairs of the nation.

If you ask any man that is in a healthy relationship, he is not the one, that ultimately calls the shots.

I learned this from my grandmother, who was a high ranking member in her local chapter of the Order of the Amaranth, six months before she died. She told me, that it was women that were the ones that made sure the ERA failed. For it would have been the end of the power of conservative traditional women in America, and the subversion of the State's role in traditional family life.

A lot of women still do not understand why to this day. They would gladly give up their power to men and the State.
Does this look like a grain of rice to you?

late term abortions are the utmost rarest of all & it's because some severe abnormalities & devastating illness' are not detected until well into the pregnancy.

howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you ignoramus - i am talking about 6 WEEK OLD embryonic DNA.


& ^^^ THAT ^^^ is not the same


as ^^^ THAT ^^^

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